Things that p*ss you off.



  • HotMummyMission
    HotMummyMission Posts: 1,723 Member
    I have blonde hair and I am a slut #justsaying ;)
    True story. And we thank you.
    Your welcome haha
    Now... about those annoying cover-blobs...

    They got delete and I got shouted at :( haters :p
    Because they clearly hate all that is awesome. Trust me.

  • trulycrazed
    trulycrazed Posts: 79 Member
    Why did this upset you so? Blonde doesn't exist in human beings over the age of 25, with the exception of a very few (couple of hundred thousand) of the northern European genetic pool. That means, almost everyone with "blonde" hair dyes it. It's no different than dying your hair purple or blue (also impossible shades for humans). Why do you want blonde hair? Is it that you just like it or are you buying into some "blonde" fantasy?

    This pisses me off. I'm a mere 2 months away from 26 and I have ALWAYS been a blonde and likely always will be. It comes out of my scalp that way. I've only ever dyed my hair twice, once black, once purple... The blonde just keeps coming back. We do NATURALLY exist, and we do get treated like **** because of it. In the grand scale of life, the ill treatment isn't that bad, but it still sucks. Being called stupid or a slut (repetitively throughout childhood and beyond) simply because you lack pigment, well, it gets to a girl after a while.
  • Christizzzle
    Christizzzle Posts: 454 Member
    People who treat waitstaff badly. I mean, c'mon, who raised you?!
  • Wolf_
    Wolf_ Posts: 442
    People who treat waitstaff badly. I mean, c'mon, who raised you?!
    Wolves. Made self-evident by my screen name.
  • Christizzzle
    Christizzzle Posts: 454 Member
    People who make up excuses for everything.
    People who always claim to be sick or have some other horrible illness. (Medical liars) Generally used as an excuse for being overweight.
    Negativity about everything. Everything in their life is so horrible, nothing could be worse.
    Pple ho typ lik dis. eye dnt no weres u wnt 2 skool butt it so anoyin.
    People who stop at the end of an off ramp.
    People who make that hocking snot sound in a restaurant. Yuck.
    Loud mouths, talk/yelling all the time.
    People who let their kids act like animals in public.
    People who tell other people to stop talking about them on FB then go into detail about their personal life.

    There is more I am sure...

    Totally agree with people always claiming they are sick.
  • RobfromLakewood
    When people cut my cocaine with filler and then charge me the same price. *kitten*! And I can't even go to the cops. ='(

    I ask for a complimentary hooker.

    I ask for a disposable complimentary hooker, because being shorted makes me horny and angry.
  • Wolf_
    Wolf_ Posts: 442
    When people cut my cocaine with filler and then charge me the same price. *kitten*! And I can't even go to the cops. ='(

    I ask for a complimentary hooker.

    I ask for a disposable complimentary hooker, because being shorted makes me horny and angry.
    People who ask for complimentary hookers. WTF do I look like, Burger King??
  • HotMummyMission
    HotMummyMission Posts: 1,723 Member
    Big men grown hulky with tiny parts god that's pisses me offfff ;)
  • Wolf_
    Wolf_ Posts: 442
    Big men grown hulky with tiny parts god that's pisses me offfff ;)
    Oh... you enjoyed one of my tiny parts... wait... that came out wrong...
  • DrMAvDPhD
    DrMAvDPhD Posts: 2,097 Member
    My coffee mug not magically refilling itself. What was that incantation Harry uses...?
  • Christizzzle
    Christizzzle Posts: 454 Member
    People who treat waitstaff badly. I mean, c'mon, who raised you?!
    Wolves. Made self-evident by my screen name.

    But polite wolves, nonetheless.
  • HotMummyMission
    HotMummyMission Posts: 1,723 Member
    Big men grown hulky with tiny parts god that's pisses me offfff ;)
    Oh... you enjoyed one of my tiny parts... wait... that came out wrong...
    Hahahahha your not very hulky though are you common lets be honest Hahahah
  • TK266
    TK266 Posts: 3,689 Member
    People who use their cell phone in the movie theater.

    Rounding the bases and finding a man on third.

    Genocide, but not as much as cell phones in the movie theaters.
  • luv_lea
    luv_lea Posts: 1,094 Member
    People who make snide comments then act completely innocent and blame other people for being too oversensitive or taking things too personally. People have feelings~IRL and on the internet. Don't be a F*cking jerk ehh??

    know it alls

    Oh, and bad moms. The kind of moms that let their kids sit in dirty diapers, or don't put shoes/coats on them when it's cold outside-*kitten* pisses me off.
  • diodelcibo
    diodelcibo Posts: 2,564 Member
    Big men grown hulky with tiny parts god that's pisses me offfff ;)

    Okay I'll use my arm next time.
  • sheldonz42
    sheldonz42 Posts: 233 Member
    People that b!tch because a parent sent their sick kid to school. You know what? sometimes parents can't afford sick days. Sometimes parents are living paycheck to paycheck and that 8 hours lost means no food, or no heat, or no electricity. Have some bloody compassion. The person that was b!tching about this is a stay at home mom and a very grand house, with 1 child that isn't in school (or any activity at all for that matter so mom doesn't have to leave the house). Grow up, realize that not everyone has rich husbands so they can stay home and make puppies all day. So there are sick kids at school, sucks that your kid gets everything that comes down the pipe, suck it up princess!

    And if the person who is complaining has a child that dies from pneumonia because you couldn't afford to keep your sick kid home, then what? Suck it up yourself and get a babysitter or do something else appropriate.
  • Wolf_
    Wolf_ Posts: 442
    Hahahahha your not very hulky though are you common lets be honest Hahahah
    I'm like 3x your size. Literally. Gah.
  • WIChelle
    WIChelle Posts: 471 Member
    I'm a stylist and i have never heard there are no " real" blondes past age 25. That is one of the dumber things I have heard!!!! I see lots of them including my 69 year old mom.

    People saying I have an enhancement p!sses me off to no end. My parents must have paid for me to pass the triples at age 12 ????? No it is genetics! If i had a dollar for every time I have been asked I would be loaded. Ridiculous! Dh tells me to say "They are glorious and a gift from God "when asked. Silly guy :)My buddy says to say " they are clip ons" :) I personally want to smack the person asking.

    I have a friend that informed me I should just accept being fat since i will soon be 43 because I'm not out to catch a man. Huh???? What does that have to do with it?

    People talking on their cell phones in the public restroom bugs me!
  • Wolf_
    Wolf_ Posts: 442
    People talking on their cell phones in the public restroom bugs me!
    Does it interrupt your poo?
  • tiffanyheth
    tiffanyheth Posts: 510 Member
    Getting the run around at work.
    Repetetive noises.
    People who spend their money on outlandish crap and complain they are broke.
    People who stink...and I'm not talking about "I just worked out and I'm about to take a shower" but the "my cat pissed on these clothes five days ago and I still haven't washed them because I'm too lazy to go to the laundry-mat and my goat was shat in the bathtub so I haven't showered in a week, either.