Over 200 Club New Year New Me Part 10



  • HonestOmnivore
    HonestOmnivore Posts: 1,356 Member
    Jess - we have a big pasture out back with two horses in it now and a friend had this mare (older - 20 plus?) that is bred but not being used, so we're a "summer camp" for the mare. It won't cost us more because she'll be grazing with ours!

    I just hope getting a horse and having high speed Internet will be enough to keep her occupied this summer. I'm sure we'll find some other things, like a soccer club or some kind of recreation she can get involved with to meet people.
  • cris20056
    cris20056 Posts: 1,355 Member
    checking in 3/19/10:
    calories- under by 10
    water- yes
    sodium-:grumble: 2420
    excercise- attempted c25k w5d3....ran 12 min walked 10mins
    proud- not really
  • sutts
    sutts Posts: 35
    Are you accepting new members? I need to lose 100 pounds the healthy way and would love some support.
  • meokk
    meokk Posts: 787 Member
    Chris - You did an amazing thing today, no need for disappointment. You couldn't run for 12 minutes 3 months ago, AND NOW YOU CAN !!!:drinker: :heart: :drinker:
    Mstahl - I applaud your open heart and willingness to take on a teenager. You obviously love her very much but not every Grandma would do this for their grandchild. You are such a good egg. :flowerforyou:

    Checking in for today
    Calories - under, eating about 1/2 exercise (if all goes to plan)
    exercise - 1 hour of yard work
    water - 100oz plus

    proud that I got my work done early and got outside in the beautiful sunshine!

    Have a great weekend everyone :heart: :heart:
  • RedneckWmn
    RedneckWmn Posts: 3,202 Member
    Are you accepting new members? I need to lose 100 pounds the healthy way and would love some support.

    We are always accepting members! We weigh in every Friday and check in daily with our calories, exercise, water intake and sodium or whatever else you are trying to work on. We always say one thing we are proud of that we did that day as wel. It's a wonderful group! Welcome!
  • sutts
    sutts Posts: 35
    This seems like a great group. I am determined to lose weight the healthy way this time! Thanks for welcoming me!
    Today I stayed within my calories (1700); walked for 30 minutes - my goal is to increase to 40 tomorrow;did not drink any water- oh, I need to work on that; I am proud of myself for listening to Dr. Oz and planning breakfasts and lunches that I will keep the same each day to make dieting easier. Thanks again.
  • Momma2four
    Momma2four Posts: 1,534
    I didnt do it:sad: :frown:

    I was able to go 12 mins and then the mental games started, I was hurting but not enough where it should have stopped me. I totally quit. I tried to walk for a minute but by then I had lost it...I ran one extra minute walked it out and left.

    I am so dissapointed in myself:indifferent: :frown:

    trying to see the silver lining though..I did go 12 mins which is 2 extra minutes than I originally thought I could even do and 4 mins more than I have ever done...so at least there's that. I am going to keep going until I can go the full 20 mins. I might be stuck in week 5 for awhile:sad: :sad:

    Hey sister I think you are amazing and I think you should be soooooooooooooo proud of the 12 mins. Think back to 3-4 months ago could you even imagine running for 12 entire minutes. You are doing sooooo goood. Do not let this discourage you.
  • Momma2four
    Momma2four Posts: 1,534
    This seems like a great group. I am determined to lose weight the healthy way this time! Thanks for welcoming me!
    Today I stayed within my calories (1700); walked for 30 minutes - my goal is to increase to 40 tomorrow;did not drink any water- oh, I need to work on that; I am proud of myself for listening to Dr. Oz and planning breakfasts and lunches that I will keep the same each day to make dieting easier. Thanks again.

