

  • Ramberta
    Ramberta Posts: 1,312 Member
    Why hide your food diary?
    Maybe to stop people judging them without knowing the facts!!!

    This! It's so easy to judge a person based on one entry in a food diary, or one look at their profile picture, or whatever else. In fact this site seems to thrive on that. But most of us prefer not to judge or be judged in such a manner. Unless we're asking for constructive criticism, there's no reason for us to stick our necks out to be insulted by holier-than-thou types.
  • Shas2228
    Shas2228 Posts: 187
    When mine was public, I experienced the "Soccer Moms" of MyFitnessPal. What helps me lose weight, keeps me full, and helps me stay on track is nobody's business.

    I'm not ashamed of what I eat, because I don't eat bad at all. I log every single calorie I consume. However I feel like making my diary public is open game to those who have something to prove.

    That's why... I'm not on here to be bossed around. I'm on here to log my calories and socialize with others who are in the same boat as I.
  • letjog
    letjog Posts: 260 Member
    I'm amazed that so many people have dignified the original rude post with a reply.
  • Ramberta
    Ramberta Posts: 1,312 Member
    I am not sure why people hide there food diary as advice can help and lets be honest if your fat and overweight like i was you need to be honest with yourself.

    This might seem harsh but come on people I found being honest with myself one of the biggest steps. I use to lie how fat I was to people and myself.

    As long as we're saying things that "might seem harsh," you'll forgive me if I don't take advice from someone who doesn't know the difference between "your" and "you're." You may think I suck because my food diary's private, but I think that a grown man spelling things phonetically is a worse crime -- I guess we all have our things that drive us nuts.

    +1 I don't take advice from people who can't write properly. It indicates to me either a lack of education, a lack of intelligence or both.

    As for your question, I value my privacy. I'm honest with myself; that's all that's necessary.

    And as we all know, those who aren't as well-educated or intellectual are actually sub-human. Third World countries should be severed ties with immediately, only given dictionaries and thesauruses to fend for themselves. Only when they can recite the entireties of these books with ease, shall we bring these formerly ignorant countries back into communication with us "proper" humans.

    ahahahahahahaha I love it! Take down the grammar police!
  • gramarye
    gramarye Posts: 586 Member
    Because I'm not using my food diary as a measure of my success; I use it as a personal tool for being *aware* of what I'm eating. I'm perfectly aware of the way the food I eat affects my body, and I don't feel like I need commentary on that.
  • snowbike
    snowbike Posts: 153 Member
    Some people are happy to show all, others are not.

    My diary is not relevant to the vast majority on here.
  • hughtwalker
    hughtwalker Posts: 2,213 Member
    It seems that whilst the common herring may be in need of conservation/protection, the red variety is alive and well and thriving on Myfitnesspal.com
  • peter236uk
    peter236uk Posts: 140 Member
    I have said it a personnel choice I asked the question. This is a forum not sure why the insults but hey i can cope with that . I do feel sad that people feel the need to insult others.

    This site has been very good for me and worked well for me. I have never had a bad comment about my diet or negative feedback. Those that are not fat then I guess the question about diet and nutrition is irrelevant . Then why respond to the thread. I have many friends I hasten to add not just online friends but real friends asking about my diet and weight loss.
  • bcattoes
    bcattoes Posts: 17,299 Member
    I am not sure why people hide there food diary as advice can help and lets be honest if your fat and overweight like i was you need to be honest with yourself.

    This might seem harsh but come on people I found being honest with myself one of the biggest steps. I use to lie how fat I was to people and myself.

    Why do you care if someone doesn't want your advice? Advice can help if it's good advice, but there is as nonsense as good advice on this site. And how would opening your diary to the public make you more accountable to or honest with yourself?

    For some people opening their diary could cause them to be less honest in their logging because they'd fear the ridicule every time they ate something someone else decided was "bad".
  • AniyahsMommy324
    AniyahsMommy324 Posts: 104 Member
    I am not sure why people hide there food diary as advice can help and lets be honest if your fat and overweight like i was you need to be honest with yourself.

