

  • Marla64
    Marla64 Posts: 23,120 Member
    Big RED Letter Day for me today ! Some might remember I asked my youngest when she was home at Christmas, to get me a pair of my favorite jeans in size 8. I love Style and Co jeans. She said I wouldn't fit into them, I said maybe not today BUT I will.

    Yessssssssssssssssss !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Today my friends I fit into those size 8 jeans. Everything is where its supposed to be and they are zipped. Even took my daily walk in them, biggest smile on my face. I felt like I was walking on air. So it goes to show its not always about what that devil scale says. I haven't lost that much to make a difference but I have lost inches. Lean muscle weighs more than fat and I'm sure there is a lot more muscle there then I am giving myself credit.


    :drinker: :drinker: :drinker:

    Bobbi-- congratulations!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  • Marla64
    Marla64 Posts: 23,120 Member
    :mad: :explode: :angry: :grumble: :mad: :explode: :angry: :grumble:

    nevermind. :grumble:


    Thanks-- just husband and wife work day issues-- Lori can tell you all about it-- his idea of spring cleaning seems to involve the cutting down of not yet bloomed spring foliage-- which always, always, always just pisses me off. And it's always justified. "It's half dead already."

    Well, it's all dead now, dope.

    Who needs forsythia, anyway?


    I so get that, my friend. I have come home to 1/2 a tree........or this weekend the whole back yard has been torn up.......big holes and dirt every where. Uncompleted attempt at installing sprinklers. It will now remain as such until I either finish it or hire someone else to do so. In the meantime my Aussie and Lab are having a ball getting filthy:angry:

    Ha-- 22 years of marriage, and only one project ever begun that was finished-- well, maybe two-- but that was in order to sell a house, which doesn't count.

    Biggest fight we ever had was when I accused him of never finishing anything, and he said, "Show me ONE project not finished."

    Ha-- big mistake on his part. :devil: :laugh:

    Havin' a productive day-- later, my peeps.
  • mumsanutter
    mumsanutter Posts: 3,067 Member
    Hello all,

    I am brginning to see a trend as to how our husbands are ie not completeing a job they start or being unmotivated to even start it!! Rob used to be really good, but lately its like getting blood from a stone to even get him to start a new 'job' so I am actually paying someone to do jobs that I know Rob could do :huh:

    Lori - your yard (and you) both look amazing

    Jeannie - you look amazing in your dress and glas that you had a great time

    Marla - I don't do plants (just pull them up) but I do agree that it is a waste to cut/trim trees/bushes before they have flowered

    Bobbi - woot woot on getting into those jeans, I have some size 10's in my wardrobe that I am aiming to get into but currently they are too tight on the thighs

    Shuntae - good luck with your secret

    Everyone else, howdy

    Had a washing day here, changed beds, and then changed boys after they played in the garden and came in black :laugh: , been on my own with the boys all weekend (rob is working) and feeling all argh, but hopeing that the horribleness that usual arrives once Rob goes away will come out now so that the boys behave when he does go away. John and Chris are trying to be crash test dummies - John fell off of the kitchen side and banged his head and Chris has just fallen off of the air con unit and banged his! I need eyes in my bum let alone the backof my head, these 2 can be where they shouldn't be in seconds :huh: .

    Well am going to say good night all, going to put Christopher to bed, and then watch this weeks fringe ( really should catch up with heroes but can't face it!!)
  • arewethereyet
    arewethereyet Posts: 18,702 Member
    :mad: :explode: :angry: :grumble: :mad: :explode: :angry: :grumble:

    nevermind. :grumble:


    Thanks-- just husband and wife work day issues-- Lori can tell you all about it-- his idea of spring cleaning seems to involve the cutting down of not yet bloomed spring foliage-- which always, always, always just pisses me off. And it's always justified. "It's half dead already."

    Well, it's all dead now, dope.

    Who needs forsythia, anyway?


    I so get that, my friend. I have come home to 1/2 a tree........or this weekend the whole back yard has been torn up.......big holes and dirt every where. Uncompleted attempt at installing sprinklers. It will now remain as such until I either finish it or hire someone else to do so. In the meantime my Aussie and Lab are having a ball getting filthy:angry:

    Ha-- 22 years of marriage, and only one project ever begun that was finished-- well, maybe two-- but that was in order to sell a house, which doesn't count.

    Biggest fight we ever had was when I accused him of never finishing anything, and he said, "Show me ONE project not finished."