    Wow Sutts, good for you. You have a great attitude and I think you are going to fit in here just great. I look forward to getting to know you and sharing your success' along the way. We all can understand needing to lose the big 1-0-0. But you know what we CAN and WILL do it.
  • Momma2four
    Momma2four Posts: 1,534
    mstahl, you are doing the right thing by this girl. She is lucky to have you!!!! Please remember from a person who lives with a teenager (2 of them both female:noway: ) They are moody creatures and oh so sensitive. I told my 16 yo she should try this low fat salad dressing because it tasted really great and was low in cals and fat. What she heard. You are really fat and should eat this salad dressing. The other day her dad commented on her test and asked about it. She heard You are really dumb. Mind you this is a child who is in advanced placement classes maintaining 3.5 and above g.p.a. for the last 3 years. This is a girl who took a pre sat test as a freshmen and allowed her scores to be given to colleges and now they fill my mail box daily with brochures and call my house and ask if we would be interested in more info about them. (bragging) But anyway my point is she is super intellegent, yet she says these things. Teenagers you got to love them.
  • HonestOmnivore
    HonestOmnivore Posts: 1,356 Member
    Thanks for the heads up Momma!:flowerforyou: I'm hoping that with some space from some of the bad stuff in her life, and some positive things to do, she'll be able to have a feeling of starting fresh out here. She's bringing her dog with her and with the horse (told her about the mare tonight - she seems pretty excited) and a few other 'projects' available for her to work on... I'm hoping she'll be able to regain her footing. She had a parent call her fat and lazy most of her life:explode: . Her elbows and knees stand out she's so thin and she's also VERY smart but after constant harping and badgering I think she just gave up on school. Somehow she's kept her :heart: heart open and for that I'm soooo grateful!

    Sutts- Welcome! You'll love it here! I had to lose 100 pounds when I started and I've lost almost 30 thanks to this group!!!

    Checking in for today!
    Calories - under by about 4 LOL!
    Water - OVER by GALLONS! (or at least it seems that way)
    Exercise - Zero (well, I did climb the steps at work a few times!)

    Proud- I was DETERMINED not to keep going over and my husband wanted to take me to Outback tonight (he found a Gift Certificate!). I went online and figured out what I could eat to stay within my calories. I'd only had an apple and a banana today, along with some sugar free candies (100 cal) but even then I had to work to keep the dinner in line! I had the salmon (:heart: IT!:heart: ), vegetables, a Caesar salad, and 1.5 coconut shrimp. I drank water and didn't have ANY bread! It was hard watching Ken eat the bread, and the rest of the shrimp - but it felt SO good to be controlling things again! And I'm full and happy!
  • bluenote
    bluenote Posts: 2,930
    Well, I'm happy to report that I am part of the big fat zero club this week. Nice to see some familiar faces in it with me! :smokin:
    I ate crap all week, so I have no one to blame but myself. This week is spring break for me so I am going to regroup and get it together. Like I always say, no matter where you are, there you are. :grumble:

    Positive_me.........0.0% +2.0
    Meokk....................1.10% -2.2
    LitleSpy.................0.0% +0.4
    hajohnson24........0.0% +2.0
    Jess...................... 0.63% -1.6
    Cris20056............1.6% -3.6
    snowflakes.......... 0.0% +2.4
    Mari .......................0.83% -2.0
    Awestfall...............1.3% -3.2
    momma................0.0% -0
    mstahl...................1.4% - 2.6
    madgoth...............0.0% -0
    bluenote...............0.0% +2
  • lildebbie
    lildebbie Posts: 2,068 Member
    mstahl - I hope that it does good for your grandaughter..

    I am super motivated today...I think i have gotten my second wind. I was soo excited i got on the scale before a shower at about 4:30 and I was about lb down from this morning..i am sure it was just water weight , i had ham last night so i am thinking i was just retaining some water this morning,..i am feeling hopeful for next week :smile:

    The dinner we were trying out tonight didn't turn out, so we were scrambling for something else quick since it was late when hubby was coming home, he said i could stop and get something , and I was very strong that it needed to be something good. So i got 2 grilled chicken go wrap, less than 500 cals.

