Things that p*ss you off.



  • kookanddra
    skinny people that step on scales and say they are fat!!
  • Christizzzle
    Christizzzle Posts: 454 Member
    When people cut my cocaine with filler and then charge me the same price. *kitten*! And I can't even go to the cops. ='(

  • juliemouse83
    juliemouse83 Posts: 6,663 Member
    when applying for a job online and they ask my what colour my skin is! just happened.

    Say "beige" as that can cover a LOT of skin tones. :)

    But yeah, that sucks.
  • sullus
    sullus Posts: 2,839 Member
    People who like Britney Spears.

    Erm. Have you even SEEN her videos...

    Britney Spears wins.
    No. I'm old. I'm too busy paying taxes for such things.

    I assumed everyone rubbed one out to her videos. Huh.

    Just one?
  • Christizzzle
    Christizzzle Posts: 454 Member
    people that are pissed off at FB posts

  • HotMummyMission
    HotMummyMission Posts: 1,723 Member
    I have blonde hair and I am a slut #justsaying ;)
    True story. And we thank you.
    Your welcome haha
    Now... about those annoying cover-blobs...

    They got delete and I got shouted at :( haters :p
  • rob1976
    rob1976 Posts: 1,328 Member
    i have blonde hair? guess im a slut too lol! i just want to vent that i cant find a freakin job!

    I have blonde hair and I am a slut #justsaying ;)
  • GaiaGirl1992
    GaiaGirl1992 Posts: 459 Member
    -Guys hogging all of the weight equipment and machines, chatting like hens, and not doing a thing

    -Kids and teens who think they're entitled to the world! ie: ipad, iphone, brand new laptop, 5 game consoles, a big *kitten* tv in their room, and still complain about how their parents are stupid and lame

    -stereotypes -.- huuuuuge pet peeve here! Just because I'm a natural blonde and a woman, and fat I can't function on my own??

    -College dorm mates--I share a 2-stall, 2-shower bathroom with 16 women. At the end of the day, the bathroom is DISGUSTING--papers and wrappers, spilled toothpaste and shampoos, etc everywhere.....broken mirrors, hair everywhere, sinks clogged with food.....UGH
  • juliemouse83
    juliemouse83 Posts: 6,663 Member
    Pissed - what my boss is going to be when my production shows that I've been following this thread all morning. Bwahahaahah!
  • RhonndaJ
    RhonndaJ Posts: 1,615 Member
    This just occurred to me.

    Some popular threads on the boards.
  • HotMummyMission
    HotMummyMission Posts: 1,723 Member
    People skipping me in "what's sexy about the person above " thread I need my compliments guys common!!!
  • rob1976
    rob1976 Posts: 1,328 Member
    People that can't do anything in their life without thanking god or injecting their religion into it...
  • rob1976
    rob1976 Posts: 1,328 Member
    People skipping me in "what's sexy about the person above " thread I need my compliments guys common!!!
    I'd hit it...
  • micheleld73
    micheleld73 Posts: 914 Member
    People who come into a store two minutes before closing to "browse". Say "WHAT"!?!
  • atamrowski
    atamrowski Posts: 417 Member
    That DIET soda actually makes you gain weight!!! Dafuq????

    That people actually think this.

    Stuck up snobs like this :)

    The inability to understand context resulting in a blatant personal attack.

    Sorry Hunny but wasn't your comment an attack towards people who believe it ! Wasn't an attack towards you just sayi g people that have answers like this piss me off :)

    I'm assuming that first sentence is a question without the question mark. Misinformation existing that misinforms ignorant people isn't a personal attack. Being pissed off at that isn't a personal attack. Calling someone a "stuck up snob" is, though.

    I'm truly sorry that people wanting to educate, question, and learn pisses you off. That doesn't even piss me off; it just makes me sad.

    I'm sorry, I thought we are all here for the same thing, getting fit and support. yes this is a game and I have taken no offense until this point. I'm sorry you consider me "Ignorant" because I listened to the words of a DOCTOR who specializes in the field of bariatrics, almost every diet/fitness magazine I have ever read and my trainer at the gym. The point is Diet soda is used as a crutch to "Supplement" regular soda. People are drinking it thinking they are benefiting but there is no benefit. We should all drink water instead. No one here has got all up in arms about your indirect way of saying "YOU personally piss me off" so yes when you single out a single person it should be considered a personal attack. I think you can't handle a taste of your own medicine. the first person to call you out, you get all butthurt. If you don't like it don't open yourself up to it. PERIOD

    Oh my.

    But really, that whole exchange wasn't even to you... and ignorant isn't an "insult." If you don't know something, you are ignorant of it. I'm ignorant of many things; so are you. So is everyone.

    I don't really care that you misunderstand me or think I'm butthurt (you must be new); and sorry, joking about the point of the thread =/= directly calling someone a "stuck up snob." But whatever.

    Like I said, I don't care; I care more that you learn more about the things you believe. The "diet soda" studies are notoriously flawed in their publications in that they show a correlation between obesity and diet soda (ex: obese people drink diet soda to "save calories," but are still overeating; ex: Diet Soda may affect certain sugar cravings, resulting in people overeating sugar... it is the overeating, not the diet pop, resulting in obesity). Doctors are not flawless beings, and "second opinions" exist because of this; I understand you heard from someone who heard from someone (as in, you heard from your mom who heard from your doc), but even a doctor is not the end-all be-all to a scientific thought. Hence the "be your own advocate" side of things.

