If God gave you naturally large thighs listen up



  • serapi
    serapi Posts: 197 Member
    I do squats, deadlifts, weighted lunges of all varieties. 32Fx24x37 with 21.5" thighs which I think looks just fine and not "thick" or "disproportionate". I'm hoping to lose a tad more fat in the area, which I plan on accomplishing by a caloric deficit WITH weights to make sure I keep my sexy thigh muscles and lose only fat :-)


    good for you. keep up the great work.

    maybe I will do a photoshop and cover up my face and send you guys a picture. I won't use my cell as pictures have GPS attached.
  • PikaKnight
    PikaKnight Posts: 34,971 Member
    I do squats, deadlifts, weighted lunges of all varieties. 32Fx24x37 with 21.5" thighs which I think looks just fine and not "thick" or "disproportionate". I'm hoping to lose a tad more fat in the area, which I plan on accomplishing by a caloric deficit WITH weights to make sure I keep my sexy thigh muscles and lose only fat :-)


    good for you. keep up the great work.

    maybe I will do a photoshop and cover up my face and send you guys a picture. I won't use my cell as pictures have GPS attached.

    You don't even have to do that. People take pictures of just body parts. Why not do one of just your legs?
  • aj_31
    aj_31 Posts: 999 Member
    I'm blessed with naturally large thighs...if that's how you're calling it. I was 220# not long ago...my thighs were *really* large then. Amazing how when you take off some body fat they just kinda start to slim out. Slowly...slowly.
    I'm the proud owner of 23" thighs right now...just this week I squatted 175-185#...and some random guy at the gym told my husband he was gonna hit on me (he didn't know I was married) and started to describe how "nice" he thought my legs were (in great detail). Total NSV, for sure. At any rate - I don't do cardio. I keep my legs nice and eh hem, "big" by squatting, deadlifting, doing weighted lunges...you know...all that weight lifting crap. And if they get bigger - so be it...but I'm pretty sure they aren't going to get much bigger, it's just a matter of fat coming off before I can have Erin Stern's or Camille LeBlanc-Bazinet's awesome legs.

    You were 220 lbs? WOW you look great! Are you following a specific weight lifting program like Jamie Eason's Live Fit or you just doing your own thing? I'd love to squat what you are squating. I hate not having a lifting partner at the gym when I want to go up in weight but not sure if I need a spot.

    Oh and that's a great NSV. What was your husbands reaction to that guy telling him how great you looked?

    Thank you! Yeah, 220 lbs and well over 40% bodyfat. :( Am sitting around 155-158# these days and who knows what my bf is since nothing is accurate. Anyway....I started getting introduced to heavy lifting with NROL4W. I went through stage 5 and abandoned ship because I started to not enjoy my workouts. Then on advice of a friend I began Starting Strength (just 3x5 of squats, bench, OHP, rows, and deads) and eventually added on some accessory work (lat pull-downs, glute bridges/thrusters). THEN...I was getting frustrated because I had hit some walls in my lifts...and I wanted to change things up. In November, I joined a local pseudo-Crossfit style gym (it's not Crossfit) and began doing the workouts the coach posted (a varied mix of powerlifting and oly lifts with a lot of push/pull bodyweight strength moves thrown in for good measure). I log my workouts at fitocracy.com if you wanna check 'em out. My handle is mfkn_titanium there. Before this gym though I worked out at home. We bought a power cage/rack with lat pull-down attachment, bench, and oly barbell & plates. Power racks are great because they have the safety bars so you can confidently squat and bench without needing another person there to help if you fail.

    As for how my husband reacted - he said he had a proud moment. It was the first thing he told me when he got home after so I'm sure he had been thinking about it his whole workout. He's not a jealous guy so it didn't bother him. :D

    That's awesome. You've done great work. Your back pic is amazing as well. Its sounds like a neat gym you joined. I go to Lifetime which has the basic classes and then the weight and cardio area. I haven't been lifting as much lately because I started Insanity with some co-workers and I do that during the day. I'm just now starting to go back and lift at least 3x a week. I love it though. I'd much rather lift than do cardio. My husband has the same "old" school though as a lot of people that if I want to lose the fat I have to do cardio. I keep telling him if I want to lose the fat I need to put the beer down and pick up a barbell. I have no problem doing the workouts but getting my eating on track is the hard part for me.

    I've never been on fitocracy.com but I'll have to go on and check it out. Thanks for the info!

