Just watched Forks Over Knives...



  • sunsnstatheart
    sunsnstatheart Posts: 2,544 Member
    Glad you're getting such useful advice, OP!

    Don't let this crap bother you. There are a group of folks on this board who love to be divisive and rude just for the fun of it. It's pretty sad. However, there's a lot of good info in a recent thread called 'Why should I go Vegan?' - check it out. And glad you watched it. Quite a powerful documentary.

    Pot. Kettle. Black.
  • ACSL3
    ACSL3 Posts: 623 Member
    Happy Herbavores is a great group here on MFP. We share lots of recipes and there are tons of us new(er) vegans to support each other.
  • d8402l
    d8402l Posts: 23 Member
    My thoughts on the Vegan/Vegetarian thing is this: If it's something that you want to do for yourself, do it. If you feel your health will benefit and you want to do it go for it. Don't do it because some video/person/book/website/etc... told you it was the best way to live your life. The best way to live your life is the way you want to. If what you are doing right now is making you healthy and happy and you don't feel you need to change then don't. Only make the change if it's what you feel is best for you.

    That's just my 2 cents.
  • bcattoes
    bcattoes Posts: 17,299 Member
    My thoughts on the Vegan/Vegetarian thing is this: If it's something that you want to do for yourself, do it. If you feel your health will benefit and you want to do it go for it. Don't do it because some video/person/book/website/etc... told you it was the best way to live your life. The best way to live your life is the way you want to. If what you are doing right now is making you healthy and happy and you don't feel you need to change then don't. Only make the change if it's what you feel is best for you.

    That's just my 2 cents.

    What if I want to live my life smoking crack. Is that the best for me?
  • d8402l
    d8402l Posts: 23 Member
    My thoughts on the Vegan/Vegetarian thing is this: If it's something that you want to do for yourself, do it. If you feel your health will benefit and you want to do it go for it. Don't do it because some video/person/book/website/etc... told you it was the best way to live your life. The best way to live your life is the way you want to. If what you are doing right now is making you healthy and happy and you don't feel you need to change then don't. Only make the change if it's what you feel is best for you.

    That's just my 2 cents.

    What if I want to live my life smoking crack. Is that the best for me?

    Smoking crack make people neither happy nor healthy. What is the point of trying to start something when I'm just trying to be helpful to someone?
  • A control group that made the switch to a whole food plant based diet but also included meat would have been helpful to show how much of a role the elimination of meat played.

    There is *no-way* they were going to show you that...
  • Graelwyn75
    Graelwyn75 Posts: 4,404 Member
    I watched that movie too. But MOVIES are just another way media tries to shake us and change our way of thinking and in this case eating. I'd research a bit more before cutting out the deliciousness of dairy (I'm already a vegetarian haha) it has so many benefits and is delicious!

    This ^^
    I watched a fairly new movie the other evening that basically advocates Paleo and disses veganism/vegetarianism.
    Everyone has their motives for producing such films, and there seem to be plenty of people ready and willing to fall into the trap, allowing their minds to be controlled by this very carefully planned movie propoganda...which is what it is, essentially.
    Don't be a sheep. Research all avenues and find your own balance, which is what I did.
  • imtrinat
    imtrinat Posts: 153 Member
    I was all for it too when I watched it. Then I did some research of my own and found out that there is some seriously flawed data in that movie. Check out this review. It's probably the world's longest movie review but it explains the errors in detail.

  • queenbelove
    queenbelove Posts: 33 Member

    Thanks for the link. I will check it out.
  • queenbelove
    queenbelove Posts: 33 Member
    Bacon. Oh yeah. More Bacon. Sometimes chicken with bacon
    Ok I'm sorry, I'll stop :flowerforyou:

    In all seriousness, my sister-in-law is vegan, and while I don't have any recipes, I can tell you she does quite well eating raw, organic vegetables and fruits. You can get your protein from lentils, nuts, and some vegetables. I think there's a few groups on MFP for vegans, you'll probably get a lot more help there than in the general forum pool


    lol It's cool. I see the general forum here is full of....*ahem*....so, I will check the groups anyway. Thanks. Btw, I've thought about doing a raw foods diet, but I'm in no way ready for that.
  • queenbelove
    queenbelove Posts: 33 Member
    This topic seems like it could be divisive......just sayin'

    Apparently so, but I did not intend for it to be. I have tried vegetarianism before, I'm not a big meat eater, and dairy makes me sick. I also found the video to be interesting (just as I found Campbell's book), and it sparked a desire to get back into eating more healthfully. I was wondering if anyone else has seen it, and/or interesting in the same thing. That is all.
  • queenbelove
    queenbelove Posts: 33 Member
    Can I have your meat? lol

