Things you never knew that when found out made you feel dumb



  • MyM0wM0w
    MyM0wM0w Posts: 2,008 Member
    Question - Where did the holy water come from? Do you just keep it around for emergency kitten/demon possession?

    That made me laugh until I cried. Pure win.
  • Micahroni84
    Micahroni84 Posts: 452 Member
    I mentioned this in another topic but here it is again.

    Until my early 20's i thought the term "making ends meet" was "making ends meat" as in making some kind of poor peoples food. Like all you could afford was the end of the meat.

    Just as embarrassing as that, as a kid i was told that the reason we say bless you when people sneeze is because of an old indian belief that your spirit will try to escape when you sneeze so until my early 20's I thought every one was saying "blushew", what i assumed was an old indian word. It wasn't until some one sneeze and another person very clearly said "god bless you" that i realized how stupid i was.
  • Micahroni84
    Micahroni84 Posts: 452 Member
    I found out through watching Glee that Barbra Streisand is actually an insanely famous singer, not just an actress from Meet the Fockers..
    You have got to rent Funny Girl and What's Up Doc!
  • againagain
    againagain Posts: 27 Member
    When I was younger and my dad made steak he cooked it medium rare. To get me to eat it my mom told me it was "meat juice". Fast forward to me being in my early 20's and having dinner with friends:

    Friend: Ugh, how can you eat that bloody mess
    Me: It's not blood
    Friend: What do you think it is?
    Me: meat juice
    Friend: :huh: what?
    Me: oh....facepalm

    It isn't blood. It's meat juice...
  • jofjltncb6
    jofjltncb6 Posts: 34,415 Member
    Blue from "Blue's Clues" is a girl. Always thought a blue dog would be a boy.

    And yet, Magenta...
  • hunderwoman
    hunderwoman Posts: 101 Member
    That "DC" stands for District of Colombia 0_o

    prepare yourself for more disappointment...

    it's spelled Columbia.

    Oh my gosh, I literally laughed out loud!
  • orangesmartie
    orangesmartie Posts: 1,870 Member
    In the song "Africa" by Toto it's NOT: "There's nothing that a million men on mars could ever do."

    I sang it that way up until a few years ago. Never really occurred to me that it didn't make sense.

    :embarassed: um....what is the lyric?
  • halobender
    halobender Posts: 780 Member
    DR;TL-Reader's Digest version please (do they even still publish that?)
    So her cat had kittens. One day she came home, completely hung over and found that a kitten was missing from the basket. They thought the cat had eaten one of the kittens. So she and her friend sprinkled the other kittens with holy water to try to ward off the evil spirits that might be causing a mother cat to eat her young. Then it took another kitten under the bed, because it was moving them to a different basket, but she didn't realize that was the case.

    After moving the other kittens to another room and locking the door to "protect" them from the mother cat they left their home and found two maintenance workers to move her bed so they could take care of the situation. Once the bed was moved they found the two kittens alive and breastfeeding off their mother. The maintenance men thought they were on drugs.

    So anyway, I'm curious about the holy water. Do you just have some lying around? Or did you make it holy? (If I recall correctly, all that makes water holy is praying over it.)
  • Erin_goBrahScience
    Erin_goBrahScience Posts: 1,215 Member
    I mentioned this in another topic but here it is again.

    Until my early 20's i thought the term "making ends meet" was "making ends meat" as in making some kind of poor peoples food. Like all you could afford was the end of the meat.

    Just as embarrassing as that, as a kid i was told that the reason we say bless you when people sneeze is because of an old indian belief that your spirit will try to escape when you sneeze so until my early 20's I thought every one was saying "blushew", what i assumed was an old indian word. It wasn't until some one sneeze and another person very clearly said "god bless you" that i realized how stupid i was.

    I have always thought (and could be wrong) that when you sneeze your body freezes up (heart stops) and it's a superstition so you don't die.
  • lilRicki
    lilRicki Posts: 4,555 Member
    I just found out on Tuesday that Washington, D.C. is in "the District of Columbia" which is NOT a state it's a district why am I explaining this you probably all know it already.
    Please note that this person does *not* speak for all Canadians...
    Anyone who's ever counted could be very clear that DC is not a state. Let alone just reading an acronym.

    no, but she speaks for me, and I'm canadian. no need to be snarky and make people feel stupid.
  • Micahroni84
    Micahroni84 Posts: 452 Member
    That Turkeys can fly and nest in trees and not on the ground,

    But only wild ones. Domesticated turkeys are too fat and, if dropped from a plane, would hit the ground like sacks of wet cement. If you don't believe me, look up the WKRP turkey episode on YouTube.

