is getting implants worth it?



  • TheConsciousFoody
    TheConsciousFoody Posts: 607 Member
    Sorry this is going to sound rude. But I don't really mind. I can't believe more people haven't jumped on this wagon.

    You're only 18?! Dude, someone please back me up on this--you shouldn't be making decisions about things like that when you're 18. For multiple reasons. 1) it's dang expensive. 2) you haven't had kids. Do you plan on having kids? Implants can affect things like that. 3) breast size changes up through your early to mid-20s. Give it a few more years and see what happens to your body.

    Uh implants don't "affect" the ability to have kids......
  • daylily2005
    daylily2005 Posts: 203 Member
    Sorry this is going to sound rude. But I don't really mind. I can't believe more people haven't jumped on this wagon.

    You're only 18?! Dude, someone please back me up on this--you shouldn't be making decisions about things like that when you're 18. For multiple reasons. 1) it's dang expensive. 2) you haven't had kids. Do you plan on having kids? Implants can affect things like that. 3) breast size changes up through your early to mid-20s. Give it a few more years and see what happens to your body.

    Uh implants don't "affect" the ability to have kids......

    oh geez I'm not that stupid. I mean breastfeeding. I know it doesn't always, but sometimes it can affect the ability to breastfeed. Depending on your thoughts on breastfeeding...(logic leads on from there)
  • Do it if it's what you really want.
    I mean I'm pretty positive I'm getting them once I lose the weight.
    I've always been pretty flat chested and I want them to feel more happy without myself.
    If it's what will make you happier, go for it.
  • chrissilini
    chrissilini Posts: 77 Member
    Huh. As someone that had to have both breasts removed at the age of 41 because of breast cancer, appreciate what you have. Mine were small but they were mine.Yes, I do have implants but if I had to do all over again I don't know that I would. My situation is different than a normal cosmetic enhancement but the problems that others have mentioned are real and happen all of the time. And it can make cancer detection more difficult.

    18 seems young to be making a decision like that. But, these days nothing surprises me. To each his own I suppose.
  • TheConsciousFoody
    TheConsciousFoody Posts: 607 Member
    Sorry this is going to sound rude. But I don't really mind. I can't believe more people haven't jumped on this wagon.

    You're only 18?! Dude, someone please back me up on this--you shouldn't be making decisions about things like that when you're 18. For multiple reasons. 1) it's dang expensive. 2) you haven't had kids. Do you plan on having kids? Implants can affect things like that. 3) breast size changes up through your early to mid-20s. Give it a few more years and see what happens to your body.

    Uh implants don't "affect" the ability to have kids......

    oh geez I'm not that stupid. I mean breastfeeding. I know it doesn't always, but sometimes it can affect the ability to breastfeed. Depending on your thoughts on breastfeeding...(logic leads on from there)

    Actually the type of incision done is what can affect breastfeeding. Its more common for women who have breast reduction surgery and lifts to have issues breastfeeding than those whi get just a breast augmentation. I had implants and a lift, with the incision that MIGHT affect breastfeeding and I breast fed my youngest just fine.
  • so i've been thinking about getting breast implants after reaching my goal in muscle and body fat percentage. i've always been very conscious about my bra size and now as i've lost a lot of inches off my chest (from 36C to 32B) i really feel less attractive to males. i've been told to gain weight back by some guys, but if i gained it back, i'd also get the belly pooch, thunder thighs and lots of cellulite back. i want to be a 34D. unfortunately, it would cost me a lot of money, considering that after reaching my fitness goal, i'd be an A cup or even an AA. do you think it's worth the money?

  • Doodlewhopper
    Doodlewhopper Posts: 1,018 Member
    A good looking gal is a good looking gal. After looking at your pics I gotta say, if you arent having to beat the guys off now, implants arent gonna give you what you need. Physically, you dont need to improve anything.
  • JaimeLaRae
    JaimeLaRae Posts: 279 Member
    I have had mine for almost 8 years. The reason I did, was because, at the time I had lost a lot of weight & after having a kid, they were well, kind of deflated. Oh, and I was newly divorced. LOL I just wanted to fill them back up! I went from a B to a D & now that I've gained more weight than I had lost at that time... well, they make me look even more fat (and I'm in a DD at 5'2"). LOL Do I regret them? No. I cant wait to get back down to that weight I was at before and rock them! LOL Now, that all being said, because I was just filling up the flat tires, mine still look pretty natural. If I had it to do over, I would have opted for a smaller implant and done a lift along with it. The choice is yours, best wishes! :smile:

    Oh, mine are also saline, round, textured, under the muscle & the scars are in my armpit.

