200+ (Week 20) Fling Into Spring!



  • KendalBeee
    KendalBeee Posts: 2,269 Member
    yeah, trying to wedge the piece of the heart rate monitor between by boobs didn't work. :frown: If any of you know where I can get a chest strap for my heart rate monitor, please let me know! :frown: More money that I can't justify spending.....
  • Laceylala
    Laceylala Posts: 3,094 Member
  • Laceylala
    Laceylala Posts: 3,094 Member
    Well it took me 73 minutes, but I burned 662 when all was said and done. Still though.. I just barely had the energy to do that. I noticed tonight that one week I can run three days doing the HIIT and then the next week I have low energy and have a hard time at the gym. Of course the sugar and carbs didn't help the matter this week either.
    I think next week I am going to go back to just doing elliptical instead. Not sure what that is all about. Running hurt enough tonight to stop at 10 minutes of intervals. Maybe I just do the running on Mondays and call it good till I can handle it better.
  • dixiegal2484
    dixiegal2484 Posts: 293 Member
    hello super heroes. i am so happy! my apartment fitness room got a new bike and a elliptical today. i have been wanting an elliptical for 3 years now and we finally got one!!! i am hitting that thing first thing tomorrow morning!!!
  • pinbotchick
    pinbotchick Posts: 3,904
    Okay, it's official - I am cheating on DH and have gotten engaged to the scale. If he keeps this up, Mr. Scale may get to third base pretty quick:blushing: Thursdays are my official MFP weigh-in day (I started on a Thurs.) The last 2 days I was 195.5 but today I was 195.0... That's down 2.5 pounds from last week. ****kartwheel*****twirls*****jumps over the moon****

    I seriously think it's because I worked really hard Sat (walked/jogged 7 miles) and took Sunday totally off from ex. I am coming to realize a trend for big weight loss when I skip a day. It's good that we have our weigh-in tomorrow - I won't celebrate and cheat tonight. I must have shaken my body up somehow this week - I haven't had a 2 pound loss in quite awhile.

    Today should be another easy day for me. Only 4 clients for work, a 3 mile walk planned with mom and if it's nice out - I may run 2-3 miles. The next few days are supposed to rain - the treadmill just isn't as exciting:grumble: .

    I started a new book The 4-Hour Work Week... I'll keep you posted but boy would I love to only work 4 hours a week.

    Amber - have fun on the elliptical. I keep thinking about buying one but really want to try some first. I guess I'll wait and see if any are available at garage sales. That season is just around the corner - I can't wait.

    Lacey - you are forgiven for the Doritos. Maybe they have magic super powers and that's why I lost weight. Maybe you'll have good luck too!!!

    My evening snack - apples with peanut butter - Yummy!!! Well I better go get ready for work.
  • Nikki143
    Nikki143 Posts: 491 Member
    Good mornin' supah heroes!
    Pinbot; check you out, hotstuff!!:bigsmile: Go Girl! I'm excited for you.
    I weighed myself this am... dun dun dunnnnnn 2.........1.........5!!! oly sheit! havent weighed this less since 2006!!!:drinker: But I still have more lbs to loose.. I do want to thank all of you for your motivation & support!!!
  • mish3131
    mish3131 Posts: 276 Member
    Morning super heros

    Pinbot - Nice job. Keep it going.

    I am so darn tired. My son has been getting up every two hours the past two nights screaming his brains out for 2 minutes then falling back to sleep. Hubby and I think it is teeth. Even though I am soooo tired I did get on the treadmill last night and plan on it again tonight. We shall see.

    Once again I am nervous about weigh in tomorrow. I have been teetering on 200 for a long time and last week was such a breakthrough I don't want to see that number 2 starting my weight. I am afraid the scale may start playing head games with me.
  • pinbotchick
    pinbotchick Posts: 3,904
    Once again I am nervous about weigh in tomorrow. I have been teetering on 200 for a long time and last week was such a breakthrough I don't want to see that number 2 starting my weight. I am afraid the scale may start playing head games with me.

    Misch - I am a firm believer in the power of positive thinking. Keep imagining that 1 and believe it will be there. I believe it for you. Keep up the great work on the treadmill.
  • cds2327
    cds2327 Posts: 439
    Morning super heroes

    Pinbot - Nice job. Keep it going.

    I am so darn tired. My son has been getting up every two hours the past two nights screaming his brains out for 2 minutes then falling back to sleep. Hubby and I think it is teeth. Even though I am soooo tired I did get on the treadmill last night and plan on it again tonight. We shall see.

    Once again I am nervous about weigh in tomorrow. I have been teetering on 200 for a long time and last week was such a breakthrough I don't want to see that number 2 starting my weight. I am afraid the scale may start playing head games with me.

    Hang in there lady!! You'll see that 1 on the scale I promise. Your doing so great!!

    Sorry about your son. Teething does stink, although I believe we got lucky with out son. Have you tried giving him some Baby Tylenol or Motrin before bedtime? It helped our son, where that anbesol crap was horrid!!! Made it worse. I actually read an article that it toughens their gums, thus making teeth breaking through HARDER!! WTH?!?!! And you can stagger Tylenol and Motrin every three hours, to keep them pain free if need be. Just a thought for you :)

    Nikki and Pinbo---many many jealous congratulations......j/k. Seriously I am very happy for the two of you. Two pounds is so awesome!! Hopefully your luck will rub off on the rest of us. I agree with your day off theory. Last week when I basically laid in bed all Wednesday due to a migraine, then I was down two pounds on Friday. go figure.......Our bodies are strange strange machines.

