What food's calories have you been shocked by?



  • splucy
    splucy Posts: 353
    peanut butter, nuts, avacado, bread, potato and rice.

    I rarely eat any of those anymore unless I have room for it in my calorie goal lol
  • roolmc
    roolmc Posts: 47
    I'm more surprised by how few kcal some foods have and I'm trying to inch my diet towards those things (although sometimes cake/sweets get in there and ruin it).

    I always keep frozen berries in the freezer. I only let them defrost a little and they're like eating a cross between sweets and sorbet and they're only 30 to 50 kcal/100g.

    The other things I'm shocked with is curly kale, it's only 40 kcal/100g. It's also light so you get lots.
  • jst1986
    jst1986 Posts: 204 Member
    Not sure how many people in the UK are, but I walked into a Tesco and bought a chicken salad sandwich on brown bread. However, the calories stated 495. Odd, I thought. Considerably high for a chicken salad sandwich. I tried to find the right nutrition value on MFP but could only find one with 350 calories. WHY have they added 50% more calories?!

    More lard.

    In all seriousness premade sandwiches in shops are usually terrible, the exception is usually ranges like Boots Shapers.
  • Poods71
    Poods71 Posts: 502 Member
    Years ago when I was on the WW diet and I was drinking the volic flavoured water (figuring it was just water so would very little cals). I stuck to my 18 points for that day and was so proud of myself. I decided to check the points on my water, again I was proud of myself for drinking the whole bottle as I don't drink enough. When I checked it turned out the water was 18 points!!! My entire points for the day. I was gutted when I realised I had had double my points that day and I have never touched the stuff since.
  • SRH7
    SRH7 Posts: 2,037 Member
    Not sure how many people in the UK are, but I walked into a Tesco and bought a chicken salad sandwich on brown bread. However, the calories stated 495. Odd, I thought. Considerably high for a chicken salad sandwich. I tried to find the right nutrition value on MFP but could only find one with 350 calories. WHY have they added 50% more calories?!

    More lard.

    In all seriousness premade sandwiches in shops are usually terrible, the exception is usually ranges like Boots Shapers.

    Prepacked sandwiches are unbelievably scary when it comes to calories. I find they often have more than pies, especially those lovely chargrilled chicken ones from Greggs!

    I hike most weekends and have slashed my calories by making my own wraps. Discovery wholemeal ones are around 118 calories each and I can have two stuffed with leftovers from the night before (salad, curry and minty yogurt being a favourite) without killing my daily intake.
  • DelilaLightfoot
    I think I'm shocked by just about everything that constituted my 'normal' diet before I started calorie counting :) but in particular mayonnaise - over 600 cals for 100ml!!! When I think of all the egg mayo or potato salads I've had in my time it's quite scary.

    And dried fruit - my husband started using sultanas instead of sugar on his porridge and he felt quite virtuous until we checked the calories and discovered that his 'healthy' breakfast is actually over 500 calories. I still can't get him to use less though.
  • squindles
    squindles Posts: 350 Member
    I think I'm shocked by just about everything that constituted my 'normal' diet before I started calorie counting :) but in particular mayonnaise - over 600 cals for 100ml!!! When I think of all the egg mayo or potato salads I've had in my time it's quite scary.

    And dried fruit - my husband started using sultanas instead of sugar on his porridge and he felt quite virtuous until we checked the calories and discovered that his 'healthy' breakfast is actually over 500 calories. I still can't get him to use less though.
    ^^^^^^THIS^^^^^^ Not the dried fruit bit but the rest, including "just about everything" :blushing:
  • allforthethrill
    allforthethrill Posts: 108 Member
    For me there were so many things.
    Cheese: I used to have it on everything, not anymore.
    Milk Chocolate: I knew it was bad, didn't know how many were in there though.
    Tinned Corn: I'm not sure if it's the same for fresh corn, but tinned seems to have heaps of calories.
    Apple: More than I thought.
    Pasta, flour, etc: Just.. WOW.
  • jst1986
    jst1986 Posts: 204 Member
    Years ago when I was on the WW diet and I was drinking the volic flavoured water (figuring it was just water so would very little cals). I stuck to my 18 points for that day and was so proud of myself. I decided to check the points on my water, again I was proud of myself for drinking the whole bottle as I don't drink enough. When I checked it turned out the water was 18 points!!! My entire points for the day. I was gutted when I realised I had had double my points that day and I have never touched the stuff since.

