is getting implants worth it?



  • JennyLisT
    JennyLisT Posts: 402 Member
    at the end of the day is entirley your decision.

    Its how YOU feel about YOUR body.. it should have nothing to do with "being attactive to the opposite sex", but how the implants will enhance YOU and YOUR self esteem and confidence. ultimately making you the best person you can be :)

    Some people hear the word "implants" and assume you are going to get tits like dolly parton or pamela anderson, if you get them at a natural size to compliment YOUR body they look great.

    If you are doing it for all the RIGHT reasons, i say GO FOR IT.

    still not sure how it could possibly have nothing to do with being attractive to the opposite sex or to be attractive to someone. what other reason would people even do it?

    It makes me sad to see how many women don't seem to enjoy their breasts on a personal level. No one else needs to enjoy them for them to be important to me.
  • TheConsciousFoody
    TheConsciousFoody Posts: 607 Member
    at the end of the day is entirley your decision.

    Its how YOU feel about YOUR body.. it should have nothing to do with "being attactive to the opposite sex", but how the implants will enhance YOU and YOUR self esteem and confidence. ultimately making you the best person you can be :)

    Some people hear the word "implants" and assume you are going to get tits like dolly parton or pamela anderson, if you get them at a natural size to compliment YOUR body they look great.

    If you are doing it for all the RIGHT reasons, i say GO FOR IT.

    still not sure how it could possibly have nothing to do with being attractive to the opposite sex or to be attractive to someone. what other reason would people even do it?

    It makes me sad to see how many women don't seem to enjoy their breasts on a personal level. No one else needs to enjoy them for them to be important to me.

    So you don't wear makeup? You've never dyed your hair? Shave your legs?
  • JennyLisT
    JennyLisT Posts: 402 Member
    at the end of the day is entirley your decision.

    Its how YOU feel about YOUR body.. it should have nothing to do with "being attactive to the opposite sex", but how the implants will enhance YOU and YOUR self esteem and confidence. ultimately making you the best person you can be :)

    Some people hear the word "implants" and assume you are going to get tits like dolly parton or pamela anderson, if you get them at a natural size to compliment YOUR body they look great.

    If you are doing it for all the RIGHT reasons, i say GO FOR IT.

    still not sure how it could possibly have nothing to do with being attractive to the opposite sex or to be attractive to someone. what other reason would people even do it?

    It makes me sad to see how many women don't seem to enjoy their breasts on a personal level. No one else needs to enjoy them for them to be important to me.

    So you don't wear makeup? You've never dyed your hair? Shave your legs?

    Never, never, and if you talked to my boyfriend, you'd laugh at the last one.

    Edited to say that I actually have dyed my hair...for charitable purposes.
  • imchicbad
    imchicbad Posts: 1,650 Member
    I looked at your profile pictures:

    1. get rid of that stupid duck face photo....for crying out loud.
    2. Your body looks proportioned to me.
    3. if you dont have kids or lost over 100 lbs i dont see any reason for implants. especialy the reason you give...they way you explain it, being "men dont like small breast" is the WRONG reason to do it.

    You really need to think this over. Men are the last reason you should consider surgery period. You look fine to me., besides your only 18 years old your body is still changing. I think your way to young to be considering surgery especially when theres nothing wrong with you.
  • lol and im here trying to get rid of my D cup..!
  • Nissi51
    Nissi51 Posts: 381 Member
    You are 18, trust me, you have no idea what you really want! And if your reason is so that guys will find you attractive, you really need to wait.
    Forget the boobs and put the money in savings. If you still want them when you are 30, then go for it.
  • runnerchick69
    runnerchick69 Posts: 317 Member
    at the end of the day is entirley your decision.

    Its how YOU feel about YOUR body.. it should have nothing to do with "being attactive to the opposite sex", but how the implants will enhance YOU and YOUR self esteem and confidence. ultimately making you the best person you can be :)

    Some people hear the word "implants" and assume you are going to get tits like dolly parton or pamela anderson, if you get them at a natural size to compliment YOUR body they look great.

