

  • XXXMinnieXXX
    XXXMinnieXXX Posts: 3,459 Member
    I eat lots of cheese and dairy and lose just fine. Just be wary of yogurts with too much sugar. Fage is a good brand no sugars added!
  • fatjavotte
    fatjavotte Posts: 96 Member
    I had to give up dairy because my(breastfed) daughter is allergic to cow's milk protein. I didn't lose any weight until I started to eat less.
  • mmapags
    mmapags Posts: 8,934 Member
    Dairy generally is high calorie - not including certain "skim" products that have been stripped/modified. By her saying not using dairy that obviously includes things like cheese, ice cream and a myriad of foods, normally processed that most consume on a daily basis.

    Milk is produced by lactating cows meant to feed baby cows, not us.
    There is pure accepted science that dairy is not only not that good for you, but overconsumption promotes a ton of bad things within your body. Its the inconvenient truth.

    Is most dairy high calorie? Hell yes. That said I think almost anything in moderation is fine.
    Please do post studies of this "pure accepted science that dairy is not good for you and that it promotes bad things in your body". From reputable sources of course.
  • Platypusimus
    Platypusimus Posts: 33 Member
    ALL the osteoperosis and brittle teeth!!

    To be fair - those result from lack of calcium, not dairy specifically.
    AND you need additional vitamins to ABSORB the calcium.

    Don't get me wrong, I love dairy. I don't really intend to give it up in my quest to lose weight/get healthy, but dairy isn't the only way to get calcium.

    Another note: humans are the only species that consumes another species' milk even after the initial need for breast milk at birth, and into adulthood.
  • freckles_cmj
    freckles_cmj Posts: 205 Member
    I should have been prepared for the inevitable vegan bashing if I voiced an opinion. and that the only sources you all seem to see as reputable are the ones you agree with.

    Go ahead...continue to drink your cow secretions and pus....knock yourselves out, suck an udder I dont care. Have a nice day
  • AnvilHead
    AnvilHead Posts: 18,344 Member
    ...Another note: humans are the only species that consumes another species' milk even after the initial need for breast milk at birth, and into adulthood.
    We're also the only species who exercise specifically for fitness and consciously count calories to lose weight. We're also the only species who read, write, drive cars, make/spend money, build rocketships, explore space, talk on cell phones, watch television, etc. What's your point?
  • ironanimal
    ironanimal Posts: 5,922 Member
    ...Another note: humans are the only species that consumes another species' milk even after the initial need for breast milk at birth, and into adulthood.
    We're also the only species who exercise specifically for fitness and consciously count calories to lose weight. We're also the only species who drive cars, make/spend money, build rocketships, explore space, talk on cell phones, watch television, etc. What's your point?
    Also the only species that wears clothes, bathes with anything other than just water, developed agriculture or that argues with members of its species about the morals of eating a particular food.
  • victoriannsays
    victoriannsays Posts: 568 Member
    this. is. rubbish.

    I eat yogurt, cheese, ice cream and drink ridiculous amounts of milk and I am not fat.
  • daniellealys
    daniellealys Posts: 301 Member
    Okay so I have always thought that low-fat dairy products help you to lose weight and have lots of protein and vitamins, ect...

    I saw the actress Megan Fox on tv (known to have an awesome body) shortly after she had a baby and she claims she got her figure back because she cuts out ALL dairy from her diet.

    She also went on to say that it messes with most people's hormones and if you want to be fat, then eat dairy and if you don't want to be fat, then don't eat dairy!

    Does this have any truth to it or is it total BS? I hope it's not true cause I LOVE mostly low fat cheese and greek yogart.
    Maybe this is why I can't lose my lower belly baby pouch and hips? Who knows... lol
    Anyone have experience with a no diary diet? Opinions?

    remove dairy from your diet and replace it with lean animal protein (chicken, turkey) i recommend you will feel amazing. and your bloating will go down. I have lost 30lbs and two sizes from removing dairy and gluten! seriously, seriously, do it.
  • AnvilHead
    AnvilHead Posts: 18,344 Member
    ...Another note: humans are the only species that consumes another species' milk even after the initial need for breast milk at birth, and into adulthood.
    We're also the only species who exercise specifically for fitness and consciously count calories to lose weight. We're also the only species who drive cars, make/spend money, build rocketships, explore space, talk on cell phones, watch television, etc. What's your point?
    Also the only species that wears clothes, bathes with anything other than just water, developed agriculture or that argues with members of its species about the morals of eating a particular food.
    We're also the only species who does scientific research about nutrients to optimize our diets instead of just eating whatever we can opportunistically kill or happen to find lying around in front of us. Unfortunately, we're also the only species who comes up with a lot of ridiculous hokum surrounding said diets. I've never seen cows arguing about whether or not they should exclude alfalfa from their diet because they think they're grain-sensitive, or whether maybe they should do a "detox" after eating so much grass.
  • 84woolf
    84woolf Posts: 153
    Dairy generally is high calorie - not including certain "skim" products that have been stripped/modified. By her saying not using dairy that obviously includes things like cheese, ice cream and a myriad of foods, normally processed that most consume on a daily basis.

    Milk is produced by lactating cows meant to feed baby cows, not us.
    There is pure accepted science that dairy is not only not that good for you, but overconsumption promotes a ton of bad things within your body. Its the inconvenient truth.

