Women who lift heavy



  • Fozzi43
    Fozzi43 Posts: 2,984 Member
    But my actual true main point was that you're all idiots. You don't know her experience or abilities. So to say she needs to be doing what you are pushing off onto her, you are clueless, and it is clear why you are not a personal trainer. You aren't taking her physical ability into consideration. For example... is she doing upper body exercise because she has a lower body injury? And you all are pushing that on her? Is she doing arm work because she has a disc tear? And you want her to do deadlifts, squats, and overhead press?

    Not just that you guys all ambushed her and told her what to do, you disregarded what SHE wants to do. You're all idiots.

    Sweetheart..you're looking really stupid now..off you go and leave us " idiots" to do our stuff.

  • Feisty_Red
    Feisty_Red Posts: 982 Member
    Dips. Learn them.

    Oh wait, you can't, because you're stuck in the mindset of a narrowminded loser.

    You are so cute..I wanna pinch your cheeks! Let's hug!!
  • usmcmp
    usmcmp Posts: 21,220 Member
    At least I've actually done Starting Strength and Wendler's 5/3/1 for a substantial amount of time unlike most all of you.

    But you're right, my 16th post WAS a waste. I'm going to get back to real lifting forums where people actually have a single clue about lifting and assitance work.

    Oh, I didn't realize you had insight into our lifting routine. Congratulations to you for doing programs that myself and most of the other girls are doing (and have done) as well. I didn't know you were the first to discover those. I've done stronglifts, RPT, and Wendler's, I must be a fracking expert! We'll go ahead and chalk it up to you being a typical 24 year old that considers herself smarter than everyone else.

    If you did any of those then you'd know the importance of assistance work.

    You are all touting the importance of doing and ONLY doing the main lifts.

    I'd love to see your *kitten* struggle on unassisted dips because you've never attempted them. OH! But you get enough tricep work on your main lifts? LOL! I'd love to see your tricep gains on bench and overhead press. Really, I would.

    How about weighted dips? I'm up to a 45 pound plate to depth now.

    Way to not accomplish an actual dip.

    Really? Excuse you and your ignorance. 90 degrees increases torque and increases the chance for injury.
  • LittleTrollCupcake
    But my actual true main point was that you're all idiots. You don't know her experience or abilities. So to say she needs to be doing what you are pushing off onto her, you are clueless, and it is clear why you are not a personal trainer. You aren't taking her physical ability into consideration. For example... is she doing upper body exercise because she has a lower body injury? And you all are pushing that on her? Is she doing arm work because she has a disc tear? And you want her to do deadlifts, squats, and overhead press?

    Not just that you guys all ambushed her and told her what to do, you disregarded what SHE wants to do. You're all idiots.

    So why come here at all then? You didn't even read all the responses before you replied. Not all of us were"pushing" her to do anything. I personally said "you *might* benefit". She's new poster with no pictures, and empty profile, and she didn't leave much information. Yes, we assumed she was a beginner. However you assumed we were all clueless idiots, which is worse?

    I did, they were all negating what she specifically asked for.
  • taso42
    taso42 Posts: 8,980 Member
    Dip Contest!!

    Who's in?
  • BurtHuttz
    BurtHuttz Posts: 3,653 Member
    Megan, stop. You're making an *kitten* of yourself.
  • ItsCasey
    ItsCasey Posts: 4,022 Member
    At least I've actually done Starting Strength and Wendler's 5/3/1 for a substantial amount of time unlike most all of you.

    But you're right, my 16th post WAS a waste. I'm going to get back to real lifting forums where people actually have a single clue about lifting and assitance work.

    Oh, I didn't realize you had insight into our lifting routine. Congratulations to you for doing programs that myself and most of the other girls are doing (and have done) as well. I didn't know you were the first to discover those. I've done stronglifts, RPT, and Wendler's, I must be a fracking expert! We'll go ahead and chalk it up to you being a typical 24 year old that considers herself smarter than everyone else.

