Things that p*ss you off.



  • CiaLashelle
    CiaLashelle Posts: 28 Member
    That DIET soda actually makes you gain weight!!! Dafuq????

    That people actually think this.

    Stuck up snobs like this :)

    The inability to understand context resulting in a blatant personal attack.

    Sorry Hunny but wasn't your comment an attack towards people who believe it ! Wasn't an attack towards you just sayi g people that have answers like this piss me off :)

    I'm assuming that first sentence is a question without the question mark. Misinformation existing that misinforms ignorant people isn't a personal attack. Being pissed off at that isn't a personal attack. Calling someone a "stuck up snob" is, though.

    I'm truly sorry that people wanting to educate, question, and learn pisses you off. That doesn't even piss me off; it just makes me sad.

    I'm sorry, I thought we are all here for the same thing, getting fit and support. yes this is a game and I have taken no offense until this point. I'm sorry you consider me "Ignorant" because I listened to the words of a DOCTOR who specializes in the field of bariatrics, almost every diet/fitness magazine I have ever read and my trainer at the gym. The point is Diet soda is used as a crutch to "Supplement" regular soda. People are drinking it thinking they are benefiting but there is no benefit. We should all drink water instead. No one here has got all up in arms about your indirect way of saying "YOU personally piss me off" so yes when you single out a single person it should be considered a personal attack. I think you can't handle a taste of your own medicine. the first person to call you out, you get all butthurt. If you don't like it don't open yourself up to it. PERIOD
  • murphinchina
    15256187_516_thumb.jpg VS 19269146_4963_thumb.jpg

    To clarify, the intellectual e-fisticuffs with which your are both currently engaged is mildly entertaining, if for no other reason than it's going to lead to the thread getting locked when the mods ride-in on digital-unicorns to save us all from our own ostentatious mortal degradation...

    ...However, you do realize that 93% of the guys on this thread see you two e-bickering, and simply picture you both slugging-it-out in a baby pool filled with Jell-O, right?

    Carry on.
    I dare you to try to look away...

    Wrong... I prefer pudding.
  • xFamousLastWordsx
    xFamousLastWordsx Posts: 301 Member
    Mornings, people, work, then the combination of all three: waking up early to go to work to deal with people.
  • lilRicki
    lilRicki Posts: 4,555 Member
    People that b!tch because a parent sent their sick kid to school. You know what? sometimes parents can't afford sick days. Sometimes parents are living paycheck to paycheck and that 8 hours lost means no food, or no heat, or no electricity. Have some bloody compassion. The person that was b!tching about this is a stay at home mom and a very grand house, with 1 child that isn't in school (or any activity at all for that matter so mom doesn't have to leave the house). Grow up, realize that not everyone has rich husbands so they can stay home and make puppies all day. So there are sick kids at school, sucks that your kid gets everything that comes down the pipe, suck it up princess!
  • Shanni827
    Shanni827 Posts: 76 Member
    Rude people
    MEAN Girls (lets face it 98% of all women are MEAN)
    Broken egg yolk when I'm frying an egg
    Loud people
    Lazy people who mooch off of others
    Food Police that stalk your food diary
    People that tell you how to lose weight but they have only lost 5 lbs. (WTH makes them the expert!)
    Channel Surfers
    Label *kitten*
    Girls with no boundaries when it comes to a married man!
    People that cry you a river about how bad their life is when they don't work, take care of their kids or support themselves.
    Sloppy drunks
    Anyone who messes with my family!

    Ok the list could go on and on, but this is enough I'm starting to make myself angry!
  • Wolf_
    Wolf_ Posts: 442

    Drink it in.
  • CiaLashelle
    CiaLashelle Posts: 28 Member
    15256187_516_thumb.jpg VS 19269146_4963_thumb.jpg

    To clarify, the intellectual e-fisticuffs with which your are both currently engaged is mildly entertaining, if for no other reason than it's going to lead to the thread getting locked when the mods ride-in on digital-unicorns to save us all from our own ostentatious mortal degradation...