    My personal high for the day yesterday though was realizing that i needed to get smaller shorts to work out in. My original ones keep falling off. So now I am defaulting on my exercise pants, which I know are going to be falling apart here soon, and I love them. Too bad I bough them at the BX on base in Japan, and have no hopes of finding them again. Maybe there will be a Walmart run or Target run for me in the future.

    Not feeling the workout today, did a pretty big one yesterday. Still, might try to get out for a walk or something this morning. I hate just sitting around all day!!
  • akasullengal
    akasullengal Posts: 1,499 Member
    Kendal -good luck with the HRM. I don't know what to tell you. Would Duct tape help?
    Doesn't duct tape work for everything??

    Victoria- forget third base... I would be rounding home with your scale! That's fabulous! You totally deserve the loss- you've been working so hard! I'm hella jealous!

    So yesterday I didn't get out of work until 7:30ish, so I was not in the mood to get my exercise on, but felt pretty guilty about it. Eating was okay overall, and the scale wasn't bad this morning- though I'm just feeling extra fat this week. Today will probably go late again, but I need to work out- will try and eat well also. My goal is for a nice long work out- either a 30 minute run + 30 min on the bike or like what I did Monday- 1hr on the elliptical + 20+ minutes on the bike. I'll let y'all know how it goes. It's sort of weird- I think I did okay overall this week, but I'm feeling a bit defeatest. *shrug*
  • mish3131
    mish3131 Posts: 276 Member
    CDS - My poor son has been teething since he was 3 months old he is 26 months old and got his molars first. It is taking forever for them to come it. Poor thing is miserable. We do the Tylenol/Motrin, but I hate having to give it to him for several days. This teething thing needs to be over. As for my weight, I do believe, but I still get my self nervous since I have been trying to get to the hundreds for so long I don't want to go backwards.

    I know I can do this. it is just a matter of time. I am proud of the fact I am keeping up with going on the treadmill.
  • KendalBeee
    KendalBeee Posts: 2,269 Member
    Thanks for the link Lacey! I'm just worried about getting a different brand than my hrm and it not working. I have a Reebok Precision XT and they are really hard to find.
  • Nikki143
    Nikki143 Posts: 491 Member
    lol, thanks CDS!!
  • Laceylala
    Laceylala Posts: 3,094 Member
    Thanks for the link Lacey! I'm just worried about getting a different brand than my hrm and it not working. I have a Reebok Precision XT and they are really hard to find.

    Can you just find the ellastic strap part to hook up to the HRM? Or do you need the whole thing?
  • Laceylala
    Laceylala Posts: 3,094 Member
    Tething sucks!! Teething caused my daughter to get ear infections on top of the alelrgy related ear infections. There were days on end we didn't get any sleep because of it and there were days on end that I felt so horrible for constantly giving her motrin and tylenol to make everyone more comfortable. However, I love Motrin. That stuff was our saving grace and looking back I am glad I pumped her full of it when we needed to.

    Mish, there is an all natural pill you can crush up and put in your son's bottle called something like Calm Forte...
    It's made for children and it did help our daughter sleep sometimes. Not always, but when she just needed a little boost of something to keep her asleep it did help. And it is all natural so I personally never felt guilty smashing it and putting it in her milk.

    Aka, keep on keeping on. I too have felt defeatist type emotions this week when it comes to eating and exercising. I know I should go work out tonight because I still have calories to make up from Mon and Tuesday, but my body hurts and I don't want to. I am making a goal to go for at least 30 minutes on the elliptical though. Even if it is at a nice slow pace. Something is better than nothing.
  • akasullengal
    akasullengal Posts: 1,499 Member
    . I am making a goal to go for at least 30 minutes on the elliptical though. Even if it is at a nice slow pace. Something is better than nothing.
    that's so true! just get moving, even if it is slow and not for a long time!
  • KendalBeee
    KendalBeee Posts: 2,269 Member
    Thanks for the link Lacey! I'm just worried about getting a different brand than my hrm and it not working. I have a Reebok Precision XT and they are really hard to find.

    Can you just find the ellastic strap part to hook up to the HRM? Or do you need the whole thing?

    The ellastic strp part broke off in the middle part that actually read my heart rate. I'm not sure if I can get out the remaining pieces and rig a new strap into it. :ohwell:
  • KendalBeee
    KendalBeee Posts: 2,269 Member
    . I am making a goal to go for at least 30 minutes on the elliptical though. Even if it is at a nice slow pace. Something is better than nothing.
    that's so true! just get moving, even if it is slow and not for a long time!

    yeah, I totally wasn't in the mood to workout last night but I made myself do 40 minutes on the elliptical. I normally do an hour but sometimes you just have to listen to your body.
  • cds2327
    cds2327 Posts: 439
    . I am making a goal to go for at least 30 minutes on the elliptical though. Even if it is at a nice slow pace. Something is better than nothing.
    that's so true! just get moving, even if it is slow and not for a long time!

    That's what I did. I'm just not feeling the exercise, but i at least got on the tready and walked 2 miles. even if it was at a slow pace, its better than sitting on my bum all day :)
  • cds2327
    cds2327 Posts: 439
    Thanks for the link Lacey! I'm just worried about getting a different brand than my hrm and it not working. I have a Reebok Precision XT and they are really hard to find.

    Can you just find the ellastic strap part to hook up to the HRM? Or do you need the whole thing?

    Blombie......maybe contact Reebok or whomever makes it and ask them???