Women who lift heavy



  • mrau719
    mrau719 Posts: 288 Member
    DB curls: 30-35
    Preacher Curls: 50
    Tricep extension with cable-one arm I believe 17.5....I find these awkward so I really don't do them very often
    Tricep extension with DB-overhead 2 hand-40-45
    Skullcrushers--45? I'm having a blank and dont have my log right here with me

    The weight varies depending how many reps I do but right around there
  • Sarauk2sf
    Sarauk2sf Posts: 28,072 Member
    What specific exercises are you asking about ie: bicep dumbbell curl or barbell curl?

    Dumbbell curls
    Preacher curls with EZ bar
    Concentration curls
    Tricep extension with cable
    Tricep extension with dumbbell

    Now just replace the 6 above with the 6 below

    Bench Press
    Overhead Press
    Barbell Rows

    There's no need for that. People can choose to add assistance work after their main lifts. Most do.

    There is no need for compounds? If you do not have a compound as your main lift, what exactly do you suggest your main lift to be? Bicep curls?
  • Fozzi43
    Fozzi43 Posts: 2,984 Member
    At least I've actually done Starting Strength and Wendler's 5/3/1 for a substantial amount of time unlike most all of you.

    But you're right, my 16th post WAS a waste. I'm going to get back to real lifting forums where people actually have a single clue about lifting and assitance work.

    Oh, I didn't realize you had insight into our lifting routine. Congratulations to you for doing programs that myself and most of the other girls are doing (and have done) as well. I didn't know you were the first to discover those. I've done stronglifts, RPT, and Wendler's, I must be a fracking expert! We'll go ahead and chalk it up to you being a typical 24 year old that considers herself smarter than everyone else.

    If you did any of those then you'd know the importance of assistance work.

    You are all touting the importance of doing and ONLY doing the main lifts.

    I'd love to see your *kitten* struggle on unassisted dips because you've never attempted them. OH! But you get enough tricep work on your main lifts? LOL! I'd love to see your tricep gains on bench and overhead press. Really, I would.

    You still here???
  • Feisty_Red
    Feisty_Red Posts: 982 Member
    At least I've actually done Starting Strength and Wendler's 5/3/1 for a substantial amount of time unlike most all of you.

    But you're right, my 16th post WAS a waste. I'm going to get back to real lifting forums where people actually have a single clue about lifting and assitance work.

  • Sarauk2sf
    Sarauk2sf Posts: 28,072 Member
    At least I've actually done Starting Strength and Wendler's 5/3/1 for a substantial amount of time unlike most all of you.

    But you're right, my 16th post WAS a waste. I'm going to get back to real lifting forums where people actually have a single clue about lifting and assitance work.

    Oh, I didn't realize you had insight into our lifting routine. Congratulations to you for doing programs that myself and most of the other girls are doing (and have done) as well. I didn't know you were the first to discover those. I've done stronglifts, RPT, and Wendler's, I must be a fracking expert! We'll go ahead and chalk it up to you being a typical 24 year old that considers herself smarter than everyone else.

    If you did any of those then you'd know the importance of assistance work.

    You are all touting the importance of doing and ONLY doing the main lifts.

    I'd love to see your *kitten* struggle on unassisted dips because you've never attempted them. OH! But you get enough tricep work on your main lifts? LOL! I'd love to see your tricep gains on bench and overhead press. Really, I would.

    Context applies.
  • FullOfWin
    FullOfWin Posts: 1,414 Member
    At least I've actually done Starting Strength and Wendler's 5/3/1 for a substantial amount of time unlike most all of you.

    But you're right, my 16th post WAS a waste. I'm going to get back to real lifting forums where people actually have a single clue about lifting and assitance work.

    Oh, I didn't realize you had insight into our lifting routine. Congratulations to you for doing programs that myself and most of the other girls are doing (and have done) as well. I didn't know you were the first to discover those. I've done stronglifts, RPT, and Wendler's, I must be a fracking expert! We'll go ahead and chalk it up to you being a typical 24 year old that considers herself smarter than everyone else.

    If you did any of those then you'd know the importance of assistance work.

    You are all touting the importance of doing and ONLY doing the main lifts.