    Check in -
    Cals - Under
    Water - 36oz (still under but getting better)
    Exercise - Walked 1 mile
    Proud - That I am gettin back into the groove
  • bluenote
    bluenote Posts: 2,930
    And, for the fourth day in a row....*drum roll, please*......
    I've eaten crappy food that has no nutritional value and had to work out like a fiend to get down to my calorie limit.
    It's been a very bad week. A very bad week, indeed.

    check in:

    cals : 12 under
    water: OK
    exercise: burned 1K of cals
    proud: I didn't post the post I was going to post that read I don't belong here because I am way bigger than you gals and I am falling into a void of which I fear now I may never get out. :ohwell:
  • awestfall
    awestfall Posts: 1,774 Member
    And, for the fourth day in a row....*drum roll, please*......
    I've eaten crappy food that has no nutritional value and had to work out like a fiend to get down to my calorie limit.
    It's been a very bad week. A very bad week, indeed.

    check in:

    cals : 12 under
    water: OK
    exercise: burned 1K of cals
    proud: I didn't post the post I was going to post that read I don't belong here because I am way bigger than you gals and I am falling into a void of which I fear now I may never get out. :ohwell:
    Bluenote you belong here just as much as the other gals.You are doing this and so what you had a bad week.I am telling you fix it now because you know how too.I am sick and I got up this morning and exercised anyways.(Not hardcore but I still did it) Remember why you are here and why your doing this.Remember how great of a person you are and how beautiful you are right now and the great things you have been doing for your body.I know your going to pick yourself up from this slump and move on because I am putting my foot down and telling you to stop the bad food cycle now.Jump back on this wagon and stay on it.I am here for you because I :heart: you just like I :heart: all the other gals here that support me and others.So I am supporting you by telling you that you do belong and I am going to continue to be here even when I reach 199 because I get so much inspiration from this group and I know you do to thats why your still here.
  • HonestOmnivore
    HonestOmnivore Posts: 1,356 Member
    BlueNote - you're one of us now - like it or not. Don't force me to display my phenomenal stalking skills :wink:

    I took my measurements and I'm not losing inches - my thighs are actually bigger and I'm telling myself it's the muscle from biking and jogging and that it will start back down soon. My weight is all over the damn place this month and unless something happens this week this will be the first months since I started that will have less than six pounds lost. I might only have a pound or two lost.

    Some of it is my part - some of it might be just that I've passed into a new metabolic zone and I have to adjust my expectations. What I know FOR SURE:

    1. I feel better than I did when I started.
    2. I look better than I did when I started.
    3. I am a healthier person than I was when I started.
    4. I am a stronger person than I was when I started.
    5. People around me have noticed my weight loss and are happy for me.
    6. I can check in every day here and not lose for six months and I'll still be welcome although some of you will be kicking my @$$ to get back in gear!

    I like lists. I'm going to post this one to remind me why stalling out or picking up a pound or two isn't reason to throw in the towel. Even if I've just been losing the same two or three pounds all month? At least I'm still LOSING them!:bigsmile:

    (edited to add that thanks to my Saturday AM weigh in - I'm back down to my ticker weight!)
    ((Edited AGAIN to say that I've put a snapshot of Meghan in my photos from this past summer if you want to see?)
  • sutts
    sutts Posts: 35
    Bluenote, I have needed to lose 100 pounds since my teenage daughter was born. You said that you are bigger than some of them in this group, well so am I. I am new to this and feeling totally out of place but I know that together we can all succeed.
  • meokk
    meokk Posts: 787 Member
    And, for the fourth day in a row....*drum roll, please*......
    I've eaten crappy food that has no nutritional value and had to work out like a fiend to get down to my calorie limit.
    It's been a very bad week. A very bad week, indeed.

    check in:

    cals : 12 under
    water: OK
    exercise: burned 1K of cals
    proud: I didn't post the post I was going to post that read I don't belong here because I am way bigger than you gals and I am falling into a void of which I fear now I may never get out. :ohwell:

    Hey Blue to help you snap out of your funk, I wrote you a motivational song.
    To be sung to the tune of "Hey Jude"
    Everybody now........

