Getting picked on about what you eat at work?



  • Muddy_Yogi
    Muddy_Yogi Posts: 1,459 Member
    I don't see it as a big issue...I either make a joke of it or I educate them in the reasons I don't eat the way they do. Either way, I think you are getting way too upset over something so small.
  • dietenv
    dietenv Posts: 21 Member
    Ugh! I find co-workers comments on what I eat SO annoying. I eat either navy beans, black beans, or mixed vegetables (corn, green beans, lima beans, peas, and carrots) all with chunks of chicken breast. They actually tell me I am GROSS as they have their large McDonald MSG sacks in hand!

    I actually enjoy healthy food. My co-workers are constantly sick... I am NEVER sick!

    I have the same problem with them giving me grief over not eating their sweets, doughnuts, and cakes. I've never really liked sweets anyway.

    They also make fun of me for drinking my 8 glasses of 8oz water a day. They say water is disgusting. My eye doctor actually complimented me on how great my skin is and how healthy I look (and I am currently 25lbs overweight!)... my EYE DOCTOR!

    So, when my co-workers make their negative comments... I know the joke is on them. I am pretty sure they have nothing more intelligent to say than to belittle my eating habits. It's kind of sad.
  • dsjohndrow
    dsjohndrow Posts: 1,820 Member
    Okay, to answer up on all these posts in one shot:

    1. If this is his idea of hitting on me, you should know he's married.
    2. If this is his idea of a joke, I didn't think it was particularly funny. I honestly felt like he was denouncing my Asian culture.
    3. He's actually in great shape, which is surprising for a guy who I saw eating both a Mrs. Freshley's Butterhorn Danish (with 62 grams of carbohydrates) and a bowl of spaghetti the other day! I wouldn't be surprised if he probably has Type 2 Diabetes and doesn't even know it.

    When I got the diabetes diagnosis, I had to make a lot of changes, including cutting back on the rice. Last year, others at my job asked me what I was doing to lose the weight, so I gave them the information on what I did. For the most part, my co-workers have been very supportive of my weight loss, and I vow to keep it off, even when some people have the nerve to question what I'm eating.

    And for the record, jdhosier is right. With Montgomery being in the Deep South of the U.S., putting butter or gravy on rice is actually considered normal. Maybe that's one of the reasons why the Southeastern U.S. isn't one of the best places for being healthy. Fortunately, I've taken myself out of that stereotype by making those lifestyle changes and living healthier now.

    Maybe you should get that t-shirt that says: "How about a nice hot cup of shut the f*&^k up?" Really.
  • cwolfman13
    cwolfman13 Posts: 41,867 Member
    I've never had anyone comment on my lunch or food in general. It's very nutritious, and they know it's better (taste and nutrition) than they're eating because they know I cooked it and they know that I know how too cook like a mutha.
  • OddballExtreme
    OddballExtreme Posts: 296 Member
    Great news, everybody. I think this issue can finally be laid to rest.

    My supervisor spoke with him yesterday, and he felt really bad about what he did. He said he was only trying to start conversation about how his mother cooks. He just didn't realize I was getting uncomfortable about putting something on my rice. He was only joking around, but like I said before, what can be funny to one can be offensive to another. I've got no hard feelings.

    I understand rice with gravy and/or butter is a Southern staple, and I'm okay with people wanting to eat it that way just as long as they don't force me into it. I actually have a problem if there's too much butter in something because it feels like it gets stuck right around my chest area, and I don't feel good for a while.

    Anyway, I think this has officially been resolved. :smile:
  • dawningr
    dawningr Posts: 387 Member
    Okay. I think you were over reacting, he was just trying to pick on you and joke around, it's not a huge deal and it doesn't sound hateful.

    And the guy that microwaves the fish for lunch every day... dude, have some respect, no one likes an office that reeks of fish for hours. Plus fish can be eaten cold anyway.

    Call me ignorant, I don't care.

    I will reheat my fish AND my brussels, and not a *kitten* will be given. I will eat warm food, healthy food.. and if someone want's to comment on it's nasty smell? Let them! People do things at work all day that annoy me.. I deal with it.

    If i want cold fish, then i'll eat it cold.. but 99.9% of the time.. my salmon, will be warmed up.

    And this is what's wrong with society. No one giving a f*uck about anyone else. There's millions of options for lunch, you're just eating fish everyday to be a jerk to your coworkers? Nice.
  • astrampe
    astrampe Posts: 2,169 Member
    Great news, everybody. I think this issue can finally be laid to rest.

    My supervisor spoke with him yesterday, and he felt really bad about what he did. He said he was only trying to start conversation about how his mother cooks. He just didn't realize I was getting uncomfortable about putting something on my rice. He was only joking around, but like I said before, what can be funny to one can be offensive to another. I've got no hard feelings.

    I understand rice with gravy and/or butter is a Southern staple, and I'm okay with people wanting to eat it that way just as long as they don't force me into it. I actually have a problem if there's too much butter in something because it feels like it gets stuck right around my chest area, and I don't feel good for a while.

    Anyway, I think this has officially been resolved. :smile:

    And you have wasted how much time because YOU could not have a normal conversation over food without seeing somethign evil in the poor guy??? Your poor supervisor and co-workers....:sad:
  • Summer_Lunatic
    Summer_Lunatic Posts: 543 Member
    I don't get bugged about the type of foods I eat but the frequency drives some of the people I work with, crazy. Two guys in particular somehow caught wind of the idea I wanted to lose some weight about 18 months ago. I never once brought the conversation to them but they didn't ever hesitate to add their 2 cents. My favorite was, "You're eating AGAIN?"
  • maryd523
    maryd523 Posts: 661 Member
    I can't believe you went to a supervisor over this.
  • AnvilHead
    AnvilHead Posts: 18,344 Member
    Well, there are very few women in my program and most of them are my size or bigger.

