If God gave you naturally large thighs listen up



  • zombie_porno
    zombie_porno Posts: 199 Member
    God the people on this site can be total douches sometimes. If it works for her, more power to her. Not every female who wants to be in shape WANTS to look like a female Terminator. You can be healthy & toned without being a body builder. At the same time, if that is what works for you, more power to you... but it doesn't make the OP wrong for wanting natural tone from elliptical & jogging instead of super cut, bulked up thighs.
  • bhopejones
    I think it may be a little different for everyone, especially depending on body type.

    I have naturally bigger hips, thighs, and butt. it's actually my main complaint about my body. I had been doing weighted leg exercises + cardio (almost 50/50) for a year. I saw improvement, definitely. but my upper half is so much smaller than my lower half. some of this is due to my bone shape - I really only have about an inch of fat on my hips until you hit bone - but I wanted to burn as much fat off as possible to make my body look more proportioned. Recently, as in the past 2 months, I straight up haven't had TIME (full time job, full time college student, in a relationship) to do more than an hour at the gym. I have been doing one or two weighted machines but mostly cardio. Since doing that - like I said, due to time restraints - I have noticed a SERIOUS difference in my legs. I have lost so much fat and GAINED, yes GAINED, muscle. Granted, it's lean muscle. there's a lot more definition there - along with the remaining fat, cause seriously, I've got some jiggle - and you can actually SEE the muscle.

    As for cardio vs. weights, it's foolish to say that cardio causes your leg muscles to suffer atrophy. atrophy is when your muscles AREN'T being used. news flash! you use your leg muscles to WALK. running and other things are definitely accessing your leg muscles in a big way. please take a look at professional runners. the most absolutely ripped girl I know personally is completely shredded and ALL she does is run. (she's on a college scholarship for it so she pretty much has to run 24/7.)

    HOWEVER. it's also foolish to make the argument that doing cardio will make your leg muscles look LARGE - like those who are doing weighted leg exercises/machines. obviously if you're going for noticeable muscles that are on the bigger side, you need to do weights. squats. lifts. whatever. but, for someone wanting to get really lean, thinner yet toned legs, cardio is a great way to go. I can only say this because it's what I'm currently experiencing with my own body.
  • bhopejones
    God the people on this site can be total douches sometimes. If it works for her, more power to her. Not every female who wants to be in shape WANTS to look like a female Terminator. You can be healthy & toned without being a body builder. At the same time, if that is what works for you, more power to you... but it doesn't make the OP wrong for wanting natural tone from elliptical & jogging instead of super cut, bulked up thighs.

    ^^ basically this is what I was getting at. haha.
  • ejwme
    ejwme Posts: 318
    No, size 6 is several sizes up from 0000. Seriously. The largest part of their arms are their elbows, and you can count their vertebrae the full length of their spines - magazines hold them up as the epitome of beauty. Sounds like you're healthy, unlike them. Just sounds like you decided not to explore your full potential for appearance sake.
    Your trainer did you a disservice, IMO


    Barbie was a slacker weakling unfit for adoration. Women need to stop trying to look like that. Oh, and those 16 year old Vogue models who are size 0000? They're 100 calories away from death. Yeah, picture of health, let's strive for that.

    Those large thighs would have helped you kick their butts in the Hunger Games.

    silly comment.

    I'm a size 6:


    thighs: 20 inches

    18% body fat

    is that small to you? I look fantastic. Women are approaching me at the gym asking me how to train to get my tone.
  • serapi
    serapi Posts: 197 Member
    No, size 6 is several sizes up from 0000. Seriously. The largest part of their arms are their elbows, and you can count their vertebrae the full length of their spines - magazines hold them up as the epitome of beauty. Sounds like you're healthy, unlike them. Just sounds like you decided not to explore your full potential for appearance sake.
    Your trainer did you a disservice, IMO


    Barbie was a slacker weakling unfit for adoration. Women need to stop trying to look like that. Oh, and those 16 year old Vogue models who are size 0000? They're 100 calories away from death. Yeah, picture of health, let's strive for that.

