Focused on Fitness: Daily Check-In Group



  • kalmf
    kalmf Posts: 351 Member
    What great inspiration. Thanks for the article Smiles, thanks for putting it into a context Larry and thanks for putting it into life Nadine.

    I have realized that the best thing for me is to focus on moving every day. It's how I got started on MFP and it's kept me going. I jogged a ten minute mile today and did 10 minutes of hard eliptical and an hour of weights. That was good! I'm down another half pound and 6 and a half from my goal.

    My son is doing great and will hopefully be accepted at an excellent special needs school that's only a few miles away, so that makes me happy. Sometimes life just seems like if my husband's happy, my kids are happy, the dogs, cats, turtles, chinchillas and plants are happy - then I'm happy. Learning to support them in their times of distress without going into 'life is a catastrophe' mode is my challenge. Today I'm doing well. Larry, I love the baseline image - it applies to so much more than running.

    Cheers everyone!
  • ldarter
    ldarter Posts: 131 Member
    Daily Check-in:

    Skipped ahead to D5W6 in my program today; 18 minutes running/1 minute walking/11 minutes running. I ended up going too far on the out portion of my out and back course so I had to walk an extra 8 minutes to get home. HaHa 505 pesky calories were put to the torch. I'm now in good shape as far as being ready for my 5K next month. I could simply follow my remaining schedule and finish before the race but knowing me I'll probably be skipping the bulk of the walk only days. Definitely an above the line kinda day.

    Good going Karin! Yeah I agree, baseline isn't bad in running or in life. :) Good for you Nadine! I'm looking forward to hitting the 20 minutes straight myself and it won't be much longer. That was real dedication to add on the 45 minute walk to the bus stop on top of your run! Good for you! Well, I know Smiles has already worked out today but just hasn't shown up here yet. Guess she had a hot Friday night date. :) Take care ya'll! Enjoy the weekend!
  • kalmf
    kalmf Posts: 351 Member
    Ha, ha! Loved the "hot date" comment! I just came back from a hot date myself - took my younger son to some Gd-awful movie - he went in by himself so I walked laps around Universal City Walk for 2 hours - better than being subjected to greasy popcorn and inane dialogue!
  • Happyoceangirl
    Happyoceangirl Posts: 1,993 Member
    LOL Larry - I'm so busted! My "hot date" was work. Ick.

    I didn't reply right away b/c I saw Nadine's response to the article - and I wanted to post when I had more time - not running out the door. Nadine- I'm so glad that it helped you. I found that it to be inspirational too and it's helped me along the day. You kicked butt with your run, and long walk to the bus. Hope you enjoy your weekend.

    Larry, I also appreciate the baseline idea. Hopefully this morning's run will be ABOVE...

    Karin - sounds like you're doing great too, and really important - blending movement / exercise into daily "real" life... and keeping it together....

    K guys, I'm making a new playlist and gonna head out the door for a run in the next hour or so...
  • Happyoceangirl
    Happyoceangirl Posts: 1,993 Member
    Saturday check in: Just got back from a 40 minute run! :) Well over half of it was "below the baseline" - i was struggling. But, I am happy that I made it 10 minutes longer than normal.

    Karin - I think you may have mentioned before, but what are your son's special needs? It's such good news that he may be soon accepted into a good school that's close by. I'm guessing that would be a relief?
  • ldarter
    ldarter Posts: 131 Member
    Daily Check-in:

    My left ankle issue returned. It was pretty stiff by bedtime last night and all day at work if I sat for any length of time it was so sore and stiff I actually limped when walking until it loosened up. So I decided to swap my last two workouts for week 6 and just did the 30 minute walk only day this evening. The ankle feels a little better now after the walk and so I'm hopeful I'll be able to run on it again tomorrow. I think it is a tendon issue so I'm not going to push it too hard.

    Great job with the run Smiles! Those below the line days aren't a lot of fun when they are happening but I know you are proud of yourself for perservering because it really feels good when you get the run in on day it doesn't feel easy. They are great character builders too.
  • Happyoceangirl
    Happyoceangirl Posts: 1,993 Member
    Hey Lar,
    How's the ankle? Hopefully you're not pushing yourself too quickly (says one impatient friend to another). :wink: Maybe you should just rest it today (Sunday).