    ...However, you do realize that 93% of the guys on this thread see you two e-bickering, and simply picture you both slugging-it-out in a baby pool filled with Jell-O, right?

    Carry on.

    I dare you to try to look away...

    LOL you literally just made me laugh out loud....and have a sudden craving for Jello!!!
  • Shanni827
    Shanni827 Posts: 76 Member
    People that b!tch because a parent sent their sick kid to school. You know what? sometimes parents can't afford sick days. Sometimes parents are living paycheck to paycheck and that 8 hours lost means no food, or no heat, or no electricity. Have some bloody compassion. The person that was b!tching about this is a stay at home mom and a very grand house, with 1 child that isn't in school (or any activity at all for that matter so mom doesn't have to leave the house). Grow up, realize that not everyone has rich husbands so they can stay home and make puppies all day. So there are sick kids at school, sucks that your kid gets everything that comes down the pipe, suck it up princess!

    Love this! So true!
  • Wolf_
    Wolf_ Posts: 442
    I don't care who you are, that's funny.
  • Siege_Tank
    Siege_Tank Posts: 781 Member
    hmm, lets see, uhh 0 carb diets, michael moore films, America's lack of common sense, wireless hotspots, The OC, The Icecapades, The latin grammys, the real grammys, The Biggest Loser, high def cable service, The FDA's relentless assault on anything that might ever possibly be used by a human being in an improper or off label use that may or may not be detrimental to a select portion of the populations health..
  • JustJennie1
    JustJennie1 Posts: 3,843 Member
    Why did this upset you so? Blonde doesn't exist in human beings over the age of 25, with the exception of a very few (couple of hundred thousand) of the northern European genetic pool. That means, almost everyone with "blonde" hair dyes it. It's no different than dying your hair purple or blue (also impossible shades for humans). Why do you want blonde hair? Is it that you just like it or are you buying into some "blonde" fantasy?

    If you just happen to like it, then ignore what others say and do your own thing! It seems like the person who made the comment really hit a raw nerve for you though, so it's something to think about.

    And what do I find irritating? How overly sensitive many individuals are now-a-days! We all need to take a deep breath, smile, and move along. Not everyone is trying to offend other people; sometimes we just say stuff, and sometimes we just have different opinions.

    :huh: Sorry babe but I don't dye my hair. My hair is dark blond in the winter and light blond in the summer because of the sun and being in the ocean.

    Oh and for the record I am 38 so your "logic" is flawed.

    People who refer to brown hair as "dark blonde" ;)

    That's cool but my hair isn't brown ;) If it was it wouldn't lighten up to a nice shade of BLOND in the summer without DYE now would it?
  • stealthSLOTH
    stealthSLOTH Posts: 695 Member
    Drink it in.


    What p!sses me off? OFFICE POLITICS.

    Oh and for some reason, nail clipping in public or an enclosed mode of public transportation. *cringe*
    i know it's nothing to get angry about, but i think i have a phobia or something. :explode: :noway:
  • sullus
    sullus Posts: 2,839 Member
    Why did this upset you so? Blonde doesn't exist in human beings over the age of 25, with the exception of a very few (couple of hundred thousand) of the northern European genetic pool. That means, almost everyone with "blonde" hair dyes it. It's no different than dying your hair purple or blue (also impossible shades for humans). Why do you want blonde hair? Is it that you just like it or are you buying into some "blonde" fantasy?

    If you just happen to like it, then ignore what others say and do your own thing! It seems like the person who made the comment really hit a raw nerve for you though, so it's something to think about.

    And what do I find irritating? How overly sensitive many individuals are now-a-days! We all need to take a deep breath, smile, and move along. Not everyone is trying to offend other people; sometimes we just say stuff, and sometimes we just have different opinions.

