

  • jehan
    jehan Posts: 155 Member
    How's everybody doing? Well, I missed today's round of Shred. Been coughing profusely for two days. So Im taking it easy for another day or two. I can't wait to start Level 2...
  • NeptuneTang
    Hey guys, been doing this for two weeks. Started with level two because I was doing Jackie Warner DVDs for about a week before I started. I did level two and then level one 6 days a week for two weeks. I have been counting my calories and I have cheated a couple times but did stay with in my calories. Today I was feeling so good and strong until I put my pants on. They are as tight as when I started working out 4 weeks ago. What gives?? I am working so hard. Do I need to add cardio to Jillian DVD and if so how much?

    I have had a very similar result so far.
    I am over halfway through and nada, zilch, not a change in inches or weight.
    I have promised myself to just get through the 30 days and then try something more intense to build it up until I am able to handle some greater intensity in my workouts. Currently I do the shred and an extra 40-50 mins of cardio varying between walking and bike riding. So... easy cardio.
    I have also decided to put away the tape measure and scales until it's finished. Focus on eating well and check back only when I'm done.

    Good luck!
  • NeptuneTang
    Hi all.
    I am on day 14 of 30DS. I am 5 days into level 2 (I started L2 one day early). I have had no days off and I have been working really hard!!! I am also on between 1200-1400 cals a day.
    The thing is... I haven't noticed a single change. My measurements are exactly the same and my weight is exactly the same as when I started.
    Has anyone else had this?

    Why aren't you taking rest days?? Your body needs time to rest and recover! Your body may be fatiqued which will slow your progress. I definitely notice more results from Ripped in 30, which I plan on doing again after the Shred, but I have noticed results. Good luck!

    I am taking rest days now. I was not before because it's a 30 day shred. 30 days in a row. Unless, I have misinterpreted this? If so I don't think I'm the only one!
  • Emaginesc
    Emaginesc Posts: 49 Member
    I do it but not everyday. I attend a Zumba fitness studio and Mondays/Wednesdays I do 3 classes alone each day. I usually do a single class on the others, excluding Sunday. I try to do 30DS on the single days. I do have to modify with the knee though, ug!
  • NeptuneTang
    Hi all.
    I am on day 14 of 30DS. I am 5 days into level 2 (I started L2 one day early). I have had no days off and I have been working really hard!!! I am also on between 1200-1400 cals a day.
    The thing is... I haven't noticed a single change. My measurements are exactly the same and my weight is exactly the same as when I started.
    Has anyone else had this?

    Why aren't you taking rest days?? Your body needs time to rest and recover! Your body may be fatiqued which will slow your progress. I definitely notice more results from Ripped in 30, which I plan on doing again after the Shred, but I have noticed results. Good luck!

    I am taking rest days now. I was not before because it's a 30 day shred. 30 days in a row. Unless I have misinterpreted this? If so I don't think I'm the only one!
  • MagicsMommy11
    MagicsMommy11 Posts: 19 Member
    Just started today, does anyone know the calories? I wasn't sure how to calculate them?
  • joolson45
    joolson45 Posts: 80 Member
    I just started today... I think the calories burned are low from what I searched.. thinking of hitting the gym for 40 min of cardio to bump up the calories a little...
  • Ree1109
    Ree1109 Posts: 3 Member
    Ordered my copy today - should be here next week.

    Need to tone up and lose the last ew kgs as I am getting married in 2.5 months.

    And advice would be appreciated.

    Feel free to add me =)
  • Ultragirl2374
    Ultragirl2374 Posts: 390 Member
    Hi all.
    I am on day 14 of 30DS. I am 5 days into level 2 (I started L2 one day early). I have had no days off and I have been working really hard!!! I am also on between 1200-1400 cals a day.
    The thing is... I haven't noticed a single change. My measurements are exactly the same and my weight is exactly the same as when I started.
    Has anyone else had this?

    Why aren't you taking rest days?? Your body needs time to rest and recover! Your body may be fatiqued which will slow your progress. I definitely notice more results from Ripped in 30, which I plan on doing again after the Shred, but I have noticed results. Good luck!

    I am taking rest days now. I was not before because it's a 30 day shred. 30 days in a row. Unless I have misinterpreted this? If so I don't think I'm the only one!

    Hi! Apparently Jillian has said in interviews that the plan is not intended to be done 30 days straight. She was actually shocked that people are doing it that way. Apparently you should do 2 days 30Ds. 1 day cardio, 2 days 30ds, 1 day cardio, 1 rest day. I haven't seen this interview myself but I've seen several different posts by various members who have said the same thing. It makes sense. Your muscles need time to repair and heal.
  • andiechick
    andiechick Posts: 916 Member
    I've just completed Level 1 and wear my HRM each time. My average calorie burn was around 238. I was in reasonable fitness before I started and had been doing strength training so didn't suffer too much after completing my workout.
  • nataliecarter28
    nataliecarter28 Posts: 54 Member
    Well, I just finished day 30/30. I'm disappointed to say that I only lost 3 pounds, and that was all in week 1, So Im feeling a bit discouraged.
    How much has everyone else lost?
    What is a good workout video to do now?
  • squinz
    squinz Posts: 136
    I didn't lose a great amount but I think the difference is more of a visual thing. I look leaner and toned. The difference in my arms and definition looks so much better.