    Today is a rest day with my 30 day slimdown program, but I'm in a junk food eating mood, so I snuck in some activity so I can munch away with minimal guilt. Went to the beach this morning and had a swim (but didn't log calories - it was leisurely) and then did Biggest Loser cardio max (20 mins) and 20 minutes of Zumba from Youtube.

    Hope everyone's having a nice weekend! :drinker:
  • Happyoceangirl
    Happyoceangirl Posts: 1,993 Member
    Reporting in... I rocked my run today!!!!! :bigsmile: I ran my longest distance ever - 4.5 miles - WITHOUT STOPPING!!! The total distance was 4.9 (including warm up walk and cool down).
  • kalmf
    kalmf Posts: 351 Member
    Hey y'all!

    I've had to bail out of yoga twice this week because of school district appointments, but I'm throwing a few run/walk DVD's into the machine.

    Smiles, my older son has autism which is a cakewalk next to my younger one who has autism, brain impairment, anxiety disorder and reactive attachment disorder. He's quite a conundrum and he's sixteen which means I only have two years left to get this together. So it gets intense sometimes.

    Larry, good for you for listening to your body and easing up - if only for a day!

    Take care everyone
  • ldarter
    ldarter Posts: 131 Member
    Daily check-in

    Back from a short hiatus. Really hectic week at work and I really couldn't find time for much beyond just posting to my MFP logs the last few days. The ankle issue has subsided after I sandwiched a complete rest day between two walk only days. I ran again today for the first time since the problem cropped up again and while I felt a slight twinge from time to time, it doesn't feel stiff or uncomfortable anymore.

    Today I was scheduled for 20 minues running/1 minute walk break/7 minutes running. Since I had essentially lost three days in my quest to get the RW program finished in time for my upcoming 5K, I of course intended to push the envelope as much as possible today and go further before taking the walking break. Roughly I was planning to try for 22 to 25 minutes. At the 22 minute mark I was still feeling good and comfortable and so I kept running until 25. At that point, I still wasn't really laboring that much and so I thought, hey surely I can run another 5 and that is exactly what I did. Ta Da!!! The run/walk program is over and I'm a runner again, capable of at least a 30 minute daily run. :) So from here I'll finish out the week using the week 1 schedule from one of my 5K training programs and then do a traditional taper week leading up to the 5K on May 8.

    Hope everyone is having a great week! Hey Smiles nice report from you on Monday! Gotta love those days!!!!
  • Happyoceangirl
    Happyoceangirl Posts: 1,993 Member
    Karin.... wow! You must really have your hands (and heart) full. I'm glad you're able to make time to join us on MFP. How did the school district meetings go this week?

    Larry... I love it! 30 minutes complete and you're a runner again. :) Most excellent. High five, buddy.

    Wondering where Nadine is???

    I did a 4 mile run yesterday (other than Monday's 4.5) this is still the longest distance. It felt good. Even better - a friend of mine drove past when i was running - when i mentioned it later, friend said "That was YOU??? Wow - I didn't recognize you - I was totally checking you out!" :laugh: Gotta love it. :smokin:
  • ldarter
    ldarter Posts: 131 Member
    Even better - a friend of mine drove past when i was running - when i mentioned it later, friend said "That was YOU??? Wow - I didn't recognize you - I was totally checking you out!" :laugh: Gotta love it. :smokin:
    HaHa!!!! Sweet!!!! :)

    Daily check-in:

    Since I finished the run/walk program yesterday I migrated to the last two weeks of a basic 8-week 5K training program. Doing the seventh week of it during the remainder of this week and then I'll do the taper week next week leading up to my race. Today I ran 2 miles in 18:53 (9:26 pace) and then finished up my half hour workout with a brisk walk. Ankle still feeling good so hopefully that issue is behind me. Planning on doing 3 miles tomorrow. Hope everyone had a great day! Oh yeah! And it seems I misplaced another couple of pounds since last week. :)
  • Happyoceangirl
    Happyoceangirl Posts: 1,993 Member
    You're doing so awesome!!! I'm really impressed - go Larry go! :):):) I wish I was cutting under 10 minutes a mile- maybe I'll get there.

