Just watched Forks Over Knives...



  • queenbelove
    queenbelove Posts: 33 Member
    I watched Forks Over Knives yesterday and took EVERYTHING from it EXCEPT "Stop eating meat and you won't die!!" I'm just not willing to give it up! :drinker:

    lol too funny...yes, eating more whole foods definitely hit home with me, but I think giving up cheese is more of a problem then meat. Never been a big meat eater, but oh my goodness! I love me some cheese!
  • queenbelove
    queenbelove Posts: 33 Member
    I am actually thinking about getting back on a non-dairy, little meat diet. And check out this website ---> http://engine2diet.com/ <---- and also watch the documentary that goes with it. It goes into further with plant base diet and is done by the fireman in the movie. Good luck :smile:

    Thank you, and thanks for the info. I hope you are successful whether you change your diet, or not.
  • queenbelove
    queenbelove Posts: 33 Member
    Some people are ridiculous. The "Ill always eat animals" photo? You must have a lot of time on your hands.

    This post was a vague inquiry...not a preachy or divisive one that has warranted naysayers jumping on the veggie/vegan hate wagon...

    Your general opinions weren't asked for. People with specific knowledge on the subject were sought after...not the likes of people who at best can contribute "mmmmm Bacon"

    There are a myriad of threads featuring different eating styles and experimentation you can plug your bias into. I can hear Bill Maher saying "Keep living in your Bubble!"

    I ALWAYS wonder how many meat eaters who tout "look at the scientific data!" also believe in God. Hm.

    I thank you
  • SideSteel
    SideSteel Posts: 11,068 Member

    You should read them as it may help you.
  • SideSteel
    SideSteel Posts: 11,068 Member

    I'd offer a rebuttal but in fairness, I feel the same way about Taubes so I suppose I'd be a hypocrite.
  • nikbolok
    nikbolok Posts: 107 Member
    I don't let movies determine my dietary intake

  • CoachReddy
    CoachReddy Posts: 3,949 Member

    You should read them as it may help you.

    scroll up I posted scientist responses to The China Study. You posted bloggers.

  • keem88
    keem88 Posts: 1,689 Member
    i enjoyed that documentary. i think it's good to help with health related issues to switch a diet. if you do eat meat though and make the right food choices then there is nothing wrong with it (coming from the vegetarian)
    i was vegan for a bit but it became too pricy for me and i had a hard time finding good proteins to get in (i had a nut allergy at the time)
    i have been vegetarian 10 years now going on 11, hit me up if you want any recipes. i always have quinoa, black beans, chick peas, vegetized protein laying around to make different meals.
    people will say that it's not beneficial to eat that way, but really to each their own. as long as you are getting your vitamins and nutrients, then it shouldn't matter.
  • CassieReannan
    CassieReannan Posts: 1,479 Member
    I've been vegetarian since I can remember, you can add me and look at my diary if you like :) I always keep protein in mind when making my meals.
  • JessicaRobin67
    JessicaRobin67 Posts: 275 Member
    I don't let movies determine my dietary intake


    QFT again because it needs to be.

    *I haven't been on here for very long...trying to learn all of the letters...what does QFT mean?
  • SideSteel
    SideSteel Posts: 11,068 Member

    You should read them as it may help you.

    scroll up I posted scientist responses to The China Study. You posted bloggers.


    I see. Good luck with your fitness goals coach.
  • CoachReddy
    CoachReddy Posts: 3,949 Member

    You should read them as it may help you.

    scroll up I posted scientist responses to The China Study. You posted bloggers.


    I see. Good luck with your fitness goals coach.

    you too!
  • CoachReddy
    CoachReddy Posts: 3,949 Member

    check your inbox... you're probably gonna get a nice letter from a moderator for that one. wow.
  • nikbolok
    nikbolok Posts: 107 Member
    I haven't read all the posts, so I apologize for the duplicate if anything....

    Love the movie. Been veggie for about 5 years. Movie made me think about being vegan. I don't eat dairy products, only eat eggs. Would love to consider being vegan, although I'm nervous about protein intake :/ (I eat eggs every morning and in my post workout shakes). I try to avoid soy and wheat as well, so I'm in dire straits.

    Try going veggie, then if that works, try vegan if you like :) Some people go cold turkey to veganism even.

    Other movies to ponder are Gerson's Miracle and Food Inc :) I don't remember all of the great movies I have watched about the food industry, but there's some interestingly disturbing information out there!
  • queenbelove
    queenbelove Posts: 33 Member
    i enjoyed that documentary. i think it's good to help with health related issues to switch a diet. if you do eat meat though and make the right food choices then there is nothing wrong with it (coming from the vegetarian)
    i was vegan for a bit but it became too pricy for me and i had a hard time finding good proteins to get in (i had a nut allergy at the time)
    i have been vegetarian 10 years now going on 11, hit me up if you want any recipes. i always have quinoa, black beans, chick peas, vegetized protein laying around to make different meals.
    people will say that it's not beneficial to eat that way, but really to each their own. as long as you are getting your vitamins and nutrients, then it shouldn't matter.

    Thanks, and I will definitely hit you up. Idk how you did it with a nut allergy though.
  • queenbelove
    queenbelove Posts: 33 Member
    I've been vegetarian since I can remember, you can add me and look at my diary if you like :) I always keep protein in mind when making my meals.

    Thanks. You have been requested!
  • mmddwechanged
    mmddwechanged Posts: 1,687 Member
    I watched Vegicated on December 10, 2012 and haven't eaten meat since. Other than some whey protein powder and skim milk powder and cream cheese in my kitchen that will be wasted if I don't eat it, I've been vegan too, cold turkey. I just makes me cry to think about it. My husband suggested that I stop watching documentaries because he prefers to have a mentally healthy wife, and I took his advice. As for the change in diet? Honestly I love it! I love food, I am eating well and I find it all rather easy. I eat a variety of meals that are delicious every day. Yesterday I put seitan in the oven in my cast iron frying pan for longer than I intended with some vegan marg. I threw some peanuts and almonds on top too. We had a baked potato and roasted brussel sprouts and cauliflower, (my husband had his with a pork chop) It was delicious!!! Sometimes I make a steak stirfry in one pan and a tofu stirfry in the other; I find cooking for my husband and me at the same time easy. (My husband has kindly asked me not to contaminate his steak with my tofu spoon lol)

    As for health, I don't know, I think eating less meat and more veg and fibre might be a good plan but I haven't noticed any big change in how I feel. I haven't lost any weight either since November.