Husband unhappy with my weight :(



  • Soon2BFit_85
    Soon2BFit_85 Posts: 15 Member
    first of all, you are absolutely beautiful! and I am sorry that your husband is trying to dictate what he feels like you should weigh. I know for my height i should probably weigh around 130 also. and i have also been around 160 and was also happy with that weight. I know in my heart I will never be a twiggy type girl, nor do i want to be. not saying there is anything wrong with that, but i embrace a little meat and my curves. and you have to be comfortable and confident in your own body, regardless of what anyone else tells you, even if it is your husband. I wish you all the luck in the world!
  • jjscholar
    jjscholar Posts: 413 Member
    I would say that your husband is a stupid chump!!!!!!!!! He should be encouraging you to become healthy not to become a particular weight...
    MAYBE HE IS DOING EXACTLY THAT! We haven't spoken to her husband, have we?

    True, I had based my comment upon what Ms AngieWright84 had said...
  • CM9178
    CM9178 Posts: 1,265 Member
    I'm sorry, but I just don't understand everybody saying that you should be whatever weight you feel happy at, or you FEEL healthy at.
    But what about ACTUAL health? Just because you might feel ok with being 30 lbs more than your ideal weight, doesn't mean that you are ACTUALLY healthy. What about going to the doctor for tests to make sure you are actually healthy?
    Shouldn't this all be about being healthy, and not JUST about if we like the way we look? Otherwise, why not say "oh I feel comfortable 50 lbs over weight, so that's fine". No, its not fine - it is unhealthy.

    Just cause you are at your ideal weight doesn't mean you are actually healthy. I know a lot of skinny unhealthy people. I also know a some overweight, but healthy people. I run six days a week, eat clean most of the time, and do strength training three days a week, but I am overweight. Doesn't mean I am not healthy, actually my doctor says I have one the healthiest hearts he has ever seen on a EKG.
    Sure I want to be 135 not 160, but it doesn't mean I am unhealthy.

    ETA: Also, my blood work come back looking great, as well.
    I agree, and just because someone might feel good 30 lbs "overweight" doesn't mean they are healthy either.
  • yoovie
    yoovie Posts: 17,121 Member
    Oh good grief.

    You do realize she can be 160lbs and be healthy, right? You do realize that not every single person's body HAS to be 120lbs to be healthy, right? *shakes head*

    not reading past this. These forums are public so that a person can get all manner of different replies and tones of voice. Not just those who would agree with her.

    So It's 100% FINE that you are advocating the possibility that a person CAN be healthy at 160 lbs (my current weight btw, and my bf% is 20.9 - so YES OMG IT IS POSSIBLE) - but

    and Im asking this sincerely..

    if it's ok for you to advocate that it is TOTALLY POSSIBLE to be healthy at 160 pounds...

    can it please be OK for the rest of us to advocate that it is TOTALLY POSSIBLE to be very unhealthy at 160 pounds?

    is that ok?


    and if not - why? please.

    thank you.
  • yoovie
    yoovie Posts: 17,121 Member
    O_O i just reread the last few pages, i think this is being taken a little too personally by one commenter. Which is a big red flag to leave.
  • newdaydawning79
    newdaydawning79 Posts: 1,503 Member
    I'm thinking the last 3 pages or so missed this from the OP on page 1

    I haven't been that weight since I was 12 and I'm the same height. My body looks and feels fabulous, however, at 145-150. That's when I'm my healthiest. I do NOT believe in a cookie cutter weight per height. Bodies are built differently. I don't have the structure to look any good at that weight. Neither did my mom. She was a skeleton at that weight and so unhealthy. It's more about your bodily composition and overall health. Weight is only one factor.


    This is exactly why I felt more comfortable at 160lbs. My body is very muscular as it is. When I lose weight, it becomes extremely obvious. I played sports all my life and even today I love lifting weights. At 150lbs, I felt like I was starting to develop the body of a body builder and I personally do not like that for me. Having some fat over my muscles kept me looking curvy and I felt good about how I looked. I have gone to get my body fat measured. At this point according to my body fat, I am obese, not Morbidly Obese, which is what my doctor had me under using only my height and weight. And there was a huge difference in the numbers. All bodies are not created equally. One weight for one person, will not always look the same or feel the same for another. In addition, I have no medical issues and never have.

    So...she's not in the category the doctor put her in, she has a better BF percentage than what's "normal" for her weight. She has no medical issues.

    I agree that OP may want to get there and then see how she feels about herself and have another check-up/BF scan to make sure everything is up to par. I do NOT agree with those who are stating over and over again that she'd just be too overweight at 160 and it's unhealthy. Now I'm just going by what she's given us, and I know weight redistributes when we lose and regain but there's a good chance she may be exactly right with what she believes is okay for her body. Then again, she may not be and may realize that as she gets closer. I, personally, will NEVER be what's considered "normal" by those charts for my height - even my doctor has told me as such. I will be healthy (hell by my tests I am but I'm not comfortable in my body) but I will not be 135 pounds, I'll be lucky to hit my goal of 170.

