Are people drinking coffee? Why or why not?



  • peanutkel7
    I drink one medium coffee in the morning. With very little milk and 1-2 sugar. I won't give it up.
  • IreneAdler221
    IreneAdler221 Posts: 185 Member
    I will NEVER give up my morning coffee.

    Never ever :drinker:
  • nfrewin
    nfrewin Posts: 73 Member
    Yes. I drink it to wake up and to keep me from killing people.

    ^^ exactly!
  • k8eekins
    k8eekins Posts: 2,264 Member
    I am just curious if people are drinking coffee? I have heard mixed things in relation to weight loss. So, why or why not? I personally stopped because it made me feel dehydrated, gross, and I like a little cream and sugar in it.

    If you consciously choose to balance your coffee consumption - by drinking a few glasses of water [or fruit/herb flavoured water if plain water is not to your liking] - then that should pretty much handle your dehydration issue.
    BUT! I had a cup today and it was soooo wonderful. I am wondering if this is something I want to completely give up......

    I really don't see why you should deprive yourself of coffee - at all!!! When I need mine - I just have it, usually when I feel I need that extra jolt to my day - depending on my load, usually with cardamon or cinnamon or cocoa powder [for my espresso or noisette - when the need calls]. Sometimes I'll enjoy my cuppa with a dash of maple or agave syrup and steamed milk or hot cream] And when I'm really pressed for a boost of decadence in my hot beverage, as my source of energy-boost - usually during a hectic day, I will without a care make myself my mug of coffee with homemade vanilla coconut [or almond] cream.
  • gabby365
    gabby365 Posts: 29 Member
    Mmmmmmmmmmmmm, COFFEE!
  • lindaw66
    lindaw66 Posts: 258 Member
    I start work at 6am so I NEED coffee! I like it sweet and I use sweeteners , but I need to start brining in my own cream because the office has the packets of cream and that has a lot of calories in it. I account for them in my diary, but it's really waisted calories. I usually have 1 large travel mug of coffee and then I'm good for the day. I think as long as you count the calories and you don't drink it in excess, it's fine.
  • cuterbee
    cuterbee Posts: 545
    I drink 2+ cups a day. I've been known to drink 5 on occasion! But then, I like it plain, so it's not a big calorie cost. The taste, admittedly, is only OK, but it's the incredible scent of coffee that really makes it wonderful. Sometimes I put the cold coffee in the blender with ice and drink it that way (admittedly, there's not as much scent that way, but I really like cold drinks).

    None after 1 pm, though; then it keeps me awake too late at night.

    Since I used to get almost as much caffeine from soda pop, I think coffee is a MUCH better choice.
  • mickwin05
    mickwin05 Posts: 4 Member
    Drink 2 or 3 cups of decaf daily : ) YUM!
  • jha1223
    jha1223 Posts: 141 Member
    I used to drink a LOT of coffee. Way too much most likely. I drank so much of it that I had a hard time putting down the coffee and picking up a water. But, I made the switch to teas a few months ago and am not looking back. The tea is much gentler on my stomach and has some great health benefits. And I have a bottle of water in between each cup of tea.

    I am brewing the following loose leaf:

    Phoenix Dragon Oolong
    Green Flower Rooibos
    Ginseng Oolong
    Cinnamon Sensation Rooibos
    Marzipan Medley

    If I need to sweeten one up, I add a little bit of German rock sugar.
  • bcumak
    bcumak Posts: 18 Member
    I have a cup every morning with 1 tbsp of fat free creamer and no sugar. Only 27 calories and SO worth it:)
  • mitch16
    mitch16 Posts: 2,113 Member
    A 12 oz cup of coffee with a little skim milk and Torani sugar-free syrup to start my day... And 16 oz of Starbuck's Via, straight up, mid-morning, if I am slumping.

    My doctor said that she would much rather me drink coffee like I do than have any diet soda for my daily dose of caffeine.
  • marthathebear
    A study shows women who drink 2 or more cups of coffee a day are less likely to be depressed. Why would anyone give up coffee. I'll give up red meat first, and I won't do that either.

    By the way, I've lost 40 pounds since July.
  • linbert57
    linbert57 Posts: 154 Member
    Coffee is the nectar of the gods....why would I give that up??
  • Derpina7
    Derpina7 Posts: 552 Member
    I only drink it on occassion as a treat, I'm a sucker for those specialty coffees! I do however drink tea daily though, at least 4 cups, but always clear :)
  • AlyMoniz
    AlyMoniz Posts: 9 Member
    I find coffee itself is hardly any calories, but it's what you put in your cup that would cause it to become high in calories. There have also been some health benefits correlated with coffee drinking such as a decrease in certain types of cancers, developing type 2 diabetes, heart rhyme problems, and strokes. I included the article for anyone interested. Personally, I love the taste of coffee, especially the taste of black regular and espresso's, so I would never be able to give it up; however, I found when I was losing wait, having a latte would satisfy me, and curb my apatite (I'm a slow drinker) so I would end up using it as a snack or tie-over sometimes. I would have it with skim milk and no sugar, making it lower on calories. The caffeine didn't bother me, and I was drinking so much water that I didn't feel dehydrated either. Now, I still have a cup or shot because I enjoy the taste so much, but I don't drink as much as I used to, and I try to mix it up with some tea as well.

    If you enjoy your coffee, regardless of what it is, I would say have it as long as you record anything extra.
  • treagal
    treagal Posts: 264 Member
    yes, because I am a crazy beotch without it. lol
    OMG, I just love coffee, it comforts me.
  • kacnallsmom
    kacnallsmom Posts: 2 Member
    I won't give up my coffee. I do put creamer but I buy the fat free and don't use a whole lot. I factor the calories into my day. I tell my kids Coffee keeps the Mommy Monster away LOL
  • kristanb05
    I'm a creamer addict. I don't actually like black coffee. I love the smell, but the taste makes me want to chuck. I was using a double serving of creamer and having 2-3 cups a morning. I've stopped. I'm now drinking loose tea. I use the mate teas from Teavana in the mornings for the caffeine and others later in the day to get me to drink more water or to get ready for bed. I like them plain, so it's no calories. I also like that since they are flavored, they feel more like a treat as well.
  • wtw0n
    wtw0n Posts: 1,083 Member
    I drink several cups of coffee (with fat free milk - no sugar) every day. I just like it :D
  • Mlkmaid
    Mlkmaid Posts: 356 Member
    I love coffee and it's one pleasure I won't give up. That, and I get up at about 5 a.m. most days! I drink "lite" coffee which I think helps. I do allow myself a Skinny Vanilla Latte at Starbucks after my Tuesday morning yoga class. I don't have one close to my house so that's probably a good thing. I am caffeine senstive, however, so I have to stop my mid-afternoon or it interferes with my sleep at night. If I go a late movie and have a diet soda I'm literally up all night! I probably have 3 cups total max per day. And, truth is, why would you give up coffee when there are well-documented health benefits for moderate consumption and it's 0 calories? We have to give up so much as it is when we are dieting.