    I'd love to see your *kitten* struggle on unassisted dips because you've never attempted them. OH! But you get enough tricep work on your main lifts? LOL! I'd love to see your tricep gains on bench and overhead press. Really, I would.

    If you knew wtf you were talkin about, you'd know that SS specifically does NOT contain any isolation lifts, and that no 5/3/1 template includes any either aside from abs. Adding direct arm work to 5/3/1 is optional, but is not shown in any default template.
  • Barbellerella
    Barbellerella Posts: 1,838 Member
    At least I've actually done Starting Strength and Wendler's 5/3/1 for a substantial amount of time unlike most all of you.

    But you're right, my 16th post WAS a waste. I'm going to get back to real lifting forums where people actually have a single clue about lifting and assitance work.

    Oh, I didn't realize you had insight into our lifting routine. Congratulations to you for doing programs that myself and most of the other girls are doing (and have done) as well. I didn't know you were the first to discover those. I've done stronglifts, RPT, and Wendler's, I must be a fracking expert! We'll go ahead and chalk it up to you being a typical 24 year old that considers herself smarter than everyone else.

    If you did any of those then you'd know the importance of assistance work.

    You are all touting the importance of doing and ONLY doing the main lifts.

    I'd love to see your *kitten* struggle on unassisted dips because you've never attempted them. OH! But you get enough tricep work on your main lifts? LOL! I'd love to see your tricep gains on bench and overhead press. Really, I would.
  • Leadfoot_Lewis
    Leadfoot_Lewis Posts: 1,623 Member
    Oh God, a bunch of n00bs who think they know everything about lifting. This is why you don't go to a fitness forum with 90% women.


    Takes a big girl to make a troll statement that not back it up so please, enlighten us with your knowledge. While you're at it, would love to see pics to see how well your lifting is going....
  • BusyRaeNOTBusty
    BusyRaeNOTBusty Posts: 7,166 Member
    At least I've actually done Starting Strength and Wendler's 5/3/1 for a substantial amount of time unlike most all of you.

    But you're right, my 16th post WAS a waste. I'm going to get back to real lifting forums where people actually have a single clue about lifting and assitance work.

    Oh, I didn't realize you had insight into our lifting routine. Congratulations to you for doing programs that myself and most of the other girls are doing (and have done) as well. I didn't know you were the first to discover those. I've done stronglifts, RPT, and Wendler's, I must be a fracking expert! We'll go ahead and chalk it up to you being a typical 24 year old that considers herself smarter than everyone else.

    If you did any of those then you'd know the importance of assistance work.

    You are all touting the importance of doing and ONLY doing the main lifts.

    I'd love to see your *kitten* struggle on unassisted dips because you've never attempted them. OH! But you get enough tricep work on your main lifts? LOL! I'd love to see your tricep gains on bench and overhead press. Really, I would.

    We are assuming the OP is a beginner. Beginner programs do not need assistance work.

    I am not a beginner. I do assistance work, as I listed.
  • taso42
    taso42 Posts: 8,980 Member
    At least I've actually done Starting Strength and Wendler's 5/3/1 for a substantial amount of time unlike most all of you.

    But you're right, my 16th post WAS a waste. I'm going to get back to real lifting forums where people actually have a single clue about lifting and assitance work.

    Oh, I didn't realize you had insight into our lifting routine. Congratulations to you for doing programs that myself and most of the other girls are doing (and have done) as well. I didn't know you were the first to discover those. I've done stronglifts, RPT, and Wendler's, I must be a fracking expert! We'll go ahead and chalk it up to you being a typical 24 year old that considers herself smarter than everyone else.

    If you did any of those then you'd know the importance of assistance work.

    You are all touting the importance of doing and ONLY doing the main lifts.

    I'd love to see your *kitten* struggle on unassisted dips because you've never attempted them. OH! But you get enough tricep work on your main lifts? LOL! I'd love to see your tricep gains on bench and overhead press. Really, I would.

    You realize that we're on the internet right, and generally the person **** talking like this ends up looking the fool? That's just sort of how it works. Unless you're an elite lifter or something.