    Ha-- big mistake on his part. :devil: :laugh:

    Havin' a productive day-- later, my peeps.
    :laugh: are we married to the same guy??? I once told E that he always bought the cheapest thing in the store. He of course balked at this, stating I wanted all the high falootin (sp) stuff and we ain't rich.

    So I took him to Home Depot and told him to point out toilet, sink, we went down each isle (we were redecorating the bathroom and updating some lights/fans) he really was:noway: when he saw that each item in our home was in fact the absolute cheapest item to be found.

    Surprisingly, my selections were in medium range and look wonderful:love:

    Oh and I WON!!! :laugh:
  • Marla64
    Marla64 Posts: 23,120 Member
    :mad: :explode: :angry: :grumble: :mad: :explode: :angry: :grumble:

    nevermind. :grumble:


    Thanks-- just husband and wife work day issues-- Lori can tell you all about it-- his idea of spring cleaning seems to involve the cutting down of not yet bloomed spring foliage-- which always, always, always just pisses me off. And it's always justified. "It's half dead already."

    Well, it's all dead now, dope.

    Who needs forsythia, anyway?


    I so get that, my friend. I have come home to 1/2 a tree........or this weekend the whole back yard has been torn up.......big holes and dirt every where. Uncompleted attempt at installing sprinklers. It will now remain as such until I either finish it or hire someone else to do so. In the meantime my Aussie and Lab are having a ball getting filthy:angry:

    Ha-- 22 years of marriage, and only one project ever begun that was finished-- well, maybe two-- but that was in order to sell a house, which doesn't count.

    Biggest fight we ever had was when I accused him of never finishing anything, and he said, "Show me ONE project not finished."

    Ha-- big mistake on his part. :devil: :laugh:

    Havin' a productive day-- later, my peeps.
    :laugh: are we married to the same guy??? I once told E that he always bought the cheapest thing in the store. He of course balked at this, stating I wanted all the high falootin (sp) stuff and we ain't rich.

    So I took him to Home Depot and told him to point out toilet, sink, we went down each isle (we were redecorating the bathroom and updating some lights/fans) he really was:noway: when he saw that each item in our home was in fact the absolute cheapest item to be found.

    Surprisingly, my selections were in medium range and look wonderful:love:

    Oh and I WON!!! :laugh:

    My hubs isn't cheap-- these days, though, he's wisely frugal. He's a true shopper-- shops for something for months-- even sinks and toilets, before choosing the one he wants.

    Me? I'm easy-- I don't care what you buy-- just freaking finally stop shopping for it, PICK ONE ALREADY, put it in, FINISH the job and clean up your mess. Low maintenance-- ha.

    Tanya-- yes, they're all the same, I guess-- I see households with the hubs up and at 'em on a Saturday morning and always think the grass is greener over there-- but, I don't see what goes on behind closed doors-- when all's said and done, I'm happy with mine.

    Having a great productive day-- got the little ones' room clean. Sent 'em out to play, and took off into their room with a Hefty bag-- they see a garbage bag in my hand, usually, and shudder. So I wait until they're outside-- what they don't see won't hurt 'em, right?

    One huge pile of crap later, the room is lovely-- I gave Abigail the choice with the stuffed animals that I didn't chuck (she doesn't know how many ended up in the trash) who was balking about them being decoratively set upon the unused built-in shelves that I've never utilized wisely since buying this house (read: they've been the junk collectors)-- that she had two choices with her animals-- decorations or garbage.

    "But, Mom, I play with all of those."
    "Abigail, each one of them was at the bottom of your toy box and have been there for months. Decoration or garbage."
    "But, Mom-- "
    "Decorations, or garbage."

    Mom wins.:bigsmile:

    Hubs begat this day a huge house project that should have been begun a long time ago-- water damage on some boards-- evidence of squirrels, et cetera-- and now, of course, it's a major expensive, time consuming event--

    Oh well-- need to go type--

  • familygirl37167
    familygirl37167 Posts: 2,088 Member
    Crappy day to say the least my black team friends...

    I get to work at 515 am, suppost to be there at 6 am, I notice the other lady that was suppost to open was not there yet and I was pissy so I left..I used to open on Sundays and when my dad passed away they took it away from me and started having me come in at 6 which is what time we open..If you open you have to be there at 515 am to get the resturant ready..I was like they are not gonna ask me to open because they NEED me, I so left and when to the gas station to get gas and the newspaper and kill time..I get back to work at 555 am and get ready to go it..One girl said good morning Tamara I was like I am not feeling it today..I am pissy..

    So it was one of those days I could have eaten the whole resturant...pecan pancakes....blueberry muffin....

