If you drink or eat this....



  • UsedToBeHusky
    UsedToBeHusky Posts: 15,229 Member
    Some people should have their ability to copy and paste taken away from them.

  • LaSutopia
    LaSutopia Posts: 1,195 Member
    Every morning = 1 equal in my coffee & Activia lite. Have a "sugar free" snack almost every evening, less so recently but it's cold so my typical chioces aren't as appealing right now as pop corn.

    I have suffered from migraines all my life until I started using Chia seeds regularly
    My TOM has changed drastically since my lifestyle change but my cramps are just as bad as when I was over loading on sugar instead of having very little that contains aspartame
    Joint pain comes and goes depending on my workouts.... when I started I had constant pain thrugh most of my body all the time so that seems to be better...
    Still occasionally enjoy a diet soda.

    I've lost 65lbs in 8 months, off diabetes and bp meds. While I believe these may be true and am not discrediting them at all, I merely say that as for me, my symptoms of those mentioned seem the same or better since my switch. Before I started my new lifestyle, I RARELY had anything that was sweetend "artificially". I truly believe these warning are for those people who are going from eating a box of ho-ho's with a case of Mt. Dew to substituting the ho-ho's for a "sugar free" version of the like and a diet soda... wherby intaking a high dose on a regular basis.

    great progress! Thanks for telling us your story. Keep up the good work.
  • brower47
    brower47 Posts: 16,356 Member
    If man made it, don't eat it....

    So do you not eat chicken, beef, carrots, cabbage or broccoli because they were all made by man? Do you not take medications because they are produced in a lab?

    Last I knew, chicken beef carrots cabbage and broccoli are not man-made.
    Processed foods and the chemicals that go in them are man-made.
    I don't consider medications to be food to be eaten, but generally avoid them.

    Last I knew, chicken, beef, carrots, cabbage and broccoli did not exist in their current form 2000 - 10000 years ago. Each and everyone one of those has been massively modified from their original, natural states.
  • miranda_mom
    miranda_mom Posts: 873 Member
    Here's a tip - if you get something over e-mail or read it on the internet and it blames every single malady that man has ever had on one ingredient - it's probably an urban legend.
  • sullus
    sullus Posts: 2,839 Member
    If man made it, don't eat it....

    So do you not eat chicken, beef, carrots, cabbage or broccoli because they were all made by man? Do you not take medications because they are produced in a lab?

    Last I knew, chicken beef carrots cabbage and broccoli are not man-made.
    Processed foods and the chemicals that go in them are man-made.
    I don't consider medications to be food to be eaten, but generally avoid them.

    Broccolli is definitely man-made. GMO, even. Selective breeding. It started out as cabbage.
  • BrettPGH
    BrettPGH Posts: 4,720 Member
    In case anyone is reading this and still worried let me assure you..

    You do not need to become a full time farmer to be healthy. You do not need to cut out every food that you haven't grown/slaughtered yourself. If you'd like to that's fine. But it's completely unnecessary.

    There will always be this type of fear mongering. The reason for it being a combination of some people's need to feel superior to others based on how they eat and their desire to reinforce in their own minds that the choices they've made for themselves are not a ridiculous waste of time, money, and effort.
  • etoiles_argentees
    etoiles_argentees Posts: 2,827 Member

    This is the 6th of 6 pages, read back if you'd like.
    Ah, but it just MIGHT be harmful, if you ingest 400 cans of artificially sweetened soda, 500 "no sugar added" cupcakes and chew 14,245 sticks of aspartame laced gum a day.

    It's probably a Pleiadean plot to dry up our vital bodily fluids.
  • purplegoboom
    purplegoboom Posts: 400 Member
    In case anyone is reading this and still worried let me assure you..

    You do not need to become a full time farmer to be healthy. You do not need to cut out every food that you haven't grown/slaughtered yourself. If you'd like to that's fine. But it's completely unnecessary.

    There will always be this type of fear mongering. The reason for it being a combination of some people's need to feel superior to others based on how they eat and their desire to reinforce in their own minds that the choices they've made for themselves are not a ridiculous waste of time, money, and effort.

    Yep. Completely agree.
  • pkw58
    pkw58 Posts: 2,038 Member
    I had a nasty 12 pack plus addiction of Diet Coke I abruptly ended in 2005. I dropped 13 pounds in less than two weeks without any other diet changes (ok, except ice tea plain and lots more water). I don't use artificial sweetners of any kind but now and then I like a little (half a tsp) of honey in hot tea once in a while.

