Slim In 6 Workout Buddies Wanted!



  • callie365
    callie365 Posts: 689
    Jill & Scoobies Thanks ... We are so proud of her! Dang I was crying before she walked on stage. But, It does my heart good to see her doing something she LOVES:heart: and watching her shine is a + ! Her ankle is the same stiff , the PT gave her a band and exercises to loosen it up.

    Jill Monday will be here before you know it!

    Sweettart Dont you LOVE that feeling ?? That's what makes you coming back for more!

    Scoobees YEA took the plunge... :smile: Cant wait to hear how you like!

    I worked 4 hrs out today, and I am bushed!

    Note to self.......I gained 05 lb this week... :sad: I was really PO about it... I didnt expect it. I have to get my cals under control if I am EVER going to loose this weight..... I am starting to sound like a broken record! :frown: Its time to wake up and be accountable or I am just going to keep spinning my wheels...!!!!!!!!
  • callie365
    callie365 Posts: 689
    Good morning all :smile:

    Another Monday has rolled around! I'm going to get my last 3 RIU's finished this week.... then onto BIU...!
  • callie365
    callie365 Posts: 689
    Well... I did RIU... it felt GOOD .... 2 more to go! :smile:

    I see on the signature page MFP tickers are only allowed so I deleted my others to comply... :cry:
  • PJilly
    PJilly Posts: 22,014 Member
    Keep up the great work, Slim in 6ers! Today was Day 1 of P90X for me, and it surprised me how much I miss Debbie! This will be good for me, though, to mix things up a bit. Heck, there's only 89 more days of this. Then I can go back to Slim Series if I still want to (which I imagine I will).
  • callie365
    callie365 Posts: 689
    LOL...Jill you might miss DS but its a good thing your mixing it up w/ Tony!! Your going to see some positive changes... for sure!
  • Scoobees
    Scoobees Posts: 226 Member
    Callie - Ugh, I'm pretty sure I've gained too...I am that same broken record you were talking about. I totally didn't care what I ate all weekend long. :embarassed: I sorta threw a pity party for myself (lots of things are bugging me - pain in particular) and boy, eating all that junk food SO helped it all. :grumble:

    Back on track today (so far :tongue: ). The schedule had a choice between RIU and Tone it Up, so I did RIU and had a nice workout.

    I hit the UPS tracking link and it looks like P90X will be here tomorrow already. :sick: So not in the right mindset to start another new program. I definitely have to concentrate on getting my diet under control again first. I want to lose whatever pounds I may have gained (and water weight - yikes!) before I weigh & measure for this 'adventure'. I probably should be taking a rest week too to ease my aching joints, but I'm afraid to do that too lol! I sure am a mess!!! :noway: lol!!!!! :wink: Am giving it some thought, but I'll probably take some time to check out the guides and start in a couple weeks. I originally wanted to start over the summer when I'm off work - but I know I'll be chomping at the bit to do it sooner. :tongue:

    Jill - Yay! Day 1 complete for you - and you miss DS already? :tongue:
  • callie365
    callie365 Posts: 689
    Scoobees.... CHIPPER UP!!! Hey that pity party is OVER for us... huh?? right?? ( :smile: were the ones in charge :smile: ) I am sorry to hear about your pain!!! What are you doing for it?

    Sounds like a bit of rest is needed before you embark on your P90X "adventure" Its gonna be a dilly! :tongue:
  • FabulousFifty
    FabulousFifty Posts: 1,575 Member
    Hey, can I join you? I need some workout buddies. :smile: I pulled out my SI6 series. Mine has SIU and RIU. I completed RIU on Sunday. Goal this week is to get it in 4X. My schedule makes it a challenge, but will give it my best shot. The leg work bothers my knees a bit. Any tips on modification for that part? I am a bit sore from Sunday so it was a good workout for me! :blushing:

    How often do we check in? Have a wonderful day all! :flowerforyou:
  • callie365
    callie365 Posts: 689
    Hi FAB: :smile:

    Yes absolutely! WELCOME:flowerforyou: Its getting pretty slow around here. Which leg work are you taking about in RIU? The squats/ lunges or legs on the mat ? On the squats / lunges I only go down as far a I can, ~~making sure knees are behind my toes.~~ On the mat I do every other leg back and forth... it breaks it up and I also lean on a pillow so it doesnt hurt my elbows! ANY modification is better than not doing. WTG on doing RIU, its not easy!

    You can post anytime you want :smile:

    I'm going to get a RIU in this morn myself!!
  • Sweettart
    Sweettart Posts: 1,331 Member
    Hey Everyone

    Sorry Ive been MIA for the past couple days. Yesterday I didnt get a workout in :ohwell: I started a new job in retail and I havent worked since dec 08 so being on my feet for 5 hrs is new. Plus the store floor is tile so not the greatest for my feet and shoulders. My plan was to workout when I got home but worked a half hour longer and was so sore I skipped my workout.

    Today has just been a very lazy day and no workout again :sad: I know I am doing this to myself just having a bad day. Tomorrow is a new day!

    This is my last week of SI6! Then next week starting Biggest Loser Bootcamp. My bf's sis-in-law did it after xmas and lost LOTS of inches!

    Scoobes: It must be in the air to eat whatever cuz thats how I am feeling too!
  • Scoobees
    Scoobees Posts: 226 Member
    Hi everyone!! :flowerforyou:

    Callie - Yes! The pity party is OVER. :smile:

    Fabulous - Hi there! Check in anytime you want!