    This might seem harsh but come on people I found being honest with myself one of the biggest steps. I use to lie how fat I was to people and myself.

    Mine is private because a lot of people don't give advice, they criticize what you're eating and you you're doing it wrong only because you're not eating like them. My diary is for me, not anyone else. I eat what I want as long as I stay in my calorie range.
  • CherokeeBabe
    CherokeeBabe Posts: 1,704 Member
    Because it bothers you.
  • jmc0806
    jmc0806 Posts: 1,444 Member
    I do it just so I can see this post pop up once a week
  • squindles
    squindles Posts: 350 Member
    Frankly, I don't see that it's anybody's opinion what I do or don't eat. What I'm doing is currently working for me, and I'm happy with that. If I want people's opinions, then I'll ask for them! I don't need somebody saying 'well, you HAVE to do this, because it worked for me'.

    Also, do people really stalk other people's food diaries? I find that kinda creepy!
    My sentiments exactley!!!!!!
  • SmallMimi
    SmallMimi Posts: 541 Member
    To put it frankly - it is none of your damn business!
  • cruzcrzyMarie
    cruzcrzyMarie Posts: 251 Member
    Having your food diary open isn't being honest with yourself, it's being open and honest with others. Logging your food, privately, publicly, in any form however, is being honest with yourself. I realize that logging is good for me, but it doesn't mean I necessarily want others seeing what I'm eating. I don't eat paleo/primal/vegan, I gorge on foods that aren't healthy but still manage to fit my macros, I don't want the judgment of complete strangers to sabotage my efforts by making me not even want to log my foods anymore.

    This pretty well sums it up for me! I log for my own accountability, and yes, I DO log honestly. I am in maintenace and very happy with my progress.

  • syrklc
    syrklc Posts: 172 Member
    I am not sure why people hide there food diary as advice can help and lets be honest if your fat and overweight like i was you need to be honest with yourself.

    This might seem harsh but come on people I found being honest with myself one of the biggest steps. I use to lie how fat I was to people and myself.

    I don't think hiding a diary makes them dishonest. People can be dishonest with open diary by posting incorrect data. :smile:
  • Juliejustsaying
    Juliejustsaying Posts: 2,332 Member
    because people make snap judgements without the facts...for example one day I only ate 600 calories, so a "friend" posted "ummmm" and then unfriended me. She didn't ask...but I was sick that day and had vomited most of what I ate...

    so give me a break...I don't feel like being judged like that....but I am happy that "friend" is gone.

    Now I have another friend who I adore who gets yelled at about her food choices...so exactly where is the support and constructive critisim.

    I know what mistakes I'm making...if I want advice I'll either open it, or I'll post what I ate...
  • Contrarian
    Contrarian Posts: 8,138 Member
    I hid mine so well that I can't find it, now.
  • Chubby_Bum
    Simply because its mine and I don't need or want advice.Also it keeps all of the judgy people out of my business.

    Amen !
  • junejadesky
    junejadesky Posts: 524 Member
    I am not sure why people hide there food diary as advice can help and lets be honest if your fat and overweight like i was you need to be honest with yourself.

    This might seem harsh but come on people I found being honest with myself one of the biggest steps. I use to lie how fat I was to people and myself.

    Some people do not want feedback from others. This is not the same thing as "not being honest with yourself" in all cases.

    I will give you one example: I have a friend with an eating disorder. She does not like to be ridiculed by people who truly do not understand her battles. Locking her food diary prevents this.

    I'm sharing this with you for context. You may need accountability or commentary. Other people may not, and that's not a bad thing.

    This is it right here... sharing is not for everybody and we should respect that. Everyone is different and that is the beauty of being human, it is assumptions and judgement that help us come to conclusions that other people are "not being honest" when in reality they are living their own truth and not getting wound up in what others do.....