    Those large thighs would have helped you kick their butts in the Hunger Games.

    silly comment.

    I'm a size 6:


    thighs: 20 inches

    18% body fat

    is that small to you? I look fantastic. Women are approaching me at the gym asking me how to train to get my tone.

    but don't we all want to look our best? my best is proprotionate legs to the rest of my body. I get my leg workouts from cardio. I have muscle on my legs and I have a great body image.

    I think these personal choices are ok and justified IMO. That is why I started this thread...to let women know it's ok.
  • serapi
    serapi Posts: 197 Member
    I love the feeling of muscle atrophy, makes me feel sexy!

    pretty much what I was thinking.

    Same here. I once had "genetically" enhanced legs ... when I was 100 lbs overweight. I still had "genetically" enhanced legs after losing 70 lbs on a cardio-only regimen. Then I wised up and started deadlifting and squatting and eating a kick-*kitten* diet full of lean protein and healthy fats, and magically my "genetically" enhanced legs got smaller and tighter.

    well that wouldn't give every woman the same results. don't judge b/c you sound silly.
  • TiffanyDeaneeM89
    TiffanyDeaneeM89 Posts: 10 Member
    God the people on this site can be total douches sometimes. If it works for her, more power to her. Not every female who wants to be in shape WANTS to look like a female Terminator. You can be healthy & toned without being a body builder. At the same time, if that is what works for you, more power to you... but it doesn't make the OP wrong for wanting natural tone from elliptical & jogging instead of super cut, bulked up thighs.

    This^ and not once did the OP say she wanted to look like a barbie.
    Give people one inch and their imagination runs wild, and not in the correct direction.
  • BusyRaeNOTBusty
    BusyRaeNOTBusty Posts: 7,166 Member
    I have naturally large thighs. I train lower body. I like having strong, muscular (and fat) legs.

    If you don't want to lift with your legs, fine. If you are happy with your body great. I'd like to see before and after pictures, though, mainly because I'm curious.

    What I don't like is when people encourage others to neglect such a large portion of their body out of a quest for some imaginary "perfection".
  • usmcmp
    usmcmp Posts: 21,220 Member
    I have naturally large thighs. Heavy squats, lunges and leg presses helped me lose inches. They still measure on the large side, but they look good.
  • verdancyhime
    verdancyhime Posts: 237 Member
    I'm pear shaped and I really like the look of a wide thigh tapering into a rounded calf with a smaller ankle. I grew up with classic films and a lot of women in those were trained dancers and curvy legs were the style back then.

    I want to lose fat all over, but I don't really want the currently fashionable straight legs. I used to know a girl who was on a track scholarship to my local college. She had the kind of curvy, low bodyfat% legs I want one day, and she HATED them for some stupid reason.
  • ItsCasey
    ItsCasey Posts: 4,022 Member
    I love the feeling of muscle atrophy, makes me feel sexy!

    pretty much what I was thinking.

    Same here. I once had "genetically" enhanced legs ... when I was 100 lbs overweight. I still had "genetically" enhanced legs after losing 70 lbs on a cardio-only regimen. Then I wised up and started deadlifting and squatting and eating a kick-*kitten* diet full of lean protein and healthy fats, and magically my "genetically" enhanced legs got smaller and tighter.

    well that wouldn't give every woman the same results. don't judge b/c you sound silly.

    Um, yes, it would. Your body does not defy the principles of thermodynamics. You are not a unique, special snowflake.

    Once and for all (I hope), you don't get "toned" from running or swimming or biking or lifting weights. You get it from having a relatively low body fat percentage, and that comes from a consistent caloric deficit combined with some form of resistance training and a diet that lends itself to muscle preservation.