    PS: And that's awesome your husband was able to appreciate the comments for what they were. My husband would have reacted the same way as yours.
  • PikaKnight
    PikaKnight Posts: 34,971 Member
    And ladies...just because you get in weight training doesn't mean you are going to bulk up. Doesn't mean you will have super muscle legs.

    OP - That's the problem some of us have with your post and the way you kept emphasizing "muscle legs". Just because you include weight training into your exercise routine doesn't mean you are going to have Terminator muscles....
  • cleotherio
    cleotherio Posts: 712 Member
    dammit this was disappointing!
  • serapi
    serapi Posts: 197 Member
    How do I post a picture? I found one that I'm willing to use.
  • serapi
    serapi Posts: 197 Member
    OP , I am glad that you are happy with your body. There are too many women who have a poor body image and it is refreshing to see a woman who does not. You will find that the public forums have a lot of people who say they are trying to help. Some of their advice is actually good but it is the rude condescending way it is presented that makes all that they have to say useless! It is because they believe offending will open someones eyes. I hope you won't let this experience turn you off of mfp. As long as you are healthy and happy good for you!

    Did you read the threads? If we are haters for putting our opinions out there, then what is the OP for calling all of us catty itches?

    I called it as I saw it. I was getting catty and rude remarks.
  • RLDeShazo
    RLDeShazo Posts: 356 Member
    If God gave you naturally large thighs listen up

    I remember it as if it were only yesterday... I was in Heaven waiting in the Thigh Gap line, which was as long as the line for the ladies room on nickel beer night and I really just wanted to get the being born part over already so I said, "Screw it, I'm moving over to Thicker Thighs and Big Booty... it was a ghost town over there and God was like, "Here you go. You'll thank me later." He was so right, that God! I call his name sometimes when I'm busy enjoying them.

  • serapi
    serapi Posts: 197 Member
    And ladies...just because you get in weight training doesn't mean you are going to bulk up. Doesn't mean you will have super muscle legs.

    OP - That's the problem some of us have with your post and the way you kept emphasizing "muscle legs". Just because you include weight training into your exercise routine doesn't mean you are going to have Terminator muscles....

    Yes, I lift heavy upper body and look great; not bulky at all.

    My legs, another story. They grow and I don't like it.
  • DrMAvDPhD
    DrMAvDPhD Posts: 2,097 Member
    How do I post a picture? I found one that I'm willing to use.

    It needs to be online already in some form (photobucket, google drive, dropbox). Then you can right-click and hit "Copy image URL", then in the reply box hit CTR+C and put image tags around the link that shows up [ i m g]link.jpg[ / i m g ] without any of the spaces.
  • serapi
    serapi Posts: 197 Member
    I have naturally large thighs. Heavy squats, lunges and leg presses helped me lose inches. They still measure on the large side, but they look good.

    You look great
  • serapi
    serapi Posts: 197 Member
    How do I post a picture? I found one that I'm willing to use.

    It needs to be online already in some form (photobucket, google drive, dropbox). Then you can right-click and hit "Copy image URL", then in the reply box hit CTR+C and put image tags around the link that shows up [ i m g]link.jpg[ / i m g ] without any of the spaces.

    I was able to upload it in my profile. I know I'm wearing jeans, but I feel awkward posting too many pics of myself on a public internet forum.
  • wareagle8706
    wareagle8706 Posts: 1,090 Member
    I found out the key for myself to get the nice muscular lean legs that I've always wanted. I am a mesomorph and I develop leg muscles very quickly, but my upper body is very weak.

    I learned to do absolutely no leg exercises and now my legs look awesome. My legs always looked fat to me. I tried the lunges, squats, etc. and my legs would just look fatter. A personal trainer told me to stop and just get my leg workouts from jogging, elliptical, etc. I did it and now my thighs are 20 inches and I can fit into my jeans. I love it!

    Just throwing this out there for women who have genetically enhanced legs.

    I'd like to know what your legs were before you stopped working them out. Because mine are 21 and I don't think mine are big at all. And I'm 5'1'' I LOVE my big thighs/@ss, and so do a LOT of other people :wink:

    I lost 2 inches from my thighs in the last 4 months.

    Good for you for enjoying your body! I think it's great!

    It's really sad that those two inches were probably muscle and not fat... I hate that for you.... as muscle does so many great things for your body.
  • wareagle8706
    wareagle8706 Posts: 1,090 Member
    How do I post a picture? I found one that I'm willing to use.