    I used to live in Monterey, CA and there are hoards of wild turkeys that walk through the neighborhoods. Seeing them nesting in trees was one of the creepiest things ive ever seen. Mostly because i was watching it through fog and had no idea what they were at first.
  • nightengale7
    nightengale7 Posts: 563 Member
    Blue from "Blue's Clues" is a girl. Always thought a blue dog would be a boy.

    I am totally with you on this one. I think they did it just to mess with people's heads :noway:
  • halobender
    halobender Posts: 780 Member
    I just found out on Tuesday that Washington, D.C. is in "the District of Columbia" which is NOT a state it's a district why am I explaining this you probably all know it already.
    Please note that this person does *not* speak for all Canadians...
    Anyone who's ever counted could be very clear that DC is not a state. Let alone just reading an acronym.

    no, but she speaks for me, and I'm canadian. no need to be snarky and make people feel stupid.
    That user seems to be a bit of a misanthrope.
  • usmcmp
    usmcmp Posts: 21,220 Member
    That women weren't allowed in combat. I didn't realize it was 1950...
    Do some research. The reasons women have been kept out of contact go a lot deeper than just forgetting the year has changed. Some countries allow it, some don't, some have allowed it, then gone back and prohibited it again. It's not just an archaicism.

    :huh: Yep, when we are deployed and the shooting starts they call ceasefire and make sure we go hide. :huh:

    Might want to check into actual facts about women on deployment. We may not have "combat" jobs, but plenty of military women have been engaged in combat. We don't all sit at desks behind the wire. Plenty of my friends have been shot, fired shots and been blown up. Check out:
  • creech6317
    creech6317 Posts: 869 Member
    I found out through watching Glee that Barbra Streisand is actually an insanely famous singer, not just an actress from Meet the Fockers..
    You have got to rent Funny Girl and What's Up Doc!
    And "A star is Born" and my favorite movie of Barbara's "Hello Dolly"
  • HotDolphinMama
    HotDolphinMama Posts: 82 Member
    Back when my children were young (many, many years ago) I was a stay at home mom & I was HOOKED on my soap opera's. Like - seriously, - it's 3 o'clock so everyone be quiet or you're taking a nap Hooked!
    So, at the beginning and ending of each daily episoded the voice over man would say "brought to you by S.E. Johnson"
    Fast forward about 6 years and my big strapping boys are at a friends house after football practice. Apparently they made a mess and the mom tells the kid to clean off the living room table. The kid asks what he is supposed to use to get the prints off - and my usually intelligent son tells him to use the "Messy Johnson" -- They thought he was crazy!
    After the story was related to me by the child's mother I did some inquiring & found out my son thought that Pledge was called "Messy Johnson" and that was the company name also.
    It still cracks me up.............but maybe you had to be there! LOL
  • Timshel_
    Timshel_ Posts: 22,834 Member
    Disney romance and love don't happen in real life.
  • ShellyBell999
    ShellyBell999 Posts: 1,482 Member
    Disney romance and love don't happen in real life.

    *sprinkles with fairy dust* :flowerforyou:
  • kairisika
    kairisika Posts: 131 Member
    I just found out on Tuesday that Washington, D.C. is in "the District of Columbia" which is NOT a state it's a district why am I explaining this you probably all know it already.
    Please note that this person does *not* speak for all Canadians...
    Anyone who's ever counted could be very clear that DC is not a state. Let alone just reading an acronym.

    no, but she speaks for me, and I'm canadian. no need to be snarky and make people feel stupid.
    That user seems to be a bit of a misanthrope.
    No, just don't care for the first poster's implication that she's ignorant because she's Canadian. Plenty of Canadians know quite a bit more about the States, and her ignorance is hers alone.
  • kairisika
    kairisika Posts: 131 Member
    That women weren't allowed in combat. I didn't realize it was 1950...
    Do some research. The reasons women have been kept out of contact go a lot deeper than just forgetting the year has changed. Some countries allow it, some don't, some have allowed it, then gone back and prohibited it again. It's not just an archaicism.
    :huh: Yep, when we are deployed and the shooting starts they call ceasefire and make sure we go hide. :huh:
    Might want to check into actual facts about women on deployment. We may not have "combat" jobs, but plenty of military women have been engaged in combat. We don't all sit at desks behind the wire. Plenty of my friends have been shot, fired shots and been blown up. Check out:
    I didn't indicate any particular reason why women are not officially in combat in the States, nor did I express a judgement on whether they are shot at or killed, or should be allowed to.
    I merely stated that there are reasons governments make decisions on the role of women in combat that go beyond 'we haven't moved on since 1950'.