Did Jillian Michaels Go Too Far on BL?



  • tlkerch
    tlkerch Posts: 3 Member
    How can someone go too far, unless one lives under a rock, when after all these seasons every contestant knows what to expect. It is a reality show, so we are only going to see the dramatic parts not all the everyday stuff. These contestants sign all sorts of disclaimers before even being chosen, so there really are no surprises for them, just a wake up call for what is really required when signing up for an intensity training. After all, these people lose a ridiculous amount of weight in a very short (and unhealthy) time. But that is why medics are standing at the ready.

    I did hate seeing the first person go home last night (wont give name to spoil), but very proud of what knowledge he/she took home w them after only one week. The question is, will we hear back from Nikki and whether or not she had a wake up call once home.
  • sgv0918
    sgv0918 Posts: 851 Member
    Nope - tough love. People (myself included) will use excuse after excuse why they can't. She's the trainer I love to hate. May not like it but respect it
  • chubbygirl253
    chubbygirl253 Posts: 1,309 Member
    I saw it and I was glad the girl left, she clearly was not ready. If you dont know what to expect from the trainers by season 14 then I don't know what to tell ya. I can tell you as a viewer I was irritated by all the whining and quitting going on in the biggest loser gym. Millions of people would give their fat right arm to be chosen as a contestant. And they got chosen and acted like boo-babies. I wouldn't be embarrassed to weigh in publicly scantily clad in a sports bra and spandex. I wouldn't be embarrassed if I did my best but got eliminated. But I would be embarrassed if I gave more excuses than effort and got kicked out of the gym by my trainer. I liked the fact she didnt waste her time on those not willing to help themselves.

    The guy that she asked if he was gonna pass out and he said I THINK SO. huh? No! You aren't, suck it up buttercup!

    Instead, I'm cheering for the young kid (19 I think) that came out as gay. He seems truly ready. He worked till he puked and didnt quit.

    The guy that got eliminated finally seemed to have a breakthrough and I'm all about second chances but at his size his percentage should have been higher so I can't see my way to think he deserved to stay over anyone else. It's harder for the smaller people and women to pull in those high numbers.
  • csheltra26
    csheltra26 Posts: 272 Member
    I have to say I was really disheartened by a man on the show .... who said he'd been waiting TWO YEARS to get on the show and lose weight.
    All I could think... is if he had found something like MFP and already implemented the changes in his life two years ago.... he wouldn't need the show.


  • CrystalFlury
    CrystalFlury Posts: 400 Member
    I enjoyed it. I think JM was doing her job, it was her job to teach, lead and yes, motivate. It probably appeared (through editing and tv 'magic') that she was taking out a contestant who should have been there, but seriously, if the girl didn't think she could handle it mentally then she had no reason to be there.

    I watched biggest loser during my weight loss on Netflix. I came to really like and respect Jillian because she was hard on people, but totally got into their heads as well. It's important that the contestants, or anyone losing weight figure out what's going on in their minds that got them there in the first place. Mental health is just as important as physical. I for one learned more about myself than I ever thought I could learn when I was in the process of losing. Watching Jillian and contestants from the past episodes really made me think and motivated me more to get to my goal and maintain it healthfully.
  • CrystalFlury
    CrystalFlury Posts: 400 Member
    I have to say I was really disheartened by a man on the show .... who said he'd been waiting TWO YEARS to get on the show and lose weight.
    All I could think... is if he had found something like MFP and already implemented the changes in his life two years ago.... he wouldn't need the show.



    That went through my mind as well!
  • lmbs1966
    lmbs1966 Posts: 57 Member
    I do have to say that I did NOT miss Jillian. She brings so much drama. She thinks she needs to break people to help them make a change....trust me they are broken!

    Bob and Dolvett are both tough and compassionate. I love the show but I am not into Jillian!
    Totally Agree!
  • TexMexBel
    TexMexBel Posts: 54 Member
    I didn't see the show so I am going to base this answer off of previous season I have watched and my own experience with people.

    Many of us need that hard reality. We too easily quit because something is hard but will turn around and cry that we have not changed. In my opinion JM is awesome and knows what she is doing. She probably wanted that person to stop making excuses and take control of her life. Also from what I have seen of JM she wants to show people that they are stronger than they think they are and if they can deal with her crap that they can handle anything the world throws at them.

    My thoughts EXACTLY!! I watched it last night and I will continue to watch the rest of the season...
  • TropicalFlowerz
    TropicalFlowerz Posts: 1,990 Member
    I do have to say that I did NOT miss Jillian. She brings so much drama. She thinks she needs to break people to help them make a change....trust me they are broken!

    Bob and Dolvett are both tough and compassionate. I love the show but I am not into Jillian!
    Totally Agree!