    There are two that really like to russle my jimmies when I bring a salad to school...
    I look at the one girls leftovers and it's like heart attack casserole.

    Please do not complain about my healthy eating choices...
    Simplest reply in such situations, and usually shuts 'em right up:

    "If I wanted to look like you, I'd eat like you."

    Pretty direct and to the point, but entirely apropos for nosy people who want to try to tell you how to live your life. If they're bold enough to butt in (assuming they're serious and it's not just innocent banter), they should be tough enough to handle the response.
  • OddballExtreme
    OddballExtreme Posts: 296 Member
    You know what? The people who've been attacking me over this tattling to my supervisor can state their opinion, but I have the right to completely disagree with it because I went with how I felt about this situation. I was not feeling comfortable, so I know in my heart I did what I knew was right. I honestly felt he was attacking my cultural background. The attackers here can flame me all they want, but I'm sticking to my guns.

    Try it from this perspective: Think about being from a different culture or how one was raised in a certain way. If someone walked up to you and started ridiculing your food, how would you feel? And what would happen if that someone continued doing it? Would you go "tattling" to the supervisor because it's harassment, or would you let that someone keep picking at your food before you did something you may end up regretting?

    I did what I had to do, and no matter what everyone here thinks, I will not change my mind. I'm not ashamed for reporting it, and I'll do it again in a heartbeat if someone tries it again. Joking may be funny, but attacking a different culture and way of eating is not.
  • penrbrown
    penrbrown Posts: 2,685 Member
    You know what? The people who've been attacking me over this tattling to my supervisor can state their opinion, but I have the right to completely disagree with it because I went with how I felt about this situation. I was not feeling comfortable, so I know in my heart I did what I knew was right. I honestly felt he was attacking my cultural background. The attackers here can flame me all they want, but I'm sticking to my guns.

    Try it from this perspective: Think about being from a different culture or how one was raised in a certain way. If someone walked up to you and started ridiculing your food, how would you feel? And what would happen if that someone continued doing it? Would you go "tattling" to the supervisor because it's harassment, or would you let that someone keep picking at your food before you did something you may end up regretting?

    I did what I had to do, and no matter what everyone here thinks, I will not change my mind. I'm not ashamed for reporting it, and I'll do it again in a heartbeat if someone tries it again. Joking may be funny, but attacking a different culture and way of eating is not.

    There is honestly a third answer which is: I would talk to the person who was 'harassing me' and see if I could work things out on my own.

    BUT I understand this isn't an option for people from different cultures so I can respect that you weren't comfortable doing that. :)
  • heypurdy
    heypurdy Posts: 196 Member
    That's just freaking weird haha I would be creeped out more than anything. "I have plenty of ways to grease it up." Really? I honestly don't know what I would've done. I'm sorry that happened to you.
  • sarah6336
    sarah6336 Posts: 108 Member
    I think going to the other supervisor was maybe more than you needed to do about that. Maybe, you could try to just say you are enjoying your food the way it is and that you understand he prefers his rice differently. He might just be trying to start a conversation.
  • MsLTJ71
    MsLTJ71 Posts: 26 Member
    Yes, someone came up to me in my office while I was drinking a green smoothie and told me it look like baby sh*!. And then continued to say it and laugh while I was drinking it. Was very pissed.
  • thetiwi1890
    thetiwi1890 Posts: 256 Member
    EWWW! GRAVY on rice??? BUTTER on rice? EWWW!

    You had meat and veg to go with it. That's more than enough. That's how I have always eaten rice with my family.

    Have to agree with this! What was that guy thinking?!!
  • smittybuilt19
    smittybuilt19 Posts: 955 Member
    Anytime I have, or anyone else has, onions at work, my boss comes to me with the most grossed out look on his face and says "gah, who's been eating onions" and makes faces and acts like he is gonna hurl. I have a similar reaction when he breathes in my direction.
  • petstorekitty
    petstorekitty Posts: 592 Member
    I used to get picked on for drinking soymilk.

    Luckily that crazy b**** left and I work with other people who drink non milk milks.

    also, white rice is delicious :))
  • Topher1978
    Topher1978 Posts: 975 Member
    You know what? The people who've been attacking me over this tattling to my supervisor can state their opinion, but I have the right to completely disagree with it because I went with how I felt about this situation. I was not feeling comfortable, so I know in my heart I did what I knew was right. I honestly felt he was attacking my cultural background. The attackers here can flame me all they want, but I'm sticking to my guns.

    Try it from this perspective: Think about being from a different culture or how one was raised in a certain way. If someone walked up to you and started ridiculing your food, how would you feel? And what would happen if that someone continued doing it? Would you go "tattling" to the supervisor because it's harassment, or would you let that someone keep picking at your food before you did something you may end up regretting?

    I did what I had to do, and no matter what everyone here thinks, I will not change my mind. I'm not ashamed for reporting it, and I'll do it again in a heartbeat if someone tries it again. Joking may be funny, but attacking a different culture and way of eating is not.
    Like I said, a spreader of misery. Your workplace will be happy when you do finally go.
  • umachanxo
    umachanxo Posts: 926 Member
    Luckily, my co workers are all on board with this weight loss with me. They are MFP members, also! So, we share recipes and ideas rather than being down on each other about what we eat.

    However, I have had comments while at my in-laws. My mother in law shook a bag of cat treats in front of me at the dinner table over Christmas saying, "here girl! here! This is what you eat right?" Because I'm a lot smaller than when my husband and I first started dating.

    I'm also always pushed to "get seconds" and "why aren't you having dessert?" and "there's no way you're full."

    I think they mean well, but I have to be strict because, for me, I can get off track easily in those situations.