Women on the front lines??



  • pfgaytriot
    pfgaytriot Posts: 238 Member
    I've got news for you, women are put into combat situations each day, whether they're allowed to or not. I could give you contacts of female war veterans who will attest to that. So, why not allow them access to different ranks, specialties, and pay grades? Just because you feel that you could not preform in a combat situation does not make it so for the rest of your gender.
  • JUDDDing
    JUDDDing Posts: 1,367 Member
    I'm fully supportive of allowing women to any branch of service they may qualify for and be inclined to volunteer for, but I don't think there should be different standards for guys and chicks (besides the basic stuff like separate sleeping quarters and heads if possible). If a lady wants to G.I. Jane the seals more power to her, but she better meet the minimum physical requirements laid out for men, not some BS 1/2 the number of situps, knee pushups, and 2 minutes more time on the run or whatever.


    When I was in (90's) - females had "equivalent effort" standards. So, lower counts, longer times, things like "arm hangs" instead of pull-ups.

    So, assuming that the male standards all made sense (and I think they did) as long as the females we'd be putting in harm's way meet those same standards - then go for it. If we're planning on sticking to an "equivalent effort" type deal - we're probably sending people in who are not fully prepared for the whole job.
  • mazarith
    mazarith Posts: 107 Member
    I am all for the gender equality bit

    what?! way to belittle the women's movement . wow.
  • pfgaytriot
    pfgaytriot Posts: 238 Member

    This is making me laugh so hard.
  • neverstray
    neverstray Posts: 3,845 Member
    If you haven't been on the front lines, your opinion doesn't matter. Only those that have been there can assess. I'll just leave it up to the military to decide what is best for them. If they can do the job, I see no problem with it.

    I knew a woman that was trying to get into the fire department and was so mad because she claimed the fitness test was unfair. We got into a huge argument about it. We don't talk anymore. She stated that then physical test was built for a large strong male. I was like, no the requirements are set because you have to have physical capabilities when you are saving people's lives. She couldn't understand that and kept complaining about bias. She never got the job because she couldn't pass the physical. It doesn't mean there isn't bias, just to be fair. But, if you wanna play, you have to pass the requirements as they are. Lowering the requirements to allow for women is demeaning, IMO. Hopefully, this hasn't happened in the military. Reexamining that the requirements are valid should be assessed frequently though.

    My point is, if a female can pass all the requirements, I don't really see any issue. But, having not been in the military, there might be more to it than just that. I dunno.
  • sunsnstatheart
    sunsnstatheart Posts: 2,544 Member
    If they think women aren't already out there sending rounds down range they are ignorant. I've had multiple friends who were shot and blown up. All my female friends left the wire and engaged in combat. It doesn't mean that's the job they signed up to do. There are plenty of women I served with that I would never want beside me when **** hit the fan (and some men too). Some people in general can't stand up to that kind of stress and some function very well under that kind of stress.

    Thank you for your service. I think that's all I, or any other civilian, should ever really say on this subject. If a woman wants to serve, let her serve. My hat's off to you.
  • Jersey_Devil
    Jersey_Devil Posts: 4,142 Member
    A soldier is a soldier. Man, women, white, black, gay, straight... they are all adequately trained and prepared for combat.
  • usmcmp
    usmcmp Posts: 21,220 Member
    If they think women aren't already out there sending rounds down range they are ignorant. I've had multiple friends who were shot and blown up. All my female friends left the wire and engaged in combat. It doesn't mean that's the job they signed up to do. There are plenty of women I served with that I would never want beside me when **** hit the fan (and some men too). Some people in general can't stand up to that kind of stress and some function very well under that kind of stress.

    Thank you for your service. I think that's all I, or any other civilian, should ever really say on this subject. If a woman wants to serve, let her serve. My hat's off to you.

    :flowerforyou: Thank you!
  • bbgughj
    bbgughj Posts: 219 Member
    I believe in equal rights , But then again I'm kind of old Fashion , women do not need to be on the front lines !
  • rachelhohenbrink
    rachelhohenbrink Posts: 179 Member
    I feel as though if your making the choice as a woman than you know what your signing up for. The end. Everything is a choice.
  • MikeyD1280
    MikeyD1280 Posts: 5,257
    I was an infantry man. I remember when I was in back in 1999 the only reason that they gave why it would not be good for a woman to be in infantry is because of the TOM. If a woman was in the field and her TOM came, and there were no plugs/tampons/whatever, it can cause health issues. I never dared to argue it (at 19 ) as I would never now. There are men that cannot cut it, and there are woman that can cut it. I respect any decision anyone ever made as long as that decision doesn't get me killed....
  • MikeyD1280
    MikeyD1280 Posts: 5,257
    and I am straight.. and I could care less if my battle buddy was gay...
  • BigDave1050
    BigDave1050 Posts: 854 Member
    Back in 1999 the only reason that they gave why it would not be good for a woman to be in infantry is because of the TOM. If a woman was in the field and her TOM came, and there were no plugs/tampons/whatever

    I have to say that this is really no longer true. In the Corps, Every guy I new had Tampons! They make great bullet hole plugs in case you get shot! and as a Combat Vet I can tell you that Female Marines are already on the front line because the "Wars" we fight now don't have lines anymore!
  • allylbrown
    My husband retired after 27 years of service and a lot has changed since he went in at age 18. I am totally for EQUAL pay and jobs in the military for women versus men. I also do not think women who get pregnant should be automatically taken out of their job placements...for example sea duty, seal teams et. Maybe limitied duty but Equal is Equal!!!! Women know what they sign up for and let them work. For me the military would never be for me! I love supporting my husband and his goals but my personality is totally different...I would die out to sea!!!!!! but again that is me, women know what they r joining. Let them do all the work equally
  • tashjs21
    tashjs21 Posts: 4,584 Member
    Who was Voldemort's best fighter? Bellatrix Lestrange. Ain't no one stopped to help that *****.


    I thought Voldemort lost.

    Yes, because he was a man.

    What was the gender of his snake, who killed like half of the characters?



  • MikeyD1280
    MikeyD1280 Posts: 5,257
    Back in 1999 the only reason that they gave why it would not be good for a woman to be in infantry is because of the TOM. If a woman was in the field and her TOM came, and there were no plugs/tampons/whatever

    I have to say that this is really no longer true. In the Corps, Every guy I new had Tampons! They make great bullet hole plugs in case you get shot! and as a Combat Vet I can tell you that Female Marines are already on the front line because the "Wars" we fight now don't have lines anymore!

    like I said.. never argued it. We had field dressings similiar to it...
  • Reinventing_Me
    Reinventing_Me Posts: 1,053 Member
    So I heard this morning on the radio that the US Military is now going to allow women on the front lines. I am all for the gender equality bit in business. For example, I do the same job as a guy but he gets paid considerably more isn't right. Equal pay for equal work is how I feel. But there are just certain things that we (women) are not and will not ever be able to be equal with men at on a regular basis. I also think that worse things will happen to a woman if she were ever captured than would a man. How do you feel about the new ruling?

    If you want equality, you can't pick and choose what you'd like to be equal in. If anyone joins the military, they should expect that they may have to put their lives on the line, no matter what color, religion, sexual orientation, or gender they happen to be.

    I joined the Army during The Gulf War and received the same training the male soldiers received. I took the same oath and had to be just as prepared to fight if/when called upon.
  • BeachGingerOnTheRocks
    BeachGingerOnTheRocks Posts: 3,927 Member
    A decision to be made by the United States government and the HIGHLY trained persons who fight. Regardless of sex.

    People sitting at home typing away at a keyboard with pre-conceived notions on what men and women are capable of in a combat situation don't really have the qualifications to be making remarks.

    I think anyone who makes the decision to volunteer for the military deserves respect and to be honored. It is a tough job. And if a woman is qualified to do this tough job, then she should be allowed to do it without having someone check first to make sure her junk matches the stereotype.
  • AlsDonkBoxSquat
    AlsDonkBoxSquat Posts: 6,128 Member
    With the old stereotype of women being soft (which I really don't agree with) I can see why this may have been out there in the first place. I can also see it as a reproduction issue, women can still reproduce at the same rate with less men, but men can't reproduce at the same rate with less women. However, i think the population in general is grown to such an extent that I'm not worried about this. I think it's a great policy change and shows that even the old men's club can change their thinking.

    I'd also like to say that this is the worst grouping of sentences I have ever written. They fully abuse the English language and my my brain want to scream.
  • VorJoshigan
    VorJoshigan Posts: 1,106 Member
    I'm fully supportive of allowing women to any branch of service they may qualify for and be inclined to volunteer for, but I don't think there should be different standards for guys and chicks (besides the basic stuff like separate sleeping quarters and heads if possible). If a lady wants to G.I. Jane the seals more power to her, but she better meet the minimum physical requirements laid out for men, not some BS 1/2 the number of situps, knee pushups, and 2 minutes more time on the run or whatever.


    When I was in (90's) - females had "equivalent effort" standards. So, lower counts, longer times, things like "arm hangs" instead of pull-ups.

    So, assuming that the male standards all made sense (and I think they did) as long as the females we'd be putting in harm's way meet those same standards - then go for it. If we're planning on sticking to an "equivalent effort" type deal - we're probably sending people in who are not fully prepared for the whole job.
    This. There are plenty of women who could kick my *kitten*. Surely there are some who can meet these requirements.

    On a political perspective, maybe if we had women on the front lines, our worthless pusillanimous politicians would be less enthusiastic about getting us into wars of choice where there there is little to no US interest at stake. Nah - they'd probably just use more death drones.