Slim In 6 Workout Buddies Wanted!



  • callie365
    callie365 Posts: 689
    Hi RadianWear :smile:

    I gotta say GREAT job on BIU.. even though I haven't got that far! Yep that darn scale will get you everytime, when your weighting on a off time.

    Off to finish my coffee and RIU with Ms. Debbie :smile: :smile: :smile:
  • Sweettart
    Sweettart Posts: 1,331 Member
    Hey Everyone!

    Still glad we are keeping up with SI6!

    Yesterday I took a rest day. Had a biopsy dont on my ovaries so it hurt to walk. BUT today I went for a 112 minute walk with 2 of my gf's and burned 922 calories!!

    Not too sure if I will also do BIU but will tomorrow!

    Have a great w/o!
  • PJilly
    PJilly Posts: 21,744 Member
    Good morning, fellow Sixers.

    Hope you all have a great day and have some great workouts! I'm getting ready to do mine here pretty soon (Mix It Up). This is pretty much my last week of Slim Series for a while. Next week will be a recovery week, and then I'll launch into another round of P90X. It's been a while since I've done that, and I'm looking forward to it. I love my SI6 and SS workouts, so I'm sure I'll come back to them after my 90-day sentence is up! :tongue:
  • callie365
    callie365 Posts: 689
    Sweetttart I hope all is A-OK!! :smile:

    Jill :laugh: :laugh: :laugh: Too funny! Cant wait to hear how it goes. How much harder is P90X than BIU. I know you said SI6 abs was one of the best.

    I got my RIU in <- the S & Y> and did a bit of stretching on my own after. It felt smoother today... like I was focused more...

  • PJilly
    PJilly Posts: 21,744 Member
    Sweetttart I hope all is A-OK!! :smile:

    Jill :laugh: :laugh: :laugh: Too funny! Cant wait to hear how it goes. How much harder is P90X than BIU. I know you said SI6 abs was one of the best.

    I got my RIU in <- the S & Y> and did a bit of stretching on my own after. It felt smoother today... like I was focused more...

    Honestly? In my opinion, BIU is a harder cardio workout than anything in P90X, but X is definitely more challenging when it comes to strength training. Most of my fitness experience before Beachbody programs was lifting weights in the gym, so that probably colors my opinion a little. Strength training may be easier for me than for someone who hasn't done much lifting.
  • RadianWear
    RadianWear Posts: 102
    Honestly? In my opinion, BIU is a harder cardio workout than anything in P90X, but X is definitely more challenging when it comes to strength training. Most of my fitness experience before Beachbody programs was lifting weights in the gym, so that probably colors my opinion a little. Strength training may be easier for me than for someone who hasn't done much lifting.

    thats good to know haha. I am deathly afraid of moving to p90x when I am done with SI6. I may stick with BIU for another 4 weeks after this 6 weeks is up before I move on to something else. I guess I will evaluate at that pt what I want to do.
  • PJilly
    PJilly Posts: 21,744 Member
    For anybody wondering if P90X is for them, here's a link to some Beachbody PDFs, including "fit tests" for P90X and Insanity. You can take a test to see if you're ready for the program.
  • callie365
    callie365 Posts: 689
    Sweetttart I hope all is A-OK!! :smile:

    Jill :laugh: :laugh: :laugh: Too funny! Cant wait to hear how it goes. How much harder is P90X than BIU. I know you said SI6 abs was one of the best.

    I got my RIU in <- the S & Y> and did a bit of stretching on my own after. It felt smoother today... like I was focused more...

    Honestly? In my opinion, BIU is a harder cardio workout than anything in P90X, but X is definitely more challenging when it comes to strength training. Most of my fitness experience before Beachbody programs was lifting weights in the gym, so that probably colors my opinion a little. Strength training may be easier for me than for someone who hasn't done much lifting.

    I love- love - love ST... but not cardio.. so I will be improved, I hope when I finish SI6 . Seems like P90X has alot of jumping in it? Hard on the knees... think after I do SI6 I'll do SS and then CE?
  • callie365
    callie365 Posts: 689
    I am taking a break today from SI6... but will be riding my staionary bike tonight!

