Focused on Fitness: Daily Check-In Group



  • nadine2unfit2bqueen
    nadine2unfit2bqueen Posts: 153 Member
    I like the quote Karin. I often feel I haven't given it my all and then I go into a slump. However right now I am on a pretty big high.

    Yesterday I came to realize just how much I have improved in the past two months since I began running again. I went running with my dad. My marathon training dad who i've always seen as the unstoppable force. My dad who started running again in february and completed a 1/2 marathon at the beginning of March. I took him on one my trail runs for just a 35min run. I never really thought about how hilly this run was until my dad huffed and puffed and complained the whole way about the steep grade. Somehow, he said, the route was uphill on the way there AND uphill on the way back. Afterwards, when he complained he had never felt so tired after such a short run in his life he admitted defeat, that finally his 23yr old daughter was in better shape than he was. I felt as though I had wings on my back and could have run the whole train again! I finally have confidence than come october I am going to kick butt in my half marathon. Maybe its training in the higher altitude thats making me get so much stronger, maybe its running the mtn bike trails that has caused me to see normal hills as being more like flat ground. I'm not sure and I don't care! I am doing something right and it feels good to finally know it!

    The other part of my high is due to seeing photos of my improvement. I've been getting really frustrated because the weight doesn't seem to be going anywhere. I lose a lb then gain it back and this has been going on for 2 months. Since joining MFP two months ago I've lost less than 4lbs! Luckily I took before photos, and yesterday I took some more photos to compare. The weight may not be going anywhere by my waistline is most certainly shrinking! Seeing the difference in the photos has made me worry much less about the number on the scale. Of course I would still love to see the numbers on the scale go down, but now the number I want to see go down is the body fat % number, more so than the weight number.

    Today my bus has planned for us to leave work a few hours early to go on a work mtn bike ride. Man my job is tough! haha. We are going to ride 1 1/2hr trail called half nelson. Its a trail the community has put $50,000 into building. The first 35 minutes is an uphill climbing followed by approx 55mins of downhill jumps + burns. 102 jumps in total! I will be very lucky not to come back broken, but I am looking forward to the calorie burn of the uphill climb. After I have a 45min easy run scheduled for my 1/2 marathon trianing program. I started following the victoria 1/2 marathon beginners program last sunday. Its 20wks of no excuses! :)
  • nadine2unfit2bqueen
    nadine2unfit2bqueen Posts: 153 Member
    ***boss, not bus! oops!
  • Happyoceangirl
    Happyoceangirl Posts: 1,993 Member
    Hi again friends :) Wondering if any of you are out there? I'm popping back in after a little break. (I was getting a bit too attached to mfp - needed to get a bit o balance going on.)

    Nadine - I just read your last post and am so happy for you. :drinker: It is awesome to be able to really notice the changes in your shape and strength. I think I was being WAY too attached to the idea of losing pounds, and it just wasn't happening. The whole time, I've been getting firmer, but not dropping weight. So I decided to back away from MFP and get some perspective. I've stayed pretty active and been eating moderately healthy. And I'm happy. So this is what it's all about, right?

    By the way - what do you do for work? It's kick-a** that you got to go bike riding for work...

    Larry and Karin, if you're there - I'm wishing you well. Summer summer summer, baby!!!!!! :drinker: