Fasting to loose 10 pounds



  • Belinda658
    Belinda658 Posts: 181 Member
    What was REALLY the point of this post? You say you wanted to see if it worked for anyone, but I think you are really maybe feeling frustrated and looking for a quick fix and/or someone to "approve" . If you want to try it then try it. Like you said, the majority is not always right. Why keep posting in here if you don't like the answers you are getting?
  • DavPul
    DavPul Posts: 61,406 Member
    I got this
    I doubt she wanted a high five, probably just straight information. I really don't understand why people can't say hey i've never tried that and it doesn't sound like a good program but I've tried THIS and it is amazing.

  • JennyLisT
    JennyLisT Posts: 402 Member
    Maybe you should speak to a local expert about your nutritional needs since we're all just idiots wandering around in here trying to give you advice.

    One last piece of advice, though- you probably shouldn't call your doc a Nazi, even if s/he disagrees with you.
  • puddinsmom
    puddinsmom Posts: 19 Member
    Sorry, I am new here. What do these stand for?

    TDEE (No higher)

    BMR (No lower)

    Also as far as a fruit & veggie fast ... it will be water weight and you will most certainly gain in back as fast as you lost it - which will just frustrate you and you'll be back at square one.
  • Contrarian
    Contrarian Posts: 8,138 Member
    Also, discipline.
  • McChubbyruewho
    All right well thank you for everyones input....

    me not taking your advise doent mean I dont appreceate it, thank you.

    I am going to try this, and if I have favorable results and it causes me to get on this weight loss journy again I am going to post a BIG OL I did it post lol, other wise bychance I will slink away into the back round with my 300 pound self lol time will tell
  • VelociMama
    VelociMama Posts: 3,119 Member
    Sorry, I am new here. What do these stand for?

    TDEE (No higher)

    BMR (No lower)

    Also as far as a fruit & veggie fast ... it will be water weight and you will most certainly gain in back as fast as you lost it - which will just frustrate you and you'll be back at square one.

    TDEE = total daily energy expenditure. the total number of calories burned per day including your regular activity and BMR (see below)

    BMR = basal metabolic rate. This is the number of calories you burn essentially if you were doing absolutely nothing all day long. It's the number of calories you use just to exist (heart beating, brain function, kidney function, etc.)

    To lose weight, you need to eat less than your TDEE (ideally more than your BMR though to ensure that you get sufficient nutrition throughout the day). To gain, you would eat more than your TDEE. To maintain your weight, you would eat right at or very near your TDEE.
  • PikaKnight
    PikaKnight Posts: 34,971 Member
    So if you succeed you are going to come on here and post "Face!" basically, but if you will just go sulk?

    How about you come back when it doesn't work, re-read everything everyone put here and give it a try. then when you actually start succeeding from can come back again and write...Thanks.
  • now_or_never13
    now_or_never13 Posts: 1,575 Member
    K so let me see if I have this right...

    You lack the disapline to eat healthy foods up to a daily calories goal but you have the disapline to eat nothing but fruits and vegetables for a week?

    It's easier to stick with a calorie goal. Eat whatever you want up to the goal. Simple.

    Losing 10lbs will not provide you with motivation or disapline. You have to WANT it... which you don't. You need to wait until you do before you hurt yourself more than you are helping.

    Sure, you may lose 10lbs quick... but I would imagine you would want that to come from fat and not muscle and water?

    Stop looking for only those responses who agree with you. Listen to what has been posted and suggested.

    If you don't have the disapline now... you won't after 10lbs... and you definately won't be able to stick to a fast.

    I dissagree, I think this will get my butt into gear, my mother thinks it will too, and she knows me very well,

    the reason its easier is cause I can say NO ONLY furits and veggies, and just stick to that, but if Im like ok eat the good stuff but only to right ... there... I wont I will be all over the yummy foode, soo I dont know but I am damiging myself right now, Doctors sugjest people get bypass surgery and they have to basically rrestict to like 500 cals a day for months not healhty but healthy then what ehy were doing

    Sure you can say only fruits and veggies... but it's one thing to say it and one thing to mean it. You can also tell yourself that you will have anything you want but portion control it. Going too strict is only seting yourself up for failure.

    Fruits and veggies are good... good for you... however you will lack protein. So say goodbye to muscle mass.

    And those eating a certain amount for surgery is because a doctor is prescribing it and a doctor is monitoring the patient. Don't compare yourself or anyone else to it.

    I dont' see why your mother thinks depriving yourself of nutrients your body needs is a good thing.

    Stop making excuses... stop trying to find people who only agree with you.... If you don't want to listen to the advice given to you here go somewhere to find people who will agree with you... stop trying to get people to be on your side.
  • McChubbyruewho
    So if you succeed you are going to come on here and post "Face!" basically, but if you will just go sulk?

    How about you come back when it doesn't work, re-read everything everyone put here and give it a try. then when you actually start succeeding from can come back again and write...Thanks.

    because I dont want too hahahaha
  • barb1241
    barb1241 Posts: 324 Member
    Sorry for the tough love but with that much to lose you aren't trying very hard if the scale is going up. 90% of weight loss is about your food intake, exercise plays a very small role and is more to increase your fitness and maintain lean muscle than to aid in weight loss. Set your budget properly, stay in it by weighing and measuring your food intake and the weight will come off. Fasting is not a healthy answer to weight loss and you won't maintain the loss if you aren't following a proper diet that will do that for you. Time to suck it up and get real. Do you want to lose weight or not? There are no quick fixes or easy answers.

    lol I know, gosh I wonder how many people read whats written, my problem is sticking to lower calories, I have been trying to push myself into more disapline, I have about 100 pounds to lose, I figure cause I know how I am if I loose the first 10 it will get me focused again, then I was going to HOPFULLY restrict the cals to 1500 and excersice

    If you are having trouble sticking to lower calories, how the bloody help will you manage to eat nothing but fruits and veg for several days? If you can't exercise and you have a spinal injury-your body needs GOOD healthy food. Fruits and veg, yes. But lean protein too. Give your body a chance to repair as much as possible by giving it good fuel. You didn't say how much of an injury you have. I have a bulging disc, so I know how it is to try to exercise with a great deal of pain. It's been 10 years since I was injured and it acts up occasionally, but little by little the exercise helped. Can you swim? or walk in waist deep water? More buoyancy should help relieve some stress on your spine. I was helped a great deal by bicycling, of all things-it seemed to relieve a lot of pressure and helped the surrounding muscles to get stronger. Some years I get lucky and htere's enough days when it's warm and not windy, and then I bike as much as possible. Other years, not so much. I'm not sure if it would do any good on a stationary bike or not.

    Losing weight quickly is not a long term solution. Making lifestyle changes to keep it off once lost is a permanent solution. I would urge you to reconsider and look at healthier options to support you in the future not just for a month or two.
  • now_or_never13
    now_or_never13 Posts: 1,575 Member
    All right well thank you for everyones input....

    me not taking your advise doent mean I dont appreceate it, thank you.

    I am going to try this, and if I have favorable results and it causes me to get on this weight loss journy again I am going to post a BIG OL I did it post lol, other wise bychance I will slink away into the back round with my 300 pound self lol time will tell

    You may lose the weight however you will gain it all back...

    However clearly we are all wasting our time trying to get you to understand health and reason and common sense.
  • RobynMWilson
    RobynMWilson Posts: 1,540 Member
    K so let me see if I have this right...

    You lack the disapline to eat healthy foods up to a daily calories goal but you have the disapline to eat nothing but fruits and vegetables for a week?

    It's easier to stick with a calorie goal. Eat whatever you want up to the goal. Simple.

    Losing 10lbs will not provide you with motivation or disapline. You have to WANT it... which you don't. You need to wait until you do before you hurt yourself more than you are helping.

    Sure, you may lose 10lbs quick... but I would imagine you would want that to come from fat and not muscle and water?

    Stop looking for only those responses who agree with you. Listen to what has been posted and suggested.

    If you don't have the disapline now... you won't after 10lbs... and you definately won't be able to stick to a fast.

    I dissagree, I think this will get my butt into gear, my mother thinks it will too, and she knows me very well,

    the reason its easier is cause I can say NO ONLY furits and veggies, and just stick to that, but if Im like ok eat the good stuff but only to right ... there... I wont I will be all over the yummy foode, soo I dont know but I am damiging myself right now, Doctors sugjest people get bypass surgery and they have to basically rrestict to like 500 cals a day for months not healhty but healthy then what ehy were doing

    I do agree that seeing a couple of lbs lost will help start your motivation. I was there and it was the first 5lbs I lost that got me started with the other 65. This was back in the 80s before most of these fad diets...just exercise and portion reduction. Period. That's why I've kept it off for over 20 years. I KEPT IT SIMPLE!

    As for bypass surgery...that's a completely different beast. And more often than not they gain their weight back. Bypass surgery has so many GI side effects they can't eat more than 500 cals per day. And they are doing 500 cals per day UNDER A DOCTOR'S SUPERVISION!
  • quirkytizzy
    quirkytizzy Posts: 4,052 Member
    because I dont want too hahahaha

    You are utterly ridiculous.
    I got this
    I doubt she wanted a high five, probably just straight information. I really don't understand why people can't say hey i've never tried that and it doesn't sound like a good program but I've tried THIS and it is amazing.


    :laugh: That's gonna crack me up every time I see now.....
  • zaph0d
    zaph0d Posts: 1,172 Member
    What do I care? Stay fat then.
  • jlohcook
    jlohcook Posts: 228 Member




    we tell you this because we care. honest.

    I like this diagram!
  • desiv2
    desiv2 Posts: 651 Member
    Sorry, I am new here. What do these stand for?

    TDEE (No higher)

    BMR (No lower)

    Also as far as a fruit & veggie fast ... it will be water weight and you will most certainly gain in back as fast as you lost it - which will just frustrate you and you'll be back at square one.

    As a newbie, read this:

    It will explain it all to you. :)
  • geekyjock76
    geekyjock76 Posts: 2,720 Member

  • McChubbyruewho
    All right well thank you for everyones input....

    me not taking your advise doent mean I dont appreceate it, thank you.

    I am going to try this, and if I have favorable results and it causes me to get on this weight loss journy again I am going to post a BIG OL I did it post lol, other wise bychance I will slink away into the back round with my 300 pound self lol time will tell
  • puddinsmom
    puddinsmom Posts: 19 Member
    Thank you!
    Sorry, I am new here. What do these stand for?

    TDEE (No higher)

    BMR (No lower)

    Also as far as a fruit & veggie fast ... it will be water weight and you will most certainly gain in back as fast as you lost it - which will just frustrate you and you'll be back at square one.

    TDEE = total daily energy expenditure. the total number of calories burned per day including your regular activity and BMR (see below)

    BMR = basal metabolic rate. This is the number of calories you burn essentially if you were doing absolutely nothing all day long. It's the number of calories you use just to exist (heart beating, brain function, kidney function, etc.)

    To lose weight, you need to eat less than your TDEE (ideally more than your BMR though to ensure that you get sufficient nutrition throughout the day). To gain, you would eat more than your TDEE. To maintain your weight, you would eat right at or very near your TDEE.