    If you are doing it for all the RIGHT reasons, i say GO FOR IT.

    still not sure how it could possibly have nothing to do with being attractive to the opposite sex or to be attractive to someone. what other reason would people even do it?

    Oh sweetie...I have a gorgeous face and a sweet *kitten*, I didn't get implants to attract the opposite sex because I had qualities that made that possible already. I got them because I wanted to feel more comfortable in my skin and because I'm an adult and I can. I hated how they looked after two kids so I got them done.

    Thank you for stating the obvious! I did this for me, not for anyone else and I'm not sure why there are people that have a hard time understanding that. I workout with a woman who lost 130 pounds. She had her arms and stomach done and after talking to me she is thinking about having her breasts done now. She and I have had some great conversations about it and she is doing it for the same reason you and I did, to feel more comfortable in our skin and as my Ob/gyn said, there is simply nothing vain or wrong with that :smile:
  • runnerchick69
    runnerchick69 Posts: 317 Member
    lol and im here trying to get rid of my D cup..!

    Yep, I have a friend who needed a reduction...if only I just could have had some of hers LOL
  • Do what you want, but make sure you do your research. Breast Implants are a lot of money, and aren't something you just pay for once and then ur done. every 5-10 years or something you have to get them replaced and that'll costs money. Also, you'll have to sleep on your back from now on, which could be uncomfortable. They could also potentially cause back problems. If you're doing it to attract men, then if you get them you could start attracting more men but for the wrong reasons, a decent guy won't care about your breast size. If you still think it's worth it after comparing the pros and cons (and you think you have the money)...then go for it. Personally I've never seen implants that look good.
  • SelfHelpJunky
    SelfHelpJunky Posts: 205 Member
    I was considering getting implants for a long time. The one thing that stopped me was having kids in the future. I'm not talking just about breastfeeding...I know that several women with implants were able to breastfeed with no problems. But I wasn't about to shell out thousands of dollars for a procedure when I knew that having kids was a possibility, and no matter what, I know that will change my body in ways I can't control. If I don't know what the end result is going to be post-kid(s), then it's a waste of time and money!

    Plus, implants don't last may find yourself having to pay for "maintenance" every ten years or so. Even so, I still might get them after having kids. I've always felt that my small chest was out of proportion with the rest of my body. Luckily, I found a great guy that thinks I have the sexiest body on the planet. If you're with a guy who doesn't make you feel like that, get rid of him ASAP because you are a beautiful girl! The choice is yours, but ultimately it's gotta be for YOU, just like others have said.

    Best of luck!
  • Roni_M
    Roni_M Posts: 717 Member
    My daughter (who is 19) loves the push up add-a-cup bras. When she is going out and wants cleavage she wears it and when she is doing athletic stuff (she's a cheerleader) she can manage fine with a sports bra. Kind of the best of both worlds.

    The vast majority of guys like boobs of all sizes and as you get older this kind of thing matters less and less (for both women and men). Most men (not boys) want to be with someone who treats them well, respects them and let's them be who they are (shockingly the same thing that most women want). In long term loving relationships, boob size is not a factor.

    If you were my daughter, I would tell you that you don't need them to attract the RIGHT guy. He'll find you and love everything about you.

    I understand that ultimately it is your decision.... BUT, I am in agreement with the others that so many things will change in your life that how you feel at 18 is not necessarily how you'll feel at 25 or 30.

    My oldest daughter who is 23, recently thanked me for not allowing her to get a tattoo at 16. She's got 3 now, but says she's happy I didn't let her get the one she wanted when she was 16, because she would have hated it now (tramp stamp). Her taste runs more towards "artistic" now and her tattoos are beautiful floral designs that hold meaning to her. Just an example on how opinions change as you get older.
  • Aviva92
    Aviva92 Posts: 2,333 Member
    at the end of the day is entirley your decision.

