If you drink or eat this....



  • purplegoboom
    purplegoboom Posts: 400 Member
    I love how lot of you are trying to disprove something I found online with something you found online....hilarious...since when did snopes.com become certifiably 100% truth and never untruth..........look people, all I am saying is that it's bad for you just like a lot of other stuff out there is bad for us and that whether or not it makes you noticeably sick or not, it is good to know what you are putting in your body, good or bad...If you wanna drink it you go right ahead and do that....IM NOT. And if you wanna throw a hissy fit cause I put some information out there then thats fine to....I don't care. I am going to keep trying to better myself and inform myself and I welcome any information you may have on any subject...I will look in to it if I feel the need to and then make my own decision about it....I really don't see why some of you have to be so ugly...It really only reflects on you.

    LOL, I know right?

    Some people freak out if you dare mention their beloveds are bad for them, such as diet anything, alcohol or food laden with preservatives.

    Simple fact of the matter is, I have yet to meet one person who gave up diet soda that did not have a good reaction from it. I lost a few lbs, and many friends stopped having migraines or just bad headaches period.

    I can not fathom why it is so important for people to put a fake chemical into their body instead of a reasonable portion of the real thing.

    And to those who are advocates of diet soda, would you give it to your baby? And if not, why not?

    I also like alcohol. And hard candy. Doesn't mean I'll give it to an infant.

    For the record, I don't like soda. Any soda, diet or otherwise. It's too sweet and leaves a nasty aftertaste. However, I don't believe all the hysteria around it.

    Some people can drink it and others can't. I can't have gluten or dairy, they're literally poison to my body. But I also know that just because it's that way for me doesn't mean it's that way for others. Thus, I don't try fear mongering people into giving up their gluten and dairy.

    I trust the people on here are intelligent enough to do their own research and make good decisions for themselves.
  • UsedToBeHusky
    UsedToBeHusky Posts: 15,229 Member
    I love how lot of you are trying to disprove something I found online with something you found online....hilarious...since when did snopes.com become certifiably 100% truth and never untruth..........look people, all I am saying is that it's bad for you just like a lot of other stuff out there is bad for us and that whether or not it makes you noticeably sick or not, it is good to know what you are putting in your body, good or bad...If you wanna drink it you go right ahead and do that....IM NOT. And if you wanna throw a hissy fit cause I put some information out there then thats fine to....I don't care. I am going to keep trying to better myself and inform myself and I welcome any information you may have on any subject...I will look in to it if I feel the need to and then make my own decision about it....I really don't see why some of you have to be so ugly...It really only reflects on you.

    We're not throwing a hissy fit. You posted information, we're questioning it's validity. Isn't that what you're recommending people do in the first place?

    No one is being ugly. But not everyone is going to agree with you. ESPECIALLY when you post skewed articles without the facts to back them up. YOU posted it. Take responsibility. We do not have to agree with you just to be nice.

    no you do not have to agree with me to be nice and that is what i am asking from you....Sarcasm however is never intended to be "nice" and it is never helpful....if you don't see the sarcasm here then Im sorry..but its here....Im not super sensitive and I don't really care...I was just pointing out that there really is no reason for it. And you are right...I did post it...some one shared it with me and I read it and I looked up a little more about it and it supported things I already knew and I wanted to share it....you can find information to support or disprove just about anything you want online...I have read several things you all have posted and I still say that Im not going to drink it. I think it taste like crap and I still believe that it is not good for you....just cause they say it is SAFE does not make it good for you...at all.....in fact go look up how many bugs or what not can be in something and it still pass as SAFE. It might not kill me but I still don't like the idea....and while I will never be able to know or avoid all the things in life that are not safe or not good for me I can try my best. Really people use your own best judgement. That's all any of us can do. Thanks for your input.

    No one is telling you that you have to use it, but don't tell us not to.

    Or at least don't tell us not to and not expect criticism.
  • Lesa_Sass
    Lesa_Sass Posts: 2,213 Member
    Aspartame is a carcinogenic, period

    I can't compete with this level of ignorance, I'm out...

    Says the man whos diet consists of Mcdonalds and peantbutter.

