What do you 'hate' about being fat?



  • cessnaholly
    cessnaholly Posts: 780 Member
    when my fat rolls go up and down when i run or do jumping jacks. it feels yucky and sometimes sounds yucky. hate it!

    pictures. i hate how i look in pictures.
  • oh_em_gee
    oh_em_gee Posts: 887 Member
    "it's such a shame, you could be so pretty"

    ^that line right there
  • sweetsarahv
    sweetsarahv Posts: 180 Member
    i want to be excited again! i dread getting up in the morning because i hate all my clothes! i'm in a constant state of frump but making progress everyday!!!!
  • peckish_pomegranate
    peckish_pomegranate Posts: 242 Member
    Never fitting into clothes at normal stores and people judging me. Blegh!
  • blondeninja
    my tummy
  • Abztract1
    Since my list will go on for about 35 paragraphs about this topic, I would say that one of the things I really hate is being ignored and overlooked by women. After all, who wants to be with an obese man? After being single for quite a long time due to my weight and from experience, my answer to that question is..."nobody" Well, now that I have dropped more than 50 lbs......I'm getting more looks from women. Even some of the women that didn't want anything to do with me (just because of my weight) are beginning to look my way and find some interest In me. My weight loss has dramatically changed my looks. I will post before and after pictures once I reach my goal (I don't want to jinx anything!!!). I can see the slimmer and younger me starting to show....and I loooove it.
  • oh_em_gee
    oh_em_gee Posts: 887 Member
    Never fitting into clothes at normal stores and people judging me. Blegh!

    I hate the judging too. I am not a slob, I am not lazy, and I am not mindlessly shoveling junk inot my face all day, thank you
  • ItsCasey
    ItsCasey Posts: 4,022 Member
    I'm not fat anymore, but mostly I hated the feeling of wanting to hide. In public, I did my best to go unnoticed. Even among family and friends, I tried to stay on the perimeter of things, hoping nobody was looking at me or judging me.

    I hated avoiding mirrors and cameras and dressing rooms and shorts and skirts and dresses and sleeveless tops. I hated constantly trying to hide my body from anyone and everyone ... I wouldn't share a dressing room with my twin sister for fear that she might think I was fat (like it was a big secret). I hated wondering what it was like to be someone else. And I hated thinking that being a good person doesn't matter unless you're also good-looking.

    And something I still think about a lot is how I used to try to convince myself that it was okay to be fat (and I'm talking 100+ lbs overweight). I honestly use to try to talk myself into just accepting it, thinking I would be happier. And now I think "How could you do that to yourself? How could try to talk yourself into NOT living life to the fullest?" I still feel guilty about that every day.
  • mowu
    mowu Posts: 245 Member
    The amount of lint that can hide in my belly-button....
  • SKP1986
    SKP1986 Posts: 392 Member
    Being so tired and slow all the time. I also hate having to say I "can't" go places/do things because whatever it is won't accommodate my size (amusement parks, theaters, plane seats, etc).
  • dontgvemeyourbs
    I hate how clothes fit, how sloppy I look and feel...
  • oh_em_gee
    oh_em_gee Posts: 887 Member
    How my size 0 future sister-in-law thinks of me
  • tobeslim618
    tobeslim618 Posts: 37 Member
    Having to take meds
  • harvo
    harvo Posts: 4,676 Member
    Having boobs !!! I hate them I never had them and I am more than ready to see them go lol

    :sad: :sad: :sad: :sad: :sad: :sad: :sad:
  • My body is so uncomfortable, my boobs choke me at night, I can't even reach around and scratch parts of my back anymore. I don't recognize myself in the mirror, it's as if I'm looking at a stranger, and most of the time I just don't look. I rush to "cover up" once out of the shower, even if home alone. My weight has gone up and down my whole life, but the last three years have seen me become obese, and obese is nothing like being "overweight". It limits my mobility, even sex has become problematic. I'm 51 now and parts of me hurt, but I know I hurt worse because of the weight. Pain, depression, low self-esteem, not caring about my appearance. It's a vicious cycle. Ugh.
  • pianolover2012
    pianolover2012 Posts: 168 Member
    SHOPPING!!! I am tired of having to look at "granny" clothes... I am ready to feel young again!
  • AuntieMC
    AuntieMC Posts: 346 Member
    Worrying about fitting into chairs. Hearing chairs (and couches) creak at a friends house when I sit down, and thinking how mortified I would be if I had broken it!

    By the way, I have lost 172 pounds since August 2011!
  • metaphoria
    metaphoria Posts: 1,432 Member
    Wanting to cry every time I leave a fitting room. Stupid fat and extra skin from pregnancies.
  • jessicae1aine
    -The looks you get from people.

    -The eternity it takes to get un-fat.

    -The fact that there is such a limited clothing selection.

    -Hip fat.
  • jessicae1aine
    my boobs choke me at night

    Also, totally this. I thought I was the only person with this problem.