"OMG how did you loose the weight?"



  • marsviolet
    marsviolet Posts: 79 Member
    I hear you! I've actually had people get mad at me, insisting that I was taking some pill or on some diet (atkins, south beach, what have you), insisting that I was lying to them. One woman even accused me of keeping what I was "really doing" a secret because I didn't want anyone else to get thin and look better than I do. Um, really?

    I also hate the people who do believe me when I say I move more and eat less, but turn around and say that they can't do that, they aren't like me, they don't have "willpower." As if I have this magic thing called willpower that makes it easy for me. As if that makes it so I don't want to eat the chips and cookies; makes me always want to go out in the cold and snow after a long day at work to exercise. "Willpower" is a $10 word that people use as an excuse not to do what they know they should. No one has it, some of us just suck it up and do it anyway.

    All of this! I've had people get mad at me too, it's SO weird. Still don't really know how to react to it.