why do people care that someone is fat?



  • DuhhMuffin
    Pretty sure she was kidding, lol. Fact of the matter is everything she typed is how a lot of people really act! Sad but true. I've had people straight up tell me things like "I was going to hold the door open for you but figured you needed to work your arm muscles a bit". REALLY, REALLY? People think that a person's size or appearance makes them less deserving of very simple acts that show common courtesy, and it's SAD.

    That's awful. I've never experienced anything like that myself, but seriously...I probably would have said something to that guy.
  • Missjulesdid
    Missjulesdid Posts: 1,444 Member
    Because fat people are disgusting and they lack all discipline. If they would just quit eating 3 pizzas and a 12 pack of coke every day, they'd be fine. They sweat all over me, and sometimes on public transit or in tight spaces, my clothed leg touches a fat person's clothed leg and it's like OMG, my leg is touching big fat blubbery flesh. One time on an airplane. I had to sit for like three hours with my leg pressed against the leg of a fat person... it was absolutely traumatizing for me... I mean a FAT LEG was TOUCHING ME.. ewwww. They are lazy and are on welfare and they feed their kids junk all day making their kids fat too. If someone lets themselves get like that, they clearly have no self respect and probably have a lot of mental problems so they deserve to be ridiculed, maybe it will make them lose the weight.

    You need to lose 146 pounds and you're talking about fat people being gross?

    I'm 190, and I don't feel like I have a right to do that >__>

    Er... pretty sure she was being facetious.

    I hope so. Sadly, I've seen people talk like that and they weren't. Actually, someone posted something serious like that on the thread earlier.

    It's hard to tell over the internet, so I do apologize if she was kidding.

    Also, I saw her reply to me (I don't remember what your name was), and ah! I'm sorry if I offended you by bringing up how much you had to lose. I thought about saying "no offense" but I think that makes things seem more offensive .__.

    Lol, I have a weight ticker and post my weight all over the place. You didn't reveal any big secret! It's plain as day. Relax. everything is copacetic!:flowerforyou:
  • DuhhMuffin
    Uh... right, because clearly what I posted was not tongue in cheek....:ohwell:

    Apologies. I don't recognize tongue in cheek very well through text. :embarassed:
  • trophywife24
    trophywife24 Posts: 1,472 Member
    Uh... I don't know.

    I've been told to "eat something" about 1.5 billion times more than I was ever told to "stop eating" when I was fat.

    People 'care' about all kinds of things.
  • DuhhMuffin
    Uh... I don't know.

    I've been told to "eat something" about 1.5 billion times more than I was ever told to "stop eating" when I was fat.

    People 'care' about all kinds of things.

    I guess I got lucky. My mom never had a problem telling me I should stop eating, even when I was a normal, healthy weight. -__-
  • meganrpelican
    meganrpelican Posts: 51 Member
    i dont care if someone is overweight but i hate gluttony. im a waitress and we have bottomless fries and people eat six baskets of them just because they can. then they drown it with ranch which is 150 calories an ounce. then they have the nerve to say the booths are too tight...hmmmm maybe because you ate four days worth of calories in one meal.
  • trophywife24
    trophywife24 Posts: 1,472 Member
    Uh... I don't know.

    I've been told to "eat something" about 1.5 billion times more than I was ever told to "stop eating" when I was fat.

    People 'care' about all kinds of things.

    I guess I got lucky. My mom never had a problem telling me I should watch what I ate, even when I was a normal, healthy weight. -__-

    Oh yeah I definitely meant as an adult. My mom also had no issue taking out her own weight issues on me as a kid. She still tries to "compete" with me about weight. Alrighty, then.
  • DuhhMuffin
    Uh... I don't know.

    I've been told to "eat something" about 1.5 billion times more than I was ever told to "stop eating" when I was fat.

    People 'care' about all kinds of things.

    I guess I got lucky. My mom never had a problem telling me I should watch what I ate, even when I was a normal, healthy weight. -__-

    Oh yeah I definitely meant as an adult. My mom also had no issue taking out her own weight issues on me as a kid. She still tries to "compete" with me about weight. Alrighty, then.

    I've lost 22 lbs to date, and my mom still gives me crap like I'm not making any effort at all. Ugh, annoying but effective, I suppose. One of my motivations is proving her wrong.
  • kornmaiden
    A preacher friend said it's because I hate the me I see in you. It's fear that they could end up the same.
  • firstsip
    firstsip Posts: 8,399 Member
    Uh... I don't know.

    I've been told to "eat something" about 1.5 billion times more than I was ever told to "stop eating" when I was fat.

    People 'care' about all kinds of things.

    I guess I got lucky. My mom never had a problem telling me I should watch what I ate, even when I was a normal, healthy weight. -__-

    Oh yeah I definitely meant as an adult. My mom also had no issue taking out her own weight issues on me as a kid. She still tries to "compete" with me about weight. Alrighty, then.

    I've lost 22 lbs to date, and my mom still gives me crap like I'm not making any effort at all. Ugh, annoying but effective, I suppose. One of my motivations is proving her wrong.