    I've got ripped in 30 but I am having a little break because I find the regimental aspect of doing it every day a bit wearing. At the moment I'm enjoying the gym but doing 30Ds every few days from level 1 at Natalie's level :smokin: :smile:
  • sixerhan
    Day 2 here :) 28 to go!
  • jehan
    jehan Posts: 155 Member
    Finally finished Level 1. It took me almost 20 days to finish it. The scale did not budge. I'll try to measure myself if anything changed. Still keeping my fingers crossed that I'll lose a couple of inches here and there...
  • mmorgan792
    mmorgan792 Posts: 5 Member
    Hi all.
    I am on day 14 of 30DS. I am 5 days into level 2 (I started L2 one day early). I have had no days off and I have been working really hard!!! I am also on between 1200-1400 cals a day.
    The thing is... I haven't noticed a single change. My measurements are exactly the same and my weight is exactly the same as when I started.
    Has anyone else had this?

    Why aren't you taking rest days?? Your body needs time to rest and recover! Your body may be fatiqued which will slow your progress. I definitely notice more results from Ripped in 30, which I plan on doing again after the Shred, but I have noticed results. Good luck!

    I am taking rest days now. I was not before because it's a 30 day shred. 30 days in a row. Unless I have misinterpreted this? If so I don't think I'm the only one!

    Hi! Apparently Jillian has said in interviews that the plan is not intended to be done 30 days straight. She was actually shocked that people are doing it that way. Apparently you should do 2 days 30Ds. 1 day cardio, 2 days 30ds, 1 day cardio, 1 rest day. I haven't seen this interview myself but I've seen several different posts by various members who have said the same thing. It makes sense. Your muscles need time to repair and heal.

    That would make sense if she didn't say "see you tomorrow" in the videos..
  • Maridar
    Maridar Posts: 164 Member
    I am doing it and just finished level 1 yesterday, starting level 2 today. I do it every day. During level 1 I had two days off unplanned. I can feel my body is becoming more toned, I try to keep my abs tight throughout the workout, sometimes it is hard but after ten days I am happy. My husband noticed that I look better:) My boots fit better, which means my calves a little smaller now. I try to eat reasonably, if I want sweets I have them in the morning, less food for dinner and try not to eat after six but I have red wine or a cocktail sometimes.
  • anonymous_93
    anonymous_93 Posts: 2 Member
    Hi everyone! I am starting 30DS next week, but I won't do it every day because I go to zumba twice a week so I'll do it 5 times a week... I hope I'll see change! :) I saw some of your experiences here and that's amazing, it's my greatest motivation! So, it's inches that I should lose, not pounds, right? I now weight about 145 pounds and my waist is 31.9 inches, I'd be happy at about 27 inches/130 pounds till summer. Any advice?:)
  • jehan
    jehan Posts: 155 Member
    hi ladies. I'm just about to start Level 2. I was browsing through the video and when I tried the move that "from standing position, you bend down to a push-up", I feel like I can't even do the modified version because my pooch gets in the way and I'm not as flexible as before. For those who have done and tried it, any tips?

  • kelly_a
    kelly_a Posts: 2,010 Member
    hi ladies. I'm just about to start Level 2. I was browsing through the video and when I tried the move that "from standing position, you bend down to a push-up", I feel like I can't even do the modified version because my pooch gets in the way and I'm not as flexible as before. For those who have done and tried it, any tips?


    I would just keep doing any modified version that is similar to the movement that works best for you...even if it is nothing close to her modified version. Try doing just the movement of standing to the push-up position but don't go down for the actual push-up. kind of like in a plank position. then go back to standing. just keep doing it til you get stronger...you will!

    In the past, I had started the shred 3 different times, and never finished. Level 2 always seemed impossible. Then I tried to add gradually each level as a supplement to my cardio/resistance workouts...over a 3 month period (Oct > Dec). At this point I was already using 10lb free wts in other dvd workouts. The month of January I completed the shred, using 5 lbs wts. I see most of my changes in my arms, abs, back, and thighs. Another suggestion, once you start using weights, no matter what size...don't ever stop. Keep it part of your lifestyle. Good luck shredding!:bigsmile:
  • alishawesomesauce
    I'm on level 1 day 6 and I can tell I'm becoming stronger. I'm still doing modified pushups but I'm able to do a lot more of them before I stop for a few seconds. I'm having issues with lunges though. I know that my knee isn't coming forward over my toes (I have knee issues so I'm pretty thorough with this.) But I feel like my top half comes forward too much. Like I'm sandwiching in half or something. I don't think they come forward as much as I do, but I don't know if it matters because my knee isn't coming forward. Any thoughts and advice would be appreciated. Also, feel free to add me, I could use the support and motivation! I don't know how to add people yet.