    Also, did I just see you are only 18? Give it a little time...
  • HealthyAlison
    HealthyAlison Posts: 112 Member
    I'm not completely opposed to implants. It's an individual decision, and I may end up with them myself in a couple of years depending on how my body changes. As others have pointed out, 18 seems very young. I look at friends I had at age 18 and it's clear that some of them had not finished growing and changing by age 18. Also, the risk of the implants doing damage to your ability to breastfeed would cause me to wait at your age.

    You mentioned wanting to be attractive to men. Personally, I don't want the kind of man who needs over-sized boobs to find a woman attractive. I want someone who finds me beautiful for my entire person. Of course that includes finding me physically attractive, but I need to mean more to a partner than big boobs.

    Good luck with your decision!

    (edited for spelling)
  • at the end of the day is entirley your decision.

    Its how YOU feel about YOUR body.. it should have nothing to do with "being attactive to the opposite sex", but how the implants will enhance YOU and YOUR self esteem and confidence. ultimately making you the best person you can be :)

    Some people hear the word "implants" and assume you are going to get tits like dolly parton or pamela anderson, if you get them at a natural size to compliment YOUR body they look great.

    If you are doing it for all the RIGHT reasons, i say GO FOR IT.
  • Aviva92
    Aviva92 Posts: 2,333 Member
    Huh. As someone that had to have both breasts removed at the age of 41 because of breast cancer, appreciate what you have. Mine were small but they were mine.Yes, I do have implants but if I had to do all over again I don't know that I would. My situation is different than a normal cosmetic enhancement but the problems that others have mentioned are real and happen all of the time. And it can make cancer detection more difficult.

    18 seems young to be making a decision like that. But, these days nothing surprises me. To each his own I suppose.

    yeah, these are my thoughts on breast implants. i keep hearing about people getting breast cancer. that just makes me so much more appreciative of my A's.
  • Aviva92
    Aviva92 Posts: 2,333 Member
    at the end of the day is entirley your decision.

    Its how YOU feel about YOUR body.. it should have nothing to do with "being attactive to the opposite sex", but how the implants will enhance YOU and YOUR self esteem and confidence. ultimately making you the best person you can be :)

    Some people hear the word "implants" and assume you are going to get tits like dolly parton or pamela anderson, if you get them at a natural size to compliment YOUR body they look great.

    If you are doing it for all the RIGHT reasons, i say GO FOR IT.

    still not sure how it could possibly have nothing to do with being attractive to the opposite sex or to be attractive to someone. what other reason would people even do it?
  • DamnImASexyBitch
    DamnImASexyBitch Posts: 740 Member
    I'm naturally a 38DD. I would give anything to be a C. So I guess everyone thinks the grass is greener on the other side. I would NOT advocate implants. I know a lot of people who have had them, and while happy with them at first, they always found something wrong with them later. Either they wanted to go bigger, they weren't placed 100% correctly, they leaked, ect.
  • Colbyandsage
    Colbyandsage Posts: 751 Member
    I have thought about it a few times. I went from a 36C to a 33B when I lost 30 lbs.