    Oh well, let's get in some Jell-O (is sugar free okay, or is that going to make me fat?).
    . Didn't call you a stuck up snob sweetie I said stuck up snobs like this ;) I agree with her 100% and so will my friends an family you carry on drinking your diet soda toxins ;)

    Help me understand. How does it not seem like you directed your snobbish comment towards Firstsip? You quoted her response, then put "stuck up snobs like this :)). If you put that under my direct quote, I would have assumed the attack was against myself. If your comment was not intentional, perhaps you simply should have just said "stuck up snobs" and leave "like this" out of your comment. Unless now you are trying to skirt around the issue.

    Either way, I'm down for some fat free jello and a Diet Coke to go with that!
  • rob1976
    rob1976 Posts: 1,328 Member
    ^^^That reminds me - women that can't take a compliment like that and treat the guys that give them compliments like we are peeking in their windows at night...
  • HotMummyMission
    HotMummyMission Posts: 1,723 Member
    That DIET soda actually makes you gain weight!!! Dafuq????

    That people actually think this.

    Stuck up snobs like this :)

    The inability to understand context resulting in a blatant personal attack.

    Sorry Hunny but wasn't your comment an attack towards people who believe it ! Wasn't an attack towards you just sayi g people that have answers like this piss me off :)

    I'm assuming that first sentence is a question without the question mark. Misinformation existing that misinforms ignorant people isn't a personal attack. Being pissed off at that isn't a personal attack. Calling someone a "stuck up snob" is, though.

    I'm truly sorry that people wanting to educate, question, and learn pisses you off. That doesn't even piss me off; it just makes me sad.

    I'm sorry, I thought we are all here for the same thing, getting fit and support. yes this is a game and I have taken no offense until this point. I'm sorry you consider me "Ignorant" because I listened to the words of a DOCTOR who specializes in the field of bariatrics, almost every diet/fitness magazine I have ever read and my trainer at the gym. The point is Diet soda is used as a crutch to "Supplement" regular soda. People are drinking it thinking they are benefiting but there is no benefit. We should all drink water instead. No one here has got all up in arms about your indirect way of saying "YOU personally piss me off" so yes when you single out a single person it should be considered a personal attack. I think you can't handle a taste of your own medicine. the first person to call you out, you get all butthurt. If you don't like it don't open yourself up to it. PERIOD

    Oh my.

    But really, that whole exchange wasn't even to you... and ignorant isn't an "insult." If you don't know something, you are ignorant of it. I'm ignorant of many things; so are you. So is everyone.

    I don't really care that you misunderstand me or think I'm butthurt (you must be new); and sorry, joking about the point of the thread =/= directly calling someone a "stuck up snob." But whatever.

    Like I said, I don't care; I care more that you learn more about the things you believe. The "diet soda" studies are notoriously flawed in their publications in that they show a correlation between obesity and diet soda (ex: obese people drink diet soda to "save calories," but are still overeating; ex: Diet Soda may affect certain sugar cravings, resulting in people overeating sugar... it is the overeating, not the diet pop, resulting in obesity). Doctors are not flawless beings, and "second opinions" exist because of this; I understand you heard from someone who heard from someone (as in, you heard from your mom who heard from your doc), but even a doctor is not the end-all be-all to a scientific thought. Hence the "be your own advocate" side of things.

    Oh well, let's get in some Jell-O (is sugar free okay, or is that going to make me fat?).
    . Didn't call you a stuck up snob sweetie I said stuck up snobs like this ;) I agree with her 100% and so will my friends an family you carry on drinking your diet soda toxins ;)

    Help me understand. How does it not seem like you directed your snobbish comment towards Firstsip? You quoted her response, then put "stuck up snobs like this :)). If you put that under my direct quote, I would have assumed the attack was against myself. If your comment was not intentional, perhaps you simply should have just said "stuck up snobs" and leave "like this" out of your comment. Unless now you are trying to skirt around the issue.

    Either way, I'm down for some fat free jello and a Diet Coke to go with that!

    Hush baby hush
  • Wolf_
    Wolf_ Posts: 442
    I have blonde hair and I am a slut #justsaying ;)
    True story. And we thank you.
    Your welcome haha
    Now... about those annoying cover-blobs...

    They got delete and I got shouted at :( haters :p
    Because they clearly hate all that is awesome. Trust me.
  • fitfreakymom
    fitfreakymom Posts: 1,400 Member
    when applying for a job online and they ask my what colour my skin is! just happened.

    Say "beige" as that can cover a LOT of skin tones. :)

    But yeah, that sucks.

    LOL I told them pefer not to say.
  • aakokopelli7
    aakokopelli7 Posts: 196 Member
    People who make up excuses for everything.
    People who always claim to be sick or have some other horrible illness. (Medical liars) Generally used as an excuse for being overweight.
    Negativity about everything. Everything in their life is so horrible, nothing could be worse.
    Pple ho typ lik dis. eye dnt no weres u wnt 2 skool butt it so anoyin.
    People who stop at the end of an off ramp.
    People who make that hocking snot sound in a restaurant. Yuck.
    Loud mouths, talk/yelling all the time.
    People who let their kids act like animals in public.
    People who tell other people to stop talking about them on FB then go into detail about their personal life.

    There is more I am sure...