    Have a FAB Friday :happy:
  • PJilly
    PJilly Posts: 21,744 Member
    I love- love - love ST... but not cardio.. so I will be improved, I hope when I finish SI6 . Seems like P90X has alot of jumping in it? Hard on the knees... think after I do SI6 I'll do SS and then CE?
    There's jumping in Plyo X, but if it's too much for you, you can substitute Cardio X. That's what I did. I am going to try Plyo this time. I am hoping because of losing weight, I'll be able to do it now. We'll see...
  • Sweettart
    Sweettart Posts: 1,331 Member
    Well today was Slim & 6 Pack and BIU

    Slim & 6 Pack is getting a lot easier which I am proud of. BIU today was HARD! It makes a huge difference not doing it since Tuesday.

    Since I took Wed off I will be working out sunday (i hope!)

    Have a great weekend and workouts everyone
  • Scoobees
    Scoobees Posts: 226 Member
    Hi all! Looks like everyone is doing well!

    Yesterday the weather was sooo nice I did some power walking outside. Today, nothing sounded interesting for exercise (lol) so I went through my dvd collection (too many to count :tongue: ) and pulled out an old Turbo Jam ball workout (Total Body Blast). Man, I used to LOVE Turbo Jam!!!! The second time down the scale I lost most of my 76 pounds just with TJ. :drinker: The 'ball' workouts were not my faves though; just looking for something different today.

    Jill - I am 'this' close to actually considering P90X. :noway: I asked a couple questions on another thread here, and it sounded like there's always a person who modifies in the workouts that I could follow on the days my knees are really bad. I'm going to really think about this over the weekend. Two other things for me are concerns - the pull-ups (never in a million years :tongue: ) but I know there's some sort of resistance band move to substitute; and two is the diet. I heard it's quite a whopper of an eating plan and many more calories than I feel comfy with. I don't know yet. I probably should stick with more Slim Series, but I'm like a kid in a candy store with Beachbody programs!!! :heart:

    Have a fantastic weekend everyone!
  • PJilly
    PJilly Posts: 21,744 Member
    Good morning, all!

    Scoobees, I think you would be able to modify the workouts to accommodate your knee without too much trouble if you want to do P90X. You can definitely get away with using a resistance band for the back exercises instead of a pull-up bar. I bought the bar, and I still couldn't do a pull-up by the end of the program! I am going to try really hard to do better on that this go-round. I think weighing less ought to help in that area. We'll see!

    About the nutrition plan, this is just my personal preference, but I am going to use my HRM to figure out my calorie burn and just use MFP to track my food. I tried the X nutrition plan before, and while lots and lots of people sing its praises, it never felt right to me. I am going to keep my weight-loss goal at 1/2 pound/week, my ratios at 50 carbs/25 protein/25 fat, and eat all my exercise calories.

    Something kind of funny: I was talking to my BB coach yesterday, and he was talking to *his* BB coach recently (who is pretty high up the ranks), and she said that a lot of people think Slim in 6 is harder than P90X. I've always thought that, so at least that made me feel like maybe I'm not crazy after all!

    Today's my last day of Slim Series for a while. I'm going out in style with Tear It Up.

    Hope you all have a great Saturday!!!
  • Scoobees
    Scoobees Posts: 226 Member
    Jill - Thanks for all your info! :flowerforyou: I find that absolutely awesome that some find SI6 HARDER than P90X! Maybe due to all the SI6 cardio? That's really cool to think about, as in my head - P90X seems like the mountain of doom or something! :laugh:

    I haven't attempted a pull-up since...oh...childhood? :ohwell: I definitely know my upper body strength is totally lacking, and even at this weight it's probably out of the question - but that's ok.

    If I do try P90X, I will have to really start light. That's how I got hurt with Chalean Extreme. I took her 'lift heavy or go home' to heart, and yeah, I had to 'go home'. :tongue: But I do find that with SI6 & SS, that the use of the bands are much nicer to all my joints. Heavy weights kill my wrists, elbows, shoulders, and of course knees. :ohwell: Is there an option for using the bands instead of weights in P90X? That would be awesome for me!