    You are the one who sounds silly with all your nonsense about having genetically enhanced thighs that can be somehow shrunk by simply not exercising them. That's about as dumb as saying you can turn your genetically blue eyes into brown ones by keeping them closed for 47 days. If your genetics have dictated that you have 30-inch thighs, YOU COULDN'T CHANGE THAT. Since we know you CAN, in fact, change the size of your thighs by exercising and eating a proper diet, we know the size of our thighs is NOT genetic. Good Lord, take a biology class.
  • stonel94
    stonel94 Posts: 550 Member
    I have the same thick thigh/butt issue, but I want to tone them AND take fat off, instead of just having them look skinny. Has your cardio done that for you?

    I have the same deal, and the elliptical has made them better, and just to tone up the inner thigh for me I use the like opening and closing leg machine at the gym, just do light weights and do lots of reps of that to tone
  • PomegranatePriestess
    PomegranatePriestess Posts: 2,455 Member
    If God gave you naturally large thighs listen up

    I remember it as if it were only yesterday... I was in Heaven waiting in the Thigh Gap line, which was as long as the line for the ladies room on nickel beer night and I really just wanted to get the being born part over already so I said, "Screw it, I'm moving over to Thicker Thighs and Big Booty... it was a ghost town over there and God was like, "Here you go. You'll thank me later." He was so right, that God! I call his name sometimes when I'm busy enjoying them.
  • usmcmp
    usmcmp Posts: 21,220 Member
    I love the feeling of muscle atrophy, makes me feel sexy!

    pretty much what I was thinking.

    Same here. I once had "genetically" enhanced legs ... when I was 100 lbs overweight. I still had "genetically" enhanced legs after losing 70 lbs on a cardio-only regimen. Then I wised up and started deadlifting and squatting and eating a kick-*kitten* diet full of lean protein and healthy fats, and magically my "genetically" enhanced legs got smaller and tighter.

    well that wouldn't give every woman the same results. don't judge b/c you sound silly.

    If you were even 2% different from the other women on here you'd be a dolphin.
  • FitBeto
    FitBeto Posts: 2,121 Member
  • 3dogsrunning
    3dogsrunning Posts: 27,167 Member
    If God gave you naturally large thighs listen up

    I remember it as if it were only yesterday... I was in Heaven waiting in the Thigh Gap line, which was as long as the line for the ladies room on nickel beer night and I really just wanted to get the being born part over already so I said, "Screw it, I'm moving over to Thicker Thighs and Big Booty... it was a ghost town over there and God was like, "Here you go. You'll thank me later." He was so right, that God! I call his name sometimes when I'm busy enjoying them.

  • extraordinary_machine
    extraordinary_machine Posts: 3,028 Member
    I love my "farm stock" legs...23" quads, a big booty, and muscular calves.
  • OkieinMinny
    OkieinMinny Posts: 834 Member
    A personal trainer told me to stop and just get my leg workouts from jogging, elliptical, etc. I did it and now my thighs are 20 inches and I can fit into my jeans. I love it!

    what? what trainer would tell you this??

    I have some thick thighs however my trainer makes sure I squat/Deadlift/leg press etc etc to help build muscle and make my legs and butt look good --
  • rebeccap13
    rebeccap13 Posts: 754 Member
    I have naturally large thighs. I train lower body. I like having strong, muscular (and fat) legs.

    If you don't want to lift with your legs, fine. If you are happy with your body great. I'd like to see before and after pictures, though, mainly because I'm curious.

    What I don't like is when people encourage others to neglect such a large portion of their body out of a quest for some imaginary "perfection".

    Yes. Agreed.

    I'm back in the same jeans from when I was doing cardio for probably 80% of my workouts and guess what, I weigh 15 lbs more and lift a bajillion times more than I run. Man, I'm getting so bulky from doing all this lifting with my naturally fat thighs.

    Plus, my fat lifting legs have carried me through some crazy cardio like a half marathon and many other races. I'll keep my lifting and my cardio, thanks.
  • PikaKnight
    PikaKnight Posts: 34,971 Member
    So you found a way to spot reduce? Ummmm....I doubt it to be honest.

    You can't spot reduce....sorry..but you can't....