Women who lift heavy



  • taso42
    taso42 Posts: 8,980 Member
    At least I've actually done Starting Strength and Wendler's 5/3/1 for a substantial amount of time unlike most all of you.

    But you're right, my 16th post WAS a waste. I'm going to get back to real lifting forums where people actually have a single clue about lifting and assitance work.

    cool story bro
  • infamousmk
    infamousmk Posts: 6,033 Member
    At least I've actually done Starting Strength and Wendler's 5/3/1 for a substantial amount of time unlike most all of you.

    But you're right, my 16th post WAS a waste. I'm going to get back to real lifting forums where people actually have a single clue about lifting and assitance work.

    Pretty sure *most* of the women on this thread could smash your pretentious and obviously uneducated *kitten* through the floor. Please go back to bb.com and leave the grownups alone.
  • ZoeLifts
    ZoeLifts Posts: 10,347 Member
    At least I've actually done Starting Strength and Wendler's 5/3/1 for a substantial amount of time unlike most all of you.

    But you're right, my 16th post WAS a waste. I'm going to get back to real lifting forums where people actually have a single clue about lifting and assitance work.

    Oh, I didn't realize you had insight into our lifting routine. Congratulations to you for doing programs that myself and most of the other girls are doing (and have done) as well. I didn't know you were the first to discover those. I've done stronglifts, RPT, and Wendler's, I must be a fracking expert! We'll go ahead and chalk it up to you being a typical 24 year old that considers herself smarter than everyone else.
  • JezzD1
    JezzD1 Posts: 431
    At least I've actually done Starting Strength and Wendler's 5/3/1 for a substantial amount of time unlike most all of you.

    But you're right, my 16th post WAS a waste. I'm going to get back to real lifting forums where people actually have a single clue about lifting and assitance work.

    OH you have blown us away with your two references to a beginner book and an intermediate workout routine. My you are the goddess of the weightlifting in all your glory. pffft :laugh:
  • BusyRaeNOTBusty
    BusyRaeNOTBusty Posts: 7,166 Member
    At least I've actually done Starting Strength and Wendler's 5/3/1 for a substantial amount of time unlike most all of you.

    But you're right, my 16th post WAS a waste. I'm going to get back to real lifting forums where people actually have a single clue about lifting and assitance work.

    So in your opinion you think Starting Strength is better than the Strong Lifts recommended here? They are both based off Bill Star's program and are very similar to each other. However, Rippetoe's form videos are somewhat questionable, I prefer Elitelifts for form video.

    Wendler's program is not for beginners.

    We questioned the OP's use of 3 different bicep and triceps isolation exercises recommending instead to do a compound program like Strong Lifts. Judging by her "new" status, I doubt she was using them as "assistance" work to big compound lifts (as you do in Wednler's).

    Furthermore, most of us are insulted because you are implying that since we possess vaginas (as I imagine you do as well) that we know less about fitness than members of our species that do not. That is ridiculous. A lot of women have lifted for a decent amount of time, and have done the research to support our opinions.
  • myofibril
    myofibril Posts: 4,500 Member
    What specific exercises are you asking about ie: bicep dumbbell curl or barbell curl?

    Dumbbell curls
    Preacher curls with EZ bar
    Concentration curls
    Tricep extension with cable
    Tricep extension with dumbbell

    Is there any particular reason you are doing so much isolation work? Are you prepping for a contest or something?

    With regard to comparisons of strength levels it's a little pointless as it relies on so many variables including previous training, limb length etc.

    Stick to the basics: good form, intensity, progressive overload and you won't go far wrong.
  • DontStopB_Leakin
    DontStopB_Leakin Posts: 3,863 Member
    At least I've actually done Starting Strength and Wendler's 5/3/1 for a substantial amount of time unlike most all of you.

    But you're right, my 16th post WAS a waste. I'm going to get back to real lifting forums where people actually have a single clue about lifting and assitance work.

    Oh, I didn't realize you had insight into our lifting routine. Congratulations to you for doing programs that myself and most of the other girls are doing (and have done) as well. I didn't know you were the first to discover those. I've done stronglifts, RPT, and Wendler's, I must be a fracking expert! We'll go ahead and chalk it up to you being a typical 24 year old that considers herself smarter than everyone else.
    SO glad I'm not a typical 24 year old.
  • jofjltncb6
    jofjltncb6 Posts: 34,415 Member
    At least I've actually done Starting Strength and Wendler's 5/3/1 for a substantial amount of time unlike most all of you.

    But you're right, my 16th post WAS a waste. I'm going to get back to real lifting forums where people actually have a single clue about lifting and assitance work.

    That's it???


    Okay, people, nothing to see here.

    Move along.

    Move along.
  • maryjay52
    maryjay52 Posts: 557 Member
    why would someone be so nasty on here is beyond me ..we are all different folks with a common goal to make improvments with ourselves .... geeeesh
  • usmcmp
    usmcmp Posts: 21,220 Member
    At least I've actually done Starting Strength and Wendler's 5/3/1 for a substantial amount of time unlike most all of you.

    But you're right, my 16th post WAS a waste. I'm going to get back to real lifting forums where people actually have a single clue about lifting and assitance work.

    Good idea. Go to bodybuilding.com or something and see what happens when you talk about new lifters doing direct arm work.