    If you did any of those then you'd know the importance of assistance work.

    You are all touting the importance of doing and ONLY doing the main lifts.

    I'd love to see your *kitten* struggle on unassisted dips because you've never attempted them. OH! But you get enough tricep work on your main lifts? LOL! I'd love to see your tricep gains on bench and overhead press. Really, I would.

    How about weighted dips? I'm up to a 45 pound plate to depth now.

    Way to not accomplish an actual dip.


    WOW. She sees someone doing a WEIGHTED accessory exercise, which she believes to be the Holy Grail of strength training, and she's STILL *****ing. Mods, can we just end this nonsense, please?
  • escloflowneCHANGED
    escloflowneCHANGED Posts: 3,038 Member
    At least I've actually done Starting Strength and Wendler's 5/3/1 for a substantial amount of time unlike most all of you.

    But you're right, my 16th post WAS a waste. I'm going to get back to real lifting forums where people actually have a single clue about lifting and assitance work.

    Oh, I didn't realize you had insight into our lifting routine. Congratulations to you for doing programs that myself and most of the other girls are doing (and have done) as well. I didn't know you were the first to discover those. I've done stronglifts, RPT, and Wendler's, I must be a fracking expert! We'll go ahead and chalk it up to you being a typical 24 year old that considers herself smarter than everyone else.

    If you did any of those then you'd know the importance of assistance work.

    You are all touting the importance of doing and ONLY doing the main lifts.

    I'd love to see your *kitten* struggle on unassisted dips because you've never attempted them. OH! But you get enough tricep work on your main lifts? LOL! I'd love to see your tricep gains on bench and overhead press. Really, I would.

    How about weighted dips? I'm up to a 45 pound plate to depth now.

    Way to not accomplish an actual dip.

  • corn63
    corn63 Posts: 1,580 Member
    Do not feed the troll.

    You can't change the mind of someone deluded into thinking their way is the only correct way. So why bang your head against the wall? Your weights work for you and that's all that matters.
  • Barbellerella
    Barbellerella Posts: 1,838 Member
    At least I've actually done Starting Strength and Wendler's 5/3/1 for a substantial amount of time unlike most all of you.

    But you're right, my 16th post WAS a waste. I'm going to get back to real lifting forums where people actually have a single clue about lifting and assitance work.

    Oh, I didn't realize you had insight into our lifting routine. Congratulations to you for doing programs that myself and most of the other girls are doing (and have done) as well. I didn't know you were the first to discover those. I've done stronglifts, RPT, and Wendler's, I must be a fracking expert! We'll go ahead and chalk it up to you being a typical 24 year old that considers herself smarter than everyone else.

    If you did any of those then you'd know the importance of assistance work.

    You are all touting the importance of doing and ONLY doing the main lifts.

    I'd love to see your *kitten* struggle on unassisted dips because you've never attempted them. OH! But you get enough tricep work on your main lifts? LOL! I'd love to see your tricep gains on bench and overhead press. Really, I would.

    How about weighted dips? I'm up to a 45 pound plate to depth now.

    Way to not accomplish an actual dip.

    Really? Excuse you and your ignorance. 90 degrees increases torque and increases the chance for injury.

    I'm sure you use that same excuse for your squats.
    She could out squat your *kitten* everyday of the week actually.
  • _DaniD_
    _DaniD_ Posts: 2,186 Member
    At least I've actually done Starting Strength and Wendler's 5/3/1 for a substantial amount of time unlike most all of you.

    But you're right, my 16th post WAS a waste. I'm going to get back to real lifting forums where people actually have a single clue about lifting and assitance work.

    Oh, I didn't realize you had insight into our lifting routine. Congratulations to you for doing programs that myself and most of the other girls are doing (and have done) as well. I didn't know you were the first to discover those. I've done stronglifts, RPT, and Wendler's, I must be a fracking expert! We'll go ahead and chalk it up to you being a typical 24 year old that considers herself smarter than everyone else.