    It needs to be online already in some form (photobucket, google drive, dropbox). Then you can right-click and hit "Copy image URL", then in the reply box hit CTR+C and put image tags around the link that shows up [ i m g]link.jpg[ / i m g ] without any of the spaces.

    I was able to upload it in my profile. I know I'm wearing jeans, but I feel awkward posting too many pics of myself on a public internet forum.

    Looking at your picture you're skinny and your legs are not even anywhere close to huge. even if they were two inches bigger they wouldn't be huge. Idk... it's strange that you think they were large...
  • serapi
    serapi Posts: 197 Member
    I found out the key for myself to get the nice muscular lean legs that I've always wanted. I am a mesomorph and I develop leg muscles very quickly, but my upper body is very weak.

    I learned to do absolutely no leg exercises and now my legs look awesome. My legs always looked fat to me. I tried the lunges, squats, etc. and my legs would just look fatter. A personal trainer told me to stop and just get my leg workouts from jogging, elliptical, etc. I did it and now my thighs are 20 inches and I can fit into my jeans. I love it!

    Just throwing this out there for women who have genetically enhanced legs.

    I'd like to know what your legs were before you stopped working them out. Because mine are 21 and I don't think mine are big at all. And I'm 5'1'' I LOVE my big thighs/@ss, and so do a LOT of other people :wink:

    I lost 2 inches from my thighs in the last 4 months.

    Good for you for enjoying your body! I think it's great!

    It's really sad that those two inches were probably muscle and not fat... I hate that for you.... as muscle does so many great things for your body.

    I am sure it was part muscle, part fat. It doesn't matter b/c I still have a lovely muscular body and it is within my fitness goal.

    I really admire women who lift heavy at the gym. I am on very friendly terms with them and they respect that my goals are different and don't hate on me when I tell them I don't do leg weights and keep them toned with endurance cardio.
  • lasmit4477
    lasmit4477 Posts: 308 Member
    This is all personal preference. I disagree with your statements in regards to ditching lower body strength training.

    You should not give out bad advice! And this....this is bad advice!

    Oh, FYI- the elliptical is NOT weight lifting.
  • serapi
    serapi Posts: 197 Member
    How do I post a picture? I found one that I'm willing to use.

    It needs to be online already in some form (photobucket, google drive, dropbox). Then you can right-click and hit "Copy image URL", then in the reply box hit CTR+C and put image tags around the link that shows up [ i m g]link.jpg[ / i m g ] without any of the spaces.

    I was able to upload it in my profile. I know I'm wearing jeans, but I feel awkward posting too many pics of myself on a public internet forum.

    Looking at your picture you're skinny and your legs are not even anywhere close to huge. even if they were two inches bigger they wouldn't be huge. Idk... it's strange that you think they were large...

    I'm definitely not skinny...I'm 18% body fat and skinny is a very judgemental adjective to describe me. Personal trainers at the gym praise me for my hard work and dedication. I've had 2 kids and I'm 41.

    More hate; now women are going to judge my body as "skinny"...
  • supplemama
    supplemama Posts: 1,956 Member
    I do squats, deadlifts, weighted lunges of all varieties. 32Fx24x37 with 21.5" thighs which I think looks just fine and not "thick" or "disproportionate". I'm hoping to lose a tad more fat in the area, which I plan on accomplishing by a caloric deficit WITH weights to make sure I keep my sexy thigh muscles and lose only fat :-)


    You look awesome, your legs look great!!
  • serapi
    serapi Posts: 197 Member
    This is all personal preference. I disagree with your statements in regards to ditching lower body strength training.

    You should not give out bad advice! And this....this is bad advice!

    Oh, FYI- the elliptical is NOT weight lifting.

    it's not bad advice at all. it depends on the fitness goals.

    would you call a marathon runner (who does no weight lifting) a person who has no strength?
  • lasmit4477
    lasmit4477 Posts: 308 Member
    "I am sure it was part muscle, part fat. It doesn't matter b/c I still have a lovely muscular body and it is within my fitness goal.

    I really admire women who lift heavy at the gym. I am on very friendly terms with them and they respect that my goals are different and don't hate on me when I tell them I don't do leg weights and keep them toned with endurance cardio.

    ***********Again, its all personal preference and as long as you are happy, that's all that matters! Just don't give out advice that is not supported by any facts other than what YOUR goals are based off of!