Online Relationships...



  • AJL_Daddy
    AJL_Daddy Posts: 525 Member
    I met my bride via a lot of people know it. I made a point of brodcasting it when giving my groom's speech at our wedding.
  • motogsp
    motogsp Posts: 109 Member
    I met my wife on line 5 years ago. We have been married for 3 years and have a daughter and are very much in love. I don't hide the fact that we met on line. With today everyone being on some kind of device I would think that online meeting dating would be pretty much the norm. I see nothing wrong with it but that is just my 2cents
  • the_texreb
    the_texreb Posts: 138 Member
    I dated a lot of people that I met in person and none of that worked out. I met my wife on line and we've been married 5 years, and still going strong. It's been my experience that online is more effective. I knew a lot about my wife before we even met, and that didn't stop us from sitting in the bed of my truck after our first date until 3 am. I don't hide that from anyone. Really isn't anything to hide.
  • athenaheim
    athenaheim Posts: 496 Member
    I met my ex and kids father online and we were together for 6 years. I just got tired of his lying and cheating games. There is nothing wrong with meeting someone offline as long as you are safe.
  • flatbellybella
    flatbellybella Posts: 303 Member
  • bridgett28
    bridgett28 Posts: 41 Member
    My husband and I met on We have been together for going on 7 years and married for almost 4 of those 7. We have a beautiful family (he has two kids from a prior marriage and we have one together). I don't think that online relationships are as out of the norm as they used to be. No reason to hide or deny what the truth is.
  • IpuffyheartHeelsinthegym
    its not HOW you met, its that you met, got to know each other, fell in love and wallah...
  • jennyrebekka
    jennyrebekka Posts: 626 Member
    So this someone... that you didn't invite into your conversation, who invited themselves into your conversation... you're allowing them space in your head?

    Dude. If this person rattled you that much, perhaps they're on to something. No matter how rude and presumptuous their conversation butting may have been.

    my sentiments EXACTLY
  • swillybay
    swillybay Posts: 61 Member
    So this someone... that you didn't invite into your conversation, who invited themselves into your conversation... you're allowing them space in your head?

    Dude. If this person rattled you that much, perhaps they're on to something. No matter how rude and presumptuous their conversation butting may have been.

    I don't think it matters how you met. If someone barged into my conversation, it would bug me too, no matter what they said. Don't put any stock in what she says, but DO put stock in your own intuition, good or bad. (Plus, yes, I am old fashioned, but you are definitely not a "dude." :laugh: )
  • jkleeh
    jkleeh Posts: 108 Member
    I was out to dinner with my friend tonight and we got onto the topic of my boyfriend, of 6 months and someone overheard us talking and got involved in our conversation and it came out that my boyfriend and I met online. To which I was immediately told "You shouldn't broadcast that" later after this person had to-my-knowledge exited the conversation me and my friend were talking about her helping me and my boyfriend move into our apartment. To which this person starts laughing and saying things like "really you dont even know him you met online" and "hide your valuables he'll rob you blind" and kept laughing about it.

    I got to thinking. Is it really so bad that the guy I'm seeing and moving in with is a person, who lives only 20 minutes from me, that I wouldn't of met if I hadn't been on a dating website? I mean, before his family met me even he lied and said that we met "at the mall" So should I really be trying to cover-up how we met?

    For me it isn't a big deal that we met online as the majority of my relationships and dates happened with somebody that I met off of myyearbook/meetme so its my normal. But is online dating seriously that looked down upon?

    Whats your opinion of online dating? Is it something that you have done or would ever consider? If you have done it how did it work out?