    I am afraid of surgery so I never took the plunge. Honestly, I would try lifting first. I am starting my 3rd month of p90x and in 2 months, mine have perked up from all the push-ups. They may be small but the your perfect even after 2 kids :flowerforyou:
  • runnerchick69
    runnerchick69 Posts: 317 Member
    It is a very personal decision and one only you can make. For myself, after losing such a substantial amount of weight I was left with no real breast tissue. Two years ago I went to a plastic surgeon to discuss my options. I was hoping for just a breast lift but due to the massive weight loss, and the lack of tissue as I mentioned above, implants were the best option. So a few months later I had surgery and I have not regretted that decision even once. At first I kind of felt vain doing it and only told a few people but my Ob/gyn scolded me for thinking I was vain. He said do you feel better about yourself, I said yes, he said do you have your confidence back, I said I do, he said well then please tell me what is vain about that...ok enough said :wink:
  • VorJoshigan
    VorJoshigan Posts: 1,106 Member
    If you're doin' it for dudes, don't bother. If you're doing it for YOU, do you're due diligence with research & have at it.
  • Betty_Canada
    Betty_Canada Posts: 85 Member
    My mother got saline implants after she had me and seemed quite happy with them. To the best of my knowledge she's never had them "replaced", but about ten years ago, she fell and broke one, so she had them removed. (She's 64 now.)

    I agree with many others here in suggesting that you wait. The female human breast continues to develop into the mid to late twenties and you may just be between stages of breast growth. If the problem is that you've got nothing "on top", wait it out a few years before making that decision; upper breast tissue is the LAST to develop, if I remember correctly.

    Tanner Scale: (five stages of breast development) - this site says it stops at 18-19, but anecdotal evidence implies that may not always be the case; I grew through my mid-20s, as have a number of others in this thread

    Also, looking at your frame, you would look very disproportionate with D-cups, I suspect. Not to mention the constant back and neck pain and the expense of properly supportive bras (I work with someone who considers $200 for a bra that adequately supports her to be a bargain).

    On a personal level, when my body settles out during this lifestyle transition, I might look into the Brava system. Funny that I'm Canadian and have never heard of it.

    I have PCOS, and so my upper breast tissue never developed correctly - I joke that I have a shortchanged pair of B-shaped lemons. (I'm between an A and a B, really.) For me, natural enhancement of half a cup size to a cup size would be an ideal solution to an issue that I have been self conscious about all of my life. No need for the fat transfer part, even. So THANK YOU for posting that information! (I can't see the poster's name any more, but you know who you are.)

  • upgetupgetup
    upgetupgetup Posts: 749 Member
    I think do as you please, but fully inform yourself first. Lots of women are happy with it (and don't eg go on to futher surgery, etc), but this is a multiple surgery solution - count on at least 2 more throughout your lifetime. Plus maybe MRIs for cancer screens, depending. Budget pain, recovery time, and money for that.

    There are umpteen variables that affect the aesthetic outcome, lots of different techniques, materials, etc. Especially research the surgeons in your area. Don't try to save money. Get the best boobs you can.

    Your body will change a bit over the next 5-6 years, too.

    **My personal opinion, totally just opinion**: if the shape is nice, and there's no or minimal sag, etc, size shouldn't really be a big deal - it's just a different look. And that's a lot of risk and money for a different look.

    IMO, it's a different story if there's been a big change in all the above because of weight loss, pregnancy, etc. There are lots of beautiful pear-shaped women out there, with firm, toned bodies. It's annoying that they tend to be more appreciated outside of North America.

    If you did go for it, I think there's less chance of unsatisfactory aesthetic outcomes if you go smaller than bigger. But size of implant makes no difference in terms of health risk.

    I have thought about it.
  • Minnesota_Nice
    Minnesota_Nice Posts: 414 Member
    I always wanted an implanted third nipple....
  • TheConsciousFoody
    TheConsciousFoody Posts: 607 Member
    at the end of the day is entirley your decision.

    Its how YOU feel about YOUR body.. it should have nothing to do with "being attactive to the opposite sex", but how the implants will enhance YOU and YOUR self esteem and confidence. ultimately making you the best person you can be :)

    Some people hear the word "implants" and assume you are going to get tits like dolly parton or pamela anderson, if you get them at a natural size to compliment YOUR body they look great.

    If you are doing it for all the RIGHT reasons, i say GO FOR IT.

    still not sure how it could possibly have nothing to do with being attractive to the opposite sex or to be attractive to someone. what other reason would people even do it?

    Oh sweetie...I have a gorgeous face and a sweet *kitten*, I didn't get implants to attract the opposite sex because I had qualities that made that possible already. I got them because I wanted to feel more comfortable in my skin and because I'm an adult and I can. I hated how they looked after two kids so I got them done.