    I do hear the nutrition plan is really good, but I am a rebel and never stick to something so structured. :tongue: I'm sure the protein and calories are higher since the program is for leaning out/building muscle. When I put my stats in over at BB to see my calorie requirements for different BB programs, it gives me 2061 for P90X. WOW! I thought the 1661 for SS was getting high! That alone made me think P90X must be ultra intense!!

    Anyway, I appreciate your help! I'm not sure if it's right for me...but I do know I still have a good deal of fat to get rid of and there's always something 'magical' about trying yet another new program! :wink: Keeps me going, and going, and...

    I hope you have a fantastic TEAR IT UP workout! Talk about going out in SS style!!! :drinker:
  • PJilly
    PJilly Posts: 21,744 Member
    Just finished Tear It Up. That's a good one!

    Mountain of doom? LOL. Actually, I think that might be a more accurate description for Insanity, which I hear is way harder than SI6 or P90X. I figure I'm too old to be that insane. I'll stick to what I have and is working for me already. If I alternate between P90X and SI6/SS, I think that'll be enough variety to keep my muscles guessing and my brain interested.

    Yes, you can absolutely use bands for P90X, even the pull-ups. All you need is an upgrade kit for $9.95 that you can use with your resistance band:

    Heavy weights hurt some of my joints too, my elbows and shoulders in particular. That's one of the reasons I took such a long break between rounds of P90X. I need to find the right balance of pushing myself without injuring myself.

    Time to go scare something up for lunch.
  • callie365
    callie365 Posts: 689

    Just stopped to check in... I am having a unexpected busy w/e!

    NO S16 till Monday!

    Have a WONDERFUL w/e all! :flowerforyou:
  • Scoobees
    Scoobees Posts: 226 Member
    Thanks again Jill! I would have LOVED to have done something like Insanity - if it would have been out maybe a decade ago before all these troubles lol. :tongue: I hear the new Turbo Jam (Turbo Fire I think?) is also of the same insanity-type thing. Man oh man, I would have been first in line to get that - LOVE TJ! :heart: I hear it's all plyos + HIIT. Would be right up my alley; anything that pushes you to the max; probably why I ended up so old + injured! :laugh:

    I bookmarked that upgrade kit so I don't forget about it - thanks. Sorry to hear the weights hurt some of your joints, too. It really sucks not being able to do some of what you feel capable of. I think for these reasons SI6 & SS have been such a wonderful blessing for me. The resistance bands have been a godsend for my joints. I think I do need something more sometimes than the hi-rep / light weight endurance training though of those programs; I think that's why P90X has been in the back of my mind at times. It would be interesting to possibly alternate these programs like you mentioned - kind of like the best of both worlds scenario lol! You have such great ideas!

    I am getting closer to pushing that order button. :tongue: Now if I can only justify spending what...$150? :ohwell: :noway:

    Nice to see you Callie!

    Sorry for hijacking our SI6 thread for all this P90X talk! :flowerforyou:
  • RadianWear
    RadianWear Posts: 102
    lol after reading the fitness test I think I will pass on P90X. Too complicated, too many tools, too many things to keep track of lol. I just want to lose weight and get healthy. gonna stick with WW and SI6, when its done ill probably just stick with the SA6P and SAL. Just saved myself some money lol.
  • PJilly
    PJilly Posts: 21,744 Member
    lol after reading the fitness test I think I will pass on P90X. Too complicated, too many tools, too many things to keep track of lol. I just want to lose weight and get healthy. gonna stick with WW and SI6, when its done ill probably just stick with the SA6P and SAL. Just saved myself some money lol.
    Not a bad plan at all! :smile:
  • callie365
    callie365 Posts: 689
    I love- love - love ST... but not cardio.. so I will be improved, I hope when I finish SI6 . Seems like P90X has alot of jumping in it? Hard on the knees... think after I do SI6 I'll do SS and then CE?
    There's jumping in Plyo X, but if it's too much for you, you can substitute Cardio X. That's what I did. I am going to try Plyo this time. I am hoping because of losing weight, I'll be able to do it now. We'll see...

    It would be nice to be ready for P90X... but I know I'm not... maybe this time next yr... something to aim for ??? Jill.... With your enthusiasm you will be able too do ANYTHING you want !!