    Its how YOU feel about YOUR body.. it should have nothing to do with "being attactive to the opposite sex", but how the implants will enhance YOU and YOUR self esteem and confidence. ultimately making you the best person you can be :)

    Some people hear the word "implants" and assume you are going to get tits like dolly parton or pamela anderson, if you get them at a natural size to compliment YOUR body they look great.

    If you are doing it for all the RIGHT reasons, i say GO FOR IT.

    still not sure how it could possibly have nothing to do with being attractive to the opposite sex or to be attractive to someone. what other reason would people even do it?

    Oh sweetie...I have a gorgeous face and a sweet *kitten*, I didn't get implants to attract the opposite sex because I had qualities that made that possible already. I got them because I wanted to feel more comfortable in my skin and because I'm an adult and I can. I hated how they looked after two kids so I got them done.

    i still think you did it somewhat for other people.
  • No Thanks Stay Natty
  • nexangelus
    nexangelus Posts: 2,080 Member
    I am an A cup when lean and B cup when less lean...I gave implants a brief thought a while back and decided I quite liked small/perky breasts (yes I am 38 and they are still pretty perky)...and if my beau was not happy with my chest then that was his issue, not mine (I have loved him through thick and thin literally)

    If it makes you really unhappy, uncomfortable and if what others think is important to you, then go for it. My own happiness is what counts to me now, after years of people pleasing and losing who I was completely...
  • iorahkwano
    iorahkwano Posts: 709 Member
    You can really feel the difference between a real boob and a fake boob. I was at a strip club last week for a birthday, and we asked one of the strippers if her boobs were real. She laughed, and said no. She grabbed my hand and had me feel one if her boobs & I could feel the implant! It felt like a ball or mass rolling around in there :/ It also looked kinda crazy when she laid down on the stage... Her boobs didn't move, they stuck up like big round tents.
  • 1shauna1
    1shauna1 Posts: 993 Member
    I'm not against it...but would a D be too big for your frame (you seem small). Also, don't they eventually have to be re-done in 10-15 years? As mentioned, if you are doing this for yourself, then go for it (start saving money now). If you're not...maybe rethink your thoughts on it. They do make some great push up bras now!
  • _DaniD_
    _DaniD_ Posts: 2,186 Member
    It doesn't matter what any of us think. Do what makes you happy.
  • Aviva92
    Aviva92 Posts: 2,333 Member
    You can really feel the difference between a real boob and a fake boob. I was at a strip club last week for a birthday, and we asked one of the strippers if her boobs were real. She laughed, and said no. She grabbed my hand and had me feel one if her boobs & I could feel the implant! It felt like a ball or mass rolling around in there :/ It also looked kinda crazy when she laid down on the stage... Her boobs didn't move, they stuck up like big round tents.

    that's gross.
  • trojanbb
    trojanbb Posts: 1,297 Member
    You can really feel the difference between a real boob and a fake boob. I was at a strip club last week for a birthday, and we asked one of the strippers if her boobs were real. She laughed, and said no. She grabbed my hand and had me feel one if her boobs & I could feel the implant! It felt like a ball or mass rolling around in there :/ It also looked kinda crazy when she laid down on the stage... Her boobs didn't move, they stuck up like big round tents.

    That's awesome. :love:
  • I am planning on a lift with or without implants. Yoyo dieting, massive amounts of weight lost and gained, pregnancy, breastfeeding for two years each child and generally hating my boobies !!

    I might/might not get a mini tummy tuck...I've agreed to only undertake these when I've 6months of consecutive binge-free eating, eating clean, exericsing and taking care of me... then I will feel it'll be worth it.

    I was told if I just had a lift, I'd be a B cup and on my frame that would look funny! So, I'd like to stay my size 34DD or else go to a 34D...I'm nearly a 32 now! I can't wait to feel comfortable in certain intimate settings with my hubby (i.e. doggy style haha :) and not have to wear granny boobs so that'll mean I can wear halter dresses, spaghetti straps and one strapped type dresses!

    Not to mention my 3.5wk hols in Italy this summer! :)