Boy do I need to move out.



  • KarenJean91
    KarenJean91 Posts: 283 Member
    If you're not going to read my recent posts and ask me the same crap over and over again, don't post. There's no way for any of you to understand my life or self without knowing me in person. I'm a caring, thoughtful person who tries to do good for herself and others. I have a mass amount of respect for my mother. More than anyone. I shouldn't have used the word 'scolded' because that is not what i did. I don't think i could have asked her in a nicer, more respectful way. Shouldn't have been too lazy to include the exact conversation, since everyone was jumping down my throat.

    Good luck to all you people who need to work on their self esteem and for taking the anger they feel for themselves out on somebody they don't know a thing about.
  • lizdavis07
    lizdavis07 Posts: 766 Member
    If your mom buys the groceries, she has the right to buy whatever she wants. Losing weight and being healthy takes willpower and commitment, not by someone limiting your options.
  • KarenJean91
    KarenJean91 Posts: 283 Member
    Team KarenJean 4ever!

    The rest of you are absolute trash. Get over yourselves. None of you is perfect. Everyone's got their personal **** to deal with. And if berating someone on the internet makes you feel powerful, then you've got more problems than a 21 year old trying to figure out her life. GTFO.

    Thank you for supporting me through this mess. Was not expecting all this hate. Worded my post in a bad tone i guess and people freak out
  • sweetchildomine
    sweetchildomine Posts: 872 Member
    People on here can be so dumb sometimes ugh. People, if you were so perfect you wouldn't be here!!!


    I can COMPLETELY understand what the OP is saying!! I have it the SAME WAY. I'm a broke college student and there is NO WAY I can afford to move out right now. My Mom does the same thing to me! She will bring home a plate of brownies from work. Not one for herself but A WHOLE PLATE. Then she'll say "Well, you don't have to eat them." Seriously? Who the hell is not going to take a delicious fudge covered brownie from a plate that is sitting 2 feet away from them? That's like telling an alcoholic to go to an open bar and not drink anything lol I think the problem is that our Moms think our bodies are perfect already so they figure we're just being too hard on ourselves and we can afford to eat it lol. Yes, I suppose we need to work on our will power but I think that's normal. I'm not sure why people felt the need to be so rude about it.
  • saltedcaramel86
    saltedcaramel86 Posts: 238 Member
    I live with the parents until I save to move out. I also buy most of my own food (my parents still munch on mine though lol) and my mother will often buy pies, etc, for my dad and cakes for the fridge. She rarely eats desserts but I have a major sweet tooth so just work it into my cals occasionally. Just learn to say no.

    Every single time I visit my nan she'll offer me meat/pasties/sausage rolls/whatever even though I've been pescetarian for almost a year. I just laugh it off and say "no thanks"
  • coolraul07
    coolraul07 Posts: 1,606 Member
    You are going to have to learn to control yourself at some time or another. Unless your mom is holding you down and forcing you to eat this stuff, you do control whether or not you eat them. Personally I don't do well with deprivation...If there is something 'naughty' in the house and I want to eat it, I will. I just have a serving though. Maybe try that? Just having a little bit. Once you know you can 'always' have something, it loses it's grip on your mind so to speak.
    *THIS* <end thread>
  • jenlouise4
    jenlouise4 Posts: 48 Member
    You know what, just do what you feel. I see your POV in a way but also hope that your mum gets some appreciation for doing your shopping for you.
  • 3foldchord
    3foldchord Posts: 2,918 Member
    My husband hates pies. Has never eaten them. His mother still thinks he loves pies and brings a slice on a plate to him whenever we are over. He reminds her, she is shocked like she never knew this before, the world revolves.
  • sunsnstatheart
    sunsnstatheart Posts: 2,544 Member
    Has the OP moved out yet?
  • RushBabe214
    RushBabe214 Posts: 469 Member
    Has the OP moved out yet?

  • MyM0wM0w
    MyM0wM0w Posts: 2,008 Member
    Has the OP moved out yet?

  • gettheledout3372
    gettheledout3372 Posts: 13 Member
    "That's like telling an alcoholic to go to an open bar and not drink anything" - sweetchildomi hit the nail on the head. We're all here because, in one way or another, we didn't, and often, still don't have good self-control. The judgemental replies are a little surprising. If I'm the only one in the house who eats Oreos, I'm trying to lose weight and eat healthy, and my SO insisted on bringing me Oreos from the store every week, I'd tell her to stop buying g*d d*mn Oreos! We're here to *learn* self-control, but it doesn't all come at once. Until I've been eating right for a few months, I don't keep any junk food in the house, because I *can't* not eat the whole container.

