Fasting to loose 10 pounds

o.k. So got on the scale today and it was up 2 more pounds, I am once again the heaveist I have been EVER and I pushed that numer up too =( I am not fare away from 300 and thats scaring the shnit out of me!

I just seemed to have lost all my desapline, and its hard to work out cause my back injury (I still do as much as I can) soo I have to do something here so I was thinking about doing a fruit and veggie fast until I loose 10 pounds just to get this dame ball rolling, any body eles done this before. I am thinking it would only take like a week, I loose weight fast


  • pennysaurus
    pennysaurus Posts: 30 Member
    If you lose weight fast all you need to is stick to a calorie deficit. No need for any crazy stuff. A bit of exercise will help too
  • McChubbyruewho
    If you lose weight fast all you need to is stick to a calorie deficit. No need for any crazy stuff. A bit of exercise will help too

    Exercise is really hard cause I have a spine injury, it gets better as I loos weight, the problem I am haivng is I am trying to do this the conventional way but i JUST KEEP RAISING IN NUMBER, SO i AM THINKING IF i START THIS OFF WITH SOMETHING EXTREM IT WILL FINALLY CLICK AGAIN, 10 POUNDS FOR ME ISNT ALL THAT MUCH

    (sorry I didnt realise I had caps lock on hahah any way 10 pounds really isnt much for me, I have lost that in a week before with a normal diet and exercise plan
  • quirkytizzy
    quirkytizzy Posts: 4,052 Member
    How long are you going to do this fast? I can't imagine a day or two - or even three - would be particularly bad for you. Any more than that you'll start running into nutritional problems.
  • WBB55
    WBB55 Posts: 4,131 Member
    Fast if you want for no more than 3-5 days. But when you're done, make sure you're not going back to whatever you're doing right now that isn't working, since you already have this track record that it's not working.

    What's your BMR and TDEE? What's your average calories for a week? If you're close to 300#, your BMR could be 2000 or more. Do you eat at least that much every day?
  • DanaDark
    DanaDark Posts: 2,187 Member
    TDEE (No higher)

    <---Set Cals here somewhere

    BMR (No lower)
  • Mokey41
    Mokey41 Posts: 5,769 Member
    Sorry for the tough love but with that much to lose you aren't trying very hard if the scale is going up. 90% of weight loss is about your food intake, exercise plays a very small role and is more to increase your fitness and maintain lean muscle than to aid in weight loss. Set your budget properly, stay in it by weighing and measuring your food intake and the weight will come off. Fasting is not a healthy answer to weight loss and you won't maintain the loss if you aren't following a proper diet that will do that for you. Time to suck it up and get real. Do you want to lose weight or not? There are no quick fixes or easy answers.
  • hastinbe
    hastinbe Posts: 130 Member
    Fasting or not you need a healthy and balanced diet with a caloric deficit between TDEE and BMR if you want better results.
  • sweebum
    sweebum Posts: 1,060 Member
    You do not have to exercise to lose weight, you need a calorie deficit. Eat less and you will lose. Fasting is just going to make you binge at this point. You're in for the long haul with a lot to lose.
  • MinnieInMaine
    MinnieInMaine Posts: 6,400 Member
    You don't need to exercise to lose weight, especially the way MFP is set up. They give you a calorie deficit already based on your personal profile, weekly weight loss goal and activity level.

    Instead of going to extreme measures, think instead of how you can improve your current diet and what you can do to avoid the temptations. Boredom/lonely eating is a tough one for me and even 3 years into this "journey" I have days when it's tough to avoid getting into the crackers or whatever's handy just because. But you figure out other things to do instead - go read a book, go clean something, go call someone or play a game on your phone or come on to MFP and chat with folks. Whatever it takes to distract you...

    You can do this witnout starving yourself, it just takes a little thought, planning and patience.
  • now_or_never13
    now_or_never13 Posts: 1,575 Member
    You don't need to exercise to lose weight... the major part of the process is diet. Exercise helps and it also is what will help change your body.

    With a juice fast you will lose weight on it however you will also most likely be tired and grumpy due to lack of nutrients. Normally once you go back to eating normal again you will gain most, if not all of the weight back so it doesn't really get you anywhere.

    Eat the proper amount of calories. Eat lean meats, fresh fruits/veggies and do whatever movement you can handle. Drink water and cut out processed foods (frozen, prepackaged, etc).

    Have some patience. THe weight will come off if you focus on your intake. If you have already lost your disapline you most likely will not be able to stick with fruits and veggies for 10lbs. Of that 10lbs with only fruits and veggies you will have lost water, and muscle in addition to some fat. You want to try to preserve your lean muscle.
  • mindbodystrength
    Options can do this if you choose. It won't kill you. But you won't lose 10 lbs of will mostly be water, and you'll gain all of that back as soon as you start eating normally again. Why not just start eating regular foods at a moderate deficit?? Do something that you can stick with long term? Really, you'll be so much happier, and you'll lose fat, not just water weight... Wishing you all the best. :)
  • McChubbyruewho
    How long are you going to do this fast? I can't imagine a day or two - or even three - would be particularly bad for you. Any more than that you'll start running into nutritional problems.