    Yes! Wondering when you were going to show up. Girl, actual bodybuilding forums will eat you alive.
  • Fozzi43
    Fozzi43 Posts: 2,984 Member
    At least I've actually done Starting Strength and Wendler's 5/3/1 for a substantial amount of time unlike most all of you.

    But you're right, my 16th post WAS a waste. I'm going to get back to real lifting forums where people actually have a single clue about lifting and assitance work.

    Off you trot then sweetheart bysie bye!!!!
  • Sarauk2sf
    Sarauk2sf Posts: 28,072 Member
    Oh God, a bunch of n00bs who think they know everything about lifting. This is why you don't go to a fitness forum with 90% women.
    Says the 24 year old woman.

    Please, enlighten us with your wisdom. I'm dying with anticipation.

    We're waiting...

    I am interested in the words of wisdom she would like to impart also.
    Bout time you showed up!

    Well, I obviously could learn a thing or two as I have no idea about these cutting edge lifting programs that apparently no-one else on here has heard of.
  • scs143
    scs143 Posts: 2,190 Member
    Oh God, a bunch of n00bs who think they know everything about lifting. This is why you don't go to a fitness forum with 90% women.

    So GTFO
  • ZoeLifts
    ZoeLifts Posts: 10,347 Member
    At least I've actually done Starting Strength and Wendler's 5/3/1 for a substantial amount of time unlike most all of you.

    But you're right, my 16th post WAS a waste. I'm going to get back to real lifting forums where people actually have a single clue about lifting and assitance work.

    Oh, I didn't realize you had insight into our lifting routine. Congratulations to you for doing programs that myself and most of the other girls are doing (and have done) as well. I didn't know you were the first to discover those. I've done stronglifts, RPT, and Wendler's, I must be a fracking expert! We'll go ahead and chalk it up to you being a typical 24 year old that considers herself smarter than everyone else.
    SO glad I'm not a typical 24 year old.

    You, my dear, are definitely not! :smile:
  • yoovie
    yoovie Posts: 17,121 Member
    Oh God, a bunch of n00bs who think they know everything about lifting. This is why you don't go to a fitness forum with 90% women.

  • ItsCasey
    ItsCasey Posts: 4,022 Member
    I was almost ready to be on her side because she was right about assistance work ... for people who have an hour to kill and have already covered their bases with the big lifts, assistance work is fine. Not at all necessary, but fine. But when someone posts a topic called "Women who lift heavy" and proceeds to ask about biceps curls and triceps extensions, it's usually a safe bet that the person isn't currently doing any deadlifting, squatting, pressing, etc.

    Then, in her 17th post on the site, she went all "I've done two lifting programs, which is more than all of you," and it became clear she had reached the depth of her knowledge and would rather snap her fingers and stomp off than face the music and admit she acted like a douche.
  • Crankstr
    Crankstr Posts: 3,958 Member
    At least I've actually done Starting Strength and Wendler's 5/3/1 for a substantial amount of time unlike most all of you.

    But you're right, my 16th post WAS a waste. I'm going to get back to real lifting forums where people actually have a single clue about lifting and assitance work.

    Oh, I didn't realize you had insight into our lifting routine. Congratulations to you for doing programs that myself and most of the other girls are doing (and have done) as well. I didn't know you were the first to discover those. I've done stronglifts, RPT, and Wendler's, I must be a fracking expert! We'll go ahead and chalk it up to you being a typical 24 year old that considers herself smarter than everyone else.
    SO glad I'm not a typical 24 year old.

  • escloflowneCHANGED
    escloflowneCHANGED Posts: 3,038 Member
    At least I've actually done Starting Strength and Wendler's 5/3/1 for a substantial amount of time unlike most all of you.

    But you're right, my 16th post WAS a waste. I'm going to get back to real lifting forums where people actually have a single clue about lifting and assitance work.

  • DontStopB_Leakin
    DontStopB_Leakin Posts: 3,863 Member
    Oh God, a bunch of n00bs who think they know everything about lifting. This is why you don't go to a fitness forum with 90% women.
    Says the 24 year old woman.

    Please, enlighten us with your wisdom. I'm dying with anticipation.

    We're waiting...

    I am interested in the words of wisdom she would like to impart also.
    Bout time you showed up!

    Well, I obviously could learn a thing or two as I have no idea about these cutting edge lifting programs that apparently no-one else on here has heard of.

    I'm still waiting for some leet advice.
  • LittleTrollCupcake
    At least I've actually done Starting Strength and Wendler's 5/3/1 for a substantial amount of time unlike most all of you.

    But you're right, my 16th post WAS a waste. I'm going to get back to real lifting forums where people actually have a single clue about lifting and assitance work.

    Oh, I didn't realize you had insight into our lifting routine. Congratulations to you for doing programs that myself and most of the other girls are doing (and have done) as well. I didn't know you were the first to discover those. I've done stronglifts, RPT, and Wendler's, I must be a fracking expert! We'll go ahead and chalk it up to you being a typical 24 year old that considers herself smarter than everyone else.

    If you did any of those then you'd know the importance of assistance work.

    You are all touting the importance of doing and ONLY doing the main lifts.

    I'd love to see your *kitten* struggle on unassisted dips because you've never attempted them. OH! But you get enough tricep work on your main lifts? LOL! I'd love to see your tricep gains on bench and overhead press. Really, I would.
This discussion has been closed.