    Unfortunately some of them are loaded with sugar. They do some sugar free ones so maybe they might be OK?
  • nekoface
    nekoface Posts: 149 Member
    Mochas. I used to drink a ridiculous amount of mochas a day. I started off every workday with a tall mocha. Even without the whipped cream you could get a good meal for those calories.
  • FitMrsR
    FitMrsR Posts: 226 Member
    Raisins! 78 calories for 50 raisins...really? I could easily eat about 200 raisins :noway:
  • BigJohn70
    Hooters Hot Wings: 866 calories for a serving of 5, but they are "O-So-Good"!!
  • toriaenator
    toriaenator Posts: 423 Member
    peanut butter when i realized how small a tablespoon is!
  • nekoface
    nekoface Posts: 149 Member
    CINNABON ! 1 of those has like ~ 900 calories. I would've guessed 500. I mean I know they were high cal but damn, 1 cinnabon = 3.5 donuts wtf!

    OMG I know! Cinnabon!! I love cinnabons above all other baked goods and I knew they aren't good, but I never would have expected that they'd be as many calories as a good meal! It makes me sad but honestly I'll still have them occasionally. Nothing will turn me away from the cinnabon.
  • geebusuk
    geebusuk Posts: 3,348 Member
    The stuff from fast food restaurants. I don't eat Whoppers at BK or those burgers topped with eggs at Red Robin, but no wonder we have an obesity epidemic!
    Taken from the first page, but now doubt repeated by others...
    Totally agree... always shocked at how little calories are in McDonalds burgers - until I get them and see the tiny wrapper, anyway!

    Usually go for just the burger, when of course the calories really start to pile on when you have a large fries and large full-fat drink.

    We don't get that brand in the UK, though do have similar.
    Anyway, I thought; nah, they must have mis-read and it was actually kj or something*, but no, their own website says calories.
    Could easily get through a four pack of that sort of thing in one sitting if a bit hungry.
    Next time someone asks how to put weight on, I shall point them that way!

    * A friend insists one portion of his 'bulking' protein powder has 2500 calories and he was having three a day and still skinny... I'm 100% sure it was KJ.
  • nekoface
    nekoface Posts: 149 Member
    I've stood in Tesco during lunch comparing calories in their sandwiches and they're ridiculous. The Pret sandwiches and salads are also really high in calories for some reason? The best bet is to make your own sandwich, or get one of the more tasteless Tesco Healthy Living sandwiches, like tuna and cucumber.
    Not sure how many people in the UK are, but I walked into a Tesco and bought a chicken salad sandwich on brown bread. However, the calories stated 495. Odd, I thought. Considerably high for a chicken salad sandwich. I tried to find the right nutrition value on MFP but could only find one with 350 calories. WHY have they added 50% more calories?!
  • geebusuk
    geebusuk Posts: 3,348 Member
    Wouldn't be surprised if those extra calories came from mayo - 620 calories per 100ml comes out worse than chocolate for the normal stuff.
  • JessicaRobin67
    JessicaRobin67 Posts: 275 Member
    Homemade chili. I made homemade...measured...used 97% lean turkey...1/2c. kidney beans Calories alot higher than I would have thought.
  • cld111
    cld111 Posts: 300 Member
    Homemade chili. I made homemade...measured...used 97% lean turkey...1/2c. kidney beans Calories alot higher than I would have thought.

    Really? I always find chili to be really reasonable.
  • jmcreynolds91
    jmcreynolds91 Posts: 777 Member
    Peanut butter and regular butter. Never paid attention to those 2 before!!