    Unitl I lost 10 pounds which for me is really easy so I was thinking about a week, I know tons of people who fast for religous porpeses and have been fine, also I know people who fast to detox there bodys my mother once detoxed for 40 days, she lost like 50 pounds, that was intence though
  • ninerbuff
    ninerbuff Posts: 48,695 Member
    If you're gaining weight it's because you're eating more than needed. You don't need to fast, you just need to cut back some calories.

    A.C.E. Certified Personal and Group Fitness Trainer
    IDEA Fitness member
    Kickboxing Certified Instructor
    Been in fitness for 28+ years and have studied kinesiology and nutrition
  • McChubbyruewho
    Sorry for the tough love but with that much to lose you aren't trying very hard if the scale is going up. 90% of weight loss is about your food intake, exercise plays a very small role and is more to increase your fitness and maintain lean muscle than to aid in weight loss. Set your budget properly, stay in it by weighing and measuring your food intake and the weight will come off. Fasting is not a healthy answer to weight loss and you won't maintain the loss if you aren't following a proper diet that will do that for you. Time to suck it up and get real. Do you want to lose weight or not? There are no quick fixes or easy answers.

    lol I know, gosh I wonder how many people read whats written, my problem is sticking to lower calories, I have been trying to push myself into more disapline, I have about 100 pounds to lose, I figure cause I know how I am if I loose the first 10 it will get me focused again, then I was going to HOPFULLY restrict the cals to 1500 and excersice
  • McChubbyruewho
    Fast if you want for no more than 3-5 days. But when you're done, make sure you're not going back to whatever you're doing right now that isn't working, since you already have this track record that it's not working.

    What's your BMR and TDEE? What's your average calories for a week? If you're close to 300#, your BMR could be 2000 or more. Do you eat at least that much every day?

    Last year I lost 30 pounds in three months by excersie and eating around 2000 to 1500, I want to go back to that but I cant get myself motivated so I was going to push myself past 10 pounds then i can loos the extra 100
  • McChubbyruewho
    If you're gaining weight it's because you're eating more than needed. You don't need to fast, you just need to cut back some calories.

    A.C.E. Certified Personal and Group Fitness Trainer
    IDEA Fitness member
    Kickboxing Certified Instructor
    Been in fitness for 28+ years and have studied kinesiology and nutrition

    not to be offensive but you need to read what I wrote lol, I know how it works my problem is motivation
  • MB_Positif
    MB_Positif Posts: 8,897 Member
    Not worth it. Just eat at a calorie deficit please! It will work! If you have a lot to lose already you potentially will lose 5 pounds or more the first week anyway!
  • McChubbyruewho
    Not worth it. Just eat at a calorie deficit please! It will work! If you have a lot to lose already you potentially will lose 5 pounds or more the first week anyway!

    I know that why I am thinking that it wont be so bad to fruit fast for until I loos 10 pounds since I loos weight fast, I am scared Shnit less though and I feel like this will get my butt in gear, I do plan on eating lots of fruits and veggies
  • EatClean_WashUrNuts
    EatClean_WashUrNuts Posts: 1,590 Member
    Fasting to lose...makes sense to me...I mean we're talking about restricting calories. I think you should aim for more than 10 pounds. I say go 3 weeks with only water. I know can you lose probably 20...heck maybe even 30.

    Do you get what Im saying? Do it, but do it right. It's not magic. If you want it CHOOSE to do so. Stop making excuses about gaining. If you are gaining, you're doing it WRONG.
  • desiv2
    desiv2 Posts: 651 Member
    If you're ultimate goal is to lose weight and keep it off, then you need to focus on changing the way you eat and live.

    I understand, you want to jump start your weight loss, but honestly a fast isn't the way. A good way to jumpstart your real weight loss is to go into your kitchen and throw everything that isn't considered 'healthy' out. Anything that you can't control yourself around. Then go to the store, and buy only foods that you can and want to eat that wont make you eat out of your macros.. so lots of fruit and veg, lean meats, etc.

    Another good tip is to plan your means ahead of time, then make a grocery list based on your meal plan. Make sure you have plenty of healthy snacks handy for when you get hungry!

    Take the advice of these people, find out your TDEE BMR, etc... or you can just do something even easier and eat exactly how many calories MFP tells you to! If you lose weight so fast, then it isn't going to be hard. Like what someone said above, when you fast you wont be losing 10 lbs of fat. It will be water for the most part, so be prepared to gain some of it back when you eat regularly again. Good luck.