    :huh: Sorry babe but I don't dye my hair. My hair is dark blond in the winter and light blond in the summer because of the sun and being in the ocean.

    Oh and for the record I am 38 so your "logic" is flawed.

    People who refer to brown hair as "dark blonde" ;)

    That's cool but my hair isn't brown ;) If it was it wouldn't lighten up to a nice shade of BLOND in the summer without DYE now would it?

    So who's in your picture?
  • newdaydawning79
    newdaydawning79 Posts: 1,503 Member
    People who do nothing but whine and complain about their position in life but do NOTHING to change it. It is so completely infuriating.
  • ShakeyMD
    ShakeyMD Posts: 59 Member
    What p!sses me off? OFFICE POLITICS.

  • bdeezy3396
    bdeezy3396 Posts: 89 Member
    when you @#%$ with my family.
  • annwyatt69
    annwyatt69 Posts: 727 Member
    People that add me and then never say a word!! Lol what's the point?!
    I delete the people within two days if they 1) ask for friendship and never send a message, 2) request friendship and don't post anything, and 3) when people repeatedly ask ME for ADVICE and refuse to listen.
    Just sayin'
  • firstsip
    firstsip Posts: 8,399 Member
    That DIET soda actually makes you gain weight!!! Dafuq????

    That people actually think this.

    Stuck up snobs like this :)

    The inability to understand context resulting in a blatant personal attack.

    Sorry Hunny but wasn't your comment an attack towards people who believe it ! Wasn't an attack towards you just sayi g people that have answers like this piss me off :)

    I'm assuming that first sentence is a question without the question mark. Misinformation existing that misinforms ignorant people isn't a personal attack. Being pissed off at that isn't a personal attack. Calling someone a "stuck up snob" is, though.

    I'm truly sorry that people wanting to educate, question, and learn pisses you off. That doesn't even piss me off; it just makes me sad.

    I'm sorry, I thought we are all here for the same thing, getting fit and support. yes this is a game and I have taken no offense until this point. I'm sorry you consider me "Ignorant" because I listened to the words of a DOCTOR who specializes in the field of bariatrics, almost every diet/fitness magazine I have ever read and my trainer at the gym. The point is Diet soda is used as a crutch to "Supplement" regular soda. People are drinking it thinking they are benefiting but there is no benefit. We should all drink water instead. No one here has got all up in arms about your indirect way of saying "YOU personally piss me off" so yes when you single out a single person it should be considered a personal attack. I think you can't handle a taste of your own medicine. the first person to call you out, you get all butthurt. If you don't like it don't open yourself up to it. PERIOD

    Oh my.

    But really, that whole exchange wasn't even to you... and ignorant isn't an "insult." If you don't know something, you are ignorant of it. I'm ignorant of many things; so are you. So is everyone.

    I don't really care that you misunderstand me or think I'm butthurt (you must be new); and sorry, joking about the point of the thread =/= directly calling someone a "stuck up snob." But whatever.

    Like I said, I don't care; I care more that you learn more about the things you believe. The "diet soda" studies are notoriously flawed in their publications in that they show a correlation between obesity and diet soda (ex: obese people drink diet soda to "save calories," but are still overeating; ex: Diet Soda may affect certain sugar cravings, resulting in people overeating sugar... it is the overeating, not the diet pop, resulting in obesity). Doctors are not flawless beings, and "second opinions" exist because of this; I understand you heard from someone who heard from someone (as in, you heard from your mom who heard from your doc), but even a doctor is not the end-all be-all to a scientific thought. Hence the "be your own advocate" side of things.

    Oh well, let's get in some Jell-O (is sugar free okay, or is that going to make me fat?).
  • HotMummyMission
    HotMummyMission Posts: 1,723 Member
    I don't care who you are, that's funny.

    I know who you are even without a picture ;)
  • imchicbad
    imchicbad Posts: 1,650 Member
    Bad hair days