Slim In 6 Workout Buddies Wanted!



  • Scoobees
    Scoobees Posts: 226 Member
    Hi everybody! :flowerforyou:

    RadianWear - Oops! :embarassed: I am sorry for that oversight!! If I would have taken a sec and clicked on your avatar I would have known. I totally like your logic about not just diving into P90X! :tongue:

    Jill - That's great to know there's a substitution for that plyotmetrics dvd! That is the main reason I run screaming from the room during that infomercial! :laugh: Then, someday...there could be hope for me yet. :smile:

    Callie - Nice pick up of Cool it Off! I hope you're not disappointed though; that one is an hour recovery/stretch workout. I mentioned before, I think I did it all of...once. :embarassed: I think Jill used it though. It's a much needed component for sure, but I snuck in S&L instead. My bad.

    No workout for me yesterday. The knees and this crappy cold. Today I let the tissues pile up as I did Tone it Up. I had to totally modify though; I just can't let my knees get any worse...especially during the lunge segments. But I was hoping I got at least SOME benefit from doing the workout; I really pushed with the weights the whole time. Only burned 256 calories, but hey, at least I wasn't sitting on the couch, right! ??

    Hope to see everyone tomorrow! :flowerforyou:
  • PJilly
    PJilly Posts: 21,741 Member
    Good Saturday morning, everybody! I have an action-packed weekend, so I won't be posting a lot.

    Cool It Off is wonderful. It's nearly an hour of stretching (first few minutes are warming you up, which is awesome). It sounds like a long time, but for me, the time just flies and it's over before I know it. That happens to be my workout for today. I'm looking forward to it!

    Tomorrow will be the dreaded, but satisfying, Tear It Up, and then a rest day Monday. That's good because we have baseball Monday (Mariners home opener). Then one more week of Slim Series, one recovery week, and I hit the ground running with P90X! Heaven help me.

    Have a great weekend!
  • Sweettart
    Sweettart Posts: 1,331 Member
    Shannon: SO glad you are joining us in SI6!

    Sorry I have been MIA this week, just having one of those weeks. Haven't worked out since tuesday and ate like crap! All the junk is outta the house now and had to say it but I ate it. There was only a little chocolate but still feel bad. But nothing I can do now but forget and move on!

    Monday I am starting all over again lol. I am eating healthy and starting burn it up. Looking forward to it but not at the same time. I know its a lot faster pace but ready for the challenge.

    Have a great workout/weekend and see you on monday
  • callie365
    callie365 Posts: 689
    Just another run by to say hey :smile:

    Well , we have the house on the downhill , we put the For Sale signs up last evening and got my DD ready and off to prom a bit ago PHEW .... what a week! I'm looking forward to w/o w/ DS this week... might do a SIU & S & L tomorrow ???

    Scobees & Jill Cant wait to get/ see CIO... I like stretching... its reminds of Yoga and so needed!! Have fun at your game Jill!

    Sweetart Hang in there! Cheers to you for continuing! :drinker:
  • Scoobees
    Scoobees Posts: 226 Member
    Just a quick check-in :smile: Can't believe the weekend is almost over already!! :noway: No workout yesterday; went out to eat with hubs and pigged out instead. :embarassed: I know, I know! Back on track today; just got done with 45 min on the elliptical; hopefully some Slim Series tomorrow.
    Enjoy the rest of the weekend!!! :drinker:
  • callie365
    callie365 Posts: 689
    Good Morning girls:smile::smile: :smile:

    I couldn't wait for today.. I have loads to do, but my w/o WILLGET DONE... today!!

    Got caught up in chores yesterday, so I didn't do SIU & S & L. But will be back with w/o in hand!

    Scoobees You have to enjoy sometimes. Look at your ticker.... 149.4:happy: CONGRATS!!! I am way jealous, its just where I should be by now... IF ONLY ... I hadnt over indulged........:grumble: :grumble: :grumble: Onto better choices, this week!!!:heart:

    Happy Monday everyone :flowerforyou:
  • RadianWear
    RadianWear Posts: 102
    So who else HATES those leg lifts? LOL. I always find that my support legs/arms in a lot of these excercises get weak and tired before the muscles I'm supposed to be working on do haha.
  • Sweettart
    Sweettart Posts: 1,331 Member
    Is it nap time now? Wow BIU killed me!

    Well thanks everyone for getting me to week 3 of SI6, never been here before!!

    Today I did slim & 6 pack and BIU for a calorie burn of 554. Through some parts of the video for some reason I felt sick to my stomach but of course kept pushing. By 30mins left I was so tired and ready to stop lol.