    If you did any of those then you'd know the importance of assistance work.

    You are all touting the importance of doing and ONLY doing the main lifts.

    I'd love to see your *kitten* struggle on unassisted dips because you've never attempted them. OH! But you get enough tricep work on your main lifts? LOL! I'd love to see your tricep gains on bench and overhead press. Really, I would.

    How about weighted dips? I'm up to a 45 pound plate to depth now.

    Way to not accomplish an actual dip.

    Obvious troll is obvious.
  • Leadfoot_Lewis
    Leadfoot_Lewis Posts: 1,623 Member
    But, isn't her duckface/fake mustache DP evidence enough?


    I would just like to see how the little girl's progress is going, since she knows SO much about lifting and we're what, idiots? If you're going to talk smack, then back it up. That's all I ask...

    Regardless, you don't go around belittling other's intelligence and calling them idiots. Have some respect. This forum is to help and encourage others, not to get some internet "high" by insulting others to make yourself feel better.
  • toomuchbootyindapants
    While you're at it, would love to see pics to see how well your lifting is going....

    But, isn't her duckface/fake mustache DP evidence enough?

    Oh is that what that is? I thought she was smelling the *kitten* she's been spewing. Makes more sense now I guess.
  • ZoeLifts
    ZoeLifts Posts: 10,347 Member
    At least I've actually done Starting Strength and Wendler's 5/3/1 for a substantial amount of time unlike most all of you.

    But you're right, my 16th post WAS a waste. I'm going to get back to real lifting forums where people actually have a single clue about lifting and assitance work.

    Oh, I didn't realize you had insight into our lifting routine. Congratulations to you for doing programs that myself and most of the other girls are doing (and have done) as well. I didn't know you were the first to discover those. I've done stronglifts, RPT, and Wendler's, I must be a fracking expert! We'll go ahead and chalk it up to you being a typical 24 year old that considers herself smarter than everyone else.

    If you did any of those then you'd know the importance of assistance work.

    You are all touting the importance of doing and ONLY doing the main lifts.

    I'd love to see your *kitten* struggle on unassisted dips because you've never attempted them. OH! But you get enough tricep work on your main lifts? LOL! I'd love to see your tricep gains on bench and overhead press. Really, I would.

    How about weighted dips? I'm up to a 45 pound plate to depth now.

    Way to not accomplish an actual dip.

    Really? Excuse you and your ignorance. 90 degrees increases torque and increases the chance for injury.

    I'm sure you use that same excuse for your squats.

    You, my dear, are a child and not worth any further consideration. Good luck surviving real life.
  • iorahkwano
    iorahkwano Posts: 709 Member
    Stronglifts 5 reps x 5 sets:

    (115lbs) Deadlift (SW at 115)
    (85lbs) Barbell Front Squat (SW at 55)
    (75lbs) Barbell Row (SW at 65)
    (65lbs) Barbell Overhead (SW at 55)
    (60lbs) Bench Press (SW at 55)
  • myofibril
    myofibril Posts: 4,500 Member
    Oh, this again....
  • taso42
    taso42 Posts: 8,980 Member
    Methinks Sleepyhouse22 is a big girl now and is able to squat with 5 lb plates on her (women's 35 lb) barbell. She looks super-duper cute doing it in her cute workout outfit with color-coordinated sneakers.
  • sjohnny
    sjohnny Posts: 56,142 Member
    We're all here for the same reason.
  • Victoria2448
    Victoria2448 Posts: 559 Member
    Dip Contest!!

    Who's in?

    I'm in I have a wonderful French Onion Dip recipe.. :laugh:
  • CorvusCorax77
    CorvusCorax77 Posts: 2,536 Member
    Dips. Learn them.

    Oh wait, you can't, because you're stuck in the mindset of a narrowminded loser.

    I didn't realize because I do 5/3/1 I was barred from ever doing anything else. WTF! *facepalm!* I ****ed up my whole routine!
This discussion has been closed.