    That being said, OP, your mom *might* be trying to give you a hint. But, if she is, sabotaging your healthy choices is a passive-aggressive, immature thing for a middle-aged woman to do to her daughter.

    This is the MOTIVATION and SUPPORT board people! It's where we come to be cut a little slack.

    ITT: People with self-control issues sh*tting on OP for her self-control issues.
  • lina1131
    lina1131 Posts: 2,246 Member
    I am so (not) surprised by some of the responses here. MOVE OUT. You're 21 get the hell out. Whatever.

    I lived with my mom and dad until I got married (26) and they loved it, and so did I. I worked, but my mom always cooked and made sure we were taken care of. What the hell is wrong with that? Are mom's suppose to kick your *kitten* out when you turn 18 now-a-days? This girl said that she was in school, there is NOTHING wrong with her living at home. And i'm most certain she wasn't being a snooty brat when she told her mom not to buy the food she can't eat. She probably (God forbid we assume the best in people) just asked her nicely in a discussion. Geez people. Maybe that is what is wrong with our kids these days, kick them the hell out when they are 18 instead of giving them love and affection and then when your *kitten* needs to be taken care of, don't wonder why you're in a nursing home.


    OP, in this case I would just have a nice conversation with your mom and ask her to please understand that you cannot eat that food but that you appreciate what she does.
  • Colombianchick29
    Colombianchick29 Posts: 298 Member
    Not that I don't sympathize, but that's the way life is. I can't expect my husband to stop buying his favorites just because it's hard for me to avoid eating them. Your mom is well within her rights as long as she isn't spending your money.

    ^ agree w/ the hubby part! My hubby is also is a sweet freak! I asked him to please hide his "stash" just to be considerate while I worked on getting my eating habits right. Luckily he was considerate enough to drink his starbucks before he came home LOL and also hides his stash =)
  • MaryB2
    MaryB2 Posts: 331 Member
    I am so (not) surprised by some of the responses here. MOVE OUT. You're 21 get the hell out. Whatever.

    I lived with my mom and dad until I got married (26) and they loved it, and so did I. I worked, but my mom always cooked and made sure we were taken care of. What the hell is wrong with that? Are mom's suppose to kick your *kitten* out when you turn 18 now-a-days? This girl said that she was in school, there is NOTHING wrong with her living at home. And i'm most certain she wasn't being a snooty brat when she told her mom not to buy the food she can't eat. She probably (God forbid we assume the best in people) just asked her nicely in a discussion. Geez people. Maybe that is what is wrong with our kids these days, kick them the hell out when they are 18 instead of giving them love and affection and then when your *kitten* needs to be taken care of, don't wonder why you're in a nursing home.



    OP, in this case I would just have a nice conversation with your mom and ask her to please understand that you cannot eat that food but that you appreciate what she does.

    I don't think anyone had a problem with her living with her mom and going to school. I think the problem is with her being unappreciative of the opportunity and by her own account being a snooty brat to her mom. She said she TOLD her not to buy it and SCOLDED her for doing so
  • KarenJean91
    KarenJean91 Posts: 283 Member
    I am so (not) surprised by some of the responses here. MOVE OUT. You're 21 get the hell out. Whatever.

    I lived with my mom and dad until I got married (26) and they loved it, and so did I. I worked, but my mom always cooked and made sure we were taken care of. What the hell is wrong with that? Are mom's suppose to kick your *kitten* out when you turn 18 now-a-days? This girl said that she was in school, there is NOTHING wrong with her living at home. And i'm most certain she wasn't being a snooty brat when she told her mom not to buy the food she can't eat. She probably (God forbid we assume the best in people) just asked her nicely in a discussion. Geez people. Maybe that is what is wrong with our kids these days, kick them the hell out when they are 18 instead of giving them love and affection and then when your *kitten* needs to be taken care of, don't wonder why you're in a nursing home.



    OP, in this case I would just have a nice conversation with your mom and ask her to please understand that you cannot eat that food but that you appreciate what she does.

    I don't think anyone had a problem with her living with her mom and going to school. I think the problem is with her being unappreciative of the opportunity and by her own account being a snooty brat to her mom. She said she TOLD her not to buy it and SCOLDED her for doing so

    k seriously, i replied DIRECTLY to you saying what i really said to my mom . I didn't scold her or tell her.
  • CoachReddy
    CoachReddy Posts: 3,949 Member
    I am so (not) surprised by some of the responses here. MOVE OUT. You're 21 get the hell out. Whatever.