    Hey Blue, don't get too sad
    Log you foods in and drink your water
    Remember to get some exercise done
    You can have fun and you'll get thinner

    Hey Blue, don't be afraid
    The whole group will, always support you
    The minute you feel you might want to quit
    Just post it quick and we will help you.

    And anytime you feel the pain, hey Blue, refrain
    From eating the whole bag of those goldfish
    For well you know that it's a rule like one in school
    One must keep tight reign on salt intake
    Na na na, na na, na na na na

    Hey Blue, no need to frown
    You have lost weight, and inspired others
    Remember, that even kids in your class
    Have noticed your *kitten*, is now much thinner, thinner, thinner, thinner

    Na na na, na-na na na
    Na-na na na, hey Blue
    Na na na, na-na na na
    Na-na na na, hey Blue
  • lildebbie
    lildebbie Posts: 2,068 Member
    BLU - YOu are doing great...And yes you belong here !!!! YOu have already lost almost 60 lbs, and you will continue to loose...Seems like a lot of has had problems lately (me being # 1 on the list) , but we just got to get back on track and we will do it.
  • HonestOmnivore
    HonestOmnivore Posts: 1,356 Member

    Hey Blue to help you snap out of your funk, I wrote you a motivational song.
    To be sung to the tune of "Hey Jude"
    Everybody now........

    Hey Blue, don't get too sad
    Log you foods in and drink your water
    Remember to get some exercise done
    You can have fun and you'll get thinner

    Hey Blue, don't be afraid
    The whole group will, always support you
    The minute you feel you might want to quit
    Just post it quick and we will help you.

    And anytime you feel the pain, hey Blue, refrain
    From eating the whole bag of those goldfish
    For well you know that it's a rule like one in school
    One must keep tight reign on salt intake
    Na na na, na na, na na na na

    Hey Blue, no need to frown
    You have lost weight, and inspired others
    Remember, that even kids in your class
    Have noticed your *kitten*, is now much thinner, thinner, thinner, thinner

    Na na na, na-na na na
    Na-na na na, hey Blue
    Na na na, na-na na na
    Na-na na na, hey Blue
    :drinker: :flowerforyou: :love: :laugh: :heart: :drinker: :bigsmile: :smokin: :flowerforyou: :love:
    meokk - this is PURE AWESOME! I went to the gym last week singing about goldfish crackers and today I'm going to be heading out the door singing "Hey Blue"!

    This is the best group eva!
  • bluenote
    bluenote Posts: 2,930
    This IS seriously the best group ever. Thank you ALL so much for your motivational words. I need them so desperately right now! Old habits are creeping back in slowly. The toughest one to break is the mentality that if I slip up this badly, as in an entire week of failure, I am not going to make it. I've had so many failed attempts, like I am sure you all have had, too. But I know in my heart that I want this more than anything.

    Mstahl, I printed your list and put in on the cabinet in the kitchen. I'm going to put another copy in my car (I tend to drive to the store on a whim for those goldfish!). I need to keep reminding myself of how great I am doing. Thank you for the 'lift.'

    Meokk, I have never in my life had anyone write a song about me! I started crying when I was singing it in my head! I copied it and posted it on my refrigerator! Thank you so much for caring about me! I love it! I am in a weird funk right now - stress at work (the show, might be losing my job) and I think I have serious PMS symptoms but I have not had a period in over seven months, so WTH??? My hormones are flying everywhere!

    Spring Break is this week, and since I didn't have enough money to treat myself to a mani at 20, or a pedi at 40, I think instead I am going to get a MASSAGE today!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I need it, don't you think? LOL

    :heart: You gals are the best. I honestly do not think I would still be doing this without you. Thank you for believing in me, even when I don't. :heart: