why do people care that someone is fat?



  • 00sarah
    00sarah Posts: 621 Member
    A lot of people are going to bring up health care.

    those people can leave.

    LOL. Intolerance at it's finest. I have a question but you can only answer it with the answer I want. THUMBS UP, OP, BRAVO!

    THIS. My answer wasn't suitable either
  • Fitstephy
    I should edit my topic that this is directed towards a BULLYING standpoint. besides I already know everyones answer. FAT PEOPLE RUIN MY HEALTHCARE WAAH WAAH WAAH.
  • oregonzoo
    oregonzoo Posts: 4,251 Member
    I should edit my topic that this is directed towards a BULLYING standpoint. besides I already know everyones answer. FAT PEOPLE RUIN MY HEALTHCARE WAAH WAAH WAAH.
    Wow chill out with the tude and good luck with the rest of this thread.
  • firstsip
    firstsip Posts: 8,399 Member
    I should edit my topic that this is directed towards a BULLYING standpoint. besides I already know everyones answer. FAT PEOPLE RUIN MY HEALTHCARE WAAH WAAH WAAH.

    You seem very open to discussion. I'm glad you posted this topic!
  • Fitstephy
    A lot of people are going to bring up health care.

    those people can leave.

    LOL. Intolerance at it's finest. I have a question but you can only answer it with the answer I want. THUMBS UP, OP, BRAVO!

    THIS. My answer wasn't suitable either

    I also nicely told you I meant more from a bullying standpoint and it was ok for you to feel that way in your situation. thanks a lot though.
  • rosesigil
    rosesigil Posts: 105 Member
    Not sure. But one time someone told me that thin women don't like fat women because the thin ones work real hard to be thin and are wishing that they could eat more too, and they don't like it even more if the fat woman is happy and has a loving man in her life even though she doesn't give up all food to keep him. Not sure why men don't like fat women---maybe because the media and hollywood keeps telling them that only thin women are pretty? Some men are real offended when a fat woman likes them or asks them out--it's like they think less of themselves cause a fat woman actually thought she had a chance with them.--I don't know! But I wish people would not be so judgemental----I personally like a chunkier man. The women in my family are all fat---(well except for my Mom who was like this tiny little thing!) and I think we all pretty!
  • RotterdamNL
    RotterdamNL Posts: 509 Member
    Its not just the weight its about how someone look in general. People spend way too much energie on judging people by looks. That is weight, tattoos,piercings, different nose or other features etc.

    It sickens me sometimes, especialy the bullying going on at schools. Too bad im not at school anymore, i liked to beat up the bullies.
    got judged alot growing up cause i got alot of piercings young and tatoos and just didnt look very nice. then when ppl would get to know me they were like holy **** your the compleate opposite of what i thought. dont judge a book by its cover..
    Im covered in tats and piercings and heared many many time, you totally different than the way you look ^_^
  • k8blujay2
    k8blujay2 Posts: 4,941 Member
    *rolls eyes* If you didn't want to hear people mention health care you should have thought out your topic before posting it... by the way it is a VERY valid reason, as is national security (as many service men and women are being discharged for being overweight)...

    However from a bullying standpoint... there is no valid reason... bullies always have and always will "pick on" people they view weaker and inferior... the why is irrelevant.
  • _the_feniks_
    _the_feniks_ Posts: 3,443 Member
    Have you ever been on a propeller plane and had somebody lie about their weight? That's why.


    You want to lie to your significant other about your weight, that's fine. But don't bulls**t the pilot, he's counting on your honesty.
  • Bobby__Clerici
    Bobby__Clerici Posts: 741 Member
    Being obese denotes weakness, and bullies go after the weak, easy targets.
    Check this out...
    Victim Fights Back

    This was the final time this boy was bullied by that kid.
  • ValerieMartini2Olives
    ValerieMartini2Olives Posts: 3,024 Member
    I care in a sympathetic way.

    That... and when I see someone who is REALLY fat, like REALLLLLY fat, I think to myself "WHY?? HOW??" I saw this woman the other day, probably around my age (I'm 28) who had to have been easily 350 pounds and her *kitten* was just so friggin' big, you could probably put a glass of water on it and it wouldn't fall off. Her thighs were just monstrous and bulgy everywhere. How does that happen?
  • ValerieMartini2Olives
    ValerieMartini2Olives Posts: 3,024 Member
    I care in a sympathetic way.

