Why the F...!!! Things you seen at the gym



  • ptjolsen
    ptjolsen Posts: 365 Member
    Bump for later.
  • julesxo
    julesxo Posts: 422 Member
    Or women doused in perfume next to you on cardio equipment....so bad you have to stop because you can taste it as you are running.

    Gross. The only time I would go to a gym was because it was free at an apartment I lived at downstairs. Some of the dudes would wear a lot of cologne and it was awful. Oh and no deodorant! So it did not cover up the smell, the two just meshed together for one awful disgusting odor.
  • tj1376
    tj1376 Posts: 1,402 Member
    The guy munching on chocolate chip cookies while riding the exercise bike. Does that make the cookie zero calories seeing your taking calories in and burning calories at the same time. Made me giggle.

    I cant believe I am going to tattle on myself - but I workout at home so no one sees it.

    I have been known to make a drink (vodka is preferable) to have while riding my bike. Clearly I am neutralizing any calories I may burn, but on a Friday night, I give myself a pass.
  • mbreed75
    mbreed75 Posts: 125 Member
    My wife said she saw some guy in the gym with a rediculous shirt. It said in big letters, "Stop being difficult and take it in the *kitten*!"
  • My1985Freckles
    My1985Freckles Posts: 1,039 Member
    Just before xmas Santa came in to work out. It was an elderly round man who got on the exercise bike for the better part of an hour. He was in full santa gear, hat and everything.

    He was trying to work off all those cookies and milk. Go Santa!!

    Would have been better if he was the one eating the cookies on the bike! LOL
  • BeachGurl815
    BeachGurl815 Posts: 295 Member
    The only thing that I've really seen that's made me go WTF.. was the guy who chose the treadmill next to mine in a room where there were 5 other treadmills and NO ONE ELSE in there.. and started running... and then took off his shirt.

    Not really sure if he was trying to impress me - There were plenty of other prettier, thinner, single women to choose from.. but yeah, it was something special.

    i will NEVER understand why people do this. it's like when there's an essentially empty bus and someone has to sit right in front of you, right behind you or next to you. **** OFF!!!

    I don't get this either.

    I had a similar thing happen to me on the ellipticals. Older guy got on the elliptical right next to me and all the others were empty. He had some issue and continuously cleared his throat. I ended up moving over.

    Generally I don't really pay much attention to others in the gym...unless something is oddy standing out or they just bother me directly.
  • mrssmith12
    mrssmith12 Posts: 12 Member
    These are awesome!! I work out in the Women Only section of the gym so I haven't really seen anything crazy. lol.
  • Tony_Brewski
    Tony_Brewski Posts: 1,376 Member
    Oh! Cannot forget the guy that has strings for a shirt does 2-3 reps with weights and spends the next 5 minutes in the mirror flexing for himself. Or his sister/lover who does 2-3 minutes on an elliptical then 5-10 side bends... checks her hair and makeup in the mirror then leaves.
  • Tony_Brewski
    Tony_Brewski Posts: 1,376 Member

    *ACCCHOOOO!!!! - with spittle flying all over the exercise equipment* ---- Nope no one heard that loud echoing sneeze or noticed the goo now covering the equipment I was using.... I'll just walk away like nothing happened.

    The sign reads "Wipe down equipment after each use" so that means I can walk away leaving it covered in my filth for the next person because I am so AWESOME they'll pray to bathe in my sweat just hoping to soak up some awesomeness from me.
  • AlongCame_Molly
    AlongCame_Molly Posts: 2,835 Member
    Girls who come to the gym with their hair all done up and their makeup caked on. Are you here to get in shape or for a photoshoot?

    Unless you actually know them you're judgement is baseless. Not everyone has time to change before going to the gym. They could be coming from work, meetings etc where they needed/wanted to look good.

    And even if they are dressing up just for the gym, who cares? If it makes them feel better about themselves what harm. It's not affecting anyone but themselves.

    This. I even heard that you are more likely to get a good workout and/or workout more often if you exercise in an outfit that is flattering and makes you feel good about yourself.
  • BeachGurl815
    BeachGurl815 Posts: 295 Member
    Feeling judged at the gym is why I feel self conscious and wait until midnight to workout so I have the place to myself. Just putting that out there.

    This is why I work out at home/outside. I'd like to think I'm a normal and respectful person in public but it seems like some of these people would rip me apart for ANYTHING I do at the gym. No thanks!

    I think the majority of people who workout at the gym don't judge. They are there to focus on their workout and move on. But if you do anything really odd to make yourself stand out, yeah your asking for it.
  • Tony_Brewski
    Tony_Brewski Posts: 1,376 Member
    Girls who come to the gym with their hair all done up and their makeup caked on. Are you here to get in shape or for a photoshoot?

    Unless you actually know them you're judgement is baseless. Not everyone has time to change before going to the gym. They could be coming from work, meetings etc where they needed/wanted to look good.

    And even if they are dressing up just for the gym, who cares? If it makes them feel better about themselves what harm. It's not affecting anyone but themselves.

    This. I even heard that you are more likely to get a good workout and/or workout more often if you exercise in an outfit that is flattering and makes you feel good about yourself.

    Does this count for the ones that look like warmed over death walking into the gym, go into the locker room and come out looking like a glamour shot? Then do 2-3 minutes on the elliptical with 5--10 side bends... then leave?
  • iorahkwano
    iorahkwano Posts: 709 Member
  • Maenaine
    Maenaine Posts: 6 Member
    A gentleman comes in to my gym regularly wearing a kilt. And then he changes into his "workout" kilt. No word on whether he's actually wearing anything under said kilt (hopefully he is as he straddles the weight benches - a lot!)

    There's also a dude with Tourette's who wears a T-shirt that says "Why yes, I am crazy" as he shouts obscenities from the treadmill. He's actually the most popular guy in the gym.

    The Tourette's guy is my hero.
  • quirkytizzy
    quirkytizzy Posts: 4,052 Member
    My wife said she saw some guy in the gym with a rediculous shirt. It said in big letters, "Stop being difficult and take it in the *kitten*!"

    That would be funnier if a chick was wearing it.
  • mbreed75
    mbreed75 Posts: 125 Member
    Hah! Yeah!
  • jrhodo
    jrhodo Posts: 43 Member
    I used to manage a greenhouse. I had a customer who would come in in her workout clothes and ask for carrie out assistance.

  • I cant believe I am going to tattle on myself - but I workout at home so no one sees it.

    I have been known to make a drink (vodka is preferable) to have while riding my bike. Clearly I am neutralizing any calories I may burn, but on a Friday night, I give myself a pass.

    You are my hero. Love it!
  • the_scream_queen
    the_scream_queen Posts: 7 Member
    The stretching areas in my gym are super-limited. I have seen two girls having an all-out picnic in one area. A girl laying on her stomach/elbows, reading a book like she was on her couch. And a couple who brought nearly every piece of equipment from the personal training station and set up some sort of obstacle course.

    A guy (in awesome shape) that sweats so much on the bike that there is a one-foot radius of puddle surrounding him. I've never seen him get off the bike, but I always wonder if he gets a mop.

    I, too, am guilty of the makeup thing. I wear full makeup to work and go to the gym directly after.
  • MurphysLawTD
    MurphysLawTD Posts: 310 Member
    This idiot newb at my gym walks around, constantly looking at her phone and CHEWS GUM. Can someone PLEASE tell me how you can breath properly and CHEW GUM?? Oh yeah, when you're NOT WORKING OUT!!

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