Power of Visualization- SHOW ME YOUR GOAL PICS! :)



  • smartin0181
    smartin0181 Posts: 45 Member
    This is me!!! I actually looked like this. : ) . This is my goal I worked so hard for it. I kick myself for letting this go. But I am back at it. I will look this good again and I will keep it. This is attainable!
  • angelams1019
    angelams1019 Posts: 1,102 Member
    @Smartin- follow these directions to get that picture on here! You can only copy the URL address if its online. You need to upload that picture to that website! Can't wait to see it! :)
    I can't get my photo to load or figure out how to delete my comment , so I am editing here. Sorry! New at this lol

    You can go here http://tinypic.com/ and upload whatever picture you want to use. Then copy and paste the URL for message boards. It will be a web address inside blahblahblah Just copy and paste that to the message and make sure to make the IMG in brackets lowercase instead of capital. Hopefully that makes sense! :)
  • angelams1019
    angelams1019 Posts: 1,102 Member
    @Smartin- Is it this one from your profile? You look amazing here!! :)

  • angelams1019
    angelams1019 Posts: 1,102 Member
    If you got there once, you can do it again!! Good luck!! :)
  • smartin0181
    smartin0181 Posts: 45 Member
    Yes it is!! Thank you : ) I am having a hard time uploading the silly thing. I actually want to get into even better shape. I will be happy with that though. Thank you for uploading it for me. I am Sam, it is nice to meet you. Good luck on your journey as well!
  • Snitch1
    Snitch1 Posts: 201 Member
    OP< can you go into my profile pic's and print the one with me standing against a tree?
    i cannot figure it out..I am a Tech-HELL NO!!
    Thanks Snitch1
  • Snitch1
    Snitch1 Posts: 201 Member
    Tried to right click, cut/paste..did not work..GRRRRRRRRR
  • sarahmoo12
    sarahmoo12 Posts: 756 Member
    Fitness model Olya Haidner but without the boob job



    I have never been THAT fit in my life, and I'd love to prove to myself that I CAN be and maintain it too.

    what id love to look like 2!!
  • knitwit704
    knitwit704 Posts: 66 Member
    None of these are me, but I got them from mybodygallery.com where you can search for a height+weight combo, and even a shape, and come up with pictures for it.

    So this is what I'd like to look like at 5'7" and 120 lbs.

  • knitwit704
    knitwit704 Posts: 66 Member
    None of these are me, but I got them from mybodygallery.com where you can search for a height+weight combo, and even a shape, and come up with pictures for it.

    So this is what I'd like to look like at 5'7" and 120 lbs.


    It isn't working!
  • knitwit704
    knitwit704 Posts: 66 Member
    None of these are me, but I got them from mybodygallery.com where you can search for a height+weight combo, and even a shape, and come up with pictures for it.

    So this is what I'd like to look like at 5'7" and 120 lbs.


    YAY! It's working... I think.
  • ScreamingUnicorn
    ScreamingUnicorn Posts: 83 Member
    I use that website to try and get an idea of what my body type might look like when I reach my goals. Great site!
  • terriblyn
    terriblyn Posts: 107 Member
    I love this thread!!

    This was me exactly 2 years ago. And not even at my smallest. I felt awesome, confident, and could still eat without starving myself and worked out only moderately. This body is mine!!

  • angelams1019
    angelams1019 Posts: 1,102 Member
    Terri you look great!! You'll be there soon babe!! And I want to be where you are in that picture!!! lol
  • angelams1019
    angelams1019 Posts: 1,102 Member
    @Snitch- Here is your picture!! Keep telling yourself you'll get back there and YOU WILL! :)

  • icmuse
    icmuse Posts: 263 Member
    Positive visualization = manifestation!

  • terriblyn
    terriblyn Posts: 107 Member
    Terri you look great!! You'll be there soon babe!! And I want to be where you are in that picture!!! lol

    Thanks! That's on Koh Samui in Thailand!
  • icmuse
    icmuse Posts: 263 Member
    I love this thread!!

    This was me exactly 2 years ago. And not even at my smallest. I felt awesome, confident, and could still eat without starving myself and worked out only moderately. This body is mine!!


    Looking great!!!
    It looks like we have the exact same body type :-)
  • angelams1019
    angelams1019 Posts: 1,102 Member
    Positive visualization = manifestation!

    VERY TRUE!! :)
  • Janelle173
    Janelle173 Posts: 396 Member
    What a great topic, :) I would much rather work towards my own personal best that towards a photoshopped version of a celebrity. After my baby, I am not sure I can get back to the same size pants even, but if I can at least get back to being fit and healthy and happy, again, my own personal best, I will be stoked!

    Somewhere between the muscle definition I had at 110, and the more curvy look of the second pic is what I would like to be at :)

    @ Janelle-125 looks good on you girl!! You can do it! And yes, I definitely think its much kinder to your self if you visualize yourself as a healthier version of YOURSELF! That way you're not setting yourself up for failure.

    But I also realize that some people may have been overweight their entire lives and may not have any pictures of themselves to reference...So if you DO choose a picture that is not of yourself, just make sure its a natural picture of a REAL PERSON! :smile:

    Good luck! You can get back there!! And in my opinion, curves are always sexier! :love:

    thank you!!! i sure hope so! and i do agree about the second part of your comment. i do have a picture of, not a celebrity, but of a nike ad chick, that i also use as my muscle inspiration! again, not thinking i will ever look exactly like the pic, who knows if it is photoshopped, it may be to some extent. but, i want to strive for the lean muscles she has. :) I have never had really defined leg muscles...i'd like to work towards that!