    Yes!!! I agree 100%.
  • S_U_M_M_E_R
    S_U_M_M_E_R Posts: 220 Member
    Hey, fitness fans! Just finished watching last night's Biggest Loser. I was a bit baffled by Jillian Michaels' treatment of the one girl, who she seemed to badger into leaving. These people are already broken -- does she need to break them down more? Can't the workout itself do that? I'm curious, what did you think? And will you be watching this season?:drinker:
    Oh my gosh YES! She was horrible last night. I know she has always been a little rough. But she was really cruel and over the top, "in your face" last night. She was a bully. I would have quit too.
  • Erin_goBrahScience
    Erin_goBrahScience Posts: 1,215 Member
    i was working out with my trainer one day, when i started this... path of weight loss. we were doing some crossfit wod, and in between sets two and three i was of breath sitting on the ground. i had also been taking little breaks in between each exercise.

    so he goes to me "come on man, i don't have all day."

    i looked at him like i wanted to kill him. i went through the last circuit straight through. 27 box jumps, 20 burpees, 11 power cleans. just to shut him up and show him i could do it.

    afterwards, you know what his words of encouragement were? "next time do the whole thing without stopping." then he took my money and i thanked him.

    I wanna work with that guy ^^

    Last night as I was working with the trainer (free assessment that I finally accepted) he kept giving me high-fives for not b!tching or quitting...to which I asked why should I be rewarded for doing what I am SUPPOSED to do?

    I know he was just trying to be nice, but I didn't ask for nice.
  • Erin_goBrahScience
    Erin_goBrahScience Posts: 1,215 Member
    THIS! I won't watch it. They use unethical tactics and instead of being motivating, it shows results that are unattainable for most people. Come on... 20+ pounds a week? How is that healthy? And who in the "real world" can be at the gym 8 hours a day?Check out Kai Hibbard of The Biggest Loser Season 3 for what really goes on at the ranch...

    I agree with this 150% It's really REALLY dangerous. When Kai and the other contestant, I can't remember his name, came out and told the truth about what they did to win a weigh-in, that made me lose serious respect for the show and for the trainers that sign on for that. Not cool to be associated with such dangerous tactics.

    I actually did read Kai's interview where she talked about dehydration before weigh-ins and conflicting info from the trainers and docs.

    But really is anyone THAT surprised? I mean really...these people are losing double digits week after week. I'm aware that at 300+ lbs your body is just happy to be up and moving, screaming to lose weight. I remember long ago wanting to know there calorie intake and calorie burn. I was curious to see how long they worked out and how much they ate. Even now...it's hard to find a straight answer.
  • TheRoadDog
    TheRoadDog Posts: 11,788 Member
    Jillian is supposed to be a "Coach". Helping people work through their emotional and mental aversions as well as their physical limitations.

    Not a Marine Corps Dril Instructor.
  • Erin_goBrahScience
    Erin_goBrahScience Posts: 1,215 Member
    Jillian is supposed to be a "Coach". Helping people work through their emotional and mental aversions as well as their physical limitations.

    Not a Marine Corps Dril Instructor.

    Not to argue, but what do you think coaches do?

    It's like that scene in Glengarry Glen Ross. That scene is interpreted in two very different ways. The first is: that guy is an a-hole, and nobody has the right to talk to me like that, the second is: people are motivated and think "man, screw this guy...I'll show him!".

    It's brutal, rude and borderline sociopathic, and also it is an honest and accurate expression of what the world is going to expect from you.

    Gillian seems to be a screaming Alec Baldwin.
  • FlaxMilk
    FlaxMilk Posts: 3,452 Member
    I usually love Jillian, think she went a bit too far. Kai Hibbard stayed on the show the entire time, all the way up through the finale. I don't take her word over anyone else's. I find it very hard to believe that a trainer would tell someone to stop drinking an electrolyte beverage after a doctor ordered it. Wanting good rating doesn't equate to wanting to kill someone. I don't think the BL success numbers are any worse than sustained weight loss in that population in other programs or through self-sustained diet and exercise.

    What I think would be amazing is if the contestants were also provided intensive emotional/mental health therapy that was not televised. Contestants could talk about their progress if they want to. But I wonder what kind of growth could come from dealing with powerful emotions while simultaneously transforming the body? That's pretty empowering. People who reach 500 lbs probably have some kind of eating disorder. Of course diet and exercise is often not going to be enough to sustain progress. Any therapy on the show probably wouldn't be enough. It would need to be ongoing for quite some time, just as it usually is for other illnesses and addictions. You return an addict to his normal environment and have no support, it's much more likely than not that there is going to be a relapse.

    Edit: Jillian's mom showing up for an episode doesn't count! :laugh:
  • kimr41
    kimr41 Posts: 219 Member
    I follow Tara Costa on Facebook and she's still doing amazing.

    Tara was a beast. She kicked everyone's *kitten*!!
  • She went way too far. It was a huge turn-off for me.....