    So whether or not those artificial sweetners in drinks are scientifically "bad" just doesn't matter to me. I am fine without them in my drinks. I am sure several brands of flavored greek yogurts I eat have them, but heck, at least I am not guzzling the stuff anymore.

    To each his or her own. I think we all agree if you are addicted to Sugary Soda, then switching to Diet is better than all that sugar. if you are addicted to diet drinks, then switching to water is better. Or some combination of the three. to each his or her own.
  • mbreed75
    mbreed75 Posts: 125 Member
    Damn, my gum i chew 3 times a day has aspartame...
  • brower47
    brower47 Posts: 16,356 Member
    I had a nasty 12 pack plus addiction of Diet Coke I abruptly ended in 2005. I dropped 13 pounds in less than two weeks without any other diet changes (ok, except ice tea plain and lots more water). I don't use artificial sweetners of any kind but now and then I like a little (half a tsp) of honey in hot tea once in a while.

    So whether or not those artificial sweetners in drinks are scientifically "bad" just doesn't matter to me. I am fine without them in my drinks. I am sure several brands of flavored greek yogurts I eat have them, but heck, at least I am not guzzling the stuff anymore.

    To each his or her own. I think we all agree if you are addicted to Sugary Soda, then switching to Diet is better than all that sugar. if you are addicted to diet drinks, then switching to water is better. Or some combination of the three. to each his or her own.

    See, this is the common sense approach. Thank you. You don't' use it but don't feel the need to push what works or doesn't work for you onto others.
  • ElizaRoche
    ElizaRoche Posts: 2,005 Member
    No I wont stop drinking diet soda.. Thx for your concern :smile:
  • doggie45only
    Splenda is sucralose, which means it is an ARTIFICIAL sweetener with NO benefits. It is harmful to the body when consumed constantly. Stevia and organic honey on the other hand are all natural with benefits you do NEED.
  • endlesoul
    endlesoul Posts: 98 Member
    The only thing I have to add to this is...... :grumble: Before you post a new topic please go to the search and plug in the topic. So far there are 50 pages of this info with all the same type of postings.

    Maybe people on here get tired of the same old things being posted ? Please use the search function people both ways before you post or if you want to find out something. Your answer may be already there.
  • Tank_Girl
    Tank_Girl Posts: 372 Member
    I rarely drink soda but my hubby has been sneaking canderel into my coffee... I now have a reason to throw it out as i hate the taste as well
  • 78brownie_wechanged
    So do you not eat chicken, beef, carrots, cabbage or broccoli because they were all made by man? Do you not take medications because they are produced in a lab?
  • doorki
    doorki Posts: 2,611 Member
    There was once a squirrel that lived outside of my house. One day, I accidentally ran over that squirrel. Since that day, I have dropped 45 pounds. Squirrels cause you to hold your pounds. If we kill all of the squirrels, we will be a fit society once again.
  • LaSutopia
    LaSutopia Posts: 1,195 Member

    And to those who are advocates of diet soda, would you give it to your baby? And if not, why not?

    Oh c'mon!

    I like beer too, I wouldn't give that to a baby. Doesn't make it poison.

    Some of us don't like to cut things out of our diets that we enjoy if we don't have to. And saying that something is lethal, when it's not, is just fear mongering. Don't act like "I don't know why people are making a big deal of this."

    It's the equivalent to yelling fire in a rather crowded theater. You're telling people that something the majority of us ingest on a regular basis can kill us. It's a big claim. Big claims need to be backed up and supported with evidence. Not just posted and followed up by "hey whatever man, your funeral."

    actually alcohol is poison...you wanna tell my mother (that I never really knew) who died from cirrhosis of the liver from drinking to much from the age of 13 to 34...and yes the dr's and science said that was the cause of her cirrhosis, that it is not bad for you?...YES...moderation is everything and having a glass of wine HAS been shown to have positive effects on you...and your casual beer drinking may not harm you noticeably but your liver is having to process something that it was not made to and that is just the truth...but that is the same truth with any medication we injest and a host of other things...I wil not stop taking my OTC meds just like you will not stop having your beer...but we can be responsible and informed . No you probably wont die from it and if you like it then that is your right. sounds like you are responsible about it but it's not my business what YOU do....I can however put the information out there for you to do with it what you want....
  • Misseena
    Misseena Posts: 55 Member
    Some people should have their ability to copy and paste taken away from them.

  • lglg11
    lglg11 Posts: 344 Member
    ADD kicked in at sentence 2 . Completely lost interest