If God gave you naturally large thighs listen up



  • aj_31
    aj_31 Posts: 999 Member
    I have thick thighs (21.5) and big calves (14.5) and I want them to look like Erin Sterns in this picture. My calves are already pretty good looking but I need to work on my thighs.


    Please tell me you're like, 4ft tall? When did 21.5" thighs become thick? What are the categories *over* thick? Asking for a friend.

    I'm 5'2 but when I look at my thighs they look thick to me compared to the other girls in the gym running around in their short shorts. I played soccer all through school so I have some nice quad muscles but now if I could get them to pop like this I'd be extremely happy.
  • cbrrabbit25
    cbrrabbit25 Posts: 384 Member

    this is awesome! ^
  • DrMAvDPhD
    DrMAvDPhD Posts: 2,097 Member
    I would rather have muscular thighs than skinny thighs.
  • norcal_yogi
    norcal_yogi Posts: 675 Member
    idk.... without judgement, i experienced growing thighs when i was doing a lot of lunges.... and i wasn't real happy about it. when it came time to get dressed in my usual jeans, they were tighter in the thighs.

    i now refrain from lunges and 'lifting' per se.... i do yoga regularly along with walking hills...and now my thighs fit into my jeans just fine.

    to each her own. we are all built differently and have different preferences.
  • felice03
    felice03 Posts: 2,732 Member
    God didn't give me these thighs...Mac'n Cheese, Pizza Rolls and a comfy couch gave me these thighs...
  • PikaKnight
    PikaKnight Posts: 34,971 Member
    The OP isn't saying to lie in bed, bind your legs and let them atrophy. She's still giving them a workout. People on this thread are pretty judgmental. Everyone has their own ideal of beauty, and her wanting slimmer thighs isn't wrong.

    totally...women are jealous catty itches here! I reached my fitness goals and I look dang good! I'm 41, and would be proud to wear a bikini on the beach...no flabby bits.

    Okay, this is where I get serious and tell you to take a break from the internet. When you start resorting to name calling - you need to press the red x at the top right.
  • _Elemenopee_
    _Elemenopee_ Posts: 2,665 Member
    God didn't give me these thighs...Mac'n Cheese, Pizza Rolls and a comfy couch gave me these thighs...

  • PikaKnight
    PikaKnight Posts: 34,971 Member
    hmmm. I think normally i'd jump in and say that weighlifting don't make you bulky. But i have noticed my flat bum is now deliciously round thanks to squats and DL's.

    I still think i'd rather have muscular legs with no body fat than have skinny-fat legs.

    But that's just me.

    I don't have skinny legs. They are gorgeous and muscular. 20 inch thighs...sexy...

    Well..why not show us. Put up some picts of those legs....AFTER you take a break and learn not to take things so personally and start calling those with opposing views names...okay...good :)
  • serapi
    serapi Posts: 197 Member
    OP probably didn't experience much atrophy unless she was maintaining too large of a deficit.

    While I am not supporting total avoidance of resistance training, all OP was doing was preferentially training smaller, slow-twitch type 1 muscle fibers which are more oxidative than the fast-twitch type 2's utilized more heavily in resistance training. Think marathon runner versus sprinter. Marathon runners are not known for their rippling physiques, but they are incredibly fit for their specialization just like a Crossfitter is incredibly fit for theirs. No Crossfitter is going to run a marathon without proper training and they would see a reduction in T2 fibers if they were to undergo a biopsy.

    OP isn't going to have muscular, defined thighs like the Crossfitters or Figure/BB physiques because she doesn't train that way. She probably looks more like an aerobics instructor or marathoner...slender with little muscle definition but probably not unshapely in any way.

    100% right. Thanks!
  • serapi
    serapi Posts: 197 Member
    hmmm. I think normally i'd jump in and say that weighlifting don't make you bulky. But i have noticed my flat bum is now deliciously round thanks to squats and DL's.

    I still think i'd rather have muscular legs with no body fat than have skinny-fat legs.

    But that's just me.

    I don't have skinny legs. They are gorgeous and muscular. 20 inch thighs...sexy...

    Well..why not show us. Put up some picts of those legs....AFTER you take a break and learn not to take things so personally and start calling those with opposing views names...okay...good :)

    hey, when people are rude to me, I will defend myself as I respect myself ok?

    I gave you my stats. I don't want to post pics of myself on the internet for privacy reasons.

    34B - 26 - 36
    20 inch thighs
    mesomorph build with a bit of ecto.

    You can picture it.
  • DontStopB_Leakin
    DontStopB_Leakin Posts: 3,863 Member
    You do what you need to do.

    I'm gonna stick with squatting and deadlifting my way to perfection.

    Big thighs and all.
  • katenczy
    I have large thighs and hips that were inherited from mom, grandmother, etc. I have added to them by being overweight. I am just beginning on a mission to loose weight but in prior attempts I was always able to trim them down with frequent walking. I think runners develop muscles more than walkers.
  • Sarauk2sf
    Sarauk2sf Posts: 28,072 Member
    I found out the key for myself to get the nice muscular lean legs that I've always wanted. I am a mesomorph and I develop leg muscles very quickly, but my upper body is very weak.

    I learned to do absolutely no leg exercises and now my legs look awesome. My legs always looked fat to me. I tried the lunges, squats, etc. and my legs would just look fatter. A personal trainer told me to stop and just get my leg workouts from jogging, elliptical, etc. I did it and now my thighs are 20 inches and I can fit into my jeans. I love it!

    Just throwing this out there for women who have genetically enhanced legs.