    As hard as it is I loved it minus the lunges! Cant wait till tomorrow

    Have a great w/o everyone!
  • Scoobees
    Scoobees Posts: 226 Member
    Callie - Thanks for the compliment :flowerforyou: ! Of course I'm NOT weighing myself for a few after that lapse in judgment :wink: plus it's THAT time of the month. :ohwell: And yeah, 'if only' is right. Sheesh. With these 'indulgences', I'm stuck in a vicious yo-yo cycle right now that I have to break out of. Let's hear it for better choices!! :drinker:

    RadianWear - Hate doing those leg lifts, but love what they're doing for me. :wink: And oh yeaaaaah, my supporting arm/leg starts wearing out too. I try sooo hard to concentrate on good form and sucking in the abs to help. But sometimes I have to break for a second or two. It's definitely a love/hate relationship with those moves!

    Sweetart - Yay for week 3!!! :drinker: Isn't BIU a killer???!!! Seriously, that one rivals most of the Slim Series dvds too! I feel like I've had quite an accomplishment after that one! I've never felt sick, but have gotten a bit woozy a few times. :sick: Nice job pushing through it! :drinker:

    Today I did Shape it Up (78 min) and was doing ok knee-wise until some plies and leg work towards the last 1/3. I've done my best to modify and take it easier - which is so HARD for me to do because I am an all-or-nothing type of person. If I can't give it 110%, then I won't do it. :tongue: Very hard to hold back, but I'm trying!!!

    Keep pushing play - see ya tomorrow!!! :happy:
  • Sweettart
    Sweettart Posts: 1,331 Member
    Where is everyone? Let's go we have goals to meet!

    Well made it through day 2 of BIU! As hard as it is I love it but my knees dont. My right one was really bothering me last night. I have bursitis so time to ice it!

    I burned 539 calories doing BIU!

    I am glad there isnt too many lunges in this video!
  • PJilly
    PJilly Posts: 21,741 Member
    I'm here! I just had some catching up to do after taking yesterday off to take in a ball game. (Too bad the Mariners lost, but that's a different subject.)

    Yesterday was my rest day, but I got lots of walking between the stadium and the car, around the stadium, and up and down the stadium stairs. I took my own food, so I was good. I sampled two of my daughter's garlic fries and swiped some of her garlic to put on my turkey sandwich. It was delicious!

    I'm off now to go do Slim & 6-Pack, Cardio Core Express, and Slim & Limber!
  • callie365
    callie365 Posts: 689
    Hey girls I'm here!!

    I got a refresher SIU in yesterday.. ( I breezed right through it) then had to go jump start my DH at work so I never did S & L.

    Today I am struggling... I just need to get my SH_T.... together! :huh:

    BB next time with a better..... "tude" (attitude)

    :flowerforyou: :flowerforyou: :flowerforyou:
  • Scoobees
    Scoobees Posts: 226 Member
    Hi everybody! :flowerforyou:
    Just got my workout done; RIU was on the schedule - it's been a long time since I did that one! I was a little surprised how easy it seemed...strange. I only burned 212 calories, but it felt great anyway! :drinker: Tomorrow is supposed to be Cool it Off, but I think I'll skip it and do the next Mix it Up instead. Don't want an off day already! :tongue: I am feeling so 'snacky' today; trying to not blow it!!! :devil:
    Have a wonderful day!
  • callie365
    callie365 Posts: 689
    Hi everybody! :flowerforyou:
    Just got my workout done; RIU was on the schedule - it's been a long time since I did that one! I was a little surprised how easy it seemed...strange. I only burned 212 calories, but it felt great anyway! :drinker: Tomorrow is supposed to be Cool it Off, but I think I'll skip it and do the next Mix it Up instead. Don't want an off day already! :tongue: I am feeling so 'snacky' today; trying to not blow it!!! :devil:
    Have a wonderful day!

    GREAT job Scoobie!!! Cant wait till RIU is "easy"! I bought a pretty new note book today to log in my daily cals, protein, w/o and water oz. ( easier for me than MFP.. for now) Thanks for the idea on the weight loss ticker factory ticker, its more accurate and shows your BMI. Incentive-incentive- incentive :wink:
  • PJilly
    PJilly Posts: 21,741 Member
    It's all relative, Callie. I don't think I ever thought RIU was easy until I tried BIU! :tongue: :laugh:
  • callie365
    callie365 Posts: 689
    :laugh: :laugh: :laugh: :laugh:
  • callie365
    callie365 Posts: 689
    Hi Girls & Guy :smile:

    I did a RIU <- > the stretch & Yoga + S & L. I feel so much better today! :heart:

    Make you happy...... exercise!
  • PJilly
    PJilly Posts: 21,741 Member
    Hey everybody!

    I just did Firm It Up. Now I am STARVING for lunch!
  • callie365
    callie365 Posts: 689
    Pretty slow here....

    Hope ya had a yummy lunch Jill!

    Seee ya's tomorrow!
  • RadianWear
    RadianWear Posts: 102
    I was all depressed today cuz I was 2-3lbs heavier than monday on two different scales. I am convinced I was bloated or something lol. I spoiled myself for dinner last night (sushi) so I think its just everything sitting in there that was not "processed" yet lol. I went right back to eating great today and had a really awesome workout with BIU (got through most of it without taking a break this time), decided not to weight myself till my normal check-in so I don't drive myself crazy any more. haha