    Can't we all just get along?! ;)
  • Jxnsmma
    Jxnsmma Posts: 919 Member
    Step one, lose 50 lbs....
  • CharRicho
    CharRicho Posts: 389 Member
    I'm more concerned that the OP seems to be basing whether or not she's happy on whether or not GUYS think she's hot.

    Honestly, you SHOULD only go down to a weight that makes you happy (so long as you're healthy) but using whether or not you get hit on as a gauge for whether or not you're happy is NOT the right idea. You need to be happy in your own skin, with or without that feedback. Honestly, it sounds to me like there are deeper issues...
  • AliciaStinger
    AliciaStinger Posts: 402 Member
    I see that everyone is jumping on the husband, but I would like to interject a bit.

    I think that it is important to communicate, especially if you have a spouse. Even for uncomfortable issues such as weight gain, there are ways to broach the subject lovingly and tactfully. So if you find yourself a bit off put by your husbands or wifes weight gain I think that a conversation is needed to avoid any long term repercussions. Your husband/wife should still LOVE you regardless, but I believe that physical attraction is a key component for long term happiness.

    Same here. I think it's worth talking to your hubby and figuring out why he feels this way; maybe, as another poster suggested, he's worried about your health as well as your comfort level and trying to find the mid-point between the 115 pounds that your doctor recommended and the 160 pounds where you feel comfortable. If he was attracted to you when you were bigger, I'm GUESSING - which is all I can do - that he isn't trying to control or force you to be something or someone you're not comfortable being, and certainly not for his personal preference. However, since you said that you argued about this, then it's also worth talking about because he should understand how YOU feel about this.

    Some people also said that after you reach your goal and get used to seeing yourself thinner, you may decide that you want to keep going. If you think that's a possibility, you can share that with your husband; however, I'm not you, and he's not you, and I'm trying to tread carefully and respect you and your wishes. Similarly, so should your S.O.! Just like some people KNOW they won't want children, you may KNOW that you won't want to go any lower than 160 pounds. UNLIKE having children, how much you feel you should weigh is YOUR decision, not a joint decision, UNLESS you need to lose more for medical reasons. If your life is not in direct/immediate danger from being where you want to be, and you're already going to weigh less than when you guys started dating or got married, then he should accept your decision to be healthier and happier than you already are.

    Lastly, some people said that once he sees you healthy, happy and confident at your goal weight, he may give up on suggesting a lower weight. That's still a while off, though, so for now try not to fight, and see what happens when you get there!
  • AliciaStinger
    AliciaStinger Posts: 402 Member
    I'm more concerned that the OP seems to be basing whether or not she's happy on whether or not GUYS think she's hot.

    Honestly, you SHOULD only go down to a weight that makes you happy (so long as you're healthy) but using whether or not you get hit on as a gauge for whether or not you're happy is NOT the right idea. You need to be happy in your own skin, with or without that feedback. Honestly, it sounds to me like there are deeper issues...

    I picked up on this, too...
  • NeverGivesUp
    NeverGivesUp Posts: 960 Member
    I'm more concerned that the OP seems to be basing whether or not she's happy on whether or not GUYS think she's hot.

    Honestly, you SHOULD only go down to a weight that makes you happy (so long as you're healthy) but using whether or not you get hit on as a gauge for whether or not you're happy is NOT the right idea. You need to be happy in your own skin, with or without that feedback. Honestly, it sounds to me like there are deeper issues...

    I picked up on this, too...

    and too add to this, it is sad jumping right away to "there are other fish in the sea". I would never talk like that about my husband. He is the man for me, period!! No matter how mad I get at him sometimes, I never say that other guys find me hot. Why add instability to our relationship and play games??? Who cares, I am sure I can find men who find me hot but I am married and those days are long gone and I don't care what people think of me. I do care what I think of myself though and I want to live a long, and healthy life. Like I stated before, why worry about the exact number on the scale now?, you have a very long way to go and anything can happen between now and then. Put the scale away and work on yourself from the inside out.
  • Scalvak
    Scalvak Posts: 46 Member
    Whatever weight makes YOU happy, healthy or not (preferably healthy, but it's YOUR body).
    I'm a fabulous enough person to know there are plenty men in the sea.

    That says it all.
  • hww51
    hww51 Posts: 17 Member
    I lost 180 lbs 4 years ago when I divorced by 180 lb husband - he was always on me about my weight. While I'm not yet at my goal weight somehow I feel so much lighter :)
  • lilpoindexter
    lilpoindexter Posts: 1,122 Member
    Your husband is right to desire a much lighter you. 160 is too heavy for 5' 2'.