    Today I did a Jillian dVD and then went for a walk with our little dog. BLT's for dinner.... yum!
  • pattio
    pattio Posts: 9
    is it too late to join in for the fitness group? I am working on the premise that i will lose as i exercise more. i just wanted to say i participated in a 6km walk 3 wks ago, and then completed a 10 k walk two weeks later. this was a goal i set out 2 years ago. i struggle to exercise each day. it is easy to find an excuse that i am too tired from work or have another committment at night. i got several friends to help me "train" by taking me for walks during the weeks. this really hlped and i had my daughter help me by coming on the walk to prod me on. the last k was very painful but it worked and now i cant believe we did it! i am planning on another walk of 8ks in the fall. i will need to train again now working on 4 x a week to build up . :happy:
  • Happyoceangirl
    Happyoceangirl Posts: 1,993 Member
    is it too late to join in for the fitness group? I am working on the premise that i will lose as i exercise more. i just wanted to say i participated in a 6km walk 3 wks ago, and then completed a 10 k walk two weeks later. this was a goal i set out 2 years ago. i struggle to exercise each day. it is easy to find an excuse that i am too tired from work or have another committment at night. i got several friends to help me "train" by taking me for walks during the weeks. this really hlped and i had my daughter help me by coming on the walk to prod me on. the last k was very painful but it worked and now i cant believe we did it! i am planning on another walk of 8ks in the fall. i will need to train again now working on 4 x a week to build up . :happy:

    Welcome Pattio :)
    Congratulations on your accomplishments so far. It sounds like you have some really good support, how lucky! Way to go with the training... It will be great to hear how you're doing on your journey.
  • nadine2unfit2bqueen
    nadine2unfit2bqueen Posts: 153 Member
    Hi Everyone,

    Beleive it or not I have actually been reading the thread and keeping up-to-date. I am just going through a break-up from my boyfriend of two years and I haven't reallty felt like talking, or typing that is. I kept going to reply but my hands would just hover over the keyboard and eventually I'd just close the window. I am also back up to 132lbs. Damn chocolate + comfort food.

    Anyways! Time to snap out of it!

    The one good thing about this is that it has been good fuel for my runs. "Running therapy..." I've kept up with my plan to run 30 mins straight this week. I did it very slowly on Tuesday when I wasn't sure what was happening but needed something to clear my head. Then yesterday after I finally broke things off, I ran till it hurt and the pain felt good, like i was atoning for hurting him or something. I did the 30mins at an average pace of 5:10/km. I did 5km in 25:55. I did the second half faster than the first and my last km was 4:50/km! My goal has been to do 5km in 25min flat, then I am going to enter a race. That goal feels really close right now! Today I am meant to run 30mins straight again. I am a little sore from yesterdays effort so going to do it at an easy pace. I have also taken a few days away from the climbing gym, my upper body is feeling well rested so I am going to climb tonight and my gut feelings is that its going to be a good session - V2 here I come.
  • ldarter
    ldarter Posts: 131 Member
    Friday Check-in:

    Decided to run a new neighborhood yesterday so I didn't verify the miles but ran for 30 minutes so I'm pretty sure it was at least the 3 miles I had scheduled or maybe slightly more. 30 minutes was easier than when I ran that long a few days ago to complete my run/walk program so I think I am ready to go longer. I really liked the new course because it is less than a mile from home and the streets are asphault instead of cement so running there is easier on the legs. I't also adjoins a second neighborhood so I'm going to map it out for some longer runs so I can track mileage and pace. As of my Thursday weekly weigh in I am now down a total of 15 pounds since starting MFP and am halfway to my initial goal of losing 30 pounds. I adjusted my calorie goals again since I've lost 5 more pounds since I adjusted last time after losing 10 and it cut my allowable calories by a significant amount so I'll be interested to see the effects from that next week at my next weigh in.

    Sorry to hear about your break up Nadine. That's always tough. I think its good that you are finding some solace in running. That has worked for me in the past under similar circumstances. Good distance and pace on your runs! You should easily be able to get your time down to 25 minutes for a 5K. My most recent PR for that distance is 23:36 but I'll be happy if I can do my race next weekend is 30:00 flat! LOL

    Have a great weekend everyone!
  • Happyoceangirl
    Happyoceangirl Posts: 1,993 Member
    Hi Everyone,

    Beleive it or not I have actually been reading the thread and keeping up-to-date. I am just going through a break-up from my boyfriend of two years and I haven't reallty felt like talking, or typing that is. I kept going to reply but my hands would just hover over the keyboard and eventually I'd just close the window. I am also back up to 132lbs. Damn chocolate + comfort food.

