Oh the things I see at the gym...



  • obsidianwings
    obsidianwings Posts: 1,237 Member
    Chocolate makes me sweat, maybe she was hoping for some kind of extra thermogenic effect?
  • cuterbee
    cuterbee Posts: 545
    ^^haha, obsidianwings! I love that!

    My guess is that she's grounded, and mom is at the gym and doesn't want to leave her home alone...so she's there, and bored.
  • Justthisgirl1994
    Justthisgirl1994 Posts: 226 Member
    Hahahaha! I can't even imagine that. Some people are so weird.
  • 3lilkids
    3lilkids Posts: 90 Member
    The treadmills where I work out face the parking lot and you can see people pull up. There are people who pull up to the front sit in their cars and finish smoking a cigarette before coming inside, or puff away on it as they are walking up to the door and throw it on the ground. What's the use of coming in to workout when you are just gonna smoke away any benefits you just gained.

    Wow. Judge much? When you are overweight and you are a smoker you are just asking for failure if you try to remedy both at the same time. Personally, I've lost over 100 lbs in a year and I'm a smoker who works out at the gym. I agree smoking isn't healthy, and I fully intend to quit, but I'd like to succeed at both rather than fail at both because I tried to do too much at once. BTW, my doctor agrees with me.

    Good for you!!! Awesome job on the 100 lbs. I figure, if you're doing something, you're doing something. Every time you see someone and laugh inside or form that judgement, look again. Maybe this is the first step. Maybe it's all they can do. Stop worrying about what others are doing, and focus on what you need to do for you.

    As far as the phone thing, I used to go to the gym and leave my phone in my car, and this was "my" time. Didn't have to worry about anyone calling or texting or pestering me. Now, I take the phone in to listen to music while I work out. Funny, I was logging my lifts yesterday on my phone and it never occurred to me that someone would be looking at me thinking I was just texting or gaming or screwing off. Get a life.
  • megsmom2
    megsmom2 Posts: 2,362 Member
    There was a guy at the gym just this morning sitting on the machines reading the newspaper and drinking a soda. He would do like three reps at a really wimpy level, and then sit and read the paper. After 10 minutes or so...he moved to another machine and did the same thing. Wimpy reps, sit and read the paper. And then another machine, and same thing. He was bugging me bad.
    It was just really strange, and I noticed several people giving him the stinkeye, but he just kept on with the newspaper.