    It is because you lost fat. And somatotypes re muscle gains are pretty much a myth,
  • serapi
    serapi Posts: 197 Member
    I have thick thighs (21.5) and big calves (14.5) and I want them to look like Erin Sterns in this picture. My calves are already pretty good looking but I need to work on my thighs.


    Please tell me you're like, 4ft tall? When did 21.5" thighs become thick? What are the categories *over* thick? Asking for a friend.

    it's thick if your hips are slimmer than 43". "thickness" is about how it looks, not the measurements themselves. it's not like people have to run around with tape measures to prove how thick their legs look :laugh:

    would you consider a 25" waist paired with 20" thighs thick? since we're going by some arbitrary proportioning here.

    I have a 37-inch waist and my left thigh is 17.63 inches but my right is 28,5 since that's the one in front when I do lunges. :glasses:


    Smart alec
  • Erica0718
    Erica0718 Posts: 469 Member
    I prefer to do squats instead of having flabby legs & butt with cellulite, but hey thats just me.
  • toomuchbootyindapants
    I'm blessed with naturally large thighs...if that's how you're calling it. I was 220# not long ago...my thighs were *really* large then. Amazing how when you take off some body fat they just kinda start to slim out. Slowly...slowly.
    I'm the proud owner of 23" thighs right now...just this week I squatted 175-185#...and some random guy at the gym told my husband he was gonna hit on me (he didn't know I was married) and started to describe how "nice" he thought my legs were (in great detail). Total NSV, for sure. At any rate - I don't do cardio. I keep my legs nice and eh hem, "big" by squatting, deadlifting, doing weighted lunges...you know...all that weight lifting crap. And if they get bigger - so be it...but I'm pretty sure they aren't going to get much bigger, it's just a matter of fat coming off before I can have Erin Stern's or Camille LeBlanc-Bazinet's awesome legs.
  • PikaKnight
    PikaKnight Posts: 34,971 Member
    hmmm. I think normally i'd jump in and say that weighlifting don't make you bulky. But i have noticed my flat bum is now deliciously round thanks to squats and DL's.

    I still think i'd rather have muscular legs with no body fat than have skinny-fat legs.

    But that's just me.

    I don't have skinny legs. They are gorgeous and muscular. 20 inch thighs...sexy...

    Well..why not show us. Put up some picts of those legs....AFTER you take a break and learn not to take things so personally and start calling those with opposing views names...okay...good :)

    hey, when people are rude to me, I will defend myself as I respect myself ok?

    I gave you my stats. I don't want to post pics of myself on the internet for privacy reasons.

    34B - 26 - 36
    20 inch thighs
    mesomorph build with a bit of ecto.

    You can picture it.

    Nah..I'll just ogle Saurak's picts. This is a woman that knows her stuff and backs it up every time - not just with pictures - but with other proof as well. :D

    Plus, if someone disagrees, she doesn't start calling them names..she's mature-ish like that :D
  • serapi
    serapi Posts: 197 Member

    OP isn't going to have muscular, defined thighs like the Crossfitters or Figure/BB physiques because she doesn't train that way. She probably looks more like an aerobics instructor or marathoner...slender with little muscle definition but probably not unshapely in any way.

    This makes me laugh. I'm a marathoner (I've run 6 fulls and am in training for #7) and I've got 23" thighs. I love my legs, they are strong and they have carried me through thousands of miles of training. I don't look like your typical string-bean runner, but then again I lift heavy weights as well so maybe I just don't fit nicely into any specific category.

    Depending on your height, 23' isn't incredibly thick. Also depends on your body composition and genetic predisposition. Also how you train in the off-season, how you run (intervals versus something like a Boston qualifier who literally runs every mile).

    Let's not take everything personally because we're all special snowflakes. I wasn't specifically referring to YOUR thighs.

    Not taking in personally...just pointing out that not every marathoner looks like one, per say. I'm short (5'5") and I'm within 10 minutes of qualifying for Boston (hopefully this is my year). I meant it more as instead of hating your thighs (or whatever body part), maybe come to a place where you can accept, love and embrace the body God gave you and instead of trying to force your body into a size/type you think it should be, just work with what you've got and be the best you can be.

    and that's what I did! why i'm being judged so much, not sure.

    hey good luck on your Boston marathon...that's awesome!!!
  • Sarauk2sf
    Sarauk2sf Posts: 28,072 Member
    I found out the key for myself to get the nice muscular lean legs that I've always wanted. I am a mesomorph and I develop leg muscles very quickly, but my upper body is very weak.

    I learned to do absolutely no leg exercises and now my legs look awesome. My legs always looked fat to me. I tried the lunges, squats, etc. and my legs would just look fatter. A personal trainer told me to stop and just get my leg workouts from jogging, elliptical, etc. I did it and now my thighs are 20 inches and I can fit into my jeans. I love it!

    Just throwing this out there for women who have genetically enhanced legs.
    I've trained clients who were mesomorphs with big legs with weight training for legs and their legs slimmed down too. It will depend on what goal one will want to reach. Some may just want to get into jeans. Others may want "harder" looking legs in bikini's. One size doesn't fit all.

    A.C.E. Certified Personal and Group Fitness Trainer
    IDEA Fitness member
    Kickboxing Certified Instructor
    Been in fitness for 28+ years and have studied kinesiology and nutrition

    I have nice hard looking legs also. I look great in a bikini. It worked for me and I'm so happy that I stopped squatting and dead lifting.

    I'm 41 too. I think people are just jealous.

    Why would anyone be jealous? - you are a blue person.

    Oh, and I am 45 - so?
  • _Elemenopee_
    _Elemenopee_ Posts: 2,665 Member

    I could look at your thighs all day! :love: