May Mini Challenge



  • HeidiRodzen
    HeidiRodzen Posts: 455 Member
    Since I weigh MORE than when I started this I don't anticipate hitting my mini goal either. Frustrating. I know I'll get there EVENTUALLY. That's all that matters. I'll keep plugging along. At this point I just want to finish lower than what I started! :huh:
  • rjadams
    rjadams Posts: 4,060 Member
    I did it!!!!!!! I weighed in at 164.8 this morning. My May 1 goal was 165. No I want to bust that goal to shreds with the next two weeks.
  • mszSHOGAN
    mszSHOGAN Posts: 2,278 Member
    Way to go rjadams! THAT IS AWESOME!

    Last Weight: 175
    Current Weight: 174
    Lost: 1 pound
    Pounds to meet May 1st goal: 5
  • savvystephy
    savvystephy Posts: 4,151 Member
    Great job Katie! :smile:

    I am still stuck in my plateau. Ugh. Hopefully it will break soon and I can lose a little weight.

    SW: 161
    Week 1: 161
    Week 2: 161
    Week 3: 160.6
    Week 4: Pass
    Week 5: 161.2
    Week 6: 160.4
    Week 7: 161

    Goal by May 1: 155
    Total Pounds to Lose: 6
    Weeks until May 1: 2
  • Sebastiansmommy
    Good morning evereyone and Congrats Rjadams!

    Heres my totals
    May 1st goal~ 145
    Actual goal~123 Almost to my mini goal:bigsmile:
  • mszSHOGAN
    mszSHOGAN Posts: 2,278 Member
    Stephanie - Just keep plugging away! Have you upped your calories? I know you've been doing a lot of strength training so I'm sure it seems as if you've stayed the same because you're gaining so much muscle. Either way YOU'RE LOOKING GREAT!

    Sebastiansmommy - Yes you ARE almost to your goal, keep it up!

    I just realized that once I get to my May mini goal (in the 160s - actually 169) that will put me to the point that I have lost 50 pounds! WOW that's huge! I can't wait to get there so I gotta work super hard to lose these few pounds then I'll have more motivation to lose the rest of this once and for all!
  • HeidiRodzen
    HeidiRodzen Posts: 455 Member
    SW: 140.4
    3/15: 140.9 (+0.5)
    3/22: 139.6 (-1.3)
    3/29: 140.9 (+1.3)
    4/5: 139.8 (-1.1)
    4/12: 142.9 (+3.1)
    4/19: 138.7 (-4.2)

    5/1 Goal: 135
    Ultimate Goal: 130

    Katie - Just a few more lbs you'll get there!!!
    Stephanie - Keep working at it, that plateau is bound to pass eventually!

    I'm not feeling like I'll meet the 5/1 goal, but at least I'm back down under where I started from with this challenge and that makes me happy. :happy:
  • savvystephy
    savvystephy Posts: 4,151 Member
    Stephanie - Just keep plugging away! Have you upped your calories? I know you've been doing a lot of strength training so I'm sure it seems as if you've stayed the same because you're gaining so much muscle. Either way YOU'RE LOOKING GREAT!

    Sebastiansmommy - Yes you ARE almost to your goal, keep it up!

    I just realized that once I get to my May mini goal (in the 160s - actually 169) that will put me to the point that I have lost 50 pounds! WOW that's huge! I can't wait to get there so I gotta work super hard to lose these few pounds then I'll have more motivation to lose the rest of this once and for all!

    I have upped my calories to a weekly average of 1500. So, hopefully it will help some. Thank you! I know I am looking great - so much better than 32 lbs ago. :smile:

    Congrats on being so close to 50 lbs lost! That is a big milestone!

    Heidi - Thank you, I am sure it will pass soon also! I am hopeful! You are so close to 135! That's wonderful!
  • aimeeclaire
    aimeeclaire Posts: 93 Member
    Wow! Some great progress this week. Great Job Ladies!:) May is just around the corner. I won't be hitting my mini goal (135)...but it would still be nice to be in the 130's in May. I am making that my new goal!

    SW: 143.4
    Week 1: 140.6
    Week 2: 142.6
    Week 3: 141.6
    Week 4: 142.4
    Week 5: 141.4
    Week 6: 140.8
  • mszSHOGAN
    mszSHOGAN Posts: 2,278 Member
    A modified goal is STILL a goal! You'll get there! Keep up the great work!
  • Fayegill
    Fayegill Posts: 39 Member
    Okay - I'm 174 and May is next week. Don't think I'll make it to 165 - so I'm modifying my goal to hit 171 and see the 160's by May 6th. That's my daughter 13mnth birthday. Then only 10 more pounds of baby weight.
  • Sebastiansmommy
    Happy Monday everyone! Well I did it:bigsmile:

    May 1st goal~ 145
    Actual goal~123 Come on 143 next week!!
  • mszSHOGAN
    mszSHOGAN Posts: 2,278 Member
    BLAH I only maintained this week. Stupid illness. But I guess it's better than a gain! I'll take it! Hope everyone else is well.

    BTW I highly doubt I'll be hitting my goal of being in the 160s by May 1 but I'm closer now than I was when I started this. We shall see next week!
  • aimeeclaire
    aimeeclaire Posts: 93 Member
    SW: 143.4
    Week 1: 140.6
    Week 2: 142.6
    Week 3: 141.6
    Week 4: 142.4
    Week 5: 141.4
    Week 6: 140.8
    Week 7: 139.4 ~ Yay!!! In the 130's!:)
  • rjadams
    rjadams Posts: 4,060 Member
    so how did you all do? I made it and then some. my goal was 165 for my anniversary tomorrow. this morning I weighed in at 161.8. Woo hoo!!!!
  • Sebastiansmommy
    Hey everyone! & Congrats rjadams and Happy Anniversary!:flowerforyou:
    May 1st goal~ 145 Well I made it to my May 1st goal! Of course no loss this week tho.
    Actual Goal~123

    Hope everyone else did well, thank you for this challenge it really pushed me:bigsmile:
  • aimeeclaire
    aimeeclaire Posts: 93 Member
    Congrats on reaching your goal!! I did not quite reach mine, but I will!:)

    SW: 143.4
    Week 1: 140.6
    Week 2: 142.6
    Week 3: 141.6
    Week 4: 142.4
    Week 5: 141.4
    Week 6: 140.8
    Week 7: 139.4
    May 1 goal - 135
    May 1 actual- 138