    CYA. :laugh:
  • LaSutopia
    LaSutopia Posts: 1,195 Member
    I love how lot of you are trying to disprove something I found online with something you found online....hilarious...since when did snopes.com become certifiably 100% truth and never untruth..........look people, all I am saying is that it's bad for you just like a lot of other stuff out there is bad for us and that whether or not it makes you noticeably sick or not, it is good to know what you are putting in your body, good or bad...If you wanna drink it you go right ahead and do that....IM NOT. And if you wanna throw a hissy fit cause I put some information out there then thats fine to....I don't care. I am going to keep trying to better myself and inform myself and I welcome any information you may have on any subject...I will look in to it if I feel the need to and then make my own decision about it....I really don't see why some of you have to be so ugly...It really only reflects on you.

    LOL, I know right?

    Some people freak out if you dare mention their beloveds are bad for them, such as diet anything, alcohol or food laden with preservatives.

    Simple fact of the matter is, I have yet to meet one person who gave up diet soda that did not have a good reaction from it. I lost a few lbs, and many friends stopped having migraines or just bad headaches period.

    I can not fathom why it is so important for people to put a fake chemical into their body instead of a reasonable portion of the real thing.

    And to those who are advocates of diet soda, would you give it to your baby? And if not, why not?

    thank you...
  • sunnyside1213
    sunnyside1213 Posts: 1,205 Member
    Aspartame = evil.
  • LaSutopia
    LaSutopia Posts: 1,195 Member
    all I am saying is that it's bad for you just like a lot of other stuff out there is bad for us and that whether or not it makes you noticeably sick or not,

    And all we're saying is that we don't believe you.

    and that is fine. Thank you
  • BrettPGH
    BrettPGH Posts: 4,720 Member

    So please tell me, what are your reasons for not giving a baby diet soda? It is not illegal as beer is. I am sure I can find some type of study that says giving beer to a baby is good for it if I look hard enough.

    Because I wouldn't give a baby anything other than breast milk and baby food. That's what they eat.

    Anyone want to try that diet? (I already know the jokes guys, save them or I'd make them myself)
    As far as what the science says, whos science are you listening to?
    Anything from a reputable source.
    Big claims I know of do not come from a report on the internet, they come from people I know in real life. Aspartame is a carcinogenic, period.

    But like you said, hey it is your funeral. I have seen what eating clean and taking these things out of my diet has done first hand. I am 44 years old and look better now than I did when I was 37.

    So your evidence is anecdotal. Gotcha. With that I don't think I need to say anymore.
  • ddky
    ddky Posts: 381 Member
    I was having mini seizures. When researching seizure meds, I found a link about aspartame. Before starting the medication, I stopped the aspartame completely. That was the only change I made. Five years later and never had another seizure. I don't think that is a coincidence.
  • xtrasmall
    agreed with crankstr. but i also like sugarfree redbull someimes. but really it is splenda that is the worst n they brutally test on animals. u guys should really be boycotting splenda not coke haha. no but really.
  • Lesa_Sass
    Lesa_Sass Posts: 2,213 Member

    I trust the people on here are intelligent enough to do their own research and make good decisions for themselves.

    Sigh...........if this were only true people would not die from smoking or drinking and driving.
  • xtrasmall
    meh,.. i like a diet coke here and there.
    agreed with crankstr. but i also like sugarfree redbull someimes. but really it is splenda that is the worst n splenda brutally tests on animals. u guys should really be boycotting splenda not coke haha. no but really.
  • UsedToBeHusky
    UsedToBeHusky Posts: 15,229 Member
    I was having mini seizures. When researching seizure meds, I found a link about aspartame. Before starting the medication, I stopped the aspartame completely. That was the only change I made. Five years later and never had another seizure. I don't think that is a coincidence.

    It is.

    Correlation does not equal causation.
  • cmcollins001
    cmcollins001 Posts: 3,472 Member

    Nope, no soda period. This is a clean eating non GMO and organic household.

    You must be very proud of that to feel the need to make sure we all know. I'm very happy for you.
  • brower47
    brower47 Posts: 16,356 Member

    And to those who are advocates of diet soda, would you give it to your baby? And if not, why not?

    Oh c'mon!

    I like beer too, I wouldn't give that to a baby. Doesn't make it poison.

    Some of us don't like to cut things out of our diets that we enjoy if we don't have to. And saying that something is lethal, when it's not, is just fear mongering. Don't act like "I don't know why people are making a big deal of this."

    It's the equivalent to yelling fire in a rather crowded theater. You're telling people that something the majority of us ingest on a regular basis can kill us. It's a big claim. Big claims need to be backed up and supported with evidence. Not just posted and followed up by "hey whatever man, your funeral."