    They put up the 10 o clock floor plan and low and behold...Tamara has 2 tables...are you frickin kidding me...people who came in at 10 am has 3 tables and I have 2...mind you I am a par 4 server and a purple apron...and for those of you who dont know the stars on the apron are how well you know your job and the purple aprons mean you are trainer...So these new people who just got hired..have 3 tables and Tamara has 2...

    So my manager comes up to me and says..Tamara did I upset you?...She asked...I was furious I started crying I said these people who come in at ten have a three table station and I come in at six get a two tables station??? Then you are gonna seat two people at my 6 top...are you fricking kidding me!!!! NEEDLESS to say she knew I was upset..I am not feeling well anyways but I knew they were short handed so I opted to go in to help THEM out and what do I get a smack in the face...THEY do that because they know that tamara will run all the food thats in the window..tamara will answer the togo phone...why because tamara is fast and is not lazy,...

    so she said do you want me to give this other server who is new a 2 table station and give you her station??? How fair is that the floor plan is already up and now you wanna change it, you should have done it before you posted it!!! Needless to say she stayed out of my way the rest of the day..Its a good thing, I could have walked out on her, if I didnt need my job so bad..

    On a positive note..I didnt eat the pecan pancakes..I didnt eat the blueberry muffin, I stuck with my healthy food and I am super proud of myself for that, becasue I could have totoally flipped!!!

    Well everyone thanks for listening to my *ITCH FEST... I am off to eat dinner and go relax in a hot was rest day for gym no weight..I wore my heart rate monitor to cracker barrel one sunday and burned over 1200 calories, and I only ate 1215 i think, but usually dont count all 1200 calories on sunday since my heart rate dont stay up all day...Although my blood pressure probably did today...

    Well night everyone, keep me in your prayer for tomorrow I meet with my trainer 5 am to see how far I have come on lifting weights..hopefully she wont kill me!!!
  • Marla64
    Marla64 Posts: 23,120 Member
    Tamara-- those pissy days are the most dangerous-- and you overcame it. (pecan pancakes? Oh my-- *drool*)

    If that's not showing you how far you've come, nothing will-- way to go, woman.
  • ksproston
    ksproston Posts: 6,934 Member
    Thank you Lord I am home! Oh my...what a sight it was seeing DH and the kiddos waiting for me at the airport. I am not crazy about flying. It just does not agree with me at all.

    Had to get up at 2:45 a.m. Vegas time. I skipped the Cinnabon's at the airport. Got a fruit smoothie instead. Had pretzels for a snack and then had McD for lunch. Oh well. Can't win them all.

    Bobbi - Congrats on the 8s!

    Jeannie - You look smokin'!

    Lori - You're doing a great job on your yard. It looks wonderful. Love the shoulder shot too. Very muscular.

    Tamara - Good luck tomorrow!

    Marla - Is it bad that I get huge satisfaction out of tossing crap, I mean toys, from the kids' rooms?

    Take care my friends! Going in to work tomorrow so I can turn my overtime in. Woo Hoo!
  • jimswmn
    jimswmn Posts: 1,350 Member
    Jeannie, Marla, Tanya and Kati...Thank you ! :heart:
  • richardsrm
    richardsrm Posts: 1,144 Member
    :flowerforyou: are awesome
  • Nonibug
    Nonibug Posts: 1,214 Member
    I had so much fun tonight!! Music was great....everyone looked fantastic!

    I was getting ready and doing the ol " argh look at my _____ " in put part of body I hate for the day! Putting on my lovely red dress, all made up for the ball, it occured to me that last time I was crying because I was so ashamed I had not stuck to my diet and lost 20 pounds.

    This time I lost almost 40 and KEPT it off! SO I smiled.....giggled actually............asked hubs to help me get into the undergarments....that was a hoot! He took pix for, all I had to do was ask!

    I felt proud of my accomplishments, even danced a bit!

    So much fun still to be had in this life of mine. THank you Lord!!:flowerforyou:

    Jeannie - sounds like you had a blast. Would love to see pictures of your beautiful self in the lovely red dress.....

    Donna, my av is me and my friend Sue.

    My friend Sue. She and I came from working class families-same neighborhood. We were working for she said THIS was our prom night! We had such a wonderful time. Memories to cherish (drunken not me!)

    You look truly amazing--go Jeannie!!:drinker: And I Love, love, LOVE that red dress!! (And an added's also the color of the Women's Heart Health Awareness dresses:wink::flowerforyou: )
  • Nonibug
    Nonibug Posts: 1,214 Member
    Big RED Letter Day for me today ! Some might remember I asked my youngest when she was home at Christmas, to get me a pair of my favorite jeans in size 8. I love Style and Co jeans. She said I wouldn't fit into them, I said maybe not today BUT I will.