    Is most dairy high calorie? Hell yes. That said I think almost anything in moderation is fine.
    Please do post studies of this "pure accepted science that dairy is not good for you and that it promotes bad things in your body".
    From reputable sources of course.

    I don't need to. I personally know and I'm the only person I care enough about to school. Were all adults. If seriously interested, look yourself. Its not hard to find.
  • opalescence
    opalescence Posts: 413 Member
    this. is. rubbish.

    I eat yogurt, cheese, ice cream and drink ridiculous amounts of milk and I am not fat.

    you are stunning :flowerforyou:
  • mmapags
    mmapags Posts: 8,934 Member
    Dairy generally is high calorie - not including certain "skim" products that have been stripped/modified. By her saying not using dairy that obviously includes things like cheese, ice cream and a myriad of foods, normally processed that most consume on a daily basis.

    Milk is produced by lactating cows meant to feed baby cows, not us.
    There is pure accepted science that dairy is not only not that good for you, but overconsumption promotes a ton of bad things within your body. Its the inconvenient truth.

    Is most dairy high calorie? Hell yes. That said I think almost anything in moderation is fine.
    Please do post studies of this "pure accepted science that dairy is not good for you and that it promotes bad things in your body".
    From reputable sources of course.

    I don't need to. I personally know and I'm the only person I care enough about to school. Were all adults. If seriously interested, look yourself. Its not hard to find.

    Well then don't come and make claims that you can't back up. That's how it works. You make the claim, you provide the evidence. I've done the research and what I found is that some have a sensitivity to lactose and many don't. If you don't, there is no need to exclude dairy, so, I don't.

    You have come and made some fairly strong claims. They appear to be alarmist and not factual. That is why I requested proof from a reputable source. That's how people generally back up their claims and others reading know that they just didn't make up a bunch of stuff. You don't appear able to back up your claims so one can only come to the conclusion that they have no factual basis.
  • SideSteel
    SideSteel Posts: 11,068 Member
    Alarmism can make people orthorexic. This is a much bigger concern than dairy making someone fat, IMO.
  • Alex
    Alex Posts: 10,149 MFP Staff
    Dear Posters,

    I am concerned this topic is turning sour (pardon the pun) and I don't want to lock the topic if a constructive conversation can continue. However, when the community does not allow for objective responses the topic will become as a whole, divisive. When polarization of this kind happens topics will almost always be locked. Please be sure to follow all of our community guidelines when participating in the MFP Forums.

    From our Community Guidelines:
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    MFP Community Manager
  • jvbrooks
    jvbrooks Posts: 82 Member
    We're also the only species who exercise specifically for fitness and consciously count calories to lose weight.

    Also the only species who aren't designed to be overweight who get overweight!
  • janesmith1
    janesmith1 Posts: 1,511 Member
    OP, my MIL never drank milk but she is Swedish. She is BENT OVER from Osteoporosis & is hospitalized permanently.

    I lived in SF for many years and there's a large Asian community. Many Asians do not drink milk/have dairy. Check out how many elderly men & women are literally bent over in any Chinatown Anywhere.

    Every scientific nutrition study I've ready says to toss the supplements and get your nutritional needs met by eating the right foods.

    I have another online friend (white) who said her MIL never drank milk....and she also had horrible Osteoporosis. There is no cure for it.

    I drink milk and eat lots of dairy. Make a scientific decision based on sound medical advice.
  • sjohnny
    sjohnny Posts: 56,142 Member
    Okay so I have always thought that low-fat dairy products help you to lose weight and have lots of protein and vitamins, ect...

    I saw the actress Megan Fox on tv (known to have an awesome body) shortly after she had a baby and she claims she got her figure back because she cuts out ALL dairy from her diet.

    She also went on to say that it messes with most people's hormones and if you want to be fat, then eat dairy and if you don't want to be fat, then don't eat dairy!

    Does this have any truth to it or is it total BS? I hope it's not true cause I LOVE mostly low fat cheese and greek yogart.
    Maybe this is why I can't lose my lower belly baby pouch and hips? Who knows... lol
    Anyone have experience with a no diary diet? Opinions?

    remove dairy from your diet and replace it with lean animal protein (chicken, turkey) i recommend you will feel amazing. and your bloating will go down. I have lost 30lbs and two sizes from removing dairy and gluten! seriously, seriously, do it.

    I will take your recommendation to feel amazing. I will reject the idea of removing dairy and gluten from my diet..... I mean lifestyle.
  • serapi
    serapi Posts: 197 Member
    Okay so I have always thought that low-fat dairy products help you to lose weight and have lots of protein and vitamins, ect...

    I saw the actress Megan Fox on tv (known to have an awesome body) shortly after she had a baby and she claims she got her figure back because she cuts out ALL dairy from her diet.

    She also went on to say that it messes with most people's hormones and if you want to be fat, then eat dairy and if you don't want to be fat, then don't eat dairy!

    Does this have any truth to it or is it total BS? I hope it's not true cause I LOVE mostly low fat cheese and greek yogart.
    Maybe this is why I can't lose my lower belly baby pouch and hips? Who knows... lol
    Anyone have experience with a no diary diet? Opinions?

    Dairy DOES NOT make you fat. Excess calories make you fat.