

  • pmhandlo11
    pmhandlo11 Posts: 101 Member
    I have mine open for friends because that what I wanted. I felt like being held accountable might help, however some ppl don't have their's open and that's their choice!!! I respect it either way!!
  • sa11yjane
    sa11yjane Posts: 491 Member
    I don't hide mine; it is open to friends. However, some days I don't complete my diary and it is because I am ashamed. I am ashamed of that day's failure and I hate the thought that people will ask why I am on this site if I eat xxx foods/cals. I feel pretty rubbish about my ongoing life's failures (hello.....'dieting' for 28 years and still 2.5 stone overweight.....definitely one of life's failures) and sometimes posting yet another failure is just too much for me. So, please don't be too hard on those who keep it private. Maybe they just struggle too x
  • Fozzi43
    Fozzi43 Posts: 2,984 Member
    Mine is open to friends..but I rarely get comments on my diary:sad: so I don't worry....
  • ktsmom430
    ktsmom430 Posts: 1,100 Member
    I have mine hidden because I do not want unsolicited comments from other people. I am doing what works for me and have lost weight consistantly for over 10 months now. If anyone really would like to know how I am doing it, all they have to do is ask. I have never felt the need to look at anyone else's diary here, and it doesn't even occur to me to look at their entries. Everyone is different, and what works for one person may not work for another. For me, it is basically, calories in calories out. I can not understand why some people find this unacceptable.
  • Biggipooh
    Biggipooh Posts: 350
    My food diary is only open to my dietitian, not to Mr X and Mrs Y, I have no relationship with.
  • ILiftHeavyAcrylics
    ILiftHeavyAcrylics Posts: 27,732 Member
    I'm accountable to myself, and don't want or need people who've chosen to starve themselves, eat in a manner different from me and/or who arbitrarily exclude foods (or entire food groups) from their diets trying to tell me how evil my diet is and why I should change it.

    This. Mine is open to friends now, but it used to be private. I do fine with personal accountability.
  • terilou87
    terilou87 Posts: 328 Member
    I am not sure why people hide there food diary as advice can help and lets be honest if your fat and overweight like i was you need to be honest with yourself.

    This might seem harsh but come on people I found being honest with myself one of the biggest steps. I use to lie how fat I was to people and myself.

    didn't even know mine wasn't showing, have done it now though, i like looking at other peoples diaries for food tips, but i dont mind if there not showing i'm sure they have their reasons.
  • fitasaferret
    "I don't want weight loss advice from fat people. "

    That's a bit harsh, you obviously don't need help but don't knock others who are struggling with weight issues
    We all need encouragement calling people fat is not going to help
  • FitnessPalWorks
    FitnessPalWorks Posts: 1,128 Member
    My diary is private for personal reasons. I, too, put personal notes in the "notes" section. Why? Because I have multiple food allergies, and when I have, let's say a horrible reaction to a food, nobody needs to know that! I'm using this site primarily to learn what I CAN eat, not to necessarily lose a lot of weight. I just want to feel better.
  • dhakiyya
    dhakiyya Posts: 481 Member

    The reason I took offense enough to ever respond in the first place is because you're flatly judging everybody who doesn't write properly and up to your standards as less educated and less intelligent. That's an ignornant judgment, and it deals with more people than the OP.

    Why would you take offense? My comment was directed at the OP. :huh: Also, you've misquoted me. I never said 'and'. I said 'either...or both'. BIG difference. Before you get all :mad: over someone's post, please read it more carefully...but not too carefully. :tongue:

    Your comment wasn't just criticising the OP though, it was criticising everyone who doesn't write perfect English implying that the only reason for mistakes in written English is a lack of intelligence or education. I'm dyslexic, (and intelligent and well educated) and really I'm quite dismayed at your whole attitude. Not only are there many reasons why an intelligent, educated person might make mistakes in English, it makes me paranoid that people are going to judge me as a person based on a few slips and typos in messages that I write, which I have a tendency to do, due to dyslexia. For example, I know the difference between your and you're, however stuff sometimes gets muddled between my brain and typing fingers, and I type the wrong one and don't notice because the spell checker doesn't pick up stuff like that (and nor does my brain a lot of the time, again due to dyslexia). Just because someone writes the wrong one, doesn't mean they don't know the difference between the two. Even non-dyslexic people if they're typing quickly can make mistakes.

    And if you didn't mean your post to come out the way others have read it, perhaps that was because you didn't express yourself very clearly?

    And the OP said just now that he's dyslexic too.... funny that. I bet he does know the difference between your and you're and just accidentally typed the wrong one....
  • leanne9876
    leanne9876 Posts: 301 Member
    I am not sure why people hide there food diary as advice can help and lets be honest if your fat and overweight like i was you need to be honest with yourself.