    I lived with my mom and dad until I got married (26) and they loved it, and so did I. I worked, but my mom always cooked and made sure we were taken care of. What the hell is wrong with that? Are mom's suppose to kick your *kitten* out when you turn 18 now-a-days? This girl said that she was in school, there is NOTHING wrong with her living at home. And i'm most certain she wasn't being a snooty brat when she told her mom not to buy the food she can't eat. She probably (God forbid we assume the best in people) just asked her nicely in a discussion. Geez people. Maybe that is what is wrong with our kids these days, kick them the hell out when they are 18 instead of giving them love and affection and then when your *kitten* needs to be taken care of, don't wonder why you're in a nursing home.



    OP, in this case I would just have a nice conversation with your mom and ask her to please understand that you cannot eat that food but that you appreciate what she does.

    I don't think anyone had a problem with her living with her mom and going to school. I think the problem is with her being unappreciative of the opportunity and by her own account being a snooty brat to her mom. She said she TOLD her not to buy it and SCOLDED her for doing so

    k seriously, i replied DIRECTLY to you saying what i really said to my mom . I didn't scold her or tell her.

    people don't read the thread. they just read the first post or 5 and then post. so you're gonna keep seeing these ridiculous responses. it's a shame the admins aren't better about locking threads.
  • KarenJean91
    KarenJean91 Posts: 283 Member
    Yes, pleaaaaaaaaaaase lock this thread. I wish I could delete it. These people are driving me mad. And yeah, they don't read any of the responses so keep asking and saying the same idiotic things that i have already answered so many times.

    Why don't they let you delete posts you've started? Ugh, come on, MFP! :(
  • MaryB2
    MaryB2 Posts: 331 Member
    I am so (not) surprised by some of the responses here. MOVE OUT. You're 21 get the hell out. Whatever.

    I lived with my mom and dad until I got married (26) and they loved it, and so did I. I worked, but my mom always cooked and made sure we were taken care of. What the hell is wrong with that? Are mom's suppose to kick your *kitten* out when you turn 18 now-a-days? This girl said that she was in school, there is NOTHING wrong with her living at home. And i'm most certain she wasn't being a snooty brat when she told her mom not to buy the food she can't eat. She probably (God forbid we assume the best in people) just asked her nicely in a discussion. Geez people. Maybe that is what is wrong with our kids these days, kick them the hell out when they are 18 instead of giving them love and affection and then when your *kitten* needs to be taken care of, don't wonder why you're in a nursing home.



    OP, in this case I would just have a nice conversation with your mom and ask her to please understand that you cannot eat that food but that you appreciate what she does.

    I don't think anyone had a problem with her living with her mom and going to school. I think the problem is with her being unappreciative of the opportunity and by her own account being a snooty brat to her mom. She said she TOLD her not to buy it and SCOLDED her for doing so

    k seriously, i replied DIRECTLY to you saying what i really said to my mom . I didn't scold her or tell her.

    You replied directly to me trying to sound smart explaining what 'lol' means. When in reality you had made a punctuation error that made me ask the question I did. In turn making you look a little less than smart.
  • MaryB2
    MaryB2 Posts: 331 Member
    I am so (not) surprised by some of the responses here. MOVE OUT. You're 21 get the hell out. Whatever.

    I lived with my mom and dad until I got married (26) and they loved it, and so did I. I worked, but my mom always cooked and made sure we were taken care of. What the hell is wrong with that? Are mom's suppose to kick your *kitten* out when you turn 18 now-a-days? This girl said that she was in school, there is NOTHING wrong with her living at home. And i'm most certain she wasn't being a snooty brat when she told her mom not to buy the food she can't eat. She probably (God forbid we assume the best in people) just asked her nicely in a discussion. Geez people. Maybe that is what is wrong with our kids these days, kick them the hell out when they are 18 instead of giving them love and affection and then when your *kitten* needs to be taken care of, don't wonder why you're in a nursing home.



    OP, in this case I would just have a nice conversation with your mom and ask her to please understand that you cannot eat that food but that you appreciate what she does.

    I don't think anyone had a problem with her living with her mom and going to school. I think the problem is with her being unappreciative of the opportunity and by her own account being a snooty brat to her mom. She said she TOLD her not to buy it and SCOLDED her for doing so

    k seriously, i replied DIRECTLY to you saying what i really said to my mom . I didn't scold her or tell her.

    people don't read the thread. they just read the first post or 5 and then post. so you're gonna keep seeing these ridiculous responses. it's a shame the admins aren't better about locking threads.

    I have actually read all the posts. If you read them all you would have noticed that I replied to her response that she was talking about.