    Anyways! Time to snap out of it!

    The one good thing about this is that it has been good fuel for my runs. "Running therapy..." I've kept up with my plan to run 30 mins straight this week. I did it very slowly on Tuesday when I wasn't sure what was happening but needed something to clear my head. Then yesterday after I finally broke things off, I ran till it hurt and the pain felt good, like i was atoning for hurting him or something. I did the 30mins at an average pace of 5:10/km. I did 5km in 25:55. I did the second half faster than the first and my last km was 4:50/km! My goal has been to do 5km in 25min flat, then I am going to enter a race. That goal feels really close right now! Today I am meant to run 30mins straight again. I am a little sore from yesterdays effort so going to do it at an easy pace. I have also taken a few days away from the climbing gym, my upper body is feeling well rested so I am going to climb tonight and my gut feelings is that its going to be a good session - V2 here I come.

    Oh Nadine, that sucks. :frown: Sorry that you're going through it. It sounds like you are doing what you need to do, and taking care of you. I've been there and thought it seemed like the hurt and sadness would never end, it always does.... :flowerforyou: for you. Glad you've been keeping up with our thread, we've missed you. Hopefully your climbing was good and you have some good things planned for the weekend. Hang in there.... and let us know how you're doing. Keep kicking butt with the running, k??
  • Happyoceangirl
    Happyoceangirl Posts: 1,993 Member
    Friday Check-in:

    Decided to run a new neighborhood yesterday so I didn't verify the miles but ran for 30 minutes so I'm pretty sure it was at least the 3 miles I had scheduled or maybe slightly more. 30 minutes was easier than when I ran that long a few days ago to complete my run/walk program so I think I am ready to go longer. I really liked the new course because it is less than a mile from home and the streets are asphault instead of cement so running there is easier on the legs. I't also adjoins a second neighborhood so I'm going to map it out for some longer runs so I can track mileage and pace. As of my Thursday weekly weigh in I am now down a total of 15 pounds since starting MFP and am halfway to my initial goal of losing 30 pounds. I adjusted my calorie goals again since I've lost 5 more pounds since I adjusted last time after losing 10 and it cut my allowable calories by a significant amount so I'll be interested to see the effects from that next week at my next weigh in.

    Alright! It's always good to mix up the route - so your body doesn't get too familiar and go on autopilot. (that's my theory anyway). So proud of you for making it half way to your loss goal too. Cheers!!!! :drinker:

    I didn't exercise at all yesterday!:noway: It was a beautiful morning and I realized I had a choice to make: my run or sneak in a couple of hours at the beach. I was totally going to run, but realized, I needed to do something different. I've been pushing pretty hard for a while, and it was a nice change to just RELAX and enjoy every second of it. The water felt great, the waves were gorgeous, the sunshine recharged me. I'm pretty sure it was a good call.

    Today I'll get back in the game. Either a Jillian DVD or a run... I'm trying to finish a 30 day challenge that I started April 1. Since I added running back in the mix, I fell about a week behind on it. Wish me luck in finishing. It feels good not to be a quitter. :wink:
  • nadine2unfit2bqueen
    nadine2unfit2bqueen Posts: 153 Member
    Hi All!

    Congrats Larry on the 15lb marker, that must feel great! Also I know what you mean about running on cement. I try to avoid it as much as possible and run dirt trails whenever I can. The only time I purposely run on the road is if I want to time a run, because I find my gps is more accurate that way than on the trails. Good luck in your race next weekend! Can't wait to see how you do, I'm sure you'll put that 30:00min goal to shame!

    Sounds like you had a lovely day at the beach smiles4miles, and good for you for recognizing your bodies need to rest :) Whatever you do don't feel guilty about it! I was reading an article in womens health about how people think they need to train hard all the time to see results, but this can actually be very counter productive because your muscles only get stronger when they've been given time to repair themselves. Somebody who trains 7 days a week will have the same, or even less, results that someone who only trains 3 or 4 days a week.

    Yesterday's check-in:

    Did a climbing warm-up at the gym then went for a 30min easy trail run. After I did a leg workout and finished with a nice long soak in the hot tub!

    Today I am going to do my favorite trail and run5:walk1 for it's 8k distance and then do a good yoga session after to limber up.