    This might seem harsh but come on people I found being honest with myself one of the biggest steps. I use to lie how fat I was to people and myself.

    I hide mine because I don't always fill it out and I don't want people thinking I am starving myself or skipping meals.
  • SlimsLiftingMoreThanLipstick
    I am totally honest in my diary. I have days where I am a superhuman rock-star eater and days where I am just human. I have lost 37 lbs and have toned my body. I had my diary open for awhile(about mid way through my journey) but now it's closed. It's not out of shame or fear. It's not because I don't want feedback or because I don't want to help others. It's because for me it's really detrimental to my mental health! I start over thinking it WAY too much. This is meant to be a tool for me to stay healthy, to me that means overall health and if having my diary open makes this a negative then guess what it stays closed. We are all different in how we handle things. If people want their diary closed that is their personal choice, and it just might work for them! If anyone wants to know my strategy I tell them. Sometimes I post recipes or meals I just don't feel like people need to see my every decision, heck just because what I do works for me doesn't mean it will work for them. I hope having your diary open helps you. I think this site is meant to be positive so maybe focus on that!
  • akaMrsmojo
    akaMrsmojo Posts: 762 Member
    I do not care either way, it is a personal choice. Mine is open to my friends but not to the public.

    I think the OP was probably referring to the fact people will post complaining and asking why they are not losing but hide their diary. That is the only time I will look at someone's diary. If advise is solicited, I think it is annoying.

    But what irritates me more than that is when you offer a newbie advice and they choose to argue and listen to another newbie who is having the same issue.

    Diary, no diary, no matter.
  • sunsnstatheart
    sunsnstatheart Posts: 2,544 Member
    I think this thread and a few responses are sufficient enough reason for someone to lock their diary. People really don't need judgmental messages about their diaries, particularly from people who are not nutrition experts. Mine is completely open but quite a few of my friends have their diaries locked, and I also lost the vast majority of my weight before joining MFP using a variety of other calorie counting apps that did not include a social network.

    My advice? Back off. Encouragement and Judgement are two very different things.
  • Built_Strong
    Built_Strong Posts: 114 Member
    I keep mine open and I dont mind if people look at it - I havent received any feedback but I take that with a grain of salt. I know that what I'm doing works for me. I keep it open so it MAY help my Keto friends as well. Some people are at a loss when it comes to low-carbing and I've been doing it for years so I'm happy to help.
  • HotrodsGirl0107
    HotrodsGirl0107 Posts: 243 Member
    I am accountable for my choices and I am honest with myself. That doesn't mean I care what random strangers on the internet think. My real world family and friends are all the support I need. I am here to continue to maintain my 125lbs weightloss and to reach my fitness goals. I may not be an expert but I think I have MY needs figured out. Just because you have issues being honest with yourself that doesn't mean I am in the same boat as you.
  • cubbies77
    cubbies77 Posts: 607 Member
    I use MFP to track my food, exercise, and weight loss for myself, nobody else.

    I'm not here to make friends or get support. I'm very shy, and even moreso when it comes to weight loss, so I don't want feedback, especially from strangers.

    I don't like attention, so even people in my "real life" didn't know I was losing weight until it became obvious. Now they ask me how I've lost weight, and I try to brush it off with, "Just watching what I eat and exercising." Then I change the subject.

    That's why my diary is closed. It has nothing to do with "hiding" anything. I've lost 45 pounds, so I'd say I'm doing okay so far.
  • foleyshirley
    foleyshirley Posts: 1,043 Member
    My diary is for me, and I am completely honest with myself. My diary is also open to my friends. But unless I have a question to post, it will remain closed to the public because it isn't any of your business :). If I want advice, I will ask for it.
  • devan33
    devan33 Posts: 177 Member
    Mine is open to friends only and I enjoy seeing what my friends are eating. It helps to give me ideas for new foods for myself. I haven't received any negative feedback on my friends reading it. I am open to suggestions..that's why I am here and allow people to send friend requests. If I didn't want support or if people were just rude, they would be deleted.
  • peter236uk
    peter236uk Posts: 140 Member
    I was very surprised at the comments that came back if I am honest. I might have been a bit mischievous but was surprised at some people level of anger even insults.

    I have to say I have not had one negative comment on what I eat or don't eat . I think we are all different however its quite useful I found to have a look at some of my friends food diary. I don't consider it creepy I just wanted to see what was working for them or not but I keep my thoughts to myself.

    I prefer to eat fresh produce and home cooked food I hate processed food. That is my choice but do not judge what others eat.