Wife gets depressed when I lose weight. What to do?



  • cebreisch
    cebreisch Posts: 1,340 Member
    Unfortunately, that's the way it is. Men lose weight faster and seemingly "more easily" than women.

    When she finds something that makes her uncomfortable enough to push past the fear and do it anyway, she'll do it....get on board with the program.

    Until then, be strong. Lead by example. Be positive. Encourage her to sign up on MFP. Try to encourage healthier eating - using ground turkey when you make chili or spaghetti, try changing the pasta to whole wheat or whole grain.

    My moment of "no turning back" came when I went to an event with my daughter at her school and could hardly walk to the front door - once in the door I had to sit down to catch my breath, and knew then that I had to do something. When her moment finds her, she'll be compelled to move forward on her journey too.
  • alitap
    alitap Posts: 38 Member
    well, i truly understand how your wife feels cos I used to feel dejected each time my ex lost weight, and i didnt, especially when i encouraged him to work out in the first place.

    she needs your support. make her realise what/whom she is doing this for. Attaining a healthy body isnt a competition but rather a process of self-realisation. you dont do it for anyone else but you....
  • missjanetleigh
    missjanetleigh Posts: 149 Member
    I was just coming in to post something similar.

    Since just starting this workout and new way of life I have chosen, I have noticed the people in my life all of a sudden are scarce.

    It's like as if I had won a vacation to some extraordinary beach and I just posted pictures all over the place.

    It's been this way in my family for years so I really don't expect anything different.

    Even after my son died and if something good happened in my life they still couldn't be happy for me.

    I'm thankful for the people who are supportive of me because it does help on the day's when it almost seems impossible. I hope that your wife can see the benefits and be encouraged instead of letting herself get down about it.
  • DesiRocks
    To the person who said divorce, no way.
  • DesiRocks

    That's just stupid.

    He should stay married and gain weight so his wife feels better.

    That's not helping.
  • kreene1987
    kreene1987 Posts: 40 Member
    Treat the loss as a % instead of lbs? That's really my only suggestion.
  • ellew70
    ellew70 Posts: 222 Member
    When my fiance & I started, we were in this together. It's been 6 mo. and he's reached his gw, but of course I haven't. The best thing that kept my spirits was finding a fellow female that was willing to do this with me.

    This. I'm wondering if its better that you don't work out, etc. together. This has to be her journey on which she has he own successes. Doesn't mean you don't support her any way you can.