    I invite you (and everyone else) in the thread to join the "virtual powerlift meet" going on this month
  • sjohnny
    sjohnny Posts: 56,142 Member
    At least I've actually done Starting Strength and Wendler's 5/3/1 for a substantial amount of time unlike most all of you.

    But you're right, my 16th post WAS a waste. I'm going to get back to real lifting forums where people actually have a single clue about lifting and assitance work.

    Oh, I didn't realize you had insight into our lifting routine. Congratulations to you for doing programs that myself and most of the other girls are doing (and have done) as well. I didn't know you were the first to discover those. I've done stronglifts, RPT, and Wendler's, I must be a fracking expert! We'll go ahead and chalk it up to you being a typical 24 year old that considers herself smarter than everyone else.

    If you did any of those then you'd know the importance of assistance work.

    You are all touting the importance of doing and ONLY doing the main lifts.

    I'd love to see your *kitten* struggle on unassisted dips because you've never attempted them. OH! But you get enough tricep work on your main lifts? LOL! I'd love to see your tricep gains on bench and overhead press. Really, I would.

    I thought you were leaving.

    No I didn't. Just about everyone who says they're leaving is a liar. Especially the ones who have all the answers.

  • ZoeLifts
    ZoeLifts Posts: 10,347 Member
    At least I've actually done Starting Strength and Wendler's 5/3/1 for a substantial amount of time unlike most all of you.

    But you're right, my 16th post WAS a waste. I'm going to get back to real lifting forums where people actually have a single clue about lifting and assitance work.

    Oh, I didn't realize you had insight into our lifting routine. Congratulations to you for doing programs that myself and most of the other girls are doing (and have done) as well. I didn't know you were the first to discover those. I've done stronglifts, RPT, and Wendler's, I must be a fracking expert! We'll go ahead and chalk it up to you being a typical 24 year old that considers herself smarter than everyone else.

    If you did any of those then you'd know the importance of assistance work.

    You are all touting the importance of doing and ONLY doing the main lifts.

    I'd love to see your *kitten* struggle on unassisted dips because you've never attempted them. OH! But you get enough tricep work on your main lifts? LOL! I'd love to see your tricep gains on bench and overhead press. Really, I would.

    I have and currently am. I have done Wendlers with Dave Tates periodization bible and with BBB (currently my fav). RPT also emphasizes accessory lifts, in fact, that one is the most flexible for accessories. I also wasted years of time before this on only accessory lifts and wished someone would have explained to me in my 20s that I could see better results from focusing on compound lifts instead. I would be much further along and would not have wasted so much time. And I'm weak compared to a lot of these lovely ladies on here you insulted with your ignorance.

    So if you want to learn something, put your big girl pants on, shut your pie hole that is digging you deaper into trouble, and quit making assumptions about stuff you know nothing about.
  • myofibril
    myofibril Posts: 4,500 Member
    Why don't we just establish what the OP's actual goals are and why she has incorporated so much isolation work so we can give her the relevant advice and stop with the **** waving contest.

    *Looks round*

    Errrr, vajazzle waving contest I mean.
  • _DaniD_
    _DaniD_ Posts: 2,186 Member
    While you're at it, would love to see pics to see how well your lifting is going....

    But, isn't her duckface/fake mustache DP evidence enough?
  • usmcmp
    usmcmp Posts: 21,220 Member
    At least I've actually done Starting Strength and Wendler's 5/3/1 for a substantial amount of time unlike most all of you.

    But you're right, my 16th post WAS a waste. I'm going to get back to real lifting forums where people actually have a single clue about lifting and assitance work.

    Oh, I didn't realize you had insight into our lifting routine. Congratulations to you for doing programs that myself and most of the other girls are doing (and have done) as well. I didn't know you were the first to discover those. I've done stronglifts, RPT, and Wendler's, I must be a fracking expert! We'll go ahead and chalk it up to you being a typical 24 year old that considers herself smarter than everyone else.

    If you did any of those then you'd know the importance of assistance work.

    You are all touting the importance of doing and ONLY doing the main lifts.

    I'd love to see your *kitten* struggle on unassisted dips because you've never attempted them. OH! But you get enough tricep work on your main lifts? LOL! I'd love to see your tricep gains on bench and overhead press. Really, I would.