    So please tell me, what are your reasons for not giving a baby diet soda? It is not illegal as beer is. I am sure I can find some type of study that says giving beer to a baby is good for it if I look hard enough.

    As far as what the science says, whos science are you listening to?

    Big claims I know of do not come from a report on the internet, they come from people I know in real life. Aspartame is a carcinogenic, period.

    But like you said, hey it is your funeral. I have seen what eating clean and taking these things out of my diet has done first hand. I am 44 years old and look better now than I did when I was 37.

    Ok, I'll bite.

    I wouldn't give my baby diet soda because it is nutritionally devoid and as the mother, I would try to give them the most nutritious foods available because... ITS A BABY. It's growing mentally/physically in ways that adults do not. Giving it diet soda, or regular soda, would mean it wasn't drinking its milk, which it needs. I also wouldn't give my baby ice cream, honey, peanut butter, alcohol, jelly beans etc, etc, etc.

    And in case it's not already blatantly obvious. Comparing adult consumption of foods or drinks to a baby... APPLES AND ORANGES.

    A baby has different nutritional needs from an adult. An adult can make decisions that a baby can't.

    I am no longer a baby. If I want a diet soda, I will use my adult status to drink one and some fear mongering twit from the internet isn't going decide wether I can or cannot indulge in it.
  • doorki
    doorki Posts: 2,611 Member
    I love how lot of you are trying to disprove something I found online with something you found online....hilarious...since when did snopes.com become certifiably 100% truth and never untruth..........look people, all I am saying is that it's bad for you just like a lot of other stuff out there is bad for us and that whether or not it makes you noticeably sick or not, it is good to know what you are putting in your body, good or bad...If you wanna drink it you go right ahead and do that....IM NOT. And if you wanna throw a hissy fit cause I put some information out there then thats fine to....I don't care. I am going to keep trying to better myself and inform myself and I welcome any information you may have on any subject...I will look in to it if I feel the need to and then make my own decision about it....I really don't see why some of you have to be so ugly...It really only reflects on you.

    LOL, I know right?

    Some people freak out if you dare mention their beloveds are bad for them, such as diet anything, alcohol or food laden with preservatives.

    Simple fact of the matter is, I have yet to meet one person who gave up diet soda that did not have a good reaction from it. I lost a few lbs, and many friends stopped having migraines or just bad headaches period.

    I can not fathom why it is so important for people to put a fake chemical into their body instead of a reasonable portion of the real thing.

    And to those who are advocates of diet soda, would you give it to your baby? And if not, why not?

    Are you saying that you would give your baby regular soda?

    Nope, no soda period. This is a clean eating non GMO and organic household.

    So obviously there are further things in soda that are not healthy for a baby rather than just Aspartame.

    Your argument is foolish.
  • mgobluetx12
    mgobluetx12 Posts: 1,326 Member

    Wow, direct quote from the OP.

  • infamousmk
    infamousmk Posts: 6,033 Member
    Aspartame is a carcinogenic, period

    I can't compete with this level of ignorance, I'm out...

    Says the man whos diet consists of Mcdonalds and peantbutter.

    CYA. :laugh:

    McDonalds, Peanut Butter, and common sense, thank you very much.
  • langsyne
    langsyne Posts: 106 Member
    If man made it, don't eat it....

    So do you not eat chicken, beef, carrots, cabbage or broccoli because they were all made by man? Do you not take medications because they are produced in a lab?

    Last I knew, chicken beef carrots cabbage and broccoli are not man-made.
    Processed foods and the chemicals that go in them are man-made.
    I don't consider medications to be food to be eaten, but generally avoid them.
  • corn63
    corn63 Posts: 1,580 Member
    Some people should have their ability to copy and paste taken away from them.
  • purplegoboom
    purplegoboom Posts: 400 Member

    I trust the people on here are intelligent enough to do their own research and make good decisions for themselves.

    Sigh...........if this were only true people would not die from smoking or drinking and driving.

    And many people who do so know full well the risks associated. My SIL smokes, she's a nurse, and knows all the risks. But she makes the decision to smoke anyway. My BFF drinks wine and takes Ambien, she knows the risks and does it anyway.

    Fear mongering does nothing. You can spout off all the nonsense and studies you want, people are going to do what they want to do.