I Eat Fast Food and It's Ok



  • CoachReddy
    CoachReddy Posts: 3,949 Member
    Chipotle is the best fast food ever.

    local food, free range chicken, grass fed beef. so good for you. :)
  • PikaKnight
    PikaKnight Posts: 34,971 Member
    Also, somewhere on this thread I think someone might be accusing me of calling someone 'obese', which I actually didn't write. Want to clear that up, too.

    No, if you go back a page or two - you'll see that those inquiries about the obese comment wasn't to you. It was to bombedpop.
  • PikaKnight
    PikaKnight Posts: 34,971 Member
    haha i'm proud of myself for staying out of this thread like i said i would. looks like its been fun without me. :tongue:

  • PikaKnight
    PikaKnight Posts: 34,971 Member
    Quoted from another thread:
    Being vegan and living in the mountains 30 min from the closest fast food place has basically made it so that I never eat it. I believe I have had it twice in the last 8 months. A small fry once, and a bean burrito from taco bell. I so seldom eat it that when I do I can taste how it isn't 100% real food.


    It isn't real food? *blink blink*


    How can a "food" that doesn't decay, mold, or fall apart after a long time be real food? A real burger and homemade fries would mold and get super nasty within a fairy short amount of time when left unrefrigerated. Not mcdonalds



    Ummm....okay. That still doesn't make it not real food. Obviously it is food. You can say it isn't as healthy as a other foods..but it is still food.


    If it's not made out of real food, how does it suddenly become food just because you put it in your mouth? :)

    Okay everyone..it seems we've been eating air. WHO KNEW! *smh*
  • WinnerVictorious
    WinnerVictorious Posts: 4,735 Member
    Being vegan and living in the mountains 30 min from the closest fast food place has basically made it so that I never eat it. I believe I have had it twice in the last 8 months. A small fry once, and a bean burrito from taco bell. I so seldom eat it that when I do I can taste how it isn't 100% real food.


    It isn't real food? *blink blink*


    How can a "food" that doesn't decay, mold, or fall apart after a long time be real food? A real burger and homemade fries would mold and get super nasty within a fairy short amount of time when left unrefrigerated. Not mcdonalds



    Ummm....okay. That still doesn't make it not real food. Obviously it is food. You can say it isn't as healthy as a other foods..but it is still food.


    If it's not made out of real food, how does it suddenly become food just because you put it in your mouth? :)

    it's not such a mystery. humans have been doing this to food for thousands of years...


    is a grape no longer "real" food simply because i leave it out in the sun long enough to become a raisin?
  • PikaKnight
    PikaKnight Posts: 34,971 Member
    I wish I had had that answer in the thread that this popped up in. *smh* Thanks!!!!! :happy: :flowerforyou:
  • AnvilHead
    AnvilHead Posts: 18,344 Member
    ...Context and dosage apply here to everything I'm saying...
    ...a point that many seem to have missed (or chosen to ignore) entirely.
  • SteveJWatson
    SteveJWatson Posts: 1,225 Member
    But P.S. I do think eating fast food regularly is morally wrong. It's bad for our small family farms, uses way more fossil fuels than eating locally, contributes to the use of antibiotics and hormones in the food system, etc. So if all that is good with you on a regular basis, go for it.

    A sheep farmer writes:

    Please have a lamb kebab instead. Thankyou. :tongue:
  • tracymnx
    tracymnx Posts: 105
    My mantra is 'everything in moderation' but I have to say, I think the majority of fast food tastes crap and im hungry an hour later so not worth the calories IMO.

    However, I will happily devour an entire large anchovy or meat feast pizza in one sitting if the mood takes me.. With some booze to wash it down of course!
  • saltedcaramel86
    saltedcaramel86 Posts: 238 Member
    Everything in moderation, I say. Got to say though that McD's NEVER used to live up to my expectation. I used to crave it bad some days but when I had it, was always left disappointed. Now I don't eat meat but the fast food places around here cook the "vegetarian" options in the same oil as chicken. hmmmmm......

    However, I like eating out, or will happily chomp on a veggie pizza if the mood takes me. AND I eat chocolate daily. Hasn't hindered me any!
  • tndejong
    tndejong Posts: 463
    i am 13 days into this. 1 went to mcdonalds twice yesterday! breakfast a had a large sugar free ice coffee and a sausage mc muffin without cheese. then i had a bday party at mcdonalds for my lunch. i had two hamburgers and fries.. i also had a tiny piece of bday cake! i walked my dog and hour and a half that morning and half hour on the elliptical. balanced my calories out just fine! plus still had an awesome salad for dinner and two oranges! fast food doesnt have to be bad unless you make it bad. mc donalds was part of why i gained weight. but im thinking smarter and exercising now while im enjoying it. were only human to want it. and i do like the fries lol!
  • lucasriggs
    I wish I had money for fast food regularly. :sad:

    Instead I'm subjected to buying cheap frozen pre-cooked chicken and frozen veggies.
  • MallyPie
    I ate 2 McRibs for lunch yesterday, and?

    The McRib has 72 ingredients YUM! One of them is a bleaching agent that goes into yoga mats. Did it taste delicious? McDonald's describes the McRib as a "meat product". No thanks!
  • tigersword
    tigersword Posts: 8,059 Member
    I ate 2 McRibs for lunch yesterday, and?

    The McRib has 72 ingredients YUM! One of them is a bleaching agent that goes into yoga mats. Did it taste delicious? McDonald's describes the McRib as a "meat product". No thanks!
    Do you know that there's an industrial lubricant, degreaser, and chemical agent used to keep radioactive nuclear power plants operating that also happens to be a very common food additive? Can you guess what it is?

    ...It's water.

    Just because something has a non-food use, doesn't make it a bad thing.
  • tifferz_91
    tifferz_91 Posts: 282 Member
    I personally don't mind enjoying fast food at least twice a month or so.

    Anyone can eat whatever they want.

    It's not my mouth, money, nor health *shrug*.