    When I had a BMI of roughly 15 and was starving myself, my mom used to ground me for not eating and send me to my room... without eating. When I gained weight from a cortisol issue, she made sure to point out how fat I had gotten.

    I think the common thread here is "toxic moms." But I digress.
  • fit4lifeUcan2
    fit4lifeUcan2 Posts: 1,458 Member
    A lot of people are going to bring up health care.

  • trophywife24
    trophywife24 Posts: 1,472 Member
    Oh we could have a field day with an awesome mom thread.
  • DuhhMuffin
    When I had a BMI of roughly 15 and was starving myself, my mom used to ground me for not eating and send me to my room... without eating. When I gained weight from a cortisol issue, she made sure to point out how fat I had gotten.

    I think the common thread here is "toxic moms." But I digress.

    I wonder why she thought THAT made sense, lol.

    I think they meant well, but yeah.
  • devilwhiterose
    devilwhiterose Posts: 1,157 Member
    I can only speak for my husband, because I don't really care. I mean, morbid obesity...yes...I do feel bad sometimes. Life is about choices, and unless it's medical reasoning, you made a choice to be the way you are. If you are content with it, awesome! If you're going to piss and moan about your weight while shoveling ice cream in your mouth...well...I don't have much sympathy. BUT, I'm not going to blast it in your face.

    Now my husband? He was once "fat" per se. He lost over 50 pounds, joined the Marine Corps, got lean and built, and now feels the need to criticize or give me the "look" when he sees a morbidly obese person pass by. I give him the..."Why is it such a big deal?" and he doesn't respond. I think he sees what he was and feels a need to criticize.
  • Webbygail
    Webbygail Posts: 116
    i dont care if someone is overweight but i hate gluttony. im a waitress and we have bottomless fries and people eat six baskets of them just because they can. then they drown it with ranch which is 150 calories an ounce. then they have the nerve to say the booths are too tight...hmmmm maybe because you ate four days worth of calories in one meal.

    I know exactly what you mean there. I'm 350 LBs, so I know I shouldn't be one to talk, but it does bother me when I see things like this happen. I am a waitress/bartender and we have regulars that come in and order basket after basket of bread sticks. I'd say up to 10 baskets at some point, and cups of marinara. They started coming in so often and doing that that we decided to stop giving out free bread to tables, and started charging after the first free basket. There were ALOT of customers that would do that too not just these regulars, needless to say we got a crapload of complaints.
  • MrsSardone
    MrsSardone Posts: 194 Member
    You're asking for honesty, because it's 'gross'... to be honest, I worked at hooters and serving overweight people fatty foods grossed me right out!

    I can't eat with people who are overweight and make bad food choices because it creeps me out too.

    Maybe I sound mean, but I can't help it!

    Great honesty, to be sure, but so glad I can add to the list of people I would NOT want to get to know on this site.

    PS You can "help" it if you truly wanted to--it's called compassion for others. :wink:

    Don't judge me... she asked for honesty so I gave her honesty. I have compassion for those who help themselves. If you're drowning yourself in your own sorrows, I can't be sympathetic... why would I be? You don't care about yourself, so why should I?

    I bet you're a joy to be around

    I don't have a lot of big friends, but I do have some. My roommate was over 200lbs when she moved in with me, because she lives with me and I pushed her to make some changes and be more active with me. She lost about 50lbs in less than a year. She is SO MUCH happier with the way she looks and feels. I have friends that have theiroid (however you spell it) problems and can't lose weight, I workout with them at the gym. They love me because I push them. If a person is ready and willing to help themselves, I'm ready and willing to help them. If they want to drown themselves in food and continue to get fatter and fatter... no sympathy or compassion coming from me.

    Do your friends know you think they're "gross"?

    And how do you know the fat customers at Hooters weren't eating back burned calories? It's one thing to disagree with food choices. It's another to be "creeped out" by overweight people eating in close proximity to you.
  • MrsSardone
    MrsSardone Posts: 194 Member
    I only care about people being overweight if I care about them. I don't care what strangers eat.

    Unless they're eating boogers. Cuz that IS gross.
  • belizsera
    belizsera Posts: 82 Member
    I can tell you that most people I know don't care and the men I have known like me more as a fat chic. My bf loves me bigger even though we met when I was thinner and more muscular.
  • BinaryPulsar
    BinaryPulsar Posts: 8,927 Member
    I don't mind, notice, or even think about it.

    Unless it is someone I love and they are sad and talk to me about it. Then I care about them and want to be a support, so they can become fit and do all the active things they want to do. But, even if they don't get fit, I still love and support them. It's the same with all other issues as well.
  • DuhhMuffin
    The only fat people I don't know but care about are morbidly obese children.

    I saw a kid who couldn't have been more than 11, who must have weighed 300 lbs on a scooter at Walmart once. Another time, I saw a not so little girl who looked to be about 7, and probably weighed close to 200.

    I care about kids because they're really not responsible for what they get fed. I don't really understand how someone could let that happen to their child.

    Unless they're some medical condition preventing them from losing weight. But these kids are always accompanied by morbidly obese adults.