    I met my husband online when I was 15 I married him at 17 and on March 20th we will be married for 9 years and we have three beautiful babies, I see nothing wrong with online dating as long as its done safely. I didn't meet my hubby in person until we talked for a year and my mom was with me when we met just incase he was a crazy. I am sure I would have found someone not online and had plenty of time to do it, but he is my best friend and I couldn't imagine my life with someone else.
  • ObtainingBalance
    ObtainingBalance Posts: 1,446 Member
  • hatethegame
    hatethegame Posts: 267 Member
    People like the one that butted into your convo are stupid. I think a lot of people are still hesitant to mention that they meet their significant other online but it's because they don't want to hear bullcrap like that. Obviously you should be careful and not move in with the person after the first date but you can meet crazy people in church, at bars, or anywhere for that matter... just as easy as you can online.
  • richardbloomfield
    I read somewhere that online dating is now the second most common way of meeting a long-term partner (the top being introduced through friends), so that proves that lots of people meet that way. I met my partner through online dating just under 18 months ago, and we're getting married this summer. And have no problem telling people how we met.
  • BigDave1050
    BigDave1050 Posts: 854 Member
    I met my Wife online. We've been together (Married) for Ten years now. I think people who look down on online dating/meeting are missing out on the opportunity to met some great people. Not saying there aren't some weirdos out their online! LOL. In my case, I was a single Dad, and I wanted to meet someone who wasn't in my circle of friends. It turned out great!
  • TaintedVampyre
    TaintedVampyre Posts: 1,428 Member
    First boyfriend I ever had, we met online, lasted for nearly 2 years. We had never met. We MSN'd a lot! And called daily. We had an expensive relationship :P
    My current guy, we also met online. We've been together for nearly 3 years. Originally I wasn't looking for anyone, I was purely looking for friends that could "take me out on the town" when I moved out of my parents place to a new city where I was unfamiliar with everything.
    It's not discussed frequently of how/where we met, but I'm not shy of the truth.
    Personally, I would've given that eavesdropper a piece of my mind in regards to his opinions and where he/she can stick 'em!
  • MightyDomo
    MightyDomo Posts: 1,265 Member
    I can't speak entirely to this situation as I have never actually dated someone I met online but I certainly don't look down on the people that do meet their SO online. Your going to find love in a million different ways it just so happens that online dating can make it easier for some and is a better opportunity. I am trying my hand at online dating, and haven't been fruitful probably because I am a person you have to get to know to really enjoy being around.
  • JinxRita
    JinxRita Posts: 191 Member
    I met my boyfriend online, and we've been dating for five years now. We've lived apart for most of that time, with a lot of visits back and forth. We moved in together last year, where he lives, but I couldn't find a job so I had to move away again. We're currently hoping to move back in together in the future, and we're still going strong.

    I was embarrased about meeting him online at first, but I'm so, so proud to call him my other half. Regardless of how we met, he's the love of my life, and our love story is just that, ours. It's not the business of anyone else, and if someone else has a problem with it, then it's exactly that...their problem, not ours. :)
  • DaBossLady24
    DaBossLady24 Posts: 556 Member
    Online relationships get a bad rap just because of what the media portrays and the anomaly stories that you may see in the news reports. If you've been dating the man for 6 months at this point and you two are ready to move in together, don't let anyone talk you out of something that feels right.

    This is the age of technology, so many relationships are formed that way. Kudos to you for not having to lie about how you met when others are so uptight about it. :drinker:
  • dsjohndrow
    dsjohndrow Posts: 1,820 Member
    My wife and I met online and we've been together for 12 years, have 4 dogs a 9-year-old and we are looking forward to the rest of our lives together.

    There is no license for being stupid online. If you lower your standards, you'll have a poor relationship. That can happen anywhere.
  • ChristyRunStarr
    ChristyRunStarr Posts: 1,600 Member
    I met my boyfriend online, we talked about if we wanted to tell people where we met or not. We weren't embrassed that we met online but we didn't know if we wanted to deal with how some people reacted. In the end, we didn't care. We met online and we're happier than ever. If we hadn't been online, we never would have met even though we live close to each other. Obviously there are horrible stories about meeting people online but you just have to be smart about it. If you feel you know him/he knows you, who cares what that random person said? Do what's right for you guys