I think my friend is trying to sabotage me!



  • Pixi_Rex
    Pixi_Rex Posts: 1,676 Member
    Last night, she called and I told her I was about to do my 30 minutes of walking....10 minutes into my exercise, she shows up at my house with 2 bottles of wine and said that she really needed a friend to talk to because she's having trouble with her husband. For as long as i've known her she has had trouble with her husband. They fight alot, mostly because she instigates it. I think it's because she's unhappy. So I drank two glasses with her. I wouldn't let her open the other bottle. She stayed over until very late and I wasn't able to finish my workout. I went to bed angry at myself and started thinking that she did that on purpose!

    I hate this happen once and only once. You know what I did? I shut my phone off, shut the ringer off on my home phone, locked my doors, shut off all the lights upstairs and started working out in my basement. I warned everyone I know that between 7 - 8 pm I will not be answering my phone, my emails, my texts, my doors nothing. If someone called they could leave a message on my voice mail I would get it when I was done.

    It has not become a known thing that between 7 and 8pm I do not answer anything I am busy working out. I don't have to shut anything off anymore because people learned I was serious.

    Maybe she did need a friend, but she could have waited 30 minutes, she would have still needed the friend then too. Personally I think you need to set boundaries, people only step on you as much as you let them.

    If she gets mad that you are trying to become healthier than that is on her and not you, and then you need to ask 'was she ever really my friend?'
  • BurtHuttz
    BurtHuttz Posts: 3,653 Member
    It sounds like your friend is trying to sabotage you. Will you stop talking with her or attempt to punish her somehow?
  • msshiraz
    msshiraz Posts: 327 Member
    Yep. Learn to say No.

    Stop talking to her about what you're doing to lose weight, and when she shows up unexpectedly, politely but firmly tell her she will have to wait until you're done with your workout. Then continue doing what you were doing while she waits.

    If you've made a commitment to yourself to get healthy, then stick to it. And change your mindset - it's not a diet. But don't let her or anyone else torpedo your efforts.

    Like this! I had to make my weight loss private- people see and they know, and they ask, that is fine, but by keeping it to myself, I was able to avoid a lot of sabbotage. Also became a Group Fitness Instructor- at a plus size, and told everyone this is hard enough without support- if you don't support me I don't want to hear about it. And the guilt you will get about being too busy- I just tell them you know where to find me- come take my class or come work out with me. We can talk on a treadmill just as easy as over a bottle of wine! :)
  • JAllen32
    JAllen32 Posts: 991 Member
    Lead by example. That is how I feel. If she comes over needing to talk with wine, let her talk with wine, while you sip your water. "no thanks" works wonders. Or tell her "we can talk, but lets go walking while we do it."

    Go to your favorite restaurant with her, let her order whatever she wants, you get something healthy. IF she really is trying to stop your efforts, show her it won't work. And that no matter what she does, or where she wants you to go, you will always do the healthy thing for you. Good luck!
  • zCarsAndCaloriesz
    Sabotage with food or drink ONLY happens if you submit.

    A.C.E. Certified Personal and Group Fitness Trainer
    IDEA Fitness member
    Kickboxing Certified Instructor
    Been in fitness for 28+ years and have studied kinesiology and nutrition

    Couldn't agree with this more.
  • fightininggirl
    fightininggirl Posts: 792 Member
    I agree with JAllen32 lead by example.
  • 4_Lisa
    4_Lisa Posts: 362 Member
    Yep. Learn to say No.

    Stop talking to her about what you're doing to lose weight, and when she shows up unexpectedly, politely but firmly tell her she will have to wait until you're done with your workout. Then continue doing what you were doing while she waits.

    If you've made a commitment to yourself to get healthy, then stick to it. And change your mindset - it's not a diet. But don't let her or anyone else torpedo your efforts.

    The more you change your ways, the more you will learn to not bend. If SHE wants to be part of YOUR life, SHE needs to realize that you are changing and that she either supports it or steps aside.

    I would have finished my workout, let her talk and drink, you don't need to sit with her to listen and offer advise. When she suggests a restaurant, suggest one that is a better choice. If you go on doing what you have set your mind to do, she will either step in line or find someone else to be clingy too.
  • sgv0918
    sgv0918 Posts: 851 Member
    Tell her what you wrote here. If you're friends, you should be able to talk about it.

    EXACTLY - also invite her to go for a walk with you. You can walk and talk it helps. And tell her you'd love to hangout but at an activity not a restaurant. Her choice to not do things. your choice to stick to your lifestyle change. Next time refuse the wine, she'll get the point
  • ShreddedTweet
    ShreddedTweet Posts: 1,326 Member
    Stop making excuses for yourself. You're a grown-*kitten* woman!!!! Don't eat food you shouldn't eat, work out when you want to, say no when you need to. Nobody can sabotage you, you do that to yourself.
  • KrazyAsianNic
    KrazyAsianNic Posts: 1,227 Member
    If she's truly your friend, she'll understand what you're trying to say. Maybe if you add you're willing to talk on walks or something, maybe you could get her into it too.
  • huntress74
    huntress74 Posts: 31 Member
    Stop making excuses for yourself. You're a grown-*kitten* woman!!!! Don't eat food you shouldn't eat, work out when you want to, say no when you need to. Nobody can sabotage you, you do that to yourself.