    Funny, and sure
  • gettingfitkit
    gettingfitkit Posts: 2 Member
    I am new in my journey, but am on day 29 meat free. have still been eating some cheese, yogurt, and coffee creamer. planning on cutting out all dairy starting Friday. A year ago I read A world without cancer, the story of B17 and it really got me on a path to seeking out truth in our food sources, non gmo foods, and looking for free range meats/ dairy for my family....I got an amazon prime subscription for Christmas and watched forks over knives, food inc, and vegecated. They all blew my mind & we decided as a family to eat more meat free meals together. You can do it!
  • gettingfitkit
    gettingfitkit Posts: 2 Member
    I agree, the movies are just to help us be more educated, like books, ect. Of course there are opinions all over the place....But I believe If you eat to live and want to live a clean life, then you will search out the clean sources or eliminate these items all together. More whole foods and less processed foods is the key... more home cooking and less convenience food full of chemicals. I am choosing to live a plant based life, but understand if it is not for everyone.
  • queenbelove
    queenbelove Posts: 33 Member
    I have been thinking the same thing. I watched that movie and the movie "Food Matters" and think a lot about cutting out dairy. I keep hearing so much evidence out there about how harmful it can be to your body. I also have an auto-immune disorder (rheumatoid arthritis) and have heard about people being cured by cutting out certain inflammatory foods. I think everyone is different and for some people dairy is just fine. I don't know why people get so bent out of shape though when others mention it. Nobody is going to take away your meat or cheese, settle down! Exploring the health benefits of multiple styles of eating is not a bad thing.

    I haven't seen that movie, but I might check it out. I also have health problems that dairy severely aggravates, and I can't even have regular milk products without getting sick (though it is oh so hard to give up cheese!). Idk why people get bent out of shape either, or assume because you mention it that you haven't done any research, let a movie/documentary dictate your diet (I mean that was just ignorant), or that you have to eat meat/dairy to be healthy, or happy. I'm glad you are looking into it for your health, and I wish you much success.
  • queenbelove
    queenbelove Posts: 33 Member
    Be very careful just watching documentaries like these and taking them on face value.

    They are not neutral investigations, they have a conclusion already and then show you want they want to fit that conclusion.

    There are a lot of write-ups on the net showing the flaws in this movie (and it is a movie, not a documentary) if you use Google.

    Here's one if you cant be bothered:


    And another more well known one:


    You can pick holes in either side I guess, but Forks Over Knives is giving you one opinion and interpretation of data only. You should always see other interpretations and even research stuff yourself and learn rather than believe anything you see on tv or in the media.

    Thanks for the info. I will look into it.
  • SideSteel
    SideSteel Posts: 11,068 Member
    Be very careful just watching documentaries like these and taking them on face value.

    They are not neutral investigations, they have a conclusion already and then show you want they want to fit that conclusion.

    There are a lot of write-ups on the net showing the flaws in this movie (and it is a movie, not a documentary) if you use Google.

    Here's one if you cant be bothered:


    And another more well known one:


    You can pick holes in either side I guess, but Forks Over Knives is giving you one opinion and interpretation of data only. You should always see other interpretations and even research stuff yourself and learn rather than believe anything you see on tv or in the media.

    Thanks for the info. I will look into it.

    Please do. I'm all for people becoming vegetarians/vegans for ethical reasons but don't let things like forks over knives, or the china study, convince you of things.
  • queenbelove
    queenbelove Posts: 33 Member
    Glad you're getting such useful advice, OP!

    Don't let this crap bother you. There are a group of folks on this board who love to be divisive and rude just for the fun of it. It's pretty sad. However, there's a lot of good info in a recent thread called 'Why should I go Vegan?' - check it out. And glad you watched it. Quite a powerful documentary.

    Thanks. Yeah, the advice really helps. Guess I won't get any more dietary advice from movies, ignore the fact that dairy products make me sick, and that I'm not a big meat eater....Oh well, my life will be happier with digestive problems and rash from dairy and beef. Gotta love it.

    I will check out the thread. Thanks again.
  • CoachReddy
    CoachReddy Posts: 3,949 Member
    Be very careful just watching documentaries like these and taking them on face value.

    They are not neutral investigations, they have a conclusion already and then show you want they want to fit that conclusion.

    There are a lot of write-ups on the net showing the flaws in this movie (and it is a movie, not a documentary) if you use Google.

    Here's one if you cant be bothered:


    And another more well known one:


    You can pick holes in either side I guess, but Forks Over Knives is giving you one opinion and interpretation of data only. You should always see other interpretations and even research stuff yourself and learn rather than believe anything you see on tv or in the media.

    Thanks for the info. I will look into it.

    Please do. I'm all for people becoming vegetarians/vegans for ethical reasons but don't let things like forks over knives, or the china study, convince you of things.

    I'd actually like any info you have about why the china study is so horribly flawed. genuinely curious.
  • Topher1978
    Topher1978 Posts: 975 Member
    I actually watched that yesterday. Interesting film, though not exactly new information. There is medical evidence that too much meat, especially red meat, can increase risk of disease. And the reversal of disease experienced by the study participants was impressive, but it's not as if the only change to their diet was the eilimination of meat. A control group that made the switch to a whole food plant based diet but also included meat would have been helpful to show how much of a role the elimination of meat played.
    ^^^ No doubt!