    Yessssssssssssssssss !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Today my friends I fit into those size 8 jeans. Everything is where its supposed to be and they are zipped. Even took my daily walk in them, biggest smile on my face. I felt like I was walking on air. So it goes to show its not always about what that devil scale says. I haven't lost that much to make a difference but I have lost inches. Lean muscle weighs more than fat and I'm sure there is a lot more muscle there then I am giving myself credit.


    Fantastic Bobbi!! I am so proud of you, what an awesome moment:flowerforyou:
  • Nonibug
    Nonibug Posts: 1,214 Member
    Good Monday morning everyone!

    Tamara-- Wow, what a day you had yesterday. I think you handled it well. I remember my days of serving/waitressing....hated them! I really admire you for the work you do. I am far from having the patience to do that kind of work anymore lol. Good for you for handling it so well, I honestly think I would have just walked out:noway:

    Kati-- Welcome back!:flowerforyou:

    Lori-- I love the pic of you out working in the yard...great upper body muscle tone!:drinker:

    Marla-- I need to do the same thing in my 15 yr olds room...job for another day:wink::laugh:

    Have a great day everyone!:flowerforyou:
  • Girlmom282109
    Girlmom282109 Posts: 2,643 Member
    one week until vacation from the family and I am back in the groove of waking up just to go to the gym. Sinus infection is going away. I guess it was bad I was taking 875 mg 2 times a day instead of the normal 1000 once a day. I took the mornings off last week.

    It felt good to get back on the awful spin bike this AM. 750 cals burned in 50 minutes. No weight loss but no gain either. I wanted to lose the 5 pounds by friday but it doesn't look like my body wants to leave this weight anytime soon. I have been here for a long time.:angry::noway:

    Anyways off to sit in my math class for an hour!
  • ksproston
    ksproston Posts: 6,934 Member
    :grumble: So now my body decides to switch to West Coast time. Woke up this a.m. at 6. My body was revolting. It was only 4 a.m. to it. :yawn: It'll be better tomorrow, right?
  • iamladibeast
    iamladibeast Posts: 451 Member
    Good morning team, I had a great workout at the gym in 30 min of cardio and 45 min of strength made it to the weights section...I always feel intimadated because you know it's full of guys...but made it did what I had to do and moved on...yes:smile: hope everyone have a great day
  • arewethereyet
    arewethereyet Posts: 18,702 Member
    Good Afternoon Black team!!
  • 72lori
    72lori Posts: 6,758 Member
    Ok, today is the beginning of my new, energized 'back into it full swing' routine. Too bad I'm so sleepy! LOL It was a long hard weekend of working, my body never got it's break. Oh well! Get over it, right?

    Hubs and I started out with our first day of P90X- chest and back and Ab Ripper X. Not bad. Lots and lots and lots of push ups and pull ups. Ab Ripper X was hard and we had to stop it because I needed to get kids to school, but all in all, it was a good first try at it. I hit the gym for 30 minutes of cardio then.

    I weighed and measured. I'm not doing it again- no scale- for 6 weeks. I was up 10 pounds from my lightest, although I know those results are slightly skewed because #1 it's TOM and #2 I ate Chinese last night. Between those two things, I'm up around 4-5 pounds from where I was hovering. My lightest has been 149. Today I was 159. My goal after 6 weeks is 148. One pound less than where I know I can get. For now anyway. I'm not going to set myself up for failure by setting it too low and then being disappointed, so 148 it is, plus, that is 11 pounds in 6 weeks.

    My measurements were up a little, my body fat percent was up a little- all from the way I've been eating, I know that. So, my body fat was 24.6% today, my goal is 22%.

    I'm sharing this with you guys because it makes me feel accountable. Here are my goals for the next 6 weeks:

    Eat clean- no sweets- log my foods- 1800 calories per day
    Follow the P90X workout- add in cardio- add additional weight training as it fits
    No scale- No osbessing over numbers- Just do it
    Stay positive- motivate DH to stay on plan
    For 6 weeks, give it all I've got- Bring it!

    With that said... I need a nap..... :laugh: Really, I do. I can barely keep my eyes open! :yawn:
  • Marla64
    Marla64 Posts: 23,120 Member
    :heart: our Lori!
  • jimswmn
    jimswmn Posts: 1,350 Member
    Thank you Roni !