    Sweettart - Congrats on the new job! I sooo know how it feels to all of the sudden be on your feet for so long. I have off work over the summer and man, oh, man when we start back the first few weeks are pure torture on my feet! :grumble: You must be so excited this is your last week of SI6 - and you're going to make it through!! :drinker: Can't wait to hear what BL Bootcamp is like!

    So, that 'box' has arrived. Yep, P90X is lookin' at me. Kinda scared. :laugh: I flipped through the guidebook and nutrional program very loosely and it is a bit intimidating - but in a good way if that makes any sense. :tongue: I like a program that comes with some solid info behind it. Just don't feel like reading all that right now. :laugh: I still haven't committed on a date to start; I really am working on diet-related things this week and having a light cardio week for exercise also. I am trying to at least get some muscle & joint rest this week...maybe take a whole week off next week...ahhhh, I don't know yet. Yep, not sure about much, huh?

    Off to get some cardio in...and try to watch American Idol, Biggest Loser, and the Cleveland Cavaliers playoff game. Yeah, that's not gonna all happen. :wink: Even with the DVR I can't do all 3 programs at once. :mad: :tongue: :tongue: :tongue:

    Have a great night everyone!
  • callie365
    callie365 Posts: 689
    HI GIRLS:happy:

    Sweettart CONGRATULATIONS on your new job.... can you wear a good supportive w/o shoe to help with the hard tile floors!
    I ended up putting BLB on my Netflix list to check out!

    Scoobees Thought about you today when I was eating green chilie enchiladas for lunch, mostly ALL my cals for the day! So its gonna be a lean dinner. So NO PP (pity party) for me... just fit it in the allowance! :smile: But so glad you got your P90 X... its a bit intimidating? I think your up for the challenge!!!

    I feel like a bum NO RIU .. I started doing chores and it went into ALL day... weeds- windows- porches to mopping floors... Realtors are coming to look at the house tomorrow, I hope we like them... we are ready to sell!

    Hope BL is GOOD tonight! I'm going to get some bike time in ... EnjoY all!
  • Scoobees
    Scoobees Posts: 226 Member
    THAT'S the way to do it Callie! You fit it in your, that's a concept I've never learned!!! :grumble: :laugh:

    I didn't really mean P90X is intimidating ('course, I haven't viewed a dvd yet lol)...but when you open the box and see like 12 workouts and the two manuals can almost be used for hand weights... WOW! Ok, so I am exaggerating a bit about that :tongue: but I really am looking forward to giving it my best shot.
  • Sweettart
    Sweettart Posts: 1,331 Member
    Callie: BLBC is a good workout! I have tried it before but got sick and stopped then went to SI6 instead. Now its time to do this 6 week workout!

    I really wish I could do P90X with you guys but my house isnt big enough to do it :explode:
  • callie365
    callie365 Posts: 689
    Good Morning Girls :smile:

    Scoobees.. A friend of my DD has P90X... she brought it home and was doing for a few days... it was to much! She likes JM 30 Day Shred more. But I took a look It felt like POWER in my hands...:bigsmile: One of these days!! Cheers to you for giving it your all :drinker:

    Sweettart I bet your going to see a BIG difference... from the last time you did BLBC... SI6 has had to make you STRONGER! Have fun!

    How did you like BL last eve ?... one of my favorites! REAL people! I did 62 mins on the bike while watching and my quads are super sore this morning. ( ITS GOOD) I guess bending and stooping while pulling weeds yesterday contributed also?

    Have a AWESOME day :flowerforyou:
  • PJilly
    PJilly Posts: 22,014 Member
    Callie: BLBC is a good workout! I have tried it before but got sick and stopped then went to SI6 instead. Now its time to do this 6 week workout!

    I really wish I could do P90X with you guys but my house isnt big enough to do it :explode:
    It doesn't take THAT much room. I do it in our bedroom in an area that's about 3 x 5 feet.

    Hope you're all doing well with SI6. I have been kind of scarce in here, as I'm in an X state of mind. I missed Debbie that first day, but when I woke up so sore yesterday, I realized I'm doing exactly what I need to be doing now. It was time for me to change things up!
  • Pulled out my very first SI6 dvd (start it up) and actually did it all (although I wanted to stop more than once)! I know I am going to like the workouts but doing the first one just reminds me of how out of shape I really am. I will need all the support I can get! :wink:
  • callie365
    callie365 Posts: 689
    Jill Change is a good thing! Keep popping in here... we miss you! :smile:

    Deborah GREAT job... I think the 1st day is the hardest... you dont quite know what to expect! Were behind you Deborah.... cheering you on!! :smile:
  • I sure hope you are, Callie! I can barely move my legs and walking up and down the stairs is killing me! :sad: Those squats were right on the mark in targeting muscles that I haven't worked in years! Question: Do I skip a day? Do the workout again today even though my legs are screaming? :sad: Take a couple of muscle relaxants and bike instead? Could somone please let me know what's best? :flowerforyou:
  • PJilly
    PJilly Posts: 22,014 Member
    Did you do Slim & Limber after SIU yesterday? It is SO good to do after every single Slim in 6 workout. If I were you, I'd do as much of SIU today as I could and then definitely do S&L afterward. Hope your legs feel better soon!
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