    How about weighted dips? I'm up to a 45 pound plate to depth now.
  • yoovie
    yoovie Posts: 17,121 Member
    At least I've actually done Starting Strength and Wendler's 5/3/1 for a substantial amount of time unlike most all of you.

    But you're right, my 16th post WAS a waste. I'm going to get back to real lifting forums where people actually have a single clue about lifting and assitance work.

    Oh, I didn't realize you had insight into our lifting routine. Congratulations to you for doing programs that myself and most of the other girls are doing (and have done) as well. I didn't know you were the first to discover those. I've done stronglifts, RPT, and Wendler's, I must be a fracking expert! We'll go ahead and chalk it up to you being a typical 24 year old that considers herself smarter than everyone else.

    If you did any of those then you'd know the importance of assistance work.

    You are all touting the importance of doing and ONLY doing the main lifts.

    I'd love to see your *kitten* struggle on unassisted dips because you've never attempted them. OH! But you get enough tricep work on your main lifts? LOL! I'd love to see your tricep gains on bench and overhead press. Really, I would.

    you dont need accessories to leave the house, just your wardrobe.

    accessories are nice and make for a more complete and put together outfit.... but it's really the big wardrobe pieces that are most important. otherwise, youre wearing a badass necklace and no clothing. Which is cute, but - only good for looking good.

    accessory work and assistance work and all that fun stuff, isolation work, stabilizing work, yackety schmackety is good and helpful and all, but pointless if you arent wearing the bigger clothing, the main lifts.

    I usually refuse to do the accessory work cause Im stubborn, and guess who got triceps from deadlifts?

    this girl.

    we all have a body, but it is not the same as your body. people are all different.

    How are you different from me?

    well, for starters, you're younger, shorter and have a different medical history. You also like to stroll on to the interwebs, point your finger a bunch of strangers who are trying to help someone by sharing similar experience, tell them you know their whole story and that they all lack intelligence, information and basic knowledge, tell them you're better than they are, laugh at them and then sit there with your finger under your nose while looking down on women who lift.

    I would like to invite you to come lift with me.

    like face to face :D (please bring a step stool)

    edited mostly for spelling.
  • dare2love81
    dare2love81 Posts: 928 Member
    While you're at it, would love to see pics to see how well your lifting is going....

    But, isn't her duckface/fake mustache DP evidence enough?


    She's just looking for attention.
  • lhergenr
    lhergenr Posts: 242 Member
    While you're at it, would love to see pics to see how well your lifting is going....

    But, isn't her duckface/fake mustache DP evidence enough?
    that's definitely a hitler stache. NAZI!!!
  • CorvusCorax77
    CorvusCorax77 Posts: 2,536 Member
    At least I've actually done Starting Strength and Wendler's 5/3/1 for a substantial amount of time unlike most all of you.

    But you're right, my 16th post WAS a waste. I'm going to get back to real lifting forums where people actually have a single clue about lifting and assitance work.

    cool story bro

    And this is why I love Taso!:heart:
  • KaydaRN
    KaydaRN Posts: 48
    At least I've actually done Starting Strength and Wendler's 5/3/1 for a substantial amount of time unlike most all of you.

    But you're right, my 16th post WAS a waste. I'm going to get back to real lifting forums where people actually have a single clue about lifting and assitance work.

    Oh, I didn't realize you had insight into our lifting routine. Congratulations to you for doing programs that myself and most of the other girls are doing (and have done) as well. I didn't know you were the first to discover those. I've done stronglifts, RPT, and Wendler's, I must be a fracking expert! We'll go ahead and chalk it up to you being a typical 24 year old that considers herself smarter than everyone else.

    If you did any of those then you'd know the importance of assistance work.

    You are all touting the importance of doing and ONLY doing the main lifts.

    I'd love to see your *kitten* struggle on unassisted dips because you've never attempted them. OH! But you get enough tricep work on your main lifts? LOL! I'd love to see your tricep gains on bench and overhead press. Really, I would.

    I'm amused at the fact you do some pre-written routein for so long makes you an expert. We are all unique our muscles respond to different things better or worse than others....
This discussion has been closed.