    That... and when I see someone who is REALLY fat, like REALLLLLY fat, I think to myself "WHY?? HOW??" I saw this woman the other day, probably around my age (I'm 28) who had to have been easily 350 pounds and her *kitten* was just so friggin' big, you could probably put a glass of water on it and it wouldn't fall off. Her thighs were just monstrous and bulgy everywhere. How does that happen?
  • honkytonks85
    honkytonks85 Posts: 669 Member
    In all seriousness though..especially for women. Society REALLY cares about our weight. To the point it actually makes people angry when someone is fat. Why is this? why do they care so much..? it no way affects their life really...

    People will come up with all sorts of justification for their fat hatred. But the fact is, it's just because they're being shallow and/or mean. Fat people are an easy target.

    The 'health care' argument is bunk because more money is spent on the ageing population than on health care for the obese. People who live a long time are a bigger drain on society yet nobody complains about healthy people.
  • Elzecat
    Elzecat Posts: 2,916 Member
    I care in a sympathetic way.

    That... and when I see someone who is REALLY fat, like REALLLLLY fat, I think to myself "WHY?? HOW??" I saw this woman the other day, probably around my age (I'm 28) who had to have been easily 350 pounds and her *kitten* was just so friggin' big, you could probably put a glass of water on it and it wouldn't fall off. Her thighs were just monstrous and bulgy everywhere. How does that happen?

    Wow...I think you just proved the OP's point, and YOUR comment was neither nice nor sympathetic or concerned--just mean. I could easily say the same about YOUR size in comparison to mine. But I won't, because I don't think that way.
  • Hirgy03
    Hirgy03 Posts: 332 Member
    Doesn't bother me one bit, right up until they start feeling sorry for themselves for being fat and yet refuse to do anything about it.

    I was one of those guys about other things......throwing about a 5 year long pity party for myself after my wife died, basically drinking myself to death, all other sorts of self-destructive garbage and blaming everything on that one event. One day I realized how pathetic I'd become (not because i drank, not because i was sad, not because I was self-destructive), but because I kept justifying the way I was on something while all the while not doing a damned thing about my own state.

    I know plenty of people that are wayyyyy overweight, and they don't feel sorry for themselves and blame the world. As far as I can tell, they are fine with it, at least for the time being. Its the folks that piss and moan, all the while blaming the world for the condition and not themselves.
  • Elzecat
    Elzecat Posts: 2,916 Member
    As far as the original post: I care about my direct personal friends who are struggling with their weight, because their health concerns me. On the flip side, I'd be equally concerned about a severely underweight friend who is struggling with anorexia and/or bulimia, just as much as the overweight friend--simply because I care about my friends. Otherwise, it's none of my business about someone's weight, unless they ask me for advice, or support. As far as the health care comments, we pay for MANY health issues that others deal with that have absolutely nothing to do with weight and we don't judge those people, do we? (well, maybe some of you do. I personally don't. Again, none of my beeswax :)
  • PikaKnight
    PikaKnight Posts: 34,971 Member
    A lot of people are going to bring up health care.

    those people can leave.

    When you post on a public forum - you are going to get all sorts of answers. Telling people to leave because they aren't giving you the opinions you want is ridiculous.
  • PikaKnight
    PikaKnight Posts: 34,971 Member
    I should edit my topic that this is directed towards a BULLYING standpoint. besides I already know everyones answer. FAT PEOPLE RUIN MY HEALTHCARE WAAH WAAH WAAH.

    Intolerant and insensitive...and you were talking about bullying??? hmmmm....
  • honkytonks85
    honkytonks85 Posts: 669 Member
    I should edit my topic that this is directed towards a BULLYING standpoint. besides I already know everyones answer. FAT PEOPLE RUIN MY HEALTHCARE WAAH WAAH WAAH.

    Intolerant and insensitive...and you were talking about bullying??? hmmmm....

    I think the OP wants to know why people BULLY fat people (eg, scream 'fat cow' at total strangers), not why obesity is an issue. We know that obesity is an issue for many reasons, but why do people feel that is a justification to abuse obese people on a constant basis?
  • leahestey
    leahestey Posts: 124 Member
    If a woman has to lose weight to keep her man, then he's not worth it. But if the woman feels that she wants to be a certain way, by all means, get there! I lost over 60 pounds because I chose to, not because my hubby wanted me to. I was at a point where I felt weighted down and I couldn't stand it. Yes, I was happy eating junk but now, I'm happy eating healthy. If you are not happy with yourself, you're doing something wrong, not with anyone else.