    This was more about our friendship than me not being able to say no to things. I knew I was making a bad choice by allowing her to interrupt me like that and drinking the wine, but I chose to do it anyway. I was angry at myself, but more hurt when I realized that she may be doing these things intentionally. I was looking for some advice as to what experiences others had with the "unsupportive friend" situation, that's all.
  • Rhonnie
    Rhonnie Posts: 506 Member
    If you are a non-confrontational person like me, perhaps first you try the tactic of going to her for help, act like you're the one that needs her. Leave out all the things she's doing to sabotage you and give her ways to help you. Obviously if that doesn't work you will need to confront her. At that point maybe every time she has a need or suggestion (needs you as a friend and shows up with a bottle, or suggest you go to the city and blow your diet, etc) adopt the "yes, but" tactic - say you'd love to listen to her problems, but lets do it while we take a walk (find a nice lake to walk around or something, maybe even treat with non-fat frozen yogurt or something), etc.

    Good luck! Be strong!
  • metaphoria
    metaphoria Posts: 1,432 Member
    Misery loves company, and she is trying to keep you as her company. Have you defended your husband when she implies he's pressuring you to lose weight? I think 50lb. will be easy to lose compared to the battle of asserting yourself. Once you have calmly told her just where the boundaries are, she will either respect them as a good friend will, or leave in a huff as I strongly suspect she will. Perhaps it will spur her to re-evaluate the way she treats her loved ones. Or she will find another person to suck the life out of. Either way, no more problem.
  • JingleMuffin
    JingleMuffin Posts: 543 Member
    true enough you can help her and talk to her anywhere you guys go. dosent have to be in a bar or resturant. she can go for a walk with you or something productive. sounds deep seeded. i hope that you just lead a great example and inspire her to follow.
  • AlongCame_Molly
    AlongCame_Molly Posts: 2,835 Member
    The next time she needs to talk and shows up unannounced, invite her on a walk with you and you can talk it over and get fresh air at the same time. Be firm, say that you are going to walk with or without her. If she really needs to talk that bad she'll agree, and be happy for the distraction. Don't ever let her railroad you into doing something you don't want to do, or OUT of something you do want to do!!!
  • Erikalynne18
    Erikalynne18 Posts: 558 Member
    I could be completely off... but it sounds as if maybe she is not ready to make the changes needed to loose the extra weight and maybe she is jealous that you are at that stage? If you loose weight, maybe she will feel as though she will be alone as the "fat friend"?

    I have a co-worker who is very over weight (to the point that she wants to get the slimband surgery but is too overweight for them to preform surgery) and although she has expressed MANY times that she wants to go to the gym, she just won't go. Always an excuse. For the past 2 years that I've known her (maybe longer), there has always been a reason she can't go. Spa day, road trip, not enough money for gym, book she wants to finish reading, I've heard every excuse. She ASKS me to go to the gym, then says she can't. Some people are just not ready to change for whatever reason. Sometimes weight loss is not just physical, but involves dealing mentally with some issues as well.

    In terms of my co-worker I just decided to stop waiting for her to figure out her life, and started at the gym myself. She still mentions the gym, but always has an excuse still so I know she's just not ready. But she's my co-worker, not my best friend meaning it's easier for me to say "no thanks on the restaurant, I already have gym plans".

    Maybe find a restaurant with some healthier options and suggest meeting there? As a best friend she should be open to that. And new restaurants can be fun! Alot of places have menus online as well so doing some quick research could help you plan your meal to fit your calorie goal :) Best of luck!
  • mary_kate23
    I would possibly address it in the least confrontational way... if that doesn't work... than don't talk to her about diet and exercise anymore. unfortunately it sounds like she's not ready to accept that lifestyle, and is angry and jealous that you have done so. i feel your pain. I go through it with people i know as well. it's a shame its your best friend. xo
  • khadijak17
    khadijak17 Posts: 393 Member
    if shes always complaining about how her weight makes her feel bad talk to her about the benefits of doing all these excercises and eating better together, have each other as a weight loss buddy to make it fun, maybe you could persuade her to go these classes with you! you could talk out her or you problems over healthy food and water, wlking will become fun aswell and you'll both see a difference, however if this fails you then need to tell her that your there for her but cant not excercise or workout because shes bought something new in to eat and drink whilst you discuss her problems if shes a good friend she will understand and maybe by watching you will change her mind good luck
  • Elleinnz
    Elleinnz Posts: 1,661 Member
    Sorry have not read everyone elses comments - basically just tell her you are happy to listen, and spend time with her - WHILE YOU ARE WAKING......there is no better way to get rid of stress and clear the head than while walking, so you two girls can go for a long walk - and talk at the same time ;-)

    If that does not work set some clear boundaries around times you are booking out for your fitness - and times you are available to "sit on the couch"....

    In the end friendship is a two way street - none of my friends have an issue with my lifestyle - I have set clear boundaries - and they are managing to work around them - as much as I always try and work around their limitations with kids, husbands and availability of baby sitters...
  • MyM0wM0w
    MyM0wM0w Posts: 2,008 Member
    I am not a confrontational person, I would really shy away from getting in her face about it. That's just me though,

    Instead when she shows up when you're working out just tell her if she wants to talk, she's going to have to do it walking/jogging/lifting weights. Or at least talk while she watches YOU do it. If she shows up with wine, let her drink. You drink water instead. Match her glass for glass and it'll just benefit you because your sucking down so much water.

    When she starts making comments about your husband wanting you to change, interrupt her and correct her that "NO, he's SUPPORTING me in the changes i want to make because he loves me." YOu could even stick in a jab (I'm not passive aggressive at all) and add "That's what friends/loved ones are supposed to do, SUPPORT your goals."

    IF she wants to go into the city and eat tell her that's fine, but before you go you'll need to hit the gym for an extra workout to fit in that favorite restaurant and she can either join you or pick you up there after.

    I say lead by example and don't let her derail you.