

  • tiffany5839
    tiffany5839 Posts: 104 Member
    I eat dairy but stay in my calorie goal and do notice I can't get rid of my lower stomach or hips so I thought maybe it was worth a try to see if maybe it bloats me. I have never heard before that is messes with your hormones and makes u fat so I was wondering why Megan Fox would say that.
    I also have bad pms symptoms so I guess hearing that made me paranoid. I love low fat shredded cheese and parmesan on a lot of my food but I include it in my over all calories. Just curious...
  • MaximizedGains
    BRB, taking nutrition lessons from Megan Fox. Not srs.
  • UsedToBeHusky
    UsedToBeHusky Posts: 15,229 Member
    Dairy is for baby mammals, if you're not a baby mammal and you drink it, you will get fat

    He's being facetious.
  • Matt_Wild
    Matt_Wild Posts: 2,673 Member
    I would like to understand the science behind it. Sounds bunkum.
  • freckles_cmj
    freckles_cmj Posts: 205 Member
    Dairy is for baby mammals, if you're not a baby mammal and you drink it, you will get fat

  • lucasriggs
  • lucasriggs
    Dairy is for baby mammals, if you're not a baby mammal and you drink it, you will get fat


    He was being sarcastic.
  • miracole
    miracole Posts: 492 Member
    chocolate milk = excellent long run recovery fuel.

    Protein, Calcium and carbs? bring on the dairy!
  • UsedToBeHusky
    UsedToBeHusky Posts: 15,229 Member
    I eat dairy but stay in my calorie goal and do notice I can't get rid of my lower stomach or hips so I thought maybe it was worth a try to see if maybe it bloats me. I have never heard before that is messes with your hormones and makes u fat so I was wondering why Megan Fox would say that.
    I also have bad pms symptoms so I guess hearing that made me paranoid. I love low fat shredded cheese and parmesan on a lot of my food but I include it in my over all calories. Just curious...

    Some dairies give their cows RBST (not many). It could have an impact on your hormones, but milk is usually locally distributed. Ask the store which dairy they get their milk from and research them.

    Coincidentally, about the stomach and hips problem. Lifting will help with that.
  • moonsforeyes
    chocolate milk = excellent long run recovery fuel.

    Protein, Calcium and carbs? bring on the dairy!

  • dhakiyya
    dhakiyya Posts: 481 Member
    Dairy is for baby mammals, if you're not a baby mammal and you drink it, you will get fat

    except that populations that have practiced dairy farming or herding of milk producing animals have evolved the ability to digest lactose as adults

    if you're not lactose intolerant, then dairy products won't do you any harm and are a good source of nutrients. if it was that harmful, then dairy farming/herding populations wouldn't have survived.

    too much of any food makes you fat; eating more than you burn off makes you fat
  • Ge0rgiana
    Ge0rgiana Posts: 1,649 Member
    Yeah. Megan Fox. When I want expert advice on weight loss, that's who I think of first. :huh:

    Sorry to be rude, but consider your source. Get hormone free or organic dairy if you're worried about it.
  • BerryH
    BerryH Posts: 4,698 Member
    A study of clinical trials published by the International Journal of Obesity last year found that people who consumed the most dairy while on a calorie-restricted diet lost more weight than those who consumed less.

    Men's Health write-up here:

    Abstract here:

    "Increased dairy consumption without energy restriction might not lead to a significant change in weight or body composition; whereas inclusion of dairy products in energy-restricted weight loss diets significantly affects weight, body fat mass, lean mass and WC compared with that in the usual weight loss diets."
  • julesxo
    julesxo Posts: 422 Member
    It depends on your body's tolerance to dairy.
    Personally I limit my intake but I don't cut it out completely. Maybe try cutting down and see if it makes a difference?
  • tiffany5839
    tiffany5839 Posts: 104 Member
    Some dairies give their cows RBST (not many). It could have an impact on your hormones, but milk is usually locally distributed. Ask the store which dairy they get their milk from and research them.

    Coincidentally, about the stomach and hips problem. Lifting will help with that.

    Trust me I do lift! Lunges, squats, free weights, running, you name it...
  • Lift_This_
    Lift_This_ Posts: 2,756 Member
    Dairy is for baby mammals, if you're not a baby mammal and you drink it, you will get fat

    according to my mother, my sisters and i will always be her baby mammals...so i think its safe to still drink milk.
  • jagh09
    jagh09 Posts: 555 Member
    If Megan Fox says it, it has to be true! Goodbye dairy!

    Muwahahahhaa. My thoughts exactly. She's so smart.
  • SoDamnHungry
    SoDamnHungry Posts: 6,998 Member
    Megan Fox had a baby?
  • dhakiyya
    dhakiyya Posts: 481 Member
    She's an idiot!

    If she isn't drinking or eating any dairy, I sure hope she isn't breast-feeding that kid. He might be malnourished!
    (Was it a boy or girl? I have no idea.)

    dairy is not an essential food group, and women can successfully produce enough milk for their babies without consuming dairy products. If not then how did the human race survive before the domestication of milk producing animals?

    that said, nothing wrong with eating dairy if you